Washing modes in the LG washing machine: symbols and description

Technological progress has greatly simplified everyday life and now almost every apartment and every house has a washing machine. If you have chosen an LG brand car, then we can be happy for you, because understanding the modes and controls of all models of this brand is very simple and accessible to everyone.

All the nuances of use are described in the instructions, but it happens that it is difficult for the average person to understand or is missing, for example, when buying used equipment. This article briefly describes the main programs, modes, functions and answers frequently asked questions about how to wash in an LG washing machine.

Washing modes in the LG washing machine

LG washing machines have gained very great popularity in our country. They are technically advanced and easy to use. However, in order to use them correctly and get a good washing result, it is necessary to thoroughly study the main and auxiliary modes.

Popular programs

For novice users of LG washing equipment, you should pay attention to the “Cotton” program. This mode is versatile. It can be used for any cotton fabrics. Washing will be done in water heated to 90 degrees. Its duration will be 90-120 minutes.

The operating time for the “Delicate Wash” program will be 60 minutes. This is a completely gentle regime. The water will only warm up to 30 degrees. Option suitable for:

  • silk linen:
  • tulle curtains and curtains;
  • thin products.

The “Wool” mode is useful not only for woolen clothes, but also for regular knitwear. It is also recommended to use it for linen that is marked with the “Hand Wash” sign. The water temperature in the tank will not exceed 40 degrees. There will be no spinning. The laundry processing time will be approximately 60 minutes.

The Casual function is suitable for most synthetic fabrics. The main thing is that the material does not require special delicacy. You can use this function for polyester, nylon, acrylic, polyamide. At a temperature of 40 degrees, things will not have time to fade and will not stretch. You will have to wait 70 minutes for the washing to finish.

The "Mixed Fabrics" mode is present in any LG machine. Only it will usually be called differently - “dark fabrics”. The program involves washing at a temperature of 30 degrees. Such a low temperature is prescribed so that the material does not fade. The total processing time will be from 90 to 110 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination.

Taking care of its clients, the South Korean corporation also offers a special hypoallergenic regime.

It includes an intensive rinse. Due to this effect, dust particles, wool fibers and other allergens are removed. The remaining powder will also be washed out of the fabric. In this mode, you can wash children's clothes and bedding, but provided that the fabric can withstand heating up to 60 degrees.

What other modes are there?

The Duvet program deserves a thumbs up. As the name suggests, it is suitable for bulky bedding. But it can also be used for other large things with fillers. In this mode you can wash a winter jacket, a sofa cover or a large sleeping blanket. You will have to wait exactly 90 minutes for things to be washed at a temperature of 40 degrees.

The silent program will help out when you need to wash at night. It also helps if someone is sleeping at home.

During its operation, not only noise, but also vibration is reduced to a minimum. However, this mode is not suitable for things with medium and heavy soiling. They need to be postponed until a more convenient moment.

The “Sportswear” option deserves attention. It will help you refresh your form after training in various sports. The program will also help with simple physical exercises. It provides excellent washing of membrane fabric. This option is also recommended for refreshing clothes after strenuous physical work in the fresh air.

Many people are interested in which mode to use for shoes. It’s worth considering here that even the best-quality sneakers can’t stand rough handling. Their washing temperature should be up to 40 degrees (ideally 30). The washing time should not exceed ½ hour, and therefore the “Fast 30” program is most often chosen. You will only need to additionally install the “no spin” option.

The “No Crease” mode is designed to simplify subsequent ironing of things. It is often used for shirts and T-shirts. Some items made of synthetics and mixed materials do not need to be ironed additionally; just hang them carefully on a hanger. But such a program will not cope with the processing of cotton and bed linen. As for the “Bubble Wash” mode, it involves removing dirt due to air bubbles, and at the same time increases the efficiency of using the powder.

Bubble treatment:

  • improves the quality of washing;
  • prevents damage to things;
  • cannot be carried out in hard water;
  • increases the price of the car.

“Bulky items” is a program for items that absorb a lot of water. The processing time will be no less than 1 hour and no more than 1 hour 55 minutes. The longest work time is typical for the Baby Clothes program; This type of washing is the most gentle and is of high quality. The laundry will be thoroughly rinsed. The water consumption will be very high; The total cycle duration will be approximately 140 minutes.

Do I need to wash new clothes?

There is only one universal piece of advice on how to wash clothes for newborns before the maternity hospital - when washing for the first time, set the maximum temperature allowed for each type of fabric. This will help avoid health problems.

New items must be washed in order to get rid of various contaminants that accumulate on them during the production process. Clothes pass through many hands, lie in warehouses - traces of paint, dust particles, and bacteria remain on them. The newborn’s immunity is not yet formed; protect the child from contact with pathogens.

Many fabrics are treated with chemicals to prevent caking and mold, and starched before sale to give things a presentable appearance. Starch should be washed out of clothes so that it does not irritate the baby’s delicate skin.

How often to wash baby clothes

Focus on the child's age.

  1. Wash your newborn's clothes as soon as you notice dirt on them. Change your baby's clothes daily. Dress your child in clean clothes after each bath, even if the rompers and undershirts have not gotten dirty during the day.
  2. Wash your bed linen once a week. More frequent washing is required only if dirt appears on it. Don't hoard dirty laundry - it accumulates bacteria.
  3. Place clothes for babies older than one year in a separate laundry basket and wash them twice a week. There are no strict recommendations, set a regime that is convenient for you.

Useful functions of the washing machine

The special “Pre-wash” function replaces full soaking and manual processing before laying. As a result, overall time is saved significantly. A similar option is already available in all modern automatic cars. Using “Delayed Start”, you can set a start time with a shift of 1-24 hours. This will allow, for example, to save on electricity bills by using a night tariff.

LG machines can also weigh laundry. The bottom line is that a special sensor adjusts the washing program to a specific load. Automation may refuse to start the machine if it is overloaded.

Super rinse is another signature feature of LG products. Thanks to it, clothes and linen will be completely cleaned of even small powder residues.

For testing the “Everyday Wash” mode in an LG machine, see below.

?Washing modes in the LG washing machine: designations and descriptions

The control panel of the washing machine is quite informative. Symbolic designations are extremely rare here. The main programs are labeled and can be selected using the rotary selector. Additional modes are set using buttons or touch controls.

Each type of fabric requires separate care. The washing temperature is indicated on the label of your clothing. How to choose the right one from all the abundance of programs? To do this, it is enough to know what each of them is intended for.

The most popular washing mode is the main one. Depending on the complexity of the stains and types of fabric, you can choose:

  • Cotton
    . Suitable for cleaning thick cotton fabrics. Intense rotation of the drum provides proper mechanical action, and a high temperature of 90 degrees provides heat treatment. Cycle time is from 1.5 to 2 hours.
  • Quick cotton
    . A similar treatment style, only for lightly soiled laundry. The duration was also reduced to 1.5 hours. The temperature can be adjusted from 40 to 60 °C.
  • Quickly 30
    . And this program will take only 30 minutes of time. But it is more suitable for refreshing things than for a full wash. The heating temperature does not exceed 30–40 °C.
  • Synthetics or everyday wash
    . Suitable for everyday items made from nylon, acrylic, polyamide fabrics. A slight heating of 40 degrees prevents stretching and shedding. Cycle time is 1 hour 10 minutes.
  • Delicate.
    Items will be processed for 60 minutes at 30°C. Gently rocking the drum will ensure careful care of underwear, silk shirts, and satin sheets.
  • Wool
    . The program may be called “Hand Wash”, because the slow rotation of the drum and the absence of spinning makes washing in a machine closer to manual work. Duration - 56 minutes, heating to 40 °C.
  • Duvet
    . The name speaks for itself. The mode is designed for caring for large items for wear and household items: blankets, bedspreads, down jackets, jackets at a temperature of 40 degrees. Cycle time is 90 minutes.
  • Baby's clothes
    . A small child's belongings require special care. In addition to gentle washing for 1 hour 40 minutes, the machine provides high-quality rinsing in a large volume of water.

In addition, LG equipment offers additional programs and functions. They are used much less frequently by users due to their specificity. But if you need special care for your laundry, then you can create it by pressing a key on the control panel.

  • Biocare.
    Difficult to remove stains from chocolate, wine, and blood can be easily washed off thanks to this mode. At the same time, special enzymes in the powder are broken down, which helps to act on contaminants.
  • TrueSteam Steam Cleansing
    . During the washing process, steam is mixed with water, which ensures the removal of household bacteria and allergens. In addition, the program smoothes out wrinkles and removes unpleasant odors. You can also use the “Refresh” mode for things that are lying in the closets. The duration will be 20 minutes.
  • TurboWash.
    This quick wash reduces normal cycle time to 59 minutes. This saves energy and water costs.
  • Hypoallergenic.
    The program runs at 60 °C. Things are rinsed generously, which helps wash away powder residues, dust, wool and other allergens.
  • Silent.
    Suitable for lightly soiled clothing. Spinning takes place with minimal noise and vibration, so it is convenient to start the cycle at night.
  • Sportswear
    . Convenient to freshen up after a workout. Effective care of membrane tissues.

There are separate rinse, spin and dry cycles that can be run as needed. The manufacturer also provided a function such as “Load cycle”. Modern SMA models are controlled using an application, so if you wish, you can download an additional program.

The publication describes general functions and modes. To find out specifically for your model, check the instruction manual.

Choice: how to set the mode in an LG washing machine?

How to install a particular program depends on the ElG model. If this is an early production machine without a display, then turn the programmer and focus on the blinking indicators.

Electronic and touch panels offer interaction with keys, touch buttons or a program selector. Once selected, press the Start/Pause button to start the process.

It is not difficult to understand the management when all functions are signed. The main thing is to choose the right program for a particular type of fabric.

The question of how long it takes an automatic machine to wash may seem a little strange. However, we dare to say that there is nothing strange about it. A person may be interested in washing time in at least three cases.

Firstly, when a used washing machine is purchased and there are no instructions supplied, secondly, the washing machine does not have a display that would display the washing duration and, thirdly, a person chooses a new modern washing machine and wants to know its capabilities in terms of washing time in different modes. That’s why we decided to talk in detail about how long or how quickly an automatic machine can wash.

Review of safe products for washing children's clothes

The choice of a gentle product for infant linen depends on the baby’s health condition. Any aggressive substances that come into contact with the skin are instantly absorbed. They cause itching, rashes, flaky areas, and redness. The main part of household chemicals releases substances that enter the lungs and bronchi when inhaled. Such exposure can cause weakened immunity and respiratory allergies.

How to wash diapers and undershirts of a newborn so as not to harm his health? The following resources will come to the aid of caring mothers:

  • laundry soap, baby soap;
  • liquid gel, powder.


The old version of household soap contains a large amount of alkali and fatty acids. Thanks to these indicators, it has good antibacterial qualities. It cannot be used to wash a child, but it is easy to remove old stains from regurgitation, food, and other complex stains with its help. An obvious drawback is the unpleasant odor, which can be rinsed out and dissipated.

Pay close attention to the composition - there should be no dyes, bleaches, or flavors.

Baby soap is the most preferred product for caring for a baby and his clothes. It contains no dangerous dyes, aromatic substances, or dangerous synthetics. Contains:

  • plant extract of string, calendula, chamomile flowers, which have restorative, antiseptic properties;
  • boric acid, liquid glycerin, beneficial lanolin, vegetable oil as softeners.

The resulting foam draws out dirt and is then washed out of the fibers.

Disadvantage - it does not give results when removing difficult stains: fruit juice, puree, other food. In the first months of life, the baby secretes drool, milk, urine, feces, which soap can easily deal with if the item is washed immediately or soaked.

To remove stains on light-colored clothing, boric acid, soda, aspirin, and hydrogen peroxide are used. The folk method is safe to use and will not harm the baby. Any natural product is preferable to a chemical one.

Powders and gels

A safe product must have special marks on the packaging. Check that the composition does not contain dangerous substances: chlorine (dries out, causes itching, irritation), phosphate additives (suppresses the protective properties of the skin), optical brightener (is poorly washed out of the fabric, affects skin health).

A-surfactant may be present in a minimal amount.

Popular brands:

  1. Karapuz. A soap base is used to make it. Hand washing with it is accompanied by a sore throat and nasopharynx.
  2. Eared nanny. It removes any old stain well, but parents often complain that it causes allergies and itching. It can be used after a year.
  3. TAID for children. Enriched with chamomile extract, neonogenic, biodegradable surfactants, which is safe for the baby, it contains optical brighteners that leave a pungent odor.
  4. Stork. Safe powder with a light aroma. Aloe extract has been added to soften the water. You can wash flannel, knitwear, and chintz. Silk and wool products cannot be processed. Of the options presented, this is the safest.

Gels and powders from the companies BabyLine, Amway, Sodasan, Garden, Our Mother are considered popular and safe. The price of the products is high, but it is compensated by the economical consumption.

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Popular modes

Let's look at what other programs are popular with users and why:

    Quick or Express wash. Passes within 30 minutes. During this time, a cycle of the following programs is performed: washing, rinsing and spinning. Used for frequent care of lightly soiled laundry.

Daily program. The washing time, reduced to 40 minutes, is intensive, which allows you to wash heavily soiled items. Of course, it is impossible to wash delicate fabrics in fast modes.

Delicate or hand wash. This program is just for delicate and light things. The drum rotates slowly and smoothly, which preserves the structure of the fabric. Spin in such programs is either minimal or completely absent.

Biophase. Used for complex biological contaminants (juice, wine, blood, grass). The temperature is adjustable from cold to 40 degrees. It is recommended to use special powders with active enzymes.

As you can see, there are other useful features in washing machines. Knowing what intensive mode is, you will be able to cope with strong, long-standing stains. But you shouldn’t use it often, as it accelerates the wear and tear of things and machine parts.

A washing machine is an indispensable assistant for any housewife today. This is not surprising, because such equipment can not only wash and rinse efficiently, but even dry your things. Moreover, each type of fabric has its own specific washing mode. In this article we will talk about what programs exist in automatic machines and what they are intended for.

Tips for washing clothes for a newborn baby

Everyone knows that washing things regularly is important for your health. This is especially important if there is a child in the house. It should be carefully looked after, because babies have delicate skin and weak immunity. You should start by destroying harmful microorganisms. Of course, today it is much easier to wash thanks to the advent of modern technology, but you still need to take into account several features.

To make the program work better

In order for the washing to be carried out efficiently and there are no failures in the program, it is necessary to follow the rules of the process. Only in this case, LG’s faithful assistant will delight you with excellent results. Let's take a look at these rules:

  • a prerequisite is to sort things by color and type of fabric;
  • pay attention to the labels on the clothes; they indicate whether they can be washed in a washing machine and in what mode;
  • pay attention to the pockets, there should be no foreign objects in them;
  • It is better to wash things with buttons in a special bag, which will protect the washing machine from small objects that damage the drum;
  • It is better to turn clothes with zippers, jackets, trousers inside out, this will contribute to better washing;
  • Use only powders intended for automatic washing machines and bleaches that do not contain chlorine.

In principle, the LG washing machine is easy to maintain, especially since everything you need is labeled on the control panel. Therefore, after studying the instructions, you can start washing with confidence. Well, if even if all the rules are followed, the LG machine washes poorly, it may be defective and you need to contact a service center.


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Technological progress has greatly simplified everyday life and now almost every apartment and every house has a washing machine. If you have chosen an LG brand car, then we can be happy for you, because understanding the modes and controls of all models of this brand is very simple and accessible to everyone.

All the nuances of use are described in the instructions, but it happens that it is difficult for the average person to understand or is missing, for example, when buying used equipment. This article briefly describes the main programs, modes, functions and answers frequently asked questions about how to wash in an LG washing machine.


To extend the service life of equipment, it is very important to follow certain washing rules.

  • When washing newly purchased products, you first need to look at their label or tag to see if they can be washed by machine, or is it recommended to do it manually,
  • First, the linen is carefully sorted by fabric type and color,
  • it is important not to forget to check your pockets, remove from them all small items forgotten there, money,
  • Before you start washing, you should check that buttons and other parts are securely fastened to the clothes,
  • Clothing with zippers, all kinds of jackets, trousers and other similar things should be turned inside out so they can be washed more efficiently.

Typically, various washing powders or high-quality liquid substances are used. Liquid solutions are best. Powders do not always dissolve well in hard water. This is their problem. In addition, liquid substances are better able to wash dirt from clothes.

Some types of powders, as well as liquid specialized products, contain various substances that significantly soften the water used. They are great for hard water. If they are not used, the unit may quickly break down when using hard water.

There are special effective means for bleaching clothes that do not contain chlorine. You can also choose products designed for colored fabrics. To make the linen tender and soft and with a pleasant aroma, and to keep its shape, conditioners are used.

LG car modes

Of course, each mode in an LG washing machine has a name. But the main advantage is that on modern washing machines from the company, all programs on the control panel are signed. Thus, there is no need to remember dozens of symbols or constantly look at the instructions. Although there are minor differences from model to model, the basic set of modes is identical.

  • Cotton. Washing time is approximately two hours (maybe a little less). Designed for washing cotton fabrics and underwear at temperatures from 45 to 90 degrees. Everything is washed perfectly due to the fact that the drum rotates chaotically in different directions.
  • Eco Cotton (on some SMs it is designated as Quick Cotton). In terms of characteristics, this mode is almost completely identical to the previous one. However, as the name already implies, the washing time is reduced to one and a half hours. It is not difficult to guess that Eco is used for lightly soiled items from the previous category.
  • Everyday wash. Designed for synthetic or mixed fabrics, takes about 110 minutes. The temperature is low - 40 degrees. You can wash any items that do not require particularly careful care.
  • Delicate mode or in other words, Gentle. A very gentle program for washing silk and other delicate fabrics at low temperatures, designed for 1 hour.
  • Wool. With it, you can wash clothes marked “Hand Wash” on the tag. The water heats up to 40 degrees, but the drum moves very smoothly and easily, and washes in all 56 minutes.
  • Fast-30. The most basic mode for color and black and white items that do not have serious dirt. The water temperature is low - 30-40 degrees, the whole process takes only half an hour.
  • Duvet blanked. This mode comes into play when you need to wash bulky and very heavy items. In an hour and a half at a temperature of 40 degrees, you can wash items with absolutely any filling. The main thing is not to lay delicate fabrics, otherwise they may be damaged.
  • Baby's clothes. One of the longest modes is up to 140 minutes. Its essence lies in intensive rinsing (so that all the powder is washed out of the fibers) and a large amount of water.

Quick wash mode

The most common cycle in everyday life is a quick wash in a washing machine. Many people, without thinking, always wash things using this program. But this approach can cause irreparable damage to things.

The quick wash mode can be divided into 2 categories:

  • separate program;
  • a button that reduces the time of any other program.

The first case involves a short cycle with low water temperature (30-40 degrees). In the second case, the time of each stage in the main program is reduced.

Advantages and disadvantages

Save timeHeavy stains cannot be removed
Energy SavingNot suitable for delicate fabrics
The ability to refresh items that are not heavily soiledWill not eliminate musty and damp smells
The drum cannot be fully loaded

Quick wash time

The duration of the program depends on the specific device model. On average, the cycle takes 30-40 minutes. In the case of older units, the program can take up to an hour. In modern machines you can find a super-fast wash function that lasts only 15 minutes.

Water temperature

If we are talking about a separate mode, the temperature will be 30 or 40 degrees. For colored items that can fade, it is better to set the temperature to 30 degrees. Low temperatures affect the quality of the procedure, since powders work most effectively in hot water.

How to use the mode correctly

This function should be used for everyday items that are not very dirty. These are shirts, T-shirts, blouses, socks, etc. Well suited for refreshing items made of synthetic and combined fabrics. Things should not be worn out or heavily soiled, otherwise the effectiveness of the procedure will leave much to be desired.

It is better to wash white and colored clothes separately. To improve the quality of washing, it is recommended to pre-soak the fabrics for 20-30 minutes. Load the machine no more than half the drum.

What should not be washed in quick wash mode

In this mode, you should not wash bed linen, woolen items, or heavily soiled clothes. It is not recommended to wash delicate fabrics such as silk.

Why iron children's clothes?

The question usually arises from those who perceive ironing solely to remove bruises. But ironing and steaming are one of the means of preventing diseases and maintaining the health of the body.

Beneficial effect on the skin

The skin of a newborn, unlike an adult, is not formed:

  1. The epidermis consists of only three layers, the rest are formed later. The protective function is weak. Cells are less resistant to the penetration of dirt and infections.
  2. Unlike adults, newborn skin has a more developed respiratory function. 8-10 times more oxygen enters the child’s body. At the same time there are microorganisms and infections.
  3. The secretion secreted by the skin has a weak bactericidal effect and therefore does not resist microbial infections well.
  4. There is practically no excretory function. Sweat glands begin to work after 3 months, and fully - by 3 years.
  5. Poor synthesis of vitamin D, a substance necessary for a child’s growth and proper formation of bones and muscles.

Based on this, there should be no doubt whether it is necessary to iron a newborn’s diapers. This is a necessary procedure for caring for children's skin. Ironing and steam treatment reduces the likelihood of diseases and maintains the normal condition of the protective cover.

Disinfection and wound healing

It is recommended to iron bed linen, pajamas, and nightgowns after each wash. Dust and dirt are removed with hot water and powder, and some bacteria, linen mites and their larvae may remain on the fabric.

Especially if the wash was in accelerated mode, at a temperature below 40 ° C or together with adult clothes. As a result, the risk for the child’s body increases: microbes provoke internal diseases, bed parasites cause allergic reactions, skin lesions.

Therefore, a hot iron with steam is an effective way to kill larvae and bacteria. In addition, after ironing the fabric becomes softer, less irritating and less damaging to children's skin. Accordingly, it accelerates the healing of wounds and scratches, and prevents the penetration of infections through the pores.


After a hot iron, the fibers of natural fabrics are welded together, becoming strong and smooth. Children's clothing is better resistant to dust and microorganisms. In addition, ironed products look more aesthetically pleasing and take up less space on shelves.

Using the washing machine, Child lock, Horn

Child lock

This function is designed to block all buttons except the

to prevent children from accidentally changing the wash program.

Sound signal

turns on and off at any time after the start of the wash cycle.

To set the function

you need to do the following: 1.

Turn on the washing machine (press

Press the buttons simultaneously

, and hold for three

seconds to activate the function

Simultaneously press and hold the corresponding buttons indicated by the “ ” symbol.

about three seconds; Click the button

Select the desired operating mode and press the button again

Specified function settings

Sound signal

are saved even after switching off

Child lock mode is activated

How does the program work?

Like any LG washing machine program, the Duvet mode has its own characteristics. At the very beginning, the machine, as in all other cases, begins to draw water, dissolving the powder and getting ready to start washing. Then the program execution process begins according to the following algorithm:

  • The drum first spins intensely for 15-20 seconds, then freezes for 10 seconds;
  • Then it spins intensely for 30-40 seconds and freezes for 15 seconds;
  • Again it spins intensely for 15-20 seconds, and then freezes for 10 seconds, etc.

This operating algorithm allows you to stretch a voluminous item properly. The mixture of water and powder penetrates into every thread, effectively washing away dirt. Next comes the rinsing stage, but first the machine will drain the soapy water. The machine takes in a large amount of water and lets the items sit in this water for about 3-4 minutes. Then the drum begins to rotate at low speed, providing rinsing. Next, drain again and again add a small amount of water for the final rinse. At the end of the program, the spin takes place at the speed you set: 400 or 800 rpm. If the spin was turned off, the machine will simply drain the water and turn off.

Duration of the program

By default, if you do not set custom parameters, the LG machine will wash in this mode for 1 hour 9 minutes. If we set the maximum possible water temperature in this mode - 40 degrees, but turn off the spin cycle, then the machine will wash for exactly 1 hour.

By setting it to 40 degrees and choosing a spin speed of 400 rpm, we get a wash time of 1 hour 6 minutes. If we reduce the temperature to 30 degrees, the wash will last 1 hour. If we set the spin speed to 800 rpm (you can’t do more with this program), then the machine will wash for 1 hour 9 minutes at 40 degrees and 1 hour 3 minutes at 30 degrees. If we set the spin speed to 800 and wash in cold water, the wash will last 57 minutes.

The minimum duvet mode works for 48 minutes, provided that we set the wash in cold water and turn off the spin cycle. This time will be washed by the Duvet program if we do not activate additional functions. Most of the functions available in the arsenal of the LG machine are not available in the “Duvet” mode, but some can be turned on.

If we set the “Down blanket” program and, without changing the other parameters (800 revolutions and 40 degrees), turn on intensive washing, then the machine will wash for 1 hour 30 minutes.

By setting the default program and turning on the “No creases” function, we will wait 1 hour 14 minutes for the end of the wash. Activating both the No Crease and Intensive functions will extend the Duvet program (800 turns and 40 degrees) to 1 hour 35 minutes.

Resetting the program and draining the water

Sometimes you can click on the wrong program by mistake. What to do when the washing has already started, but the mode urgently needs to be changed? It's simple. You need to press the “Start\Stop” key, which is designated in the same way as the Play key on television remotes (an arrow and two bars). Immediately after this, the mode will be reset, and you can safely install the next one.

The situation is somewhat different when washing needs to be canceled altogether. Difficulties especially arise when you need to drain water from the tank. But it's not difficult to do.

  • Move the selector to Spin.
  • Now use the corresponding key to set the “No spin” mode.
  • After this, you will see “1 minute” on the display. This means that washing, rinsing and spinning are canceled by default, and the unit now takes 60 seconds to drain the water.
  • Now click on “Start” and wait for the work to finish.
  • As soon as the machine unlocks the door, remove the laundry.

In any case, you can always drain the water from the tank using a proven method: using a drain hose. It is located in a special closing window at the bottom of the SM. You just need to remove the hose, place a basin under it and remove the plug. Not entirely convenient, but it always works!


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Machine design

At the top there is a washing mode switch and a display, all symbols on which are in Russian. It shows the washing modes and the time remaining until it ends.

At the top there is a drawer for loading powder.

At the bottom of the machine there is a drainage pump filter, it is designed to clean the water drained into the sewer. For front-loading vehicles, the hatch diameter is 30 centimeters and opens 180 degrees. The drum has a special structure that does not damage delicate fabrics during the washing process. An excellent front-loading model is the lg f1096nd5 washing machine.

For 5.5 kg of dry laundry, the machine consumes 56 liters of water, as well as 1.03 kW/h of electricity at a water temperature of 60 degrees and a washing time of 1 hour 50 minutes.

Features of the machines

LG is a direct drive brushless motor. This ensures its reliability, noiselessness and long service life (10-year warranty on motors).

The better: top 3 household products

A wide range of washing gels and powders allows you to find among all the variety ones aimed directly at children's underwear. They must have an appropriate indication on the packaging about this.

One of the main requirements is that the selected powder must be phosphate-free.

Video review of baby laundry detergents:

"Eared Nanny"

TM Ushasty Nyan presents a large list of products suitable for washing clothes for children and newborns. The cost of packaging 4.5 kg of powder reaches 1,000 rubles. Gel 1.2 l. – costs about 500 rubles, bar soap – from 35 rubles for 1 piece.

Domal "Baby"

Gel TM Domal is produced in Germany. It is intended for washing clothes of newborns from birth, it is hypoallergenic. The product has passed all necessary inspections and tests confirming the safety of the product. A 750 ml package costs about 500 rubles .

"The world of childhood"

This is natural soap powder produced in the Russian Federation. It is designed for washing clothes of a newborn baby. This is a hypoallergenic product with disinfectant and antibacterial properties.

The powder form is based on natural soap shavings . A gel is also available, the cost of the bottle is 0.75 liters. - about 200 rubles.

Subtleties of washing

We have looked in detail at what actions should be performed with the item before the washing process, now let's try to understand the intricacies of the washing itself. Namely, on what program to wash the down jacket, what cleaning agent to use. Read: how to wash a membrane jacket in a washing machine.

  • Selecting a program. Almost every garment has a label on which the manufacturer indicates recommendations regarding the care of the item. Suitable temperature conditions, maximum centrifuge speeds, whether automatic drying is acceptable. For such a thing, naturally, only delicate modes are permissible; modern models of Bosch, Indesit, LG machines have provided a down function. Because choosing the wrong mode can completely ruin not only the filler itself, but also the item as a whole. As a rule, it is recommended to set the temperature to no more than 40 degrees. Higher temperatures lead to the washing off of the protective layer from the feather, as a result of which it becomes rotten.

  • Remember that the better the powder is rinsed, the longer the item will last you and there will be no streaks after drying. Therefore, be sure to include several rinse cycles. And if your machine has a warm water rinse program, be sure to use it. Since the powder is better rinsed with warm water, the latest models from Bosch and Samsung are equipped with this function.
  • Another important point is the permissible loading of the machine. Because it is worth taking into account that when wet, such a product becomes many times heavier. And excessive load greatly reduces the quality of cleaning and greatly reduces the service life of the equipment. Because some people manage to wash a large down double duvet in the machine. And, naturally, approximately in the middle of the cycle a breakdown occurs; as a rule, the belts cannot withstand and break.

  • Powder, it is very important to correctly calculate the appropriate amount of cleaning agent. Because the final result depends on it. For such clothes, it is preferable to use liquid products, since they better cope with the task assigned to them. Namely, they clean perfectly, removing even the most difficult and old stains. They do not harm the fabric, that is, they do not wash out the color or thin the fibers. Outerwear stores often sell special shampoos for washing outerwear. These products are not cheap, but they are certainly worth the cost. If it is not possible to purchase them, you can use ordinary laundry soap, pre-grated. Or more economical washing gels, such as drift, laska, pervol. Another great invention is tourmaline balls, their first advantage is that they prevent the filler from clumping in one place. They promote better cleaning due to the fact that when the drum rotates, they select dirt from the fabric fibers.

  • The next important point is the spin cycle. If you have time and opportunity, it is better to allow excess moisture to drain on its own. To do this, hang your clothes over the bathtub or over the basin. But if you don’t have time, you can use a centrifuge; it is recommended to set it to no more than 500-700 revolutions.

  • Don't forget to use special balls, they are simply irreplaceable. If you don't have them, you can easily replace them with regular tennis balls. The main thing is that they are of good quality and do not fade. You can check this by soaking them in hot water and soaping them with soap. If the color of the foam has not changed, you can safely use them.

Special washing modes

Silent – ​​provides a low noise level compared to other modes.

Baby clothes and health care modes are designed to maximize the removal of washing powder residues from fabrics when rinsing. The residual amount of detergent in the water is controlled by the “intelligent” control of the machine.

Duvet - designed for washing bulky items.

There are also modes for washing sports, delicates and mixed fabrics.

In total, the machine has 14 washing programs.

Additional washing programs

Wrinkle-free – makes it possible to avoid deep wrinkles by loosening the laundry at the end of washing.

Pre-wash option

– suitable if the sleeves, cuffs and collar of a shirt are heavily soiled. Before the main wash, the machine will soak your laundry using washing powder placed in a special compartment.

How to remove old stains from diapers

If a newborn stains a diaper or clothes, and the mother forgets to wash and soak them right away, an unsightly yellow mark will form on the surface. It is useless to remove with soap or powder; a homemade recipe will do.

We recommend reading: Blanket size for a newborn: for discharge, in a crib, in a stroller

Pour into container:

  • chlorine-free bleach in the amount of 2 tbsp;
  • washing powder ¼ cup;
  • high-quality expensive stain remover 20 ml;
  • vegetable oil 20 ml.

Pour this mixture with five liters of water, place on the stove, bring to a boil, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula. Place things in the pan. Hold until the water temperature drops to room temperature. If the mark is old and cannot be removed, leave the diaper in the solution for a day.

This type of washing of children's clothes to remove stains is permitted in isolated situations, strictly for light-colored fabrics. After treatment, wash thoroughly with soap and rinse.

The most useless functions and washing modes of a washing machine

    13,299 UAH

Modern manufacturers increase the spin speed and, of course, increase the price of the washing machine. But the main criterion for every housewife is to reduce the moisture content of the laundry after spinning. Increased drum speeds will not dry things faster. Whether it's worth overpaying for it is up to you to decide.

Soberly evaluate innovations concerning the inner surface of the drum. The increased number of holes, their shape and diameter do not affect the gentleness of washing clothes, but they do significantly affect the price of the machine.

It’s not worth overpaying for the durable and stainless material of the tank to which the drum is attached (on the back of the panel).

Most machines have a service life of 15 years. Modern polymer materials will last that long.

Do not chase a high washing class, since manufacturers assign it to a machine after testing only one program, washing a cotton item. Better pay attention to the energy efficiency class ():

  • means that the machine saves energy by 10%,
  • - by 30%,
  • - by as much as 50%.
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