Stop crying in the kitchen: learn to cut onions without crying

Onions are included in the daily human diet and make up recipes for many dishes. It makes food more spicy and piquant. In addition, the onion has a number of important and useful properties. It includes vitamins A and C, PP, B vitamins. This is an effective prevention of influenza and colds. Onions kill harmful and dangerous bacteria, they strengthen and improve immunity.

But everyone who has cut an onion at least once has experienced the fact that you start crying. This is due to the fact that this product contains active sulfur compounds that irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes and nose. That is why tears arise, and people cry from onions. Interestingly, the tears produced by onions cleanse the tear glands and eliminate harmful microbes.

But, despite the benefits, it is unlikely that anyone will like such tears, burning and pain in the eyes. Therefore, housewives use various methods and life hacks that allow them to cut onions and not cry. Let's find out what to do to cut onions without tears.

Why does it sting my eyes and make me cry when cutting onions?

Tearing when cutting onions is caused by a volatile substance in its composition - lachrymator (from Latin - “tear”). The compound is released when the cells of the vegetable are damaged. A side effect of the volatile substance is the ability to cause tears.

Getting on the mucous membrane of the eye in the form of steam and interacting with moisture , the lachrymator releases sulfuric acid, which irritates the tissues and causes pain. The body tries to protect the mucous membrane by actively secreting tear fluid.

To avoid crying when chopping onions, you need to reduce the activity of the lachrymator . There are several ways to do this.

Features of the use of onions in cooking

Onions are one of the most common and sought-after vegetables, without which it is difficult to imagine world cooking. It has a universal range of applications and can be used for preparing appetizers, first and second courses, baked goods and even desserts.

The described vegetable has a number of beneficial properties, which are due to its rich chemical composition, represented by: essential oils, vitamins A, E and group B, ascorbic acid, mineral salts, antioxidants, organic acids, flavonoids, fiber. Thanks to such a multifaceted composition, the root vegetable has antibacterial, wound-healing, restorative, sedative, antiseptic, tonic and stimulating effects.

How to stop crying and cut onions without crying

It is believed that professional chefs and experienced housewives do not cry while chopping onions because their eyes and tear glands become accustomed to the process. In reality, the situation is different: any person, having the necessary knowledge, will make it easier for himself to cook with onions .


Place the onion in the freezer for 10 minutes or in the refrigerator for 30 minutes before you begin to cut it. Cooling will slow down the release of sulfur compounds, which cause tears and eye irritation. It is recommended to cool the carving knife as well.

This is interesting:

How to eat onions for weight loss: recipes for dietary dishes

Harvesting and storing onions: when is it time to dig them out of the garden?

Warming up

To avoid irritation and tears, cut the onion into large pieces, put them in a boiling pan for a couple of minutes , and then continue cutting.

Under the water

What can you do to avoid crying onions if you don't have enough time to freeze them in the freezer? Hold the bulbs under running cold water . You can cut them directly under running water or in a container under water. Substances that cause tears are soluble in liquid. The water will wash them away before they reach your eyes.

Next to the ferry

You can cut the onion next to boiling water - the steam will disperse the tear substance .

Next to the candle

An open flame can burn sulfur compounds . Light a candle and place it near the cutting board. If the kitchen has a gas stove, cut the product next to a working burner.

Sharp knife

A well-sharpened knife can help prevent the onion from stinging your eyes. Thanks to its sharpness, it makes clear cuts, thereby damaging fewer onion cells . As a result, the release of lachrymator is significantly reduced. A sharp knife will help you cut faster, which will reduce the amount of time your eyes are exposed to fumes. Additionally, periodically wet the blade under running cold water.


Sealed diving goggles will perfectly protect your eyes from caustic fumes . The main thing is that they fit snugly to the area around the eyes.

Using a wooden spoon

Popular legend says that if you hold a wooden spoon in your mouth, it will absorb the sulfur fumes and protect your eyesight. However, experts believe that this method is not only inconvenient, but also ineffective .

Drinking water while chopping onions

What can you do to prevent onions from stinging your eyes if you don’t have any additional products at hand? Use plain water, it is a universal filter and solvent for substances. When slicing, it can be used in several ways :

  • wet the knife;
  • take a mouthful of cold water;
  • wash, but do not wipe your face.

Which way is best

Most of the methods considered may not be suitable for everyone, and not only technically, but also physiologically. For example, not everyone has a gas mask, diving mask or appropriate goggles, and ordinary ones are unlikely to be suitable because they do not cover access to the nose and eyes. But if you have these items, be sure to use them: this method has many fans.

It is not always possible to wash onions under cold running water or keep them in the refrigerator. For example, if you decide to go outdoors with friends, such methods will not be available. But you can talk and sing songs during the process as much as you like!

In winter, it is not advisable to open windows for ventilation too often, and you have to cut onions regularly, especially if you have a large family or guests often come. And the fan may not help. Therefore, chewing gum, fresh parsley or sniffing coffee beans will be the most convenient way (although, unfortunately, not effective for everyone).

Yet, experienced chefs say that the most effective methods are running water and placing onions in the freezer.


Housewives deal with tearing while cutting onions in different ways..

Irina, 27 years old : “I’m sharing a great way to cut onions without tears. You will need a hood, the bow itself and a board with a knife. Turn the hood on high, place a cutting board directly underneath it on the stove, and start cutting. Beauty!".

Ekaterina, 43 years old : “It’s very simple: peel the onion, cut it in half under running cold water (if the onion is vigorous or large, then into 4 parts) and put it in the freezer for 3-5 minutes. That's all! I’ve long forgotten the last time I cried from an onion.”

Tasha, 30 years old : “I read online that you need to put a lit candle next to the board. I checked it, it works! You can peel tons of onions this way – no tears! I hope someone finds this advice useful.”

Does the type of onion matter?

There are many different types of onions, including some that cause fewer tears.

Onions, which cause the most severe chemical reaction, contain many sulfur-containing compounds. These include yellow, red and white onions.

Sweeter varieties, such as green onions, contain less sulfur, are less pungent, and cause fewer tears in most people.

Using genetic transformation, plant scientists have created onion varieties without tears. Although these onions are not yet widely grown, tear-free onions can be found in some specialty markets. ()

What are some home remedies for onion tears?

Although onions can be a tear stimulant, they are merely irritating and not harmful to the eyes.

However, you want to quickly soothe irritated, burning eyes to eliminate redness and reduce discomfort. Here are some tips to reduce crying from onion irritation:

  • Place a distance or barrier between you and the raw onion you are cutting. Place chopped onions under glass or extend your work space.
  • Rinse your eyes with cool, clean water.
  • Apply a cool compress or cool cucumbers to your eyes to reduce irritation.
  • Use eye drops to rinse your eyes.
  • Try other remedies for eye pain, such as cotton balls soaked in aloe vera gel and water or sterile castor oil eye drops.

Precautionary measures

Over thousands of years of using onions in cooking and experience in slicing them, people have looked for ways not to suffer when chopping vegetables with a knife at home. As a result, about 20 ways of cutting an onion were found that do not produce tears.

Two of them are most widely known and are used by many cooks. The first is to, after peeling the onion, place it in cold or warm salted water for 20 minutes. The tear-causing agent will dissolve into the liquid before the vegetable is cut.

The second method involves frequently wetting the knife in water directly during slicing. The released sulfuric acid will be washed off with water and will not have time to affect the mucous membrane.

Precautionary advice:

  1. Carry out cutting in the fresh air or near an open window during the warm season.
  2. Place the peeled onion in the refrigerator for 15–20 minutes before chopping.
  3. Cut the vegetable near a burning candle, in the flame of which sulfuric acid vapor will be burned.
  4. Sprinkle a thin layer of salt on a cutting board and shred on it. Salt will absorb irritants. This method is suitable for preparing the onion for cooking using salt.
  5. Wipe the knife and board with lemon juice, which also neutralizes substances that irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose.
  6. Scald the onion after peeling.
  7. Chop with water in your mouth.
  8. Carry out cutting with the hood or fan on.
  9. Work with the vegetable in a gauze bandage and special glasses.

Important! The predominant amount of valuable compounds is contained in the top layer of the onion, so you need to peel it carefully, removing only the top skin. When one juicy layer is removed, up to 1/3 of the beneficial elements are lost.

What are the alternatives to onions?

The unique taste of fresh onions is difficult to replicate. But you can replace the onions during cooking if they often cause unpleasant eye symptoms.

Here are some alternatives and other ingredients you can try:

  • Use pre-chopped onions, which come fresh or frozen.
  • Use dried onions or onion powder.
  • Choose another onion that does not cause tears, such as garlic, shallots, green onions, leeks or garlic shoots.
  • Replace the crunch of onions with radishes or celery in salads.
  • Cook with fennel for a velvety licorice flavor instead of caramelizing onions.

Small shredder

Minced meat for cutlets and first courses often requires chopping the onion very finely. The same method is used to prepare children's cuisine:

  • peel the onion, remove all dry husks, cut off the tail and cut the onion in half;
  • cut each half into thin slices lengthwise;
  • turn the onion at 900C, cut into the same slices crosswise. Then use a sharp knife to randomly chop the resulting cubes until they become very small. The result is finely chopped onion, which can be added to soup or salad.
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