Which washing machine is better: direct drive or belt drive?

Direct drive washing machines in the modern household appliances market are represented by many brands, the competition between which in the fight for customers forces us to look for new approaches. The solution was found when South Korean developers used an inverter motor.

Back in 2005, LG was one of the first to introduce a direct drive system in its line of washing machines. Often in stores you can see models with the Direct Drive sticker, which indicates the use of such technology. Despite the fact that automatic washing units have been a high-tech product for a long time, improvements in electronics, mechanical components and electrical parts are constantly taking place.

Direct drive and operating principle

A drive without a belt drive implies the use of a direct drive inverter motor in the system. A physics course in a secondary school gives a complete understanding of what direct and alternating current is, and also talks about electrical machines using permanent magnets.

An inverter is another frequency converter that converts alternating current into direct current at the required frequency and has the ability to accurately regulate the speed of rotation of the rotor. The operation of an inverter motor is based on the same principle as that of a conventional motor, the only difference is in the design. The motor rotor begins rotational motion due to the formation of electromagnetic fields.

Unlike so-called commutator motors, an inverter motor does not have special current-carrying brushes or rubbing surfaces. It consists of a permanent magnet, which acts as a stator, and inductors arranged in a circle in the rotor. The rotor shaft is also the drum shaft of the washing machine. The rotation speed of the washing machine drum is controlled by a frequency converter, which changes the voltage and only then transfers it to the stator. Electrical signals to the engine come from the electronic module. This allows you to fine-tune all washing modes with maximum accuracy.

LG F-1096SD3

Easy to use

Good washing machine with front loading and direct drive. The model is equipped with a removable cover, which allows you to embed the machine into furniture. Easy to operate, synchronizes with a smartphone, which allows you to control its operation remotely.

+Pros of LG F-1096SD3

  1. Electronic control via digital display. It is possible to connect to a smartphone.
  2. Small dimensions: the depth of the machine is only 36 cm.
  3. It uses electricity and water very economically; only 39 liters of water are used per wash.
  4. Possibility to adjust the spin of the laundry.
  5. Maximum speed - 1000 rpm.
  6. You can reduce the spin speed or even make it zero.
  7. Modern technologies ensure safe operation of the machine. There is protection against children and against housing leaks, the ability to control the level of foam and drum imbalance.
  8. The washing machine has 13 different washing modes.
  9. You can set the washing time by scheduling the machine to turn on, for example, at night.
  10. Informs about the end of washing with pleasant music.

–Cons of LG F-1096SD3

  1. There is no way to dry laundry.
  2. The drum has a small volume; it can hold no more than 4 kg of laundry.
  3. The drum is made of plastic, so some metal items of clothing may scratch it.

What is the difference between direct drive and conventional drive?

Direct drive units use an inverter motor that is mounted directly on the drum and does not require the installation of a belt drive. A special clutch is used as a mechanism for changing speeds. Direct drive eliminates the need for additional transmission elements such as fasteners and pulleys, making the design more compact. Such washing machines may not visually differ at all from units with a belt, however, models with different types may also have their own inherent advantages and disadvantages.


Disassembling and replacing bearings in an LG washing machine:

Electronic engineer with many years of experience. For several years I was engaged in organizing the repair of household appliances. I am glad to share with readers my knowledge in the field of operation and repair of devices. Loves sport fishing, water tourism and travel.

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The easiest way to remove scale and carbon deposits from the soleplate of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt onto the paper, heat the iron to maximum and run the iron over the salt bed several times, applying light pressure.

Fresh lemon is not only suitable for tea: clean dirt from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt can simply be wiped off with a sponge.

If your favorite things show the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets, you can get rid of them using a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to their proper appearance.

Before removing various stains from clothing, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​the item from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

Threads made of gold and silver, which were used to embroider clothes in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with pliers to the required fineness. This is where the expression “to drag out the rigmarole” came from - “to do long, monotonous work” or “to delay the completion of a task.”

The habit of using an automatic washing machine “sparingly” can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m2 of their area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you don’t have to worry about leaks from neighbors above.

There are special traps to combat moths. The sticky layer with which they are covered contains female pheromones that attract males. By sticking to the trap, they are eliminated from the reproduction process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

The dishwasher cleans more than just plates and cups. You can load it with plastic toys, glass lamp shades and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without using detergents.

Over the last decade, when it comes to washing machines, you can often hear the phrase “direct drive”. This is especially true for LG brand equipment. When planning to purchase a device, you need to know what direct drive is, the pros and cons of such units in order to make the right choice.

Advantages and disadvantages of direct drive

Direct drive devices have been designed to improve performance, and in many respects, manufacturers have succeeded. The choice and purchase of a direct drive washing machine can be considered a priority due to a number of obvious advantages:

  • The design contains a minimum of rubbing parts and components, due to which the reliability of all components is significantly increased and energy consumption and noise levels are reduced;
  • An element such as an inverter motor requires virtually no maintenance;
  • Due to the axial location of the entire structure on one shaft, it is possible to more accurately balance the entire system. In a balanced drum, laundry is distributed more efficiently, which significantly reduces the level of vibration at various washing modes;
  • Precise control of the fast motor makes it possible to adjust each washing step with maximum precision. The units automatically determine the degree of load and, in accordance with this, select the optimal power and water flow. If the drum is overloaded, the smart electronics will generate an error and the unit will not start. By placing the required amount of laundry, you can achieve maximum washing quality with a minimum level of water and energy consumption.

A drive without a belt, along with obvious advantages, also has a number of disadvantages noted by experts:

  • Sensitivity to voltage fluctuations in an electrical circuit. At low voltage values, the engine may not start;
  • Since the motor itself is located on the same shaft as the drum, if the seal is damaged, water can enter the electrical part of the motor and lead to a short circuit;
  • The drum bearings, due to their design, are located close to each other, which increases the load on them and reduces their service life;
  • Relatively higher purchase and repair costs.

Bosch WLN 24262


A good washing machine with a classic body design and a traditional set of functions. The washing quality is good: it removes dirt effectively without damaging the laundry. Easy to use, it is possible to select individual parameters for each washing mode.

+Pros of Bosch WLN 24262

  1. The machine has compact dimensions, which allows it to fit even into small niches and rooms.
  2. Touch control via digital display.
  3. Large drum that can hold up to 7 kg of dry laundry.
  4. The machine uses electricity and water economically: washing requires only 38 liters of water and 0.13 kW/hour of electricity.
  5. Good spin power - 1200 rpm. You can reduce it or completely disable this function.
  6. The model belongs to the improved safety technology; it has protection systems against case leaks, against children, prevention of the appearance of abundant foam, and control over drum imbalance.
  7. There are many different washing modes, including programs for washing silk and wool.
  8. Improved functionality of the washing machine is achieved by illuminating the drum, the ability to set the end time of the wash and select the water temperature; a pleasant sound signal indicates the end of the program.

–Cons of Bosch WLN 24262

  1. There is no drying mode.
  2. You can hear the water pouring into the tank.
  3. When the hatch door is opened, drops of water flow onto the floor.

Review of some models

The South Korean brands Samsung, LG and the German concern Bosch have a well-deserved reputation in the domestic market in the segment of direct drive washing machines. The products of these companies are distinguished by their technological effectiveness and the introduction of the most advanced technologies.

Samsung units use EcoBubble washing technology, the essence of which is the use of a foam generator; it mixes washing powder, water and air in the tank, and the resulting foam, penetrating deeply into the fabric, effectively removes dirt. Samsung also equips its units with the VoltControl system, which protects the machine from voltage surges and can withstand surges of up to 400 Volts, which is especially important for devices with inverter motors. In addition, Samsung provides a 10-year warranty on inverter motors.

The main feature of washing machines from the Korean company LG is the Invert Direct Drive with Six Motion technology, which implies six different drum rotation algorithms to achieve the best washing results. LG specialists are also confident in the quality of their inverter motors and guarantee their trouble-free operation for a ten-year period.

German Bosch quality has long been known to consumers of household appliances. A distinctive feature of Bosch washing machines has always been and remains high reliability, but in introducing innovations, Europeans do not lag behind their Asian competitors. Bosch direct drive washing machines equipped with EcoPerfect and SpeedPerfect technologies can significantly reduce energy costs, which is especially important during a time of constant increase in energy prices.

Samsung WW80K42E06W


An easy-to-use washing machine with a wide range of washing modes. The large-capacity drum allows you to wash even such large items as blankets and outerwear. Moreover, due to the direct drive, the machine has compact dimensions, which will allow it to fit even into a small bathroom.

+Pros of Samsung WW80K42E06W

  1. Drum capacity - 8 kg.
  2. Attractive design.
  3. The machine is controlled using a digital display with touch buttons. It is possible to synchronize with a smartphone.
  4. Compact: depth only 45 cm.
  5. The machine has 14 washing modes. Effectively removes any dirt. There is a bubble washing function, in which the detergent is converted into bubbles and penetrates into the fabric, improving the quality of its cleaning.
  6. Very economical technology. Consumes only 0.15 kW/hour and consumes 48 liters of water per wash.
  7. It is possible to regulate the spin speed. The permissible maximum is 1200 rpm. You can completely cancel wringing out clothes.
  8. High level of comprehensive security. There are systems that protect the body from leaks, and the car from the pampering of children. The machine monitors the foam level in the drum and imbalance.
  9. Among the additional characteristics of the washing machine, a heating element made of ceramic, a self-cleaning function of the drum after washing, and a pleasant melody notifying the end of the wash deserve special attention.

–Cons of Samsung WW80K42E06W

  1. There is no clothes drying function.
  2. The drum is made of plastic, which is not very convenient, since the plastic is damaged over time by metal fittings. In addition, the seam on the drum was not formed all the way to the edge, which left a small gap at the edge. There is a possibility of a button getting caught in this gap and damaging your clothing.

Which washing machine is better?

When wondering whether to buy a direct drive washing machine, you need to weigh the pros and cons. The design of these types is constantly being improved, which eliminates the inherent disadvantages of washing machines. As for cost, well-known brands offer lines of direct drive washing machines of both premium and economy class. In general, prices for units with and without a belt have begun to level out, and with all characteristics being equal, the design without a belt drive is still a technological step forward. Long service life, high reliability and low power consumption distinguish direct drive devices from their competitors.

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HAIER HW80-B14686


A wonderful, functional direct drive washing machine. Modern, attractive design is combined with a large number of washing modes and additional, useful options. And the presence of innovative technologies makes the process of operating the machine enjoyable, without any difficulties.

+Pros of HAIER HW80-B14686

  1. The machine washes effectively, cleaning any fabric even from heavy soiling.
  2. The large drum volume of 55 liters allows you to wash clothes weighing 8 kg at a time. There is a convenient drum light.
  3. Electronic type of machine control. The digital display has indicators of various parameters: the total washing time and the time until it ends, the load and the progress of the wash.
  4. Front loading of laundry. In this case, the hatch opens 180 degrees.
  5. A good spin rate for laundry is 1400 rpm.
  6. There are such convenient functions as automatic weighing of loaded laundry, adjusting the water level and temperature, turning on steam during washing, which makes cleaning even better, and a 24-hour delay start.
  7. If necessary, you can add laundry through a special hatch while the wash is already running.
  8. 16 different washing programs.
  9. A well-thought-out security system, which is achieved through child protection technologies, against leaks and water overflow. There is a drum imbalance control function.
  10. Economical consumption of water and electricity.

–Cons of HAIER HW80-B14686

  1. There is only one minus - a fairly high price - about 44,000 rubles.

Direct drive washing machines in the modern household appliances market are represented by many brands, the competition between which in the fight for customers forces us to look for new approaches. The solution was found when South Korean developers used an inverter motor.

Back in 2005, LG was one of the first to introduce a direct drive system in its line of washing machines. Often in stores you can see models with the Direct Drive sticker, which indicates the use of such technology. Despite the fact that automatic washing units have been a high-tech product for a long time, improvements in electronics, mechanical components and electrical parts are constantly taking place.


What is the part for?

A washing machine with a direct drive built into it is an electrical device capable of, through the conversion of electromagnetic waves, starting a rotating mechanism or linear movements. This type of motor (it can also be called an inverter) involves moving the direction of energy supply directly to the rotor using an air gap, which prevents the possibility of failure of parts that move and rotate.

Inverter drive vs belt drive

The drive is almost the most important part that is installed in absolutely all washing machines. The operation of the rotation mechanisms largely depends on it. Today, many companies produce similar models, where only a part without a belt is installed.

Prevention of breakdowns

To avoid repairs, you need to take a number of simple steps that will help save your machine from breakdown.

  • The machine should be connected by a specialist, and not by a neighbor in the stairwell.
  • A separate outlet is required that will automatically turn off during power surges.
  • The machine must be installed on a straight surface; if necessary, an anti-slip mat must be placed under it.
  • If possible, it is necessary to install a special filter that will help soften too hard water.
  • It is also worth using various descalers.
  • Before loading items into the drum, check the pockets and remove all small debris and accumulated change.
  • Every 15 washes, turn on the drum cleaning mode, which many LG machines have.

If you follow these simple rules, your washing machine will serve for a long time without interruption.

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