What does the error code H, H1, H2, HE1, HE2 mean on a Samsung washing machine: why does it show it, how to fix it

  • Table with information codes (error codes)
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  • Samsung has established itself as a manufacturer of reliable and high-quality household appliances, including washing machines. An automatic machine is an irreplaceable assistant, so its breakdown is a tragedy for any housewife. It’s good that most modern models, for example, Samsung WF-F861, are equipped with a special display, with which you can figure out the cause of the malfunction without calling a technician.

    In case of various problems, special fault codes are displayed on the display of the washing machine.

    Modern washing machines are designed in such a way that any deviation from normal operation can be recognized by a special code displayed on the display. This coding greatly simplifies the task for both the repair specialist and the owners of household appliances. Knowing the cause of the malfunction, some errors in the operation of the washing machine can be eliminated quickly and without special training.

    For owners of older models without a display, for example, Samsung S821, S852, S1021, it is more difficult to understand faults - errors in them are indicated by blinking of various indicators.

    Of course, error codes do not always accurately indicate the cause of unit failure, but they allow you to determine in which system the failure occurred and check the possible causes of the failure.

    The photo shows a fragment of the operating instructions for the Samsung WF8590NMW9 Diamond washing machine with error code designations and methods for eliminating them

    In this article we will look at error codes for a Samsung washing machine. Please note that for models of household appliances produced by other companies, the codes may differ. Error codes on the display can be combined into groups depending on the types of failure.

    If a malfunction occurs, manufacturers recommend referring to the operating instructions for the washing machine. There you can also find all information error codes and their decoding.

    If the instructions for the equipment are irretrievably lost, they can be found on the Internet. For example, error codes for the Samsung 6kg WF8590NMW9 Diamond washing machine can be found in its instruction manual.

    Error interpretation

    One of the common errors found in washing machines of the Korean manufacturer is code H2, indicating a malfunction of the water heating system. The combinations of symbols H2 and 2H should not be confused: if the first value is an error, then the second indicates the time remaining until the end of the wash. The letter H here stands for hours, i.e. 2H lights up on the screen indicate that there are 2 hours left before the end of the program.

    Error 2h (not to be confused with error h2)

    As a rule, error H2 on a Samsung washing machine is displayed if, ten minutes after starting the program, the water temperature in the device’s tank has increased by less than two degrees.

    If your device does not have a digital display, it will also be able to report a problem. In this case, all indicators will start flashing, except one of two pairs: temperature 40 C and 60 C or 60 C and cold water. These pairs will glow continuously.

    In the event of a breakdown and error code H2, the device may stop working. However, some machine models can continue to be washed, but in cold water. It is very easy to determine this; you just need to touch the glass on the loading hatch door with your hand: it will be warm if the water heats up.

    What does error E1 (E7) mean?

    The appearance of code E1 or E7 on the electronic display means that the sensor that monitors the water level in the drum - the pressure switch - is not working properly. It generates an incorrect frequency that does not coincide with the normal wash cycle. Because of this, the machine reacts to the process incorrectly, and in order to avoid problems, it starts the pump to drain the liquid and stops washing, displaying a message about the problem.

    Note! The E7 code appears on older Samsung models released before 2007. The error is processed in the same way as in new machines - if the pressure switch frequency is less than 15 kHz (indicating a full drum) or more than 30 kHz (empty drum) for more than 5 seconds.

    The code may appear on the display at any time during the wash cycle. But more often this happens in situations:

    • During preparation - while the machine pours water into the drum and washes out the washing powder from the tray.
    • When the machine begins to refill water to rinse the washed laundry.

    In new models there are also other codes, for example, 4E, 4C and 4E. This is especially true for units produced after 2013.

    Causes of error H2

    If an error appears on the device screen indicating that the water is not heating, you need to know what problems it indicates and what to do to correct them. Typically, the H2 code indicates problems with one of the following components:

    • A heating element,
    • Temperature sensor,

    Temperature sensor location

    • Wires connecting the control module and heating element,
    • Electronic module.

    The first thing you need to do is try to “reset” the washing machine, from time to time this helps. To do this, you need to unplug the device from the socket and return it back no earlier than thirty minutes later. If the problem is not resolved, you should move on to other actions.

    Samsung washing machine HE2 error: how to fix without replacing the heater?

    Based on the fact that when replacing a heating element it is necessary to dismantle some panels of the housing, as well as to exclude other “culprits” of the breakdown, the following parts should be diagnosed:

    • Checking the functionality of the elements connecting the machine to the electrical network. Avoid using additional connections, tees and extension cords when connecting to an outlet. Check the connection of the equipment cable conductors with the plug terminals.
    • Control module malfunction. Disconnect the machine from the electrical supply, and then reconnect it to electricity. Restart the machine by setting the “wash” mode.

    If performing these steps did not lead to the removal of the HE2 error from the display of the Samsung washing machine, then in this case you need to begin dismantling the panels that form the basis of the device body.

    Replacing the heating element and temperature sensor

    The heating element is the most vulnerable part of washing machines from a Korean manufacturer. Its replacement is carried out through the front wall; the device has to be disassembled almost completely, this significantly complicates repair work. To work, the owner of the device will need screwdrivers and a multimeter.

    Now you need to do the following:

    • pull out the powder tray and disconnect the drain filter,
    • remove the top cover,
    • Unscrew the screws, carefully remove and place the front panel of the washing machine on top,
    • remove the lower decorative panel using a slotted screwdriver,
    • remove the metal clamp attached to the cuff and carefully tuck it inside the drum,
    • remove the screws holding the front of the machine around the perimeter, disconnect it and move it to the side,

    Removing the front panel

    • in the lower part of the tank, near the counterweight, there are contacts for the heating element. You need to check the resistance using a multimeter. If the heating element is working properly, the value will be 25-30 Ohms; in case of a breakdown, the numbers 0 or 1 will appear on the display,
    • if the heating element is really damaged, you should disconnect the wires from it and unscrew the bolt holding it,
    • Shaking slightly, you need to pull out the element. If all else fails, apply WD-40 lubricant to the base and let it sit for five to seven minutes.
    • remove the heater,

    • install a working heating element,
    • Assemble the car.

    To change the temperature sensor, the same difficult work must be done. This element is located next to the heating element or at its base. It should be replaced and then the car should be reassembled.

    Preparatory process for disassembling the washing machine

    Before direct repairs, it is necessary to perform preliminary work, which consists of the following:

    1. Preparing the place for dismantling operations: free access to the equipment, as well as enough free space for the location of the removed parts.
    2. Disconnecting the device from the power supply.
    3. Stopping the water supply to the machine by setting the tap to the “closed” position.
    4. Performing a disconnection from other communications.
    5. We remove residual water using the drain filter located in the lower plane of the front panel.
    6. Installing the unit in the prepared space.

    Replacement of wires and repair of electronic module

    In order to find the faulty wire, you need to use a multimeter. With its help, you need to ring all the wires connecting the heating element and the control module, and then replace the faulty one if it is found.

    Repairing the control board is a more complex process. To fix it, you need to know how to do this kind of work. Otherwise, you can completely damage the electronic module. In some cases, to repair it, it is enough to solder the burnt out contacts, but to do this you need to detect them. It is very difficult to do this yourself, so it is better to contact a service center and call an experienced specialist. You should also be aware that when repairing the central board, a software update may be required, which is extremely difficult to do on your own.

    How to disassemble a Samsung washing machine?

    The process consists of several stages:

    1. Removing the upper base of the frame:

    • Using a screwdriver, unscrew the screws (2 pcs.) on the back side of the case;
    • remove the panel by slightly moving it back.

    2. Removing the control panel:

    • remove the container intended for detergents. To do this, pull it out all the way and press the latch installed between the sectors of the container;
    • unscrew two fasteners installed on the internal base of the dispenser and one fastener located on the right side of the control panel;
    • slide the panel and then detach it from the body;
    • Place the control panel on the upper plane of the frame.

    3. Dismantling the front part:

    • removing the rubber seal installed between the round bases of the drum and the hatch. To do this, you need to slightly unscrew the edge of the round cuff, pick up the metal clamp and remove it using a flat-head screwdriver;
    • disconnecting the door locking system from the electrical connector;
    • Unscrew the fasteners located in the upper and lower planes of the front cover;
    • disconnect the cover from the machine frame.

    Bottom line

    If code H2 is displayed on the digital screen of a Samsung washing machine, this indicates a malfunction of the water heating system. Most often, the heating element, the weakest and most vulnerable point on devices from a Korean manufacturer, fails, as well as the temperature sensor. Less often, error code H2 notifies about a break in the wires connecting the heating element and the electronic module, and very rarely about a breakdown of the control board.

    You can replace the heating element, temperature sensor and wires yourself, the main thing is to know how to fix the breakdown and be confident in the successful outcome of the repair work. To repair the control board, you should call a qualified specialist from the service center to prevent the situation from worsening.

    The most common cause of heating element failure is scale formed on it as a result of the presence of a large amount of foreign impurities in the water. To avoid such malfunctions, it is recommended to install a special filter on the water entering the house.

    Choosing a new electric water heating device

    You can purchase a heating element for a Samsung washing machine from specialized trading companies. When going to the store, you need to know exactly the model of your device (on the case or in the technical passport), as well as its power indicator and geometric shape, which must correspond to the failed heater.

    If this information is missing, then it is necessary to select a heater if there is a worn-out electrical device. Spare parts for Samsung washing machines, as a rule, can also be ordered at most service centers or via the Internet. In this case, information about the device model is required.

    The final stage

    After completing the full cycle of repair work, we proceed to connecting the machine to all systems:

    • installation of the unit in its original place;
    • connection to the sewer system;
    • setting the water tap to the “open” position;
    • connecting the machine to electricity;
    • starting the machine in “wash” mode.

    If within 10 minutes from the start the code he2 does not appear on the display, then the error has been resolved.

    If necessary, spare parts for Samsung washing machines are not difficult to find. But it is better to prevent premature failure of components by following simple rules for operating the device.

    To extend the service life, it is not necessary to use Calgon for washing machines every time, as advertising recommends. It is much more economical to install a special water filter on the inlet hose or periodically clean the device using citric acid or special products containing it.

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