Removing Motor Oil Stains from Jeans: A Review of Effective Methods

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Svetlana Pavlikhina

Reading time: 6 minutes


It is very difficult to remove some types of dirt from clothes. For example, a fuel oil stain causes great difficulties. But it is still possible to wash off machine oil from jeans, as from any other clothing.

The main thing is to know how you can wash petroleum products and perform all the steps correctly.

Rules for removing grease stains from denim

When removing fuel oil from clothes, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. You should remove motor oil from jeans immediately after discovering a stain . Fresh stains that have not yet been deeply embedded in the fabric can be removed much easier and faster than old ones.

  2. Before carrying out the procedure, you need to test the selected product. It is applied to an inconspicuous area of ​​fabric. If no negative changes occur, you can begin cleaning.

  3. Use a sponge or brush.
  4. The stain should not be rubbed. It is removed gradually, lightly wetting the fabric without pressing it. Otherwise, the oil product will be absorbed into the fibers of the fabric.

What types of spots are there?

All motor oils in their chemical nature and properties (in the part that interests us) are close to fats. But their diversity does not allow us to consider emerging pollution as something fundamentally unified. Thus, the oil initially poured into car engines is called fatty oil among professionals. After a certain period of operation, being exposed to high temperatures, oxidizing with oxygen and taking on mechanical stress, the oil turns into waste.

Chemical changes that have occurred in the composition of the lubricant radically change its practical properties. But in terms of contamination and its removal, there are no special differences, and the same means can be used.

Step-by-step instruction

The cleaning technology directly depends on when the contamination appeared on the fabric. Fresh and old stains are removed in different ways.

Fresh contamination

The procedure is performed as follows:

  1. Use a paper towel to blot the stain, removing excess fuel oil from the surface.
  2. Soak a sponge in detergent and wipe the dirty area of ​​the jeans.
  3. Perform these steps as carefully as possible, especially if the fabric is thin.
  4. Apply a thick layer of stain remover to the problem area. It can be toothpaste, chalk, starch or salt.
  5. Leave for half an hour.
  6. Carefully remove the product.
  7. Wash as usual.

Stubborn stain

If fuel oil has penetrated deep into the fabric fibers, it is much more difficult to get rid of.

When performing the procedure, you must adhere to this scheme:

  1. Select devices and materials that will be used for cleaning. For example, a soft cloth, brush, cotton pad or sponge.

  2. Choose an effective remedy. In the case of stubborn dirt, aggressive substances are used.
  3. Test on a small area of ​​fabric.
  4. Treat the dirty area with the chosen product.
  5. Immediately after this, wash the clothes in warm soapy water.

Removing fresh traces of grease

It is absolutely clear that fresh stains are washed off much better. Therefore, a lot depends on how quickly we begin to act. I can’t help but remember the legendary phrase from my favorite movie: “We urgently need to sprinkle it with salt. Take off your dress! But here is a hint that you don’t always need to rush to wash it, there are other ways. And although, unlike the heroes of “Office Romance,” we are not thinking about the stain of wine, but about how to wash a greasy stain on clothes, salt is also useful.


  1. SALT
    Salt is universal. With its help you can easily remove any dirt without much effort. It is only impossible to remove old or stale stains after washing.

    Sprinkle a pinch of salt on greasy stains from clothes. Gently rub in until the salt is saturated with fat. Repeat these steps, replacing the salt with pure salt, until all the fat is absorbed and completely disappears. Then wash off the greasy stains in a machine or by hand in the usual way.


It works great on dishes. But how to get rid of greasy stains on clothes with its help? A stain on a T-shirt, pants and other things can be easily removed with just a drop of detergent. However, if the area of ​​contamination is large, more than one drop will be required. Leave for a few minutes and rinse with hot water. Then wash the item.


It is quite possible to remove oil and mulberry stains from clothes using ammonia: this remedy also helps in many other cases; for this, add 1.5-2 tsp to a glass of warm water. alcohol Wet a cotton swab and lubricate the problem area. You can completely remove the fat by ironing the product through a cotton cloth with a warm iron.


How to remove a vegetable oil stain from clothes without washing? Rub in starch and wait 5-15 minutes. Repeat until the oil stain disappears from clothing.


Mustard can help too. Before removing grease stains from jeans and colored clothes, dry mustard is diluted with warm water to the consistency of sour cream and applied to clothes for half an hour. Then the product needs to be washed. Complete removal of greasy stains, if they have dried out or are completely old, with the help of mustard will occur if it is heated.


Many bachelors know how to remove an oil stain on trousers quickly and without consequences. For them, removing dirt is not a problem if they use shaving foam. Foam is rubbed into the contaminated area, and after 5 minutes the clothes are washed with regular powder. And the greasy stain on the jeans is gone!


And chalk powder will help remove old grease stains from light-colored clothes and not leave a yellow residue. It is crushed and carefully distributed. Leave on clothes for at least 2 hours. You can remove the powder with a cloth soaked in warm water. Now the item can be washed.


Another way to remove oil stains from light-colored clothes. This method is more suitable for wool products. Distribute talc or powder on the problem area. Cover with tracing paper and iron with a warm iron. To completely remove fat, press the clothes with a heavy object overnight.


You can also remove old grease stains from clothes using blotting paper and a warm iron. Place the clothes with paper, top and bottom. Iron it. If you can’t get rid of it right away, remove the paper, replace it with a new one, and repeat the procedure.


But how to remove an oil stain from clothes using laundry soap? There are 2 ways: - just lather the problem area well and leave it for a day. In the morning, soak the item and wash it; if the dirt does not come off, repeat the procedure—and the second method is more aggressive. Lathering up. After a day, wash the item, soap it again, sprinkle with sugar and rub with a brush.


How to remove mulberry marks and blots? For this you need simple boiling water. Water the problem area with a stream of hot water acidified with vinegar. This method is only for products made from natural fabric.


Even using a crumb of bread can remove a greasy stain on jeans. Press the bread onto the dirt on the jeans. Then dilute the detergent in warm water and wash.

Household chemicals

Household chemicals can cope with the removal of fuel oil stains.

Nail polish remover

This product is suitable for cleaning thick fabrics. Application:

  1. The sponge is wetted in the liquid.
  2. The solution is applied to the contaminated area.
  3. The product is kept on jeans for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Clothes are machine washable.

Soap for removing dirt from any grease

Thanks to this soap, you can remove even old stains. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Clothes are soaked in warm water.
  2. The dirt is thoroughly washed away.
  3. After half an hour, the jeans are washed.

Dishwashing liquid

Cleaning technology:

  1. Apply dishwashing detergent to the dirt.
  2. Lasts for a quarter of an hour.
  3. After the oil has dissolved, the liquid is removed with a napkin.
  4. Jeans are machine washable.

If the fabric is white, you can use bleach.

Cleaners and sprays

Household chemical stores offer many special products designed to remove such contaminants. When using them, you need to read the instructions indicated on the packaging and strictly adhere to them .

Washing powder

Regular washing powder can remove fuel oil. What to do:

  1. A little powder is poured onto the fabric.
  2. Use a toothbrush dipped in water to rub the product into your clothes. Foam should form.
  3. Wait time for a dry crust to appear on the surface.
  4. Remaining powder is removed with a brush.

How to clean shoes?

When removing oil from shoes, you need to consider the material from which they are made. But first, the pair should be cleaned, removing dust and dirt from the surface.

For shoes whose upper part absorbs oil well, it is advisable to first rub the stain with soda, salt or talcum powder. And only when some of the fat is absorbed, the powder is crushed and the greasy trace begins to be removed.

Textile shoes can be processed using the same recipes as clothing. Depending on the type of fabric, recipes with soap may be used. Dish gel, ammonia, gasoline, etc.

Suede shoes and nubuck shoes are very demanding to care for. You can remove oil traces from such steam using purified gasoline or kerosene. The same methods will help you deal with oil on a leather pair.

In addition to traditional methods, special means can be used to remove complex types of dirt from shoes. For example, Saphir Omnidaim (price - from 780 rubles).

Traditional methods

There are many popular methods for removing machine oil from jeans. They turn out to be no less effective than professional products.



  1. 1 tsp. The product is diluted in half a glass of water.
  2. The resulting solution is used to treat the contaminated area.
  3. After 45 minutes, the clothes are washed as usual.

It is not recommended to use undiluted ammonia. The concentrated product can cause the jeans to change color.


It is allowed to use a mixture of turpentine and ammonia. Both components are taken in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is applied to the stain and rubbed in thoroughly. After this, the clothes are washed with powder.


Cleaning procedure:

  1. The product is crushed into powder.
  2. The resulting mixture is sprinkled onto the stain.
  3. Wait 2-3 minutes.
  4. Remains of chalk are shaken off from clothes.
  5. Jeans are rinsed.

Refined gasoline

It is considered one of the most effective means, capable of removing even heavily ingrained fuel oil into the fibers.


  1. 2 paper napkins are soaked in gasoline.
  2. One napkin is laid out on the inside of the stain, and the other on the outside.
  3. After a quarter of an hour, the oil dissolves, and its remains remain on the napkin.

After this, the clothes must be washed.


To clean jeans, you need to squeeze the paste out of the tube and generously lubricate the dirt with it. When the product has completely dried, it is cleaned with a brush. Then the thing is stretched.

Baking soda

The cleaning procedure when using soda is as follows:

  1. The product is mixed in equal proportions with water.
  2. The resulting slurry is applied to the stain and left for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Remains of soda are removed with a damp cloth.

Baby powder

In this case, you need to sprinkle the powder on the dirt and wait half an hour. There will be no trace left of the fuel oil. The jeans are then washed in an automatic machine.

General recommendations

It is worth listening to general tips for all cleaning methods to work:

  1. If your jeans are dirty outside of your home and you can’t wash them right away, blot the greasy stain with a paper napkin. Before starting to work with any product, dry the stained area in the same way. This is done to prevent the oil from saturating the material even more.
  2. It is much easier to wash jeans from fresh stains; the grease does not have time to penetrate deep into the layers of the fabric. Therefore, immediately after contamination appears, begin removing it.
  3. Clean your jeans from stubborn greasy marks with a thick brush.
  4. Some formulations are recommended to be applied for a certain amount of time. There is a possibility of damage to the fabric structure due to exceeding the specified validity period. Use methods strictly according to instructions. Test the sample. Apply the cleaning agent to an inconspicuous place; the item should remain the same color.
  5. Rinse your pants thoroughly after working with an aggressive odorous product, such as gasoline. Rinse your jeans first in warm water and then in cool water. To eliminate strong rinsing odors, add fabric softener.

Don't try to wash your jeans with hot water right away! The fabric will absorb the oil even more, and the greasy streaks will be difficult to wash off from the fabric.

Food products

Food products are effective in removing contaminants. It is worth considering the most effective among them.

Dry mustard

Mustard powder should be applied to the contaminated area. Then the fabric is soaped and sprinkled with powder again. All that remains is to rub the jeans with a brush.


When using starch, perform the following manipulations:

  1. The spot is sprinkled with the product.
  2. The item is left overnight in a warm place.
  3. The remaining starch is shaken off.
  4. Clothes are washed.

Fresh potatoes and bread

Cleaning is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The potatoes are grated.
  2. The resulting mass is applied to the dirt from the reverse side.
  3. After half an hour, the remnants of the vegetable are removed with a crust of dried black bread.
  4. The jeans go into the washing machine.

How to wash

The choice of cleaning product depends on what you have on hand. When removing machine oil stains, it is important to act quickly. Jeans won't wait for you to buy a special stain remover someday tomorrow. The longer it takes for motor oil to soak in, the more difficult it will be to remove it later.

Folk remedies show high effectiveness in combating machine oil stains; the main components are always at hand, this saves time and money. Therefore, if you cannot quickly use household chemicals, it is better to turn to the listed means at hand.

If the machine oil could not be washed off the first time or several days have passed since it got dirty, then when cleaning it is recommended to use household chemicals or aggressive chemicals. The first category includes stain removers, special soaps for removing greasy marks. In the second - gasoline, acetone, turpentine, etc.

How to remove machine oil from jeans

Precautions when removing stains

To avoid harming your health and damaging the fabric, you must adhere to the following precautions.


  • perform the procedure with gloves to avoid contact of aggressive substances with the skin;
  • open windows indoors when using chemicals, kerosene, turpentine, gasoline and ammonia.


Ammonia combined with turpentine is a destructive mixture for greasy stains of any origin. Both ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. Before using the product, take care of personal protection: gloves and a respirator. The room should be well ventilated.

The mixture is applied to the soiled fabric, laid out in one layer. You don't have to wait long. The fresher the stain, the faster the reaction will occur. After removing the stain, wash the item twice. The product can be used for thicker fabrics (for example, jeans). Delicate items may become damaged.

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