How to smoke without smelling of tobacco

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Smoking always causes a characteristic odor, and it spreads throughout the room and sticks to hair, clothes and furniture. How to smoke safely in a hospital, so that the toilet doesn’t stink? You never know if you still live with your parents, and they do not approve of the addiction, then it is important to avoid the smell, and for this you need to know how to smoke at home so that it does not smell. By taking certain measures, you can avert suspicion from yourself and not give your parents a reason to suspect you of smoking. Although the surest way to rid your apartment of the smell is to quit smoking.

How quickly does the smell of tobacco disappear?

How long does it take for the smell of cigarettes to disappear from a room? The smell from one just smoked cigarette will disappear from the room in 15-30 minutes, provided that all windows are open. However, a non-smoker will notice it even after a few hours. If you smoke in the apartment regularly, the stench will not evaporate even after several years.

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Deodorize your body

In order not to arouse suspicion of a bad habit and to smoke at home so as not to smell, listen to the following recommendations:

  1. Immediately after smoking, brush your teeth.
  2. Use chewing gum to freshen your breath, especially if your smoking area is away from home.
  3. Products such as garlic or onions will help hide the smell. Of course, the onion-garlic smell is also unpleasant, but for your parents it is better than the cigarette smell.
  4. Wash your hands with soap as often as possible. Use a scented soap, and if that's not enough, use a moisturizer or scented hand sanitizer.
  5. To freshen your breath and mask the odor, eat an orange. By peeling it, you leave citrus juice on your hands, which neutralizes cigarette smoke.
  6. You can also cleanse your skin with alcohol. Safe for skin - isopropyl alcohol. Of course, alcohol can dry out the skin, so use a moisturizer after cleansing.
  7. The smell on the hair lasts for a long time, since the hair has a porous structure. The only way to remove cigarette smoke from your hair is to take a shower and use a good quality shampoo. For example, coconut shampoo and a scented hair product can help get rid of odor.

Is it possible to smoke through an open window without smoking the whole house?

Actually the subject. If a smoker smokes through an open window in his room with the doors closed, will the smoke fly into the room much stronger than if he smoked on the balcony (it flies in from the balcony, alas), and also how can you make the smoke go further than this? didn't fly away? How to insulate the door of the room somehow? or what?


, in my apartment, if you smoke on the balcony and even close the doors, then the smell will be everywhere, I don’t know why


, but there is no way to smoke in the house so that the smell will all fly away. Tested over 20 years of smoking. Insulation, exhaust hood, and open windows do nothing. There's a neighbor smoking through his open window - and there's a smell in my room

and the neighbors first of all


, but at least I don’t want it to fly outside the smoker’s room.

and how is this technically organized? and is there really no effect at all?


, door seal maybe?


, maybe What is it like, what is it called, etc.?


, well, like that, rubberized. It can be made of foam rubber. It can be felt. You need to select. That's what it's called: a door seal.


, ahhh, I understand, foam rubber strips with an adhesive side! We covered the sharp edges of the furniture with this stuff so that the baby wouldn’t babble. But the infection peels off over time. We need to try other types.

I was interested in the hood if it was in the room. Maybe some special air conditioning should be installed?

Folk remedies

Since it is impossible to smoke in an odorless room, you need to make every effort to get rid of the stench in the room. In this case, you can turn to folk remedies.

The most effective methods are:

  • Finely chop the orange peel, place it in a bowl and place it in the center of the room. Within a few hours, the raw materials will absorb the smell. Coffee beans can also be used for the same purpose.
  • Pour sea salt into a small glass container. Add 3-5 drops of any essential oil to it.
  • Spray your perfume onto a cold light bulb. After a few minutes you can turn on the light. The room will immediately begin to fill with pleasant smells. You cannot spray perfume on a light bulb that is on, as it will immediately burst.
  • Take 200 ml of apple cider vinegar and dilute it with 100 ml of water. Wipe all surfaces with the resulting liquid, including walls covered with wallpaper. But it is not recommended to rub the latter too much.
  • To remove unpleasant odors from carpets, you need to thoroughly clean them using a mixture of shampoo and a small amount of baking soda.

In Soviet times, one method of combating unpleasant odors was popular. People simply hung towels soaked in water in their apartments. Textiles not only absorbed the stench well, but also moistened the air. This method can still be used today.

How to get rid of tobacco breath

This problem is relevant for all smokers. After all, communicating with a person whose breath is associated with an ashtray is very unpleasant.

How to smoke without smelling tobacco from your breath:

  • Immediately after completing the process, chew a lemon wedge or eat an orange.
  • Brush your teeth as often as possible. The main sources of unpleasant odor are the gums, tongue and cheeks. They also need to be treated with a toothbrush.
  • Immediately after smoking a cigarette, chew mint leaves.
  • Milk neutralizes odor well. In addition, it partially neutralizes the negative effects of nicotine on the body.
  • Chew a coffee bean after smoking. It must be natural.

An effective but radical way is to eat a couple of cloves of garlic after smoking. This method is suitable for people who do not plan to communicate with strangers on this day.

How to smoke at home without the smell?

It is quite possible to smoke a cigarette at home and not worry about the subsequent characteristic amber. There are several tricks that will help you not leave traces of smoking in your apartment.

An open, secluded place is better in the fresh air

If there is a smoker in the family, the rest experience inconvenience. The smell of cigarette smoke is not only unpleasant, but for many people it causes headaches, dizziness, and nausea. In order not to cause discomfort to loved ones, it is better to smoke in the fresh air, especially if you live in a private house. In the case of a high-rise building, smoking near the house falls under the ban on smoking in public places.

You can also smoke in the equipped basement of the house or in the garage. As an alternative, you can smoke on the balcony, if it is glazed, it is better to smoke out the window. But at the same time, some of the cigarette smoke will enter the room in any case.

On a note! For smoking in an apartment, it is strictly not recommended to choose rooms with a large amount of textiles, since the smell of tobacco is most strongly absorbed into the fabrics.

How to smoke in the bathroom without smell?

If you want to smoke in the apartment, but so that the cigarette smoke disappears quickly, you can do this in the shower or in the bathroom. To ensure that no one notices traces of smoking, it is recommended to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. First, you need to lock yourself in the bathroom and plug the door cracks with a damp towel or any other dampened cloth - this will prevent the smoke from passing outside the bathroom.
  2. If there is a window in the bathroom, be sure to open it - this way the smoke will come out faster.
  3. Before you start smoking, you need to turn on the hot water. The smoke should be released into a stream of warm water; it will immediately be neutralized.
  4. Additionally, you can add foam or any other flavored product to the bath water.

After smoking, you should definitely brush your teeth - this will reduce the nicotine smell as much as possible.

Important! After smoking in the bathroom, it is better to wash all towels and other fabric items, as they may become saturated with nicotine.

Selecting the time of day

To prevent any of your relatives from guessing about smoking in the apartment, you can smoke at night. While everyone is sleeping, the most favorable conditions are created for smoking. In addition, overnight all traces of cigarette smoke will have time to disappear.

  1. You need to lock yourself in the room and plug the cracks with a moistened towel.
  2. Afterwards, you need to pull back the curtain as far as possible, open the window, lean out through the opening and smoke.

Smoked out the window

Finally, you need to leave the window open so that all traces of tobacco smoke are eliminated.

Fan for ventilation

If the apartment has a powerful fan, you can turn it on after smoking in the room. It will ensure good air circulation, so that cigarette smoke will quickly disappear. You can also use a hood instead of a fan.

Air purifier

If a person is used to smoking several cigarettes a day in an apartment, after a while all things will become saturated with tobacco. You can avoid this by purchasing an air purifier.

This type of device is equipped with a powerful filter system, which not only eliminates unpleasant odors, but also cleanses the air of toxins and carcinogens. Often, such purifiers are equipped with an additional function that allows you to maintain an optimal level of humidity in the room. You can also find models on sale that additionally saturate the air with oxygen or flavor it.


If you were unable to smoke unnoticed and tobacco smoke filled the entire apartment, you need to take urgent measures to remove the characteristic plume. You can mask the smell of cigarettes by:

  • Special flavored sprays. Air fresheners designed to eliminate the smell of tobacco neutralize the toxins present in smoke and fill the air with a pleasant aroma. All you have to do is simply spray the spray in the room.
  • Coffee beans, orange peels, sea salt. Any of these products should be placed on 3-4 saucers and placed in the room. After an hour, the smell of tobacco smoke will disappear.
  • Wet cleaning. To eliminate the smell of tobacco, a smoker can do a wet cleaning. It is recommended not only to wash the floor, but also to wipe the dust and wipe the upholstered furniture with a foam brush. To achieve the best result, it is better to use a scented product for cleaning;
  • Aroma candles. They need to be lit and placed around the room. Alternatively, you can use incense sticks.

How to remove odor from hands

The nicotine “bouquet” on the fingers is a real problem, especially for people who want to hide their addiction to the addiction. In addition, information on how to smoke so that there is no smell of tobacco on your hands is relevant for people whose professional activities involve constant contact with other people (hairdressers, doctors, salespeople, makeup artists, etc.).

It is important to know that human skin absorbs the stench of cigarettes very well. Each time your hands smell more and more, it is very difficult to get rid of traces of smoking. Over time, they themselves become a source of stench.


  • Wash your hands immediately with soap. This advice is not relevant for people who smoke 10 or more cigarettes per day. This is due to the fact that frequent use of soap leads to dry skin on the hands. In this case, it is more advisable to use wet wipes.
  • Use gels that are designed to neutralize the smell of tobacco. But they are not sold in all stores.

You can also use an effective folk remedy - rub your hands with a lemon drop.

How to smoke in the bathroom without smell?

If there is an extractor hood in the bathroom, be sure to turn it on during a smoke break. If there is no hood, then proceed as follows to smoke in the bathroom without smell:

  1. Prepare a spray bottle with the following solution: perfume or cologne, scented shampoo, body wash and water.
  2. Go into the bathroom.
  3. Turn on cold water.
  4. While the water is filling, light a cigarette and smoke.
  5. Release the smoke into a stream of water or into the water in the bath. Shake the ashes into an ashtray or jar.
  6. After a smoke break, turn on the hot water.
  7. Use a spray bottle to thoroughly freshen the air in the room.
  8. Take a bath with scented foam.

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