6 reasons why you shouldn't hang magnets on your refrigerator

Many people, when traveling to other cities, buy magnets with images of various attractions or their photographs. Such souvenirs have become widespread due to their low cost, compactness and the ability to preserve travel memories for a long time. The main place for their placement in the house is the refrigerator, but, according to some experts, this is unsafe. In this article we will tell you whether magnets can be hung on the body of a device, what effect they have on its operation and human health.

Additional load on the compressor

The problem may arise in those refrigerators where the heat exchangers are located near the side walls. If there are magnets hanging outside, there is a danger of heat dissipation being disrupted. The risk increases on hot summer days, when the surface of the device becomes very hot, and therefore the compressor cooling the chamber is forced to work harder. As a result, equipment wears out faster.

This kind of trouble does not happen with models whose main mechanisms are located on the rear panel.

From whom should you hide money?

Of course, the most obvious answer to this question is thieves. They account for the lion's share of thefts. Penetrating into apartments and private houses, they are ready to turn everything upside down to discover your savings or jewelry.

All thieves can be divided into two categories - amateurs and professionals. The former usually act impulsively and stage a raid simply by hearing that their wealthy neighbors are away on vacation for a long time. Most often, they stage a revolution in the apartment, throw books and things out of closets, panic greatly, are in a hurry, get lost at the sight of safes and rarely find well-hidden stashes.

Professionals act differently - only on a tip. They are rarely stopped by good locks and safes - after spending a few minutes, they calmly cope with them. What’s even more dangerous is that they are well versed in human psychology, they know well where to hide money in the house and therefore quickly find hiding places.

Unfortunately, sometimes you have to hide your savings from loved ones. For example, from an alcoholic husband who is ready to do anything to get the finances to buy another bottle of vodka. Or from a wife who suffers from shopaholism, who is able to spend all her savings on repairs, a car or children’s education, on updates for herself. If you have had problems with the law in the past, then you have to look for a way to hide money from the cops - during a search, an envelope with savings lying in a visible place may very well disappear.

Sometimes you have to hide your savings from your parents. In their declining years, many people become overly trusting and may well spend all their savings thoughtlessly or give them away to cunning scammers.

Therefore, the decision to hide money so that only the head of the family, who is responsible for the financial side of life, knows about its location can be called the right decision. The main thing is to make sure that the hiding place will not be damaged due to the ignorance of loved ones; for example, the oven in which it is located will not be turned on while you are away from home. And of course, leave some hint for a rainy day. After all, history knows of cases when, after the death of the head of the family, an old mattress filled with money was sent to a landfill.

Failures in the electronic control system

Minor malfunctions are possible with refrigerators equipped with electronic controls. In modern models, display cells are filled with graphite; in earlier models, powders with a metal component were used for this purpose. It is the latter types that are at risk: a display with such “stuffing” stops functioning normally if it gets caught in a ring of magnets.

There are two possible problems associated with this:

  • loss of communication between the control board and the display;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant sound signal informing the owner of the refrigerator that there are problems.

Only a specialist can eliminate them.

Positive effect from the products

Can a magnet show healing properties on a person? Yes. Magnetic bracelets relieve everyone (who has no contraindications) from general muscle tone and tension. Magnetotherapy is used by doctors in the treatment of the musculoskeletal and respiratory systems. Obviously, however, you won't be standing in front of the refrigerator for half an hour, and the strength of decorative magnets is usually too weak.

However, it is worth considering that electronics, of which there are a lot in modern homes, themselves emit strong electromagnetic noise, and it would not be useful to enhance this effect with stationary magnets.

The general conclusion is that magnets do not harm modern refrigerators; they can be hung. But there shouldn’t be many of them, preferably they should be weak. Decorations should be kept clean, and preference should be given to the shape of fruits, vegetables and other signs of abundance.

Harm to health

Cute souvenirs in large quantities pose a serious danger for people with high sensitivity to magnetic fields - weakness, headache, increased heart rate, and high blood pressure may occur. Those who have pacemakers are especially at risk - magnets can cause these devices to malfunction.

Swiss scientists specifically studied the topic and found out that malfunctions occur if a person approaches the magnet at a distance of 30 cm. Moreover, not all souvenirs pose a danger, but only those with a neodymium magnet (it is silver in color), which conducts current well.

Some experts recommend removing such items from the refrigerator if there is a pregnant woman in the house. The question of whether they pose any threat to the expectant mother and fetus has not yet been studied, but it doesn’t hurt to be on the safe side.

Interesting design ideas

There are probably very few homes today that have a refrigerator without a single magnet. Typically, such products are souvenirs given by friends who came from overseas countries or brought by their owners. In addition, photo frames are produced in the form of magnets, as well as small tear-off notepads for notes, pens and many other small things necessary for everyday life. They are placed on the refrigerator, because it is the only unoccupied metal surface. There is a common misconception that magnets can only be attached to refrigerators.

These beautiful and creative souvenirs can easily be used to decorate a wall in a living room or nursery, choosing a metal colored panel as the base. In this case, photomagnets will be an excellent solution. If you want to come up with interesting wedding invitations or find small and inexpensive wedding gifts for all guests, then refrigerator magnets will help. All you need to do is choose a photo or picture on a wedding theme and find the shape you like. Such souvenirs are given before the wedding in the form of invitation reminders. Such wedding souvenirs are perfect for various competitions and sweepstakes at a wedding. Souvenirs can be hung on the refrigerator as a mini-trophy.

You can buy refrigerator magnets while traveling, or you can make them yourself. This product will be a wonderful decoration for the kitchen. It's easy to make it using a piece of plywood, placing a small photo in the center. For such a simple job you will need the following materials: a piece of old plywood or board, wood varnish, a brush, a photograph, a flat magnet, glue. The scheme for creating a magnet with your own hands is simple:

  • Prepare a small piece of wood of any shape.
  • Glue the photo in the center. File the edges of the wooden frame until they are slightly rounded.
  • Coat the top of the product with wood varnish and let dry thoroughly. The wood will darken a little and take on a beautiful shade.
  • Glue a flat magnet on the back side in the center. It will definitely become a wonderful handmade gift that will delight the eyes of friends and family, as well as decorate the kitchen.

You can learn how to make a refrigerator magnet with your own hands from the following video.

By attaching flat magnets to different objects, you can make a variety of decorations for the refrigerator that will be exclusive.

Danger for children

In the house where the baby is growing up, everything is subordinated to his safety - sharp objects are hidden, sockets are closed. But magnets on the refrigerator are often forgotten. Nevertheless, there is a certain threat lurking in them:

  • The child will probably put tiny souvenirs into his mouth and may even swallow them;
  • heavy ones may fall on his head;
  • ceramic ones will break, falling to the floor, and cause injury from fragments.

Parents should not reassure themselves that souvenirs are hanging high - the magnet often comes off from the souvenir item, especially low-quality ones.

Should I really take it off?

Do you know that innocent magnets have serious opponents? They are categorically against such decor. And they don’t consider him so innocent.

Such statements are cited as an “against” opinion.

  • One of the main statements was the harm from the created magnetic fields. Horror stories about how bright decorations make food dangerous are still found on the Internet. The interesting thing is that serious scientists have not confirmed this. And the manufacturers of the units took care of additional safety of the structures.
  • Danger for people with pacemakers - but this is serious! Excessive amounts of such decorations collected in one place may affect the functioning of the stimulator. In this case, there is only one solution: remove it!
  • Cleanliness and order also do not go well with this type of decor. They need to be looked after carefully; it takes a lot of time, and often there is not enough attention.• Well, if we talk about beauty, then we must admit that a disorderly accumulation of magnets can hardly be called a kitchen decoration.

Well, now decide for yourself, is it worth leaving all those magnets that are conveniently located on your refrigerator? Maybe at least half of them can be gotten rid of?

Damage to the outer coating of the refrigerator

Moving magnets across the surface of the refrigerator can scratch the enamel. This not only spoils the appearance of household appliances, but also makes them vulnerable to corrosion. In addition, many materials from which magnets are made may contain substances that leave dark, difficult to wash off stains on the snow-white surface.

On colored refrigerators, whitish spots may appear due to prolonged contact with magnets.

Common hobby

It will not be a secret to anyone that many people actually collect magnets. This is a good way not only to decorate refrigerators, but also to preserve memories of your holidays in different countries and travels. But it happens that equipment works for a long time, and then at some point it starts to malfunction. And here many people have a question: can this happen due to magnets?

Such interest is quite justified, because repairing or buying a new refrigerator is quite expensive. And no one wants to throw money away. Therefore, Yuri Mikhailovsky decided to understand everything from the technical side of the issue.


According to the signs and recommendations of feng shui experts, only images of something edible - berries, vegetables - are allowed to be attached to the refrigerator. But an animal, a figurine, a human face or a landscape will direct negative energy to the device and fill the supplies inside with it.

The dangers and safety of refrigerator magnets are often debated. To form your own opinion on this issue, it is useful to know different points of view.


What does Feng Shui say about magnets?

Guided by ancient Chinese teachings, the refrigerator door does not need to be hung with a huge number of magnets

Pay attention to the pictures depicted on these decorative items. It is acceptable to place magnets with vegetables and fruits on refrigerators

They charge with positive energy and are associated with proper nutrition.

Avoid magnets with images of people and animals. Such souvenirs charge food with bad energy, which is transmitted to the person.

The effect of magnets on human health

Feng Shui theory is far from the last reason that raises the question among many: “ why can’t you keep magnets on the refrigerator?”

?. These cute souvenirs very often have a detrimental effect on human health. The reason for this is magnetic fields. True, not all magnets are so dangerous. By choosing souvenirs made of iron and ferrite (black and grayish shades) you cannot harm yourself. They have weak magnetic fields that have virtually no effect on the human body.

Dangerous magnets are neodymium (silver or gray in color). Such souvenirs have a negative impact on people with heart failure. If, for example, you have a pacemaker, then from a radius of three centimeters a magnet can disable it. Therefore, you should refuse to place colorful souvenirs on the refrigerator.

Magnets and refrigerator operation

Another reason why it is undesirable to keep magnets on the refrigerator is damage to the door shell. A large number of souvenirs can simply scratch the paintwork and ruin the appearance of the refrigerator. Regarding the influence of magnets on the operation of the freezing unit, this fact can be disputed. Scientists note that small metal souvenirs cannot interfere with the operation of the refrigerator, damaging its internal parts.

How an unusual ability was discovered

Anna said that Vladlen’s peculiarity became known by accident: once family members jokingly tried to hold a spoon on his nose - only the boy succeeded.

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“I told him: “Stick it to your chest,” and the spoon stuck, as well as pennies and thermometers. At first we were scared, but now we are showing his abilities to the guests. Some say it's a gift, others say it's sweaty skin. But we don’t know for sure, I can’t explain it all,” Anna shared.

The woman said that the family did not go anywhere to find out why Vladlen has such a feature.

The concept of a magnetic field and the degree of magnetism

A magnetic field is a matter that exists around moving electric charges - currents. They attract bodies that conduct electric current or repel electrically neutral conductors. Almost every natural body has magnetic properties. Force affects the electric charge in the composition of simple particles.

Therefore, most of the substances on the planet feel attraction, and some matter is capable of emitting it.

According to the degree of magnetism, materials are divided into the following groups:

  • ferromagnets: the metal of this group not only magnetizes, but also retains magnetization and independently magnetizes other materials.
  • paramagnetic materials: they exhibit a weak reaction to a magnet; the low level of electrons in their composition makes it possible to detect magnetism only with the help of a special measuring device. Such materials are considered to be aluminum, oxygen and platinum.
  • Diamagnets: capable of not only ignoring a magnetic field, but also repelling it. Water, gold, copper, silver, and carbon have negative susceptibility.

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Magnetic and electric current

The magnetic field is generated by electric current, that is, by moving electrons. Electrons moving around an atomic nucleus carry a negative charge. The directed movement of charges from one place to another is called electric current. An electric current creates a magnetic field around itself.

Magnetic field lines

This field, with its lines of force, like a loop, covers the path of electric current, like an arch that stands over the road. For example, when a table lamp is turned on and a current flows through the copper wires, that is, the electrons in the wire jump from atom to atom and a weak magnetic field is created around the wire. In high-voltage transmission lines, the current is much stronger than in a table lamp, so a very strong magnetic field is formed around the wires of such lines. Thus, electricity and magnetism are two sides of the same coin - electromagnetism.

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