How to wash a white T-shirt: 14 methods, taking into account the composition of the fabric, the print and the cause of contamination

How to bleach a white T-shirt at home. Milky color suits almost everyone. Clothes of this shade can be easily combined with other wardrobe items. It creates a fresh and neat image, as well as an atmosphere of grooming and neatness.

It’s not for nothing that all brides are beautiful in white wedding dresses. Clothes of this color have one drawback - they often get dirty, and over time they acquire extraneous shades, grayness and yellowness appear on them.

  • Methods for whitening a white T-shirt
  • Traditional methods
  • Preventive measures

Methods for bleaching white T-shirts

Let's figure out what we have to work with. T-shirts suffer from improper care and untimely washing. Fabrics turn grey, yellow, fade and age. Traces of sweat under the arms, accidental washing with colored fading laundry, and contact with dyeing products and materials cause trouble.

There are three options for restoring whiteness:

  1. Soaking with bleaching agents.
  2. Boiling strong natural fabrics.
  3. Intensive wash with additives.


The most gentle way. It is used mainly before hand or machine washing to speed up the removal of dirt. The soaking itself takes from 30 minutes to several hours, but the housewife will spend little effort: it will take about 10 minutes to prepare the solution and immerse the item in it.

The same rules apply for soaking as for washing:

  • sort fabrics
  • do not exceed the recommended temperature,
  • Choose suitable products for delicate clothes.


This method is the most radical. Without harm, you can boil only a yellowed T-shirt made of natural cotton or linen, without patterns or decorative elements.

Digestion rules:

  1. First prepare a solution with cold water, then place a T-shirt in it and only then place the pan on the stove.
  2. As a reinforcing component, take laundry soap, bleach, powder or some folk remedy.
  3. After boiling, reduce the heat.
  4. Things must be stirred with wooden tongs.
  5. Do not boil clothes for more than 2 hours. Most often, 30 minutes is enough.
  6. After the solution becomes cloudy, let it cool, remove the items and rinse well in cool, clean water.

Intensive wash

Washing in a machine on an intensive cycle also helps solve the problem. The method is suitable for fabrics that are not afraid of water temperatures above 70 degrees.

Special formulations

Sometimes there is no time to use folk remedies, or they do not help. Then you need to think about how to bleach a white T-shirt at home quickly. Ready-made products will come to the rescue; you just need to dilute them with water according to the instructions or add them to the washing machine along with the powder.

Chlorine bleaches are considered the most effective. They are very aggressive and, if used frequently, destroy fabric fibers. Subtle matter cannot be purified in this way. It is not recommended to use chlorine bleach in your washing machine. They are often sold in liquid, gel, or powder form. The most famous: “Whiteness”, ACE Brilliant, Sanfor.

They are used as a last resort when the stain or yellowness cannot be removed by other means. When bleaching, you must first dilute the product in water, and only then dip the item. Do not apply pure bleach to fabric. The product should be diluted according to the instructions, without exceeding the recommended dosage and soaking time. When washing, hands must be protected with gloves.

Chlorine bleaches not only destroy synthetic threads, they can fix dirt and gray deposits on such fabrics.

Oxygen bleaches are safer; they do not destroy fabric and do not cause allergies. They can be used for hand and machine washing of products made from any materials. They are even suitable for T-shirts with embroidery or colored prints. Popular products include Persol, Bos, Oxygen, Mister Dez, Vanish Oxi Action.

Optical brighteners do not actually change the underlying color of the fabric. They contain particles with reflective properties that remain between the fibers of the fabric, creating a shining effect. Such bleaches are not suitable for T-shirts with designs and prints, as they do not help remove stains or yellowing. The most commonly used products are Tricolor, Heitmann, Vanish, and sometimes optical brightener is added to the powder.

Chlorine bleaches



Folk remedies

Popular wisdom successfully competes with industrial bleaches, otherwise how can one explain the popularity of such methods? Nutritional and treatment products have unexpectedly proven effective against yellow and gray stains, washed-out looks and stubborn stains on clothing.

Laundry soap

An effective remedy for various types of stains on white. Simply lather the wet T-shirt on all sides and immerse it in warm water. After a couple of hours, wash with powder and enjoy pristine whiteness.

The best results are obtained by 72% soap or the Antipyatin variety for white.

Hydrogen peroxide

A pharmaceutical product with excellent whitening and stain removing properties. Suitable for delicate fabrics.

How to use:

  1. Add 1 tbsp to 2 liters of warm water. l. peroxide.
  2. Soak the item for 30 minutes. The fabric must be completely hidden by the solution, otherwise streaks will appear.
  3. After soaking, the T-shirt should be washed by hand or in a machine.

Tip: Use hydrogen peroxide if you want to disinfect your T-shirt.


An inexpensive bottle of “Beliznaya” provides effective bleaching, but the chlorine composition is not suitable for many fabrics. Look for prohibition signs on clothing labels.

How to use popular bleach:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. Dilute “whiteness” in 10 liters of water.
  2. Putting gloves on your hands, thoroughly stir the solution and immerse your clothes in it.
  3. After 20-30 minutes, rinse the item thoroughly and wash with powder and conditioner.

Boric acid

If a delicate T-shirt or tank top has turned yellow, soak it in a gentle solution of boric acid:

  1. For 1 liter of water - 1 tsp. boric acid.
  2. Prepare the solution and soak the T-shirt for half an hour.


Universal soda is also used in the household for bleaching things. The soda solution is suitable for soaking, boiling and washing. For a bowl of water - 2-3 tbsp. l. soda You can strengthen the composition with hydrogen peroxide.

It's okay if you leave the T-shirt on overnight.

Laundry soap and manganese

A slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate fights yellowness. It is enough to take a few manganese granules into a basin of water:

  1. Rub the old T-shirt with laundry soap, this is the first step of bleaching.
  2. Then place the item in the solution and wait 20-30 minutes.
  3. Now wash and rinse the item as usual.


If peroxide, soap, or boric acid don't help, try a more active ammonia. The method is only for natural fabrics.

How to wash:

  1. For 10 liters of water - 2 tbsp. l. ammonia, 2 tbsp. l. salt and 2 tbsp. l. washing powder.
  2. Mix the ingredients and soak the T-shirt for half an hour.


A solution of mustard powder removes gray stains:

  1. For 1 liter of warm water - 1 tbsp. l. mustard.
  2. First, let the solution sit for 30 minutes, and then filter the sediment through cheesecloth.
  3. Soak the T-shirt for 1-3 hours.
  4. Be sure to wash with powder.

Acetylsalicylic acid

To whiten one T-shirt, we take 5-7 aspirin tablets. Crumble and dissolve them in a basin to restore the shine of the fabric and disinfect it. Soak for 1 hour.


A popular trick: give once white things a little blue tint. It will quickly mask yellowness and grayness.

We use blue:

  1. For 2 liters of water - 0.5 tsp. facilities. The solution should turn out light blue.
  2. Soaking lasts 30 minutes.
  3. Complete the procedure by rinsing.

Blue is not a panacea: sometimes you will have to renew the layer, since after regular washing the yellowness appears on the fabric again.

Lemon acid

Dilute 2 tbsp in 10 liters of water. l. citric acid and soak the gray T-shirt. An alternative is the juice of two lemons.

AdviceLemon also removes paint and rust stains.

Useful tips

Now you know how to return the whiteness to a T-shirt. Below are some simple but important tips on how to avoid further yellowing of such things.

  1. Choose your temperature carefully. This applies to both washing and ironing. Excessively hot water (especially in combination with bleaches or powders that are not suitable for this type of fabric) or an overheated iron can generously endow a white item with yellowness. By the way, the iron can leave stains even if there was stagnant water in it during ironing.
  2. Products made from natural fabrics can be dried in the open sun. But this procedure is contraindicated for synthetic materials: they may turn yellow or gray.
  3. Dry things thoroughly before putting them in the closet, and monitor the air humidity in the room where they are stored: high moisture content contributes to the appearance of mold stains, which are almost impossible to remove.
  4. Take steps to reduce sweating. First of all, maintain good hygiene and remove hair from your armpits. In hot weather, try not to eat excessively hot and spicy foods.
  5. Do not use deodorants containing aluminum - when in contact with sweat, they form those stubborn yellow stains on things.
  6. Be careful when choosing bleach. It is important that it is suitable for a specific type of fabric, otherwise yellowing cannot be avoided.
  7. Use water softeners (you can use lemon juice or vinegar instead of industrial ones). Salts contained in hard water, reacting with washing powder, can give the product a yellowish color.

Follow these rules, and your things will remain snow-white for a long time and will be pleasing to the eye. You will have to bleach them less often. This means that the fabric will retain its properties longer.

Professional bleaches

It's hard not to get lost among the variety of industrial bleaches. All products are divided into three groups based on their composition.


Inexpensive, with a disinfecting effect, but aggressive. Excessive use of bleach leads to thinning of the fibers. Chlorine bleach often causes allergies and respiratory spasms.


They do not remove dirt from the fibers, but impregnate the fabric with reflective particles. After washing, white fabric looks fresher.


These are hypoallergenic compounds with active oxygen, which, unlike chlorine, are suitable for most fabrics.

How to bleach a graphic T-shirt

T-shirts with a pattern have to be treated with more care, as the colored print can fade or come off. To prevent paint from settling on the white parts of the item, do not boil it. It is better to find out in advance how strongly the fabric is dyed. And if the picture is pasted on, then you should be even more careful - only soaking with gentle ingredients will do.

Recommendations for keeping clothes snow-white

Don't leave stains on for too long. It’s better to wash the T-shirt by hand if you don’t want to spin the machine’s drum half-empty. Stains that dry out eat much deeper into the fibers. It may take many attempts and more detergent to wash them, and this is doubly wasteful.

Do not dry white T-shirts in the sun. Ultraviolet radiation negatively affects fabrics; they fade and become unsightly yellow. Dry things in the open air, it's really fast, the fabrics are ventilated and smell nice. But it is better to protect your clothes with a canopy.

A few more easy rules:

  1. Do not wash white with colored or even light colored ones.
  2. Wash whites made from natural fabrics and synthetics separately.
  3. Do not iron T-shirts right side out.
  4. Keep the soleplate of the iron clean.
  5. Don't let things lie in the closet.

A simple white T-shirt is a must-have in the wardrobe of children and adults. This thing always comes in handy, which is why it is so important to keep it clean and take the time to delicately whiten it.

Preventive measures

When bleaching, it is important not only to restore the original appearance of the item, but also to keep the item safe and sound. Therefore, it is necessary to follow safety measures and recommendations:

  • When ironing knitwear, including T-shirts, you must refrain from high temperatures. An overheated iron sometimes leaves yellowish stains on things;
  • When washing, you must use special products for white items;
  • Direct sunlight can cause fading. It is preferable to dry clothes in the shade or indoors;
  • White items should be stored separately from colored items, since paint molecules can penetrate deep into the fibers;
  • Snow-white items are washed separately not only from colored items, but also from other light-colored items of a different shade.

A white t-shirt is the staple of any summer wardrobe. Keeping it looking attractive is not as difficult as it seems. You just need to follow these recommendations.

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