10 easy ways to remove grease from your kitchen backsplash

It is not so easy to quickly and thoroughly remove traces of grease from a kitchen apron made of tiles or plastic. Aggressive products can ruin the texture of the surface, and household chemicals that are too mild will not give the desired result. The most difficult area to work with is the area above the stove; in this part of the kitchen the fat is dense, melted, and rancid.

If you wish, you can, of course, remove plaque, but it is better to prevent the formation of a multi-layer formation and regularly treat the kitchen apron with mild detergents with degreasing components, for example, dishwashing liquid.

The nuances of using professional tools

Despite the active promotion of the use of industrial products to restore order in the kitchen, when dealing with numerous layers of fat, they do not perform well. Soft compounds only spread dirt over the surface, while aggressive ones cause scratches. In addition, such chemicals most often turn out to be specialized rather than universal. By using them to clean plastic, you can achieve an excellent result that will not be visible at all on tiles or stones.

Before using the selected product, you must carefully read the instructions on the packaging. This allows not only to obtain optimal results, but also to prevent damage to the material. And if the packaging says that the composition is not suitable for cleaning plastic, you shouldn’t take the risk.

Necessary equipment

Before you start cleaning your kitchen from dirt and grease, you should be thoroughly prepared. Gather the necessary materials and tools:

  1. Detergent or ingredients to make your own. It is better not to use harsh abrasive substances, especially for wooden kitchens.
  2. Rags and sponges. Soft ones are better: microfiber or flannel are perfect for cleaning furniture from grease. Don't use the old ones - they will only make things worse.
  3. Rubber gloves (thick).
  4. Apron.
  5. Unnecessary toothbrush (soft).
  6. In some cases, a knife, the blade of which can be wrapped in a cloth, will save the situation so as not to scratch the surface being cleaned.

Features of the use of household chemicals when processing tile and plastic products

Few people know, but most industrial household chemicals are unsuitable for treating stubborn stains in the form of grease stains. With their help, you can easily wash off fresh formations, but they will simply spread plaque that has accumulated for several days or even weeks over an even larger area. It is especially dangerous to use them to neutralize problems on the surface of plastic.

It happens that the material has already begun to deteriorate, and fat still covers the surface in places. To avoid making a serious mistake, you should take into account the recommendations on the packaging. If the product needs to be applied to a sponge and treated with a surface, then its composition is obviously too aggressive and must be used to clean stone or tiles. If it is indicated that it is better to distribute the mass over the surface, then it can be used without fear on any materials.

Folk remedies to combat stubborn stains

Just a few years ago, to wash stubborn grease stains on work and decorative surfaces in the kitchen, housewives used fairly cheap improvised ingredients. Their effectiveness and availability are so high that even today many women prefer to turn to folk remedies rather than purchase drugs with questionable composition.

  • Mustard powder. To clean a not very dirty plastic or tile surface, you need to apply dry powder to problem areas with a damp sponge, leave for a few minutes and wipe off the product along with the grease. If the situation is more complicated, you will have to prepare a concentrated solution of dry mustard and warm water. You need to wear gloves when working, or you can burn your hands.
  • Rice water. The liquid that remains after cooking rice or rinsing the boiled product does an excellent job of removing fresh stains. It is best to use it warm; after treatment, you must thoroughly wash the apron with clean water, otherwise whitish stains may appear.
  • Lemon acid. Allows you not only to clean the tiles, but also disinfects, bleaches, and degreases the surface. It can be used dry, but you will first have to moisten the oily area with warm water. The most effective approach is to use a paste made from citric acid and a small amount of boiled (then there will be no scale) water. It is better not to use such an aggressive component for processing plastic.

  • Vinegar. Not the most pleasant product to use, but a very effective product in the fight against fat. For minor contamination, it is better to first dilute it with boiled water. If the stains are persistent, then take the composition concentrated and preheated to a very warm state.
  • Soap solution. A concentrated soap solution is equally effective when working with traces of grease on any surface. It is best to put a little laundry soap into a bowl, dilute it with water and rub the problem areas with the resulting mixture until grease stains and streaks are completely removed.
  • Baking soda. The best option for cleaning plastic aprons. We work with it in the same way as with mustard. We wet the work area with warm water, apply dry powder, wait five minutes and wipe off the stains.
  • Clay. Mixed with vinegar, the product allows you to wash your tile backsplash in a matter of minutes, eliminating all traces of yellowness, scale or smudges. To obtain optimal results, the clay must be sifted and diluted with vinegar to obtain a homogeneous paste. After cleaning, the surface should be thoroughly rinsed and dried with towels.

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When putting things in order in the kitchen, it is recommended to use the listed products first. Their vapors quickly disappear, so the risk of contamination of food with particles of detergents or their penetration into the skin and mucous membranes is minimal.

Why do greasy stains appear on door coverings?

Basically, the surface becomes oily at the level of the waist and chest. This is due to the fact that people touch this area more often. And since the skin secretes fats along with sweat, upon contact with the surface of the door leaf they end up on the surface of the coating. If you don't wipe the door for a long time, dust and pet hair will settle. Also, stains are formed due to the contact of fatty substances on the surface.

Mostly, grease stains are localized in the area where the door handle is located, since this is where we most often touch with our hands. As you know from biology courses, the skin of our hands tends to secrete sweat-fat segments. When it comes into contact with the surface of the door, those same transparent sweat marks remain on it, onto which over time many dust particles settle and turn into real dirty spots. This problem is especially common among young housewives with small children and pets.

But it is also worth noting that greasy stains on the surface of interior doors appear as a result of contact with a variety of biological or chemical liquid substances that have a certain percentage of fat content.

Melamine sponge

The convenience of such a sponge is that when wet, it emits a little foam and acts like a regular office eraser, since it consists of thin, thin rubber fibers. It will rid the kitchen set of grease and soot, as well as various types of stains. It is widely believed that melamine sponge is terribly harmful to health. But it is only dangerous if it gets inside, so you should not wash the insides of kitchen cabinets and dishes with it.

To remove old grease from your kitchen, follow these steps: Wet the miracle sponge in water, squeeze, but do not twist. Scrub the desired surface and then remove any remaining sponge with a dry cloth.

How to properly wash MDF panels

Housewives who have MDF facades or glossy panels are often interested in how to properly care for them. Furniture of this type is difficult to clean. It can be washed with any cleaning agents and detergents, except those containing chlorine or abrasives. It is recommended to use kitchen sponges to scrub stains. You should not use pipe cleaners or brushes, especially if the surface is light. Afterwards, there may be scratches left on it that will be noticeable. You should also be careful with gloss. You need to wipe it smoothly and without pressure.

Many people, sharing their experience, claim that for such surfaces there is nothing more effective than a regular soap solution. It is recommended to use porous foam, which better destroys the fat layer. You can also wipe the panels with dishwashing detergent immediately after cooking. This way you will keep the facades fresh longer, and they will look proper.

After cleaning, it is recommended to wipe or spray a fiberboard or natural wooden surface with a polish, which tends to cover it with a special protective layer that prevents the rapid accumulation of dust.

It is easy to wash glossy or wooden surfaces using an alcohol solution in a 1:1 ratio with water. You can also make a “powerful” homemade composition. You just need to mix lemon zest or juice with vinegar and a few drops of alcohol. This will be a very effective fat remover.

In conclusion, it should be noted that housewives often face difficulties in cleaning the kitchen. To prevent cleaning kitchen surfaces from becoming an overwhelming task, wash this area regularly, preventing stains and dirt from drying out and turning into multi-layered formations.

How to clean grease from plastic panels in the kitchen

Plastic surfaces in a given room may have window frames, slopes, window sills, door panels and elements of furniture facades, and sometimes walls. It is not difficult to remove fat from them. A standard dishwashing detergent, liquid laundry soap, or a special store-bought spray will help. Household chemicals can be replaced with folk remedies - proven methods, proven in practice by many housewives, can easily cope with dirt and grease in the kitchen.

More details about each method and tool below.

To remove grease using dishwashing gel, you must:

  • Fill a basin or bowl with warm running water.
  • Pour in a little soap solution. Stir until foam forms.
  • Soak a sponge in the liquid and rub the greasy stains. Leave them to soak for 5 minutes.
  • Using circular movements, with little effort, scrub away dirt.
  • Wash the top with a damp cloth or napkin and wipe dry so that there are no streaks left and the shine is further enhanced.

Also use liquid laundry soap.

Important: you should absolutely not rub the plastic too hard or use a metal brush. So it can be damaged and scratched.

From store-bought sprays, it is recommended to choose glass cleaners that contain alcohol. It perfectly eats away old fat. Anti-grease spray can easily cope with this task; you can also use Sif cream. For light surfaces, take the Dosya product, it gives 100 percent results. Please note that liquid gel is not suitable for colored panels.

Another option for effective cleaning is a melamine sponge, which is widely popular among housewives.

To wash plastic from grease in the kitchen, you can prepare a homemade solution based on vinegar or vodka or alcohol. We should not forget about commonly available soda, which is diluted to a paste and does an excellent job of removing dried stains and grease.

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