How to clean your bathroom drain of hair and debris yourself?

Why do blockages occur?

The need to clean the drain hole appears when a dense plug forms from hair, small debris, pet hair, threads, pieces of soap, or pellets. The phenomenon may have one of three causes:

  • operational – caused by neglect of regular prevention;
  • mechanical – a lot of debris particles come with water;
  • man-made - the sewer system was assembled incorrectly, there is deformation of components, wear and tear of equipment.

If the outflow is weak, before cleaning the drain, you need to make sure that the cross-section of the pipe and its slope are appropriate for the purpose.
Often, to solve the problem, it is enough to increase the slope of the drain channel by raising the bathtub or moving the sewer bell down.

Electric hair removal

Electrical hair removal has three methods: electrolysis, thermolysis and blend method. Any of them is based on the use of a small thin needle, with which the doctor pierces the follicle of the unwanted hair.

Electrolysis (or galvanic hair removal) is the most famous of the existing electrolysis technologies. It is also the only option for permanently removing unwanted hair.

This technique mentions terms that we will now decipher. Electrolysis is a complex chemical process using the basic principles of galvanic current.

The latter is passed through the skin using two electrodes. This chemical reaction, which is monitored on a negative electrode (needle), is capable of releasing hydroxyl ions from water. They have destructive qualities. They destroy the hair follicle to its very base.

That is why this type of hair removal, due to the complete destruction of the follicle of each hair using electric current, is the most effective. Compared to laser removal of unwanted hair, which is not suitable for all types of hair and skin, electrolysis can help absolutely everyone without exception.

Please note that this option treats each hair individually, so the procedure itself will take longer than all other manipulations (on average, 15–30 sessions are required).

The effect of removing unwanted hair on the face, bikini, i.e. on small areas, will be visible faster than on the arms or legs.

Read material on the topic: Enzyme body peeling is the key to clean and healthy skin

Drain Maintenance Methods

Methods for cleaning bathroom drains that are available for you to do yourself are divided into 2 categories:

  • mechanical,
  • chemical.

The first are carried out using tools such as a plunger, cable, or vacuum cleaner. The effectiveness of their use depends on the degree of blockage and a skillful approach. A wide range of chemical products are offered in the departments of household cleaning products, but you don’t have to buy them - ordinary ingredients from the kitchen will help dissolve hair.

Siphon cleaning

Male owners don’t think long about how to clear a clog in the bathroom. As a rule, they immediately begin cleaning the siphon. This procedure allows you to get rid of debris accumulated in pipes and unpleasant odors in the room.

Cleaning procedure:

On the floor directly under the siphon you need to lay a rag that absorbs moisture well.

Place a basin on top of the fabric. This simple measure will prevent dirty water from getting on the floor.

The bolt nut must be unscrewed very carefully. After this, you need to remove the flask.

Immediately after this, the water that formed the water seal will flow into the basin.

The siphon itself should be thoroughly rinsed with water and all plaque removed from the walls.

Such cleaning can also act as a preventive measure. For this purpose, the siphon is cleaned every 2-3 months.

Features of the mechanical method

Before you clean the bathroom drain from hair with a plunger, you need to fill the bowl with a little water to a level that hides the rubber suction cup tip of the tool. The plunger is installed over the sewer hole and the handle is pressed sharply and vigorously so that the plug moves into the drainage cavity.

In more advanced cases, when using a plunger fails to achieve the expected result, a plumbing cable will help - it looks like a flexible steel chain, the end of which is shaped like a brush or a ribbed spiral. The tool quickly reaches hard-to-reach areas, eliminating dirt that accumulates on the walls and blockages. Guide to action:

  1. Carefully place the cable into the drain cavity.
  2. Using rotational and translational movements, guide the cable to the point of suspected blockage.
  3. Move the cable back and forth several times to pick up dirt from the hair, remove the tool from the pipe and rinse it.
  4. Introduce clean water into the system by opening the tap.

Plastic communications are quite fragile, they are not suitable for intensive mechanical processing, so care must be taken.

If the household has a vacuum cleaner with a reverse blowing option, to clear the drain of hair, you can remove the rubber nozzle from the plunger and connect it to the pipe of the device, securing the joint with electrical tape. You need to remove the dust bag/container from the vacuum cleaner. The converted hose with pipe should be attached to the blowout hole, bring the tip to the drain and turn on the device. Supplying pressurized air into the drain helps push out the clog.

Mechanical drain cleaning method

Calling a professional with special equipment gives access to such an effective method as hydrodynamic cleaning: superheated steam is supplied into the cavity under high pressure. As a result, even persistent contaminants are destroyed, but the method is not applicable to old and fragile communications, or those with a non-standard configuration.


Plumbing cable is a thick twisted wire, rolled into a small spiral. For convenient rotation, there is a handle with a wooden or plastic attachment at the end.

This device is actively used to remove sewer blockages. Moreover, we are talking mainly about metal pipes.


The end of the cable must be carefully inserted into the drain hole.

It is best to do the work together. So, one person slowly rotates the handle, and the other carefully pushes the cable forward.

When the cable is twisted, accumulated debris is removed from the pipes, that is, the blockage is destroyed.

As soon as the tension in the pipes decreases, you need to pull the cable back and forth several times.

The cable is carefully removed, washed and stored.

If the procedure is ineffective, it is repeated.

Products for dissolving hair in drains

When choosing concentrated chemical compounds that help clean the bathtub pipe and dissolve hair, you need to focus on the material from which the communications are assembled. There are pipes:

  • polyethylene,
  • polyvinyl chloride,
  • fiberglass,
  • ceramic,
  • asbestos-cement,
  • polypropylene.

All manipulations with gels, powders and acids should be carried out with safety glasses and thick rubber gloves; after achieving the result, it is important to properly ventilate the bathroom. The dissolution of soap scum and hair can be trusted with acidic cleaners, and fatty deposits with alkaline cleaners.

Professional solutions

Review of popular industrial compounds:

  • "Mole" contains sodium hydroxide, modified acetic acid, and surfactants. This is a budget-friendly, ubiquitous tool. The expected effect is observed after 1.5-2 hours;
  • "Chirton - clean drains" has a granular form, the active ingredients are sodium nitrate, caustic soda. The product has a moderate odor and takes effect within a quarter of an hour;
  • “Sanox – pure drain” contains sodium hydroxide, it interacts with atmospheric surfactants. The product has no restrictions on the type of pipes and is characterized by a slight odor that does not cause discomfort. The only drawback is the need to wait at least 1 hour to obtain the required result;
  • in Bagi Pothan, the working components are also surfactants and caustic soda; this is a highly toxic composition and cannot be used on old pipes. The product eliminates the blockage in just a few minutes, it is very caustic, so it is used only in extreme cases;
  • "Deboucher" in gel form operates due to sodium hydroxide, chlorine, potassium in tandem with active additives. It is characterized by high efficiency, its operating cycle is 1 hour. The product is intended for processing plastic pipes; it is contraindicated for aluminum communications.

Bagi Pothan for drain cleaning
Recommendations for the use of the presented items boil down to a thorough study of the manufacturer’s instructions and preliminary (about 20-25 minutes) treatment of the pipes with hot water. At the very end, the system must be rinsed with cold water.

It must be borne in mind that acids can deform plastic components, damage the drain hose in the shower stall and ruin the acrylic tray.

Traditional methods

Metal sewer pipes can be filled with boiling water for 20 minutes, plastic ones with hot water. Next you need to check the rate of drainage of the liquid.

When deciding how to dissolve your hair, you can use a solution of water, soda and salt in proportions 2:2:1. The composition must be placed in the drain and after 10 minutes use a plunger. Next, you need to rinse the cavity with clean water.

Another way to use kitchen products:

  • pour 150 g of soda into the outlet hole;
  • pour in the same amount of 9% vinegar;
  • plug the drain with a rubber nozzle;
  • After 20 minutes, turn on high pressure hot water.

Hair in the bathroom drain can be cleaned with soda.
In the same way, you can get rid of blockages in the kitchen due to grease deposits and food debris.

Removing unwanted hair using sugaring

Sugaring has many similarities with waxing. From the name of the procedure it is clear that this method is carried out using sugar mass or gel to get rid of excess hair. The process itself is similar to waxing: the hair is completely removed, including the hair follicle.

Let's consider the sugaring procedure step by step, and also find out the reason for the high popularity of this method among most girls.

Removing unwanted vegetation using sugar originated long ago in the Middle East. It is based on the use of natural sugar mass, which also contains water and lemon juice. It is possible to add honey, aromatic oils and even salt to the composition.

Thanks to this product, unwanted hairs are removed along with the bulb. The effect will be long-lasting, for some girls it reaches six weeks.

On the Internet you can find various options for sugar paste from a variety of ingredients. But the original recipe contained only natural ingredients. Sugaring is often called sugar wax, because the mass is very similar to it.

Depending on the type of her skin, a woman can use both paste and gel. The advantage of sugaring is its simplicity; it can be done at home.

What features do the paste and gel have? What are the differences between the funds?

There are two types of sugaring: using paste or gel. Professionals call removing excess vegetation using sugar mass traditional. The heated composition is applied in a thick layer, always against the growth of unwanted hairs, using a spatula designed for this purpose. Next, the frozen mass is sharply torn off in the direction of growth.

The use of the gel is similar to wax depilation. It is applied in the direction of growth of unwanted hairs and removed in the opposite direction using a piece of fabric, a muslin strip.

You can master the art of sugaring yourself, or you can visit a salon where a master will conduct a depilation session for you.

As a means of removing unwanted hair, this method can slow down its growth and reduce the activity of new ones, and the shaft of growing specimens will be noticeably thinner and lighter.

Previously, finding a specialist who performed the sugaring procedure at a high level using paste was quite problematic. Today in various beauty salons you can attend such sessions without fear.

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Recommendations for preventing blockages

Experts recommend the following measures to prevent the formation of garbage jams:

  • installing a mesh of the appropriate size in the drain hole. Small particles will collect in it, usually easily washed away with water into a siphon or sewer lines. Special inserts are also offered - hair catchers, thanks to which all fibers falling into the outlet can be easily pulled out as needed;
  • every 2 weeks you need to pump hot water into the system using a plunger - it will take away part of the adhering layer that clings to the hair;
  • It is advisable to flush communications every few months using folk recipes or specialized household chemicals.

Constant attention to the condition of plumbing and compliance with safety measures will increase the comfort of water procedures and help avoid the formation of plugs from solid particles.

Expert advice

Experts recommend:

  • Purchase and install high-quality and reliable plumbing fixtures from trusted manufacturers. Such products do not retain debris well; they will not be destroyed during the cleaning process.
  • When carrying out emergency work on a clogged drain, do not use excessive force to avoid damaging it.
  • Do not use motor fuel or concentrated acids for cleaning. These substances are toxic and corrode plastic, metal and rubber.

What to pay attention to before cleaning a pipe

Before starting repair work, it is necessary to determine the location of the blockage. In most cases, it is formed in a siphon. This device has a narrow cross-section, joints and bends. You can find the traffic jam using a flashlight.

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