Is it possible to replace kefir with fermented baked milk, sour cream, yogurt and curdled milk?

Let's imagine that we are preparing cupcakes or red velvet sponge cake, or any other sponge cake with the addition of kefir, but there is no kefir. What to do in such a situation, is it possible to replace kefir? After all, kefir makes baked goods more moist, softer and with an unusual taste. You can’t just take and remove kefir from the dough, the sponge cake simply won’t work out - it won’t rise, it won’t be moist, and the taste won’t give off the slight sourness characteristic of baking with kefir.

Replacing kefir is mandatory. Most often, soda is used in biscuits with this fermented milk product. Kefir is an acid, soda is an alkali, a reaction occurs due to which the dough rises. We don't need dry baked goods either, especially if we're making red velvet.

Caucasian version

In home baking, kefir is an excellent substitute for fermented milk drinks, which are considered traditional Caucasian drinks. This is ayran and matsoni.

As for ayran, it is very similar in taste and other properties to kefir. There shouldn't be any problems with it at all. Only, when adding it to the dough, it is important to take into account one circumstance - this drink is slightly thinner than kefir and more salty.

Matsoni is generally fermented milk, which Armenians and residents of the Caucasian regions often add to baked goods. They love it the way Russian housewives love kefir. And the effect is the same.

Hercules jelly

Few people know that fermented oatmeal jelly can be a good substitute not only in baking, but also in the diet of people with lactose intolerance. This product resembles kefir in taste and even color.

To prepare oatmeal jelly, which is healthy for baking and the gastrointestinal tract, you need:

  • pour 1 glass of rolled oats with 4 glasses of water at room temperature;
  • add baker's instant yeast 3-5 g;
  • leave the workpiece in a warm place for 12-24 hours and during this time mix everything a couple of times with a metal spoon or spatula.

After the allotted time, it will be enough to strain the resulting jelly twice through 2 layers of gauze and a sieve. Next, the product must be brought to a boil, stirring constantly. As soon as the jelly boils, remove it from the heat, cool and use it in baking as kefir or drink it.

The Hercules starter that remains on the sieve can be reused to prepare jelly. During the cooking process, maintain the same proportions as the first time.

Curdled milk

Yogurt is another worthy alternative to kefir. It is equally suitable for both yeast and yeast-free baking. And how fluffy and melt-in-your-mouth pancakes it makes!

You definitely shouldn’t be afraid of spoiling the dough with yogurt - its composition is the same as kefir, these drinks are distinguished only by the method of ripening. While kefir is made by adding lactobacilli to milk, yogurt is simply milk kept in the sun.

The only caveat: if you decide to replace kefir with yogurt, make sure that there is a little more flour in the dough than indicated in the recipe. Whatever one may say, the drink has a more liquid consistency.


Whey can be used in the baking process instead of kefir, but it is worth remembering that the lack of fat in the product can change the taste of the dough itself.

Many housewives note that whey dough does not work as well as kefir dough. To add a milky, creamy taste, use a small amount of melted butter.

Kefir, like other dairy products, should always be in the human diet. There are good alternatives that can replace kefir so that the taste of the baked goods does not suffer. It is important to know about analogues of this product and for those for whom it is contraindicated.

Homemade buttermilk

If you don’t have kefir on hand, you don’t have to look for another fermented milk drink - you can make it yourself in a matter of minutes.

To do this, you need to acidify the milk by adding fresh lemon juice (1 tablespoon of juice per glass of milk). The reaction will be noticeable immediately: the milk will begin to ferment and curdle. 1-2 minutes - and natural homemade buttermilk, a worthy replacement for kefir, will be ready. Feel free to add it to the dough and then process it as recommended in the recipe.

As you can see, there is no irreplaceable fermented milk for baking - even the most beloved kefir can be found as many as four replacements. And believe me, each of them is a very worthy option.


How to replace sour cream in a recipe if you cannot eat dairy products on your diet?

It is most difficult for those who are contraindicated to consume dairy products. They are joined by those who want to lose weight, who monitor the caloric content of their food, as well as vegans who fundamentally reject all dairy products. How to replace sour cream in a recipe if you cannot eat dairy products on your diet?

  • The best (if not the only) option for replacing sour cream would be vegetable yogurt or cream.
  • Made with a coconut or soy base, these products are suitable for people who are lactose intolerant.
  • They are purchased in specialized stores, but they are also found in large supermarkets.
  • Plant-based yoghurts are similar in properties to milk yoghurts; the 1:1 remain the same when replaced.
  • They make good cupcakes, muffins, biscuits and cheesecakes .
  • Cottage cheese casserole can also be made with vegetable substitutes.

There are many substitutes for sour cream, and for different types of baked goods it is easy to find the most suitable option. There is no sour cream in the house - another fermented milk product will be used in the dough, the diet does not allow you to eat fatty foods - vegetable cream will be used. There are no overly strict rules for substitution; you can experiment with different products and their combinations. It is enough to know the properties of the ingredients to get no worse, and sometimes even better, results than with sour cream. Bon appetit!

Is it possible to replace kefir in the dough?

Kefir is a very popular ingredient for home baking: this thick, sour product makes the dough fluffy and soft. Not everyone likes kefir, and there are situations when guests are on the doorstep, and there is only fermented baked milk or sour cream in the refrigerator.

Don't be afraid to replace one fermented milk product with another: the results will differ, but not so much as to be considered a culinary failure. In some cases, baking with yogurt, fermented baked milk or yogurt turns out much more appetizing.

Tip We use fermented milk products in the dough to make it fluffy and soft, including for reaction with soda. Therefore, two points are important: the more pronounced the sourness, the better, and the product should be warm.

Original options for replacing kefir

If there is no kefir or other fermented milk product in the house, then it is quite possible to prepare the dough using other products:

  • pancakes or dough for dumplings, dumplings, pies can be prepared with carbonated mineral water
  • pizza base, muffins, cookies, cake layers, pies - with juice

On a note!

For sweet baked goods, you should choose fruit juices: apple, orange, for savory ones - tomato.

  • crumpets, pies and puff pastries - with beer
  • dough for pasties, pizza or brushwood - with vodka
  • pie or cookie dough - based on cucumber pickle

Advice! When using brine for dough, be sure to add sugar to neutralize excess acid.

As you can see, the lack of kefir is not a reason to give up delicious and airy baked goods, because you can use many other products to prepare the dough instead. The main thing is, when replacing kefir with an alternative product, do not forget to regulate the amount of soda in the dough. The more neutral the taste of the product chosen instead of kefir, the less soda you need to add when preparing the dough.

Caucasian version

In home baking, kefir is an excellent substitute for fermented milk drinks, which are considered traditional Caucasian drinks. This is ayran and matsoni.

As for ayran, it is very similar in taste and other properties to kefir. There shouldn't be any problems with it at all. Only, when adding it to the dough, it is important to take into account one circumstance - this drink is slightly thinner than kefir and more salty.

Matsoni is generally fermented milk, which Armenians and residents of the Caucasian regions often add to baked goods. They love it the way Russian housewives love kefir. And the effect is the same.


How to replace sour cream in a casserole? It depends on what it is needed for:

  • to make dough, replace with the same as in baking;
  • to add sourness and fat to the casserole, for example, in a cottage cheese casserole, take any dairy product with the addition of butter (preferably cow's) or citric acid;
  • To add a crust, replace with mayonnaise, beaten eggs, milk or grated cheese.

In baking, sour cream plays the role of a link between flour and eggs, and with the addition of soda, the product becomes more fluffy. This product makes excellent cake layers from which you can assemble a delicious cake. If you don’t have sour cream, feel free to put kefir or heavy cream in the dough instead. Have fun in the kitchen!

Curdled milk

Yogurt is another worthy alternative to kefir. It is equally suitable for both yeast and yeast-free baking. And how fluffy and melt-in-your-mouth pancakes it makes!

You definitely shouldn’t be afraid of spoiling the dough with yogurt - its composition is the same as kefir, these drinks are distinguished only by the method of ripening. While kefir is made by adding lactobacilli to milk, yogurt is simply milk kept in the sun.

The only caveat: if you decide to replace kefir with yogurt, make sure that there is a little more flour in the dough than indicated in the recipe. Whatever one may say, the drink has a more liquid consistency.

Why do you need sour cream in baking?

Sour cream for baking
An ingredient that performs similar functions can replace sour cream without spoiling the baked goods. Why do you need sour cream in baking? This product has several properties useful for different types of flour products:

  • Gives the crust a blush. Products made with sour cream acquire a beautiful, appetizing color when baked. To ensure that the crust darkens gradually and evenly, the cooking temperature should be reduced slightly.
  • Makes the crust softer . Buns with sour cream always have a tender crust. This is due to milk proteins and sugars, which slow down the evaporation of water from the workpiece.
  • Softens the dough . Sour cream is one of those components that makes the baked goods more tender, prevents dryness, and also gives the dough fluffiness. Like other fermented milk products, sour cream helps to loosen the dough.
  • hardening
    process . The fats contained in sour cream slow down the hardening of the dough, and baked goods remain soft and fresh longer.
  • Gives elasticity to the finished product . The sour cream dough is quite dense, and the finished baked goods do not crumble too much.
  • Binds eggs and flour . These ingredients themselves mix well, but it is the sour cream that stabilizes the dough and promotes elasticity.
  • Gives a characteristic creamy taste . The bright yet delicate taste is one of the main reasons for the popularity of baking with sour cream. The richness of the flavor depends on the fat content of the product.

Based on these properties, you can figure out what and in what cases can serve as a substitute for sour cream. Read on.

Homemade buttermilk

If you don’t have kefir on hand, you don’t have to look for another fermented milk drink - you can make it yourself in a matter of minutes.

To do this, you need to acidify the milk by adding fresh lemon juice (1 tablespoon of juice per glass of milk). The reaction will be noticeable immediately: the milk will begin to ferment and curdle. 1-2 minutes - and natural homemade buttermilk, a worthy replacement for kefir, will be ready. Feel free to add it to the dough and then process it as recommended in the recipe.

As you can see, there is no irreplaceable fermented milk for baking - even the most beloved kefir can be found as many as four replacements. And believe me, each of them is a very worthy option.


Buttermilk instead of kefir

If you don’t have kefir on hand, but have milk, then within 20 minutes you can prepare the Buttermilk product, which can fully replace kefir in baking.

On a note! Buttermilk, as an ingredient for making dough, is often found in foreign recipes.

To do this, add a little less than a glass of warm milk to 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, stir and let the mixture sit for 15-20 minutes. Acid entering milk ferments it, making it thick. And now, an ingredient that can fully replace kefir in baking is ready for use. Baking made with the addition of Buttermilk is distinguished by its airiness and excellent taste.

Advice! If the dough recipe requires the addition of soda, then it is placed directly into the prepared Buttermilk, and then the dough is kneaded.

What is the difference between fermented baked milk and kefir?

Both products belong to the fermented milk category and have a lot of positive properties and qualities. To make them, starters are used, but they are different. Both restore the gastrointestinal microflora and improve digestion.

The fundamental difference is that fermented baked milk is made from baked milk and the addition of Bulgarian bacillus and streptococci, while for the production of kefir they use skim milk, which contains 22 (!) types of beneficial bacteria. Among other significant differences, it is also worth highlighting the following:

  • To prepare kefir, the alcohol fermentation method is used, while for fermented baked milk, exclusively lactic acid technology is used, thanks to which alcohol is completely excluded from the product composition;
  • The color of kefir is white, that of fermented baked milk is cream;
  • Ryazhenka has a fairly balanced and harmonious taste, while kefir is sour, and sugar or jam is often added to it;
  • Ryazhenka does not increase the acidity of the juice secreted by the stomach and does not change the consistency of the stool. Kefir, on the contrary, often causes diarrhea;
  • Kefir is recommended to be included in the diet menu, since this drink is lower in calories than fermented baked milk.

Why is fermented baked milk useful?

The benefits of the product have been proven by many studies. The drink is involved in nervous and endocrine regulation, strengthens bones, cartilage and joints, and activates metabolism. In addition, fermented baked milk has a beneficial effect on the defenses of our body, promotes the growth and development of beneficial microflora in the intestines and at the same time has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms present in the digestive tract, relieves swelling and has a weak diuretic effect. Nutritionists and doctors recommend drinking fermented baked milk to people who have been diagnosed with high acidity in the stomach and some chronic gastrointestinal diseases. It is allowed for small children from 12 months.

What is ryazhenka

Ryazhenka is made from baked cow's milk using fermentation technology. The sourdough contains Bulgarian bacillus (one of the types of lactobacilli) and streptococci. As a result of simmering, the chemical composition of whole milk changes, and due to moisture evaporation, the proportion of fat and the amount of A-vitamins and minerals increase. At the same time, the concentration of vitamins B and C decreases.

In its composition, fermented baked milk is similar to “classic” baked milk, but our body accepts it much better. The calorie content of the product is only 84 kcal.

Some tips

In order to become a professional in the kitchen, it is not necessary to graduate from an academy, because life is not enough to comprehend all the secrets of the culinary art. But at the same time, if you turn to specialists who have already reached the required level for wisdom, you can acquire the necessary ability to adapt almost every recipe to your capabilities. Below are some interesting recommendations from experts in their field:

  1. When kneading the dough, the fermented milk mixture instead of kefir should be slightly lukewarm, especially if the room is cool, then the reaction of soda with lactic acid will occur better and the dough will become fluffier.
  2. If a person does not use eggs for food, then the viscosity of the dough can be added to banana puree by mashing the ripe fruit with a fork or blender (ratio: 1 banana per 400 grams of kefir).
  3. The finished dough should not be too liquid, otherwise during baking the pancakes will become fluffy, but after cooling they will settle, turning into thin cakes. In addition, batters are more prone to absorb fat during heat treatment, which further makes them unattractive to the taste.

From all of the above, one important conclusion can be drawn: if you wish, you can prepare an excellent dish, even with minimal ingredients, the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment and look for new combinations.

Harm and contraindications of fermented baked milk

Ryazhenka has much fewer negative sides, but they still exist. The brownish color of the drink is due to the fact that it contains glycoproteins. By and large, they are food glycotoxins, which are formed as a result of the chemical transformation of proteins. This usually occurs when food is “baked” for a long time. Glycotoxins can, under certain circumstances, injure blood vessels and also have harmful effects on the eyes, nervous system, and kidneys—damage much like what occurs in the body of people with diabetes. Of course, the concentration of glycotoxins in fermented baked milk is minimal, and there is no need to be alarmed. However, you should not abuse the drink.

Ryazhenka also contains lactic acid. In moderate doses, it stimulates the appetite and improves digestion, but it is absolutely contraindicated for people with high acidity of gastric juice, stomach or duodenal ulcers. Also, drinking fermented milk drink is not recommended for people suffering from compulsive overeating, allergies to milk protein, overweight and obesity.

  • Is it possible to drink fermented baked milk at night while losing weight?

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