Cigarettes without the smell of tobacco smoke: names, list, composition and effect on the human body

Agree, it sounds incredible, but everyone who smokes has at least once thought about cigarettes with the smell of tobacco. Why are we so sure? Because all of us, the staff of the Allen Carr Center, also smoked and we know how negatively non-smoking people around us react to the smell of cigarettes. But addiction has made us endure the smell of tobacco smoke, and we wish they would invent cigarettes that don't smell. Today we have recovered from nicotine addiction, like the thousands of people we have helped. However, tobacco producers continue to attract new people to their networks. And for this they are trying to come up with odorless cigarettes.

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Main types of harmless cigarettes

Smoking is one of the most harmful habits, and it is widespread throughout the world. Everyone knows that a heavy smoker smells quite unpleasant, so many people don’t want to stand next to such a person.

Many smokers are interested in what kind of cigarettes without the smell of tobacco smoke exist, what exactly they are characterized by, and what effect they have on a person. An unpleasant odor appears due to the fact that tobacco products contain nicotine, which is ranked alongside drugs. There are cigarettes without the smell of tobacco smoke. These include:

  • aromatic;
  • electronic;
  • herbal.

In addition, the range of such products includes cigarettes in which tobacco is in a much lower concentration. Before choosing the most suitable option for yourself, you must study their characteristics and features of their effect on the body.

Top 10 tips for smokers

  1. Do not smoke on an empty stomach . Smoking on an empty stomach irritates the stomach. All substances in a cigarette are absorbed into saliva, which then enters the stomach. The stomach, meanwhile, has nothing to digest; it begins to digest itself. Smoking on an empty stomach increases the risk of lung cancer in impatient smokers by twice the normal rate.
  2. Do not smoke frequently while drinking alcohol . Smoking is often prohibited while drinking alcoholic beverages. Through blood vessels dilated by alcohol, the negative substances found in tobacco products disperse throughout the body at a particular speed and enter the stomach. Nicotine combined with alcohol or caffeine can lead to the development of colorectal cancer.
  3. Do not smoke after physical activity . After physical activity, intense blood circulation occurs in the body and blood vessels dilate. Carbon monoxide, entering the “active” body, begins to exert great pressure on the blood vessels and heart. Smokers are not recommended to engage in heavy exercise, as this can lead to internal bleeding and damage to blood vessels.
  4. Do not smoke before the filter . The smoke, before entering the lungs, is purified by a special filter, around which most of the negative components are collected. When you finish smoking a cigarette right up to the filter, all the accumulated harmful substances enter the body - the presence of a filter in a cigarette is pointless. Smoke about 2/3, put out the rest and dispose of it.
  5. Take walks in the fresh air more often . Get out into the fresh air more often, go for light jogging, walk or bike from home to the store and back. Walking outside helps speed up metabolism and remove harmful substances from the body, reducing the risk of chronic lung disease - smoker's cough. Don’t be lazy, it’s better to smoke outside and just breathe fresh air more often.
  6. Improve peripheral blood circulation . Peripheral circulation plays a vital role in the implementation of the metabolic and respiratory functions of blood and is carried out through small-caliber vessels - arterioles, venules, capillaries. Nicotine and negative substances in tobacco products block the passage of blood through the vessels. Therefore, douse yourself with cold water in the morning and rub your hands and feet with a hard towel. It is best to do this before the first puff and let it become a useful habit.
  7. Enrich the body with vitamins. Smoking reduces vitamin levels, and the presence of vitamins in the body is important when smoking. It is not prohibited to take vitamins in tablet form. Compensate for the lack of vitamins in the body as much as possible, especially in cold seasons, when you are more likely to catch the flu or a virus, and illnesses in smokers are more difficult to treat, especially coughs. Therefore, review your diet and make it healthy:
    – Cabbage has a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes the effects of toxic elements. It is important to eat cabbage fresh (raw).

    – Broccoli is a source of iron, various vitamins, but the most important element is the antioxidant gene, which prevents the oxidation process in the lungs.

    – Citrus fruits (tangerines, lemons, oranges, etc.) are rich in vitamin C. You are allowed to eat 2-3 oranges, 1 lemon.

    – Spinach helps to quickly remove toxic substances from the body and soften withdrawal symptoms for those who quit smoking.

    – Carrots are vitamin A, an important element for nerve cells that die when smoking.

    – Pomegranate contains calcium, sodium, magnesium and other trace elements to maintain balance while smoking.

  8. Drink more fluids . Any liquid does not allow harmful substances to stagnate in the body; it removes nicotine from the blood and flushes the kidneys. Therefore, after taking puffs, it is better to drink a glass of water. Dairy and citrus drinks relieve intoxication well. Drink more herbal teas, infusions, decoctions: ginger, ginseng, St. John's wort, chamomile, lemon balm, rose hips and other various herbs rich in easily digestible microelements. You can mix water with squeezed lemon juice. It is allowed to drink tea with assorted berries.
  9. Use an electronic cigarette . Regular cigarettes are harmful not because they contain nicotine, but because they contain various toxic substances, such as tar, which is released during combustion. An electronic cigarette is an excellent option for reducing health harm from tobacco use. Particularly dangerous are tobacco products with various flavoring additives, which are obtained through a special solution that is poisonous when heated. An electronic cigarette (Vape, IQOS) is similar to an inhaler: the body receives nicotine and no other foreign substances.
  10. Smoking less . The less poison there is in the body, the less harm to health. Try to inhale less often, move more, eat vitamins and simply keep your body healthy. Or better yet, quit smoking altogether.

Light and ultra-light

Answering the question of what odorless cigarettes exist today, it can be noted that to some extent they include light and ultra-light ones. They contain much less nicotine than regular strong ones. Despite the fact that the same tobacco is used everywhere, the concentration of nicotine and tar can be reduced through the use of special technologies. These include freezing and restoration.

Reduction is characterized by the fact that the smoking mixture is made up of tobacco waste, namely veins, stems and dust. Since they do not contain whole leaves, the strength of the cigarette will be relatively low. Such tobacco products are much easier to tolerate by the body.

Freezing means that during drying the raw materials are exposed to low temperatures, and then various additives are used to make cigarettes without the smell of tobacco smoke. The main additives used are:

  • alcohol;
  • nitrogen;
  • ammonia;
  • carbon dioxide.

In addition, light cigarettes differ from regular cigarettes in the number of pores in the filter. The more there are, the more the smoke dilutes and becomes softer. However, despite the fact that they contain less nicotine, the mortality statistics from tobacco smoking have not changed at all.

The thing is that light cigarettes without the smell of tobacco contain no less carcinogens than regular ones. If a person is accustomed to the rich aroma of tobacco, then he will smoke such cigarettes in double quantity, unconsciously trying to compensate for the usual sensations.

As a result, the body receives exactly the same amount or even a larger volume of nitrosamines, nitric oxide, and many other toxic substances.

How to switch to light cigarettes?

If you decide to replace your usual “strong” cigarettes with “lighter” ones, the main thing is to follow a few rules:

  • replacing cigarettes should be carried out simultaneously - you throw away “old” cigarettes and smoke only “light” ones;
  • you do not change the number of cigarettes you smoke - even if it seems to you that the chosen cigarettes are “tasteless” and you cannot “cheer up” or calm down, you cannot increase the number of cigarettes you smoke, after a few days your body will get used to this dose of nicotine;
  • Do not try to supplement lighter cigarettes with other “dopings” - a decrease in the concentration of nicotine in the blood can make you want to drink more coffee, eat sweets, or even take painkillers and antidepressants. Experts strongly recommend not to indulge such desires and not to add new ones to your addictions.

Subtle and flavored

Women's cigarettes without the smell of tobacco smoke include flavored types. Strength does not directly depend on the thickness and taste of such a product. Everything is determined by the type of filter and tobacco. Women's cigarettes without tobacco odor may contain the following aroma:

  • raspberries;
  • strawberries;
  • apples

The aroma of berries and fruits somewhat overpowers the smell of tobacco, so smoking them is considered more refined. However, they contain the same amount of nicotine and tar as in regular ones, so they cannot be called harmless.

It is worth noting that flavored thin, odorless cigarettes are an effective marketing ploy. They are among the most dangerous because, due to their visual appeal and pleasant taste, they are smoked in much larger volumes and addiction develops very quickly. In addition, the abundance of chemical additives leads to the fact that a person often develops allergies.

Women's cigarettes

The following products can be considered the most common brands of women's cigarettes:

  • “Vogue” - the nicotine content, depending on the type, ranges from 0.5 to 0.7 mg, the amount of tar from 4 to 7 mg. Cigarettes are offered for sale in 8 names belonging to the “super slims” category. Each type of cigarette pack is painted in a characteristic color. Cigarette length – 100 mm. In the production of cigarettes, various flavoring additives are used that muffle the smell of smoke and aftertaste.
  • "Glamour" - characterized by a colorful pack design and a fairly mild taste. The nicotine content ranges from 0.1 to 0.5 mg, the tar content ranges from 1 to 5 mg. There are types that contain menthol.
  • “Capri” is a thin women’s cigarette, represented by two types “Rosso” (0.6 mg nicotine, 7 mg tar) and “Azzurro” (0.4 mg nicotine, 4 mg tar).
  • "Muratti" - have an original design that women like. The amount of nicotine is from 0.1 to 0.5 mg, the amount of tar is from 1.0 to 5 mg.
  • "LD" (LD) - women's cigarettes, category "super slims". They are presented in two types: “Violet” with a nicotine content of 0.5 mg and 5 mg tar, and “Pink” with a nicotine content of 0.3 mg and 3 mg tar.
  • "Kiss" - flavored "super slims" cigarettes. The nicotine content is 0.5 mg, the tar content is 5 mg.
  • “Style” is another thin cigarette designed for girls. The three types of cigarettes differ in the color of the pack and the amount of nicotine and tar. “Aroma” – nicotine 0.5 mg, tar – 5 mg; "Rose" - nicotine 0.3 mg, tar - 3 mg; "Blue" - nicotine 0.5 mg, tar - 5 mg.
  • “Virginia” - the amount of nicotine in cigarettes varies, depending on their type, from 0.1 mg to 0.7 mg. Resin content – ​​from 1.0 to 6.0 mg.
  • “Next” - ladies’ cigarettes of this brand are presented in two types. “Super Slims Violet” with an amount of nicotine of 0.5 mg, tar – 5 mg, and “Super Slims Ros” with a nicotine content of 0.3 mg and tar – 3 mg.
  • "Esse" - women's thin cigarettes made in Korea. They differ in that manufacturers indicate on the pack the exact number of nicotine contents - up to the second digit after the decimal point. Nicotine content – ​​from 0.1 to 0.65 mg. Resin content – ​​from 1.0 to 6.5 mg.

No nicotine

One of the largest tobacco companies in the world, Philip Morris, has developed Next cigarettes, declaring that they contain virtually no toxic substances. The manufacturer claims that during their production, almost all nicotine alkaloids, which can lead to the development of cancer, are removed from raw materials. They say that when smoking such cigarettes a person receives the required dose of nicotine, but does not pollute the body with carcinogens.

However, nitrates in such products are retained, and toxic substances are produced again at the time of smoking. Therefore, it is impossible to call such cigarettes less dangerous.


For some time, menthol cigarettes without the smell of tobacco smoke were widely used, but after a series of examinations they were banned from sale. It turned out that they are much more harmful than regular tobacco products, as they make the smoking process more tempting. At the same time, they anesthetize the respiratory tract, and the person is drawn in even deeper.

Moreover, there may not be menthol itself in tobacco. To give it more flavor, it is applied to a filter or tissue paper, which is much worse. During combustion, an additional amount of harmful resins is released, which gradually settle in the lungs, which after some time leads to the occurrence of dangerous diseases.


Herbal cigarettes without the smell of smoke are even difficult to classify as tobacco products, since they contain absolutely no nicotine. They contain only a mixture of dry plants or spices, such as:

  • sweet clover;
  • turmeric;
  • thyme;
  • carnation;
  • basil.

In their form, they differ little from classic cigarettes, so they can be used while quitting nicotine. This will help those who have not yet gotten used to holding a cigarette between their fingers and taking a drag. But their taste and aroma are completely different, so heavy smokers who have not yet decided to quit this bad habit will not like them at all.

Phytocigarettes are still not harmless for the bronchi and lungs. The reason is that toxic combustion products enter the body, which combine with carbon monoxide. In addition, herbs can cause allergies in sensitive people. Although these smoke-free cigarettes do not contain nicotine, they do contain harmful tar.

Depending on the composition of the filler, the amount of tar can be much higher than in tobacco smoke. Even the most harmless plants can cause harm if you inhale the smoke produced when they burn.


Not long ago, electronic cigarettes were invented without the smell of tobacco smoke and without fire, they immediately caused a lot of controversy. By their principle of action, they resemble an inhaler. In such devices you just need to insert a cartridge with oil liquid and turn it on.

Electronic cigarettes without the smell of tobacco smoke are a very good alternative to conventional tobacco products, since their smoking process is identical. However, they do not contain any harmful substances or carcinogens at all. They do not contain ammonia, cyanide or benzene, only water and nicotine.

Initially, an electronic cigarette simply replaces a regular one, and the difference is felt after just a few days of smoking. Thus, you can free yourself from nicotine addiction by gradually reducing its content to zero.

The process of smoking them is very simple, since when you puff or press a button, the nichrome thread in the atomizer begins to gradually heat up and the liquid evaporates, releasing a thick vapor that the person inhales. The composition of the liquid used includes substances such as:

  • glycerol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • food flavoring;
  • liquid nicotine.

All these components cannot be called completely harmless, but the amount of harmful substances that are released during smoking is much less than during the burning of a regular cigarette. That is why people who smoked only electronic cigarettes experienced all its benefits, namely:

  • no smell of tobacco smoke;
  • well-being improves;
  • breathing becomes easier;
  • shortness of breath goes away.

Another advantage is that they can be smoked even where it is prohibited, since nothing burns or smells. Consumable materials for electronic cigarettes are liquid and spare parts. The cost is slightly less than what a heavy smoker spends on regular cigarettes. The liquid is available in many different flavors and aromas, and there are also several strength options. That is why each person can choose for himself what suits him best.

There are a lot of models of electronic cigarettes without the smell of tobacco smoke. They differ in appearance, internal filling and size. There are automatic and manual models, automatic ones are activated when tightened. Manual models start working when you press a button. This option is more preferable, since it makes it much easier to control the duration of the puff. The atomizer is much more convenient to clean, and the button prevents the cigarette from rolling and falling from flat surfaces.

The appearance of a cigarette largely depends on the battery. However, the most important part is the atomizer, since the amount of vapor depends on it, as well as partly the taste and aroma of the liquid, which is felt in the mouth while smoking.

However, it is worth considering that when you give up regular cigarettes, signs such as:

  • stomatitis;
  • cold;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • cough.

All this happens due to the fact that tars and other combustion products stop entering the body, and the villous epithelium in the respiratory organs begins to recover. In addition, after many years of smoking, the body begins to rebuild and a wide range of reactions appears.

Electronic cigarettes without the smell of smoke have a significant impact on the human body, as they contain substances that can trigger allergies. One of the common complaints of smokers is dry mouth.

What else can help?

In addition, you can additionally use:

  1. Sprays . It is recommended to use products that do not contain sugar or alcohol - they are more effective and less harmful to the body.
  2. Chewing gum. A good remedy in the fight against unpleasant odors. However, to enhance the effect, it is advisable to chew two pieces with an interval of 10-15 minutes. Moreover, chewing gums with fruit flavors work better than mint ones.

    The main danger of chewing gum is that it may leave no filling (Photo:

  3. Cough lozenges . Such “sweets” not only help in the fight against the symptoms of sore throat, but also remove bad breath. It is advisable to buy those that do not contain sugar, as they are safer for tooth enamel

Using any products or special means to combat odor, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with clean water after consuming them.

But it is worth remembering that even toothpaste, chewing gum or sprays will not give a long-term effect, since after some time the aroma will appear again, coming from the lungs.


Relatively recently, smokeless and odorless cigarettes Iqos appeared, which are produced by the world famous company Philip Morris. Its essence lies in the fact that tobacco now does not burn, but heats up, without causing harm to the smoker and transmitting all the taste and aroma of tobacco products. It is worth noting that this type of smoking is not 100% safe, but it significantly reduces the risk of developing many diseases.

In its design, such a device resembles a regular cigarette with a filter, but it differs in its internal structure. Inside it there is a minimal portion of tobacco, and the rest of the space is occupied by a rather complex triple filter. Experts warn that, despite its similarity to a regular cigarette, it is strictly forbidden to set such a device on fire. In addition, you cannot insert standard cigarettes into the device, as this will ruin the expensive device.

It is worth noting that Iqos practically does not need cleaning, since after each pack of sticks automatic cleaning of the heating element is activated. According to expert reviews, such smokeless and odorless cigarettes can cause great harm to non-smokers. The thing is that, despite the minimal nicotine content, addiction can still arise, which will progress more and more. Among the main advantages of such a device, the following should be highlighted:

  • there will be no tobacco smoke;
  • the yellowness on the teeth and fingers will gradually disappear;
  • your complexion will change to a healthier one;
  • shortness of breath and gum problems will disappear;
  • a good sense of smell will quickly return.

The device consists of an electronic part and replaceable cartridges. To get started, you need to insert the cartridge into the housing and use it until the indicator indicates that the cartridge has reached the end of its life.

When you press the button, the heating elements begin to act on the tobacco, which smolders. Modern technology helps preserve the natural taste and aroma of tobacco, which is a big plus for heavy smokers. Thanks to its unique technology, it heats up but does not burn. Therefore, such a cigarette produces less waste and also minimizes the risk of fire. Tobacco sticks can be thrown away like regular cigarette butts.

The device is charged in a special case, which somewhat resembles a pack of cigarettes. The smoke from Iqos is water vapor. It dissipates very quickly in the air and is not absorbed into clothing. In addition, smoking such cigarettes indoors does not in any way affect the health of others. However, such a device also has certain disadvantages, which include:

  • it is subject to the same restrictions as regular cigarettes;
  • the device is large in size;
  • a person will not be able to smoke several sticks in a row.

The device must be charged before each use and this takes approximately 2-3 minutes. Its weight is approximately 120 g and for some this increase is quite noticeable.

Iqos cigarettes are available in two flavors. One of them is rich, deep, the taste of tobacco is clearly felt, without additional flavorings, the second type has a pronounced menthol taste.

Parliament sticks and cigarettes without smoke and the smell of tobacco are very popular, as they are of high quality and safe for health. They are much preferable to regular tobacco products.

Effects of electronic cigarettes on the body

Here are 5 main facts about the negative impact of vaping on health:

  1. After finding the toxic chemical diacetyl in 75% of smoking flavors, scientists have concluded that vapers are at risk of developing the deadly “popcorn disease.” Diacetyl is used in many food flavorings in foods (fruit flavoring, confectionery flavoring, candy flavoring). The chemical diacetyl, used as a flavoring agent, was previously found to be the cause of the development of bronchiolitis obliterans in employees of popcorn manufacturing companies. The fact is that you can eat this substance, but inhaling its vapors for a long time is extremely dangerous for humans. Diacetyl causes inflammation, scarring, and narrowing of the airways in the lungs.
  2. The solvent propylene glycol, accumulating in the body, increases the risk of allergic reactions, causes irritation and promotes inflammation, and also causes problems with the liver and kidneys.
  3. When the liquid for refilling the device is heated, the propylene glycol and glycerin contained in it decompose, which leads to the formation of acrolein and formaldehyde, which have strong toxic properties. Acrolein damages the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract, provokes lacrimation, and also has mutagenic properties. Formaldehyde, in addition to the harm already listed, has an adverse effect on the central nervous system.
  4. Flavorings in smoking liquids can cause allergic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and cause bronchial asthma.
  5. Nicotine is addictive, and when uncontrolled, it leads to an overdose, characterized by symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea and general weakness. And the most dangerous thing is that it can cause lung cancer.

Imaginary safety for health creates persistent addiction and dependence - both on the physical and psychological levels. In this regard, in a number of countries, such as Canada, Brazil, Turkey, Denmark, Italy, Norway, Uruguay, Australia, Jordan, Thailand, the advertising and sale of electronic cigarettes is prohibited by law. But in those countries where the use and distribution of electronic steam generators is not prohibited, the world market shows stable growth from year to year.

If you were wondering whether electronic cigarettes are dangerous to your health, and how harmful the liquid for refilling them is, we hope we have convinced you that vaping is nothing more than deliberately causing harm to your health. There are many more interesting and, most importantly, safer ways to have fun in life. Get used to the good so that later you don’t have to wean yourself from the bad.

  • Author: Ekaterina Kozhevnikova

Cigarettes with special filters

The harm from tobacco and the unpleasant odor can be somewhat reduced with the help of a special filter that is placed on the cigarette. It is made in the form of an elongated cylinder. This filter includes:

  • acetate fiber, which retains harmful substances;
  • activated carbon, which absorbs resins and toxic components;
  • paper that retains the shape of the filter.

The effectiveness of cleaning depends largely on the size and additional components to the contents. There are modern triple carbon filters that consist of three compartments, namely two chambers with acetate fiber and paper greased with coal dust. This device traps carcinogens much better, resulting in tobacco smoke that is much cleaner. At the same time, the difference in taste is not felt at all.

Nicotine does not settle at all in the filter, but freely penetrates into the smoker’s lungs. That is why, through the use of a triple filter, you can only reduce the negative impact of tobacco on health, but the dependence on smoking will not become weaker.

The lightest cigarettes for girls

Representatives of the fairer sex are concerned not only about the harm cigarettes cause to their health, but also about what “cancer sticks” look like. Ladies' cigarettes should be elegant, in a beautiful package, with a pleasant smell and, of course, with a minimum content of nicotine and other harmful substances. What types of cigarettes meet these requirements?

Cigarette brand nameContain nicotineContain resins
Vogue super slim0.5 mg5 mg
Glamor super light0.1 mg1mg
Capri Azzuro0.4 mg4 mg
Esse Light0.45 mg4.5 mg
LD super slim0.3 mg3 mg
Kiss super slim0.5 mg5 mg
Next super slim rose0.3 mg3 mg
Parliament platinum blue0.1 mg1mg
Gitan light0.1 mg1 mg
Virginia light0.1 mg1 mg

How to choose cigarettes

A list of cigarettes without the smell of tobacco smoke will help you make the right choice, as well as select the safest products that contain a minimum of tar and nicotine. Manufacturers specially produce them with special markings, namely:

  • white stripes – ultra-light;
  • silver – ultra-light;
  • blue - light.

The list of the most popular tobacco products includes brands such as:

  • Marlboro;
  • Winston;
  • Parliament;
  • L&M.

There are also capsule models and cigarillos that have a pleasant taste and delicate aroma. The Rothmans brand is distinguished by its high quality. The push button model offers different flavors such as lime, berry and tangerine. Accordingly, the packs also differ in color. Cigarettes are made using special paper, so it does not lose its shape and smells much less while smoking.

In the production of KENT capsule products, a special tobacco mixture and special technology are used. When smoking, a pleasant blueberry smell spreads. There is no unpleasant taste left in the mouth.

The Winston brand produces special models of cigarettes with lower tar and nicotine content. These tobacco products are very light. They come in blueberry and menthol apple flavors. Compared to conventional cigarettes, such products will delight you with a strong aroma and a pleasant aftertaste.

Is it possible to have cigarettes without the smell of tobacco smoke?

Previously, odorless smoke seemed like an impossible wish. Cigarettes are stuffed with tobacco leaves. When they smolder, they release hundreds of carcinogenic substances into the atmosphere, and the smoker himself and the people around him inhale clouds of acrid smoke.

Today, the tobacco industry has come a long way. Once smoking became popular among women, a variety of flavored options appeared on the market. Cigarettes with fruit or menthol additives actually muffle the smell of tobacco, but do not eliminate it completely.


Next came tobacco products marked LSS (Less Smoke Smell). The JTI-Macdonald company has released a unique product, Mirage, a cigarette whose smoke has virtually no odor. In reality, when used indoors, they only leave less odor compared to traditional counterparts. They are based on a special flavoring agent that eliminates the specific smell of tobacco. To improve the effect, cigarette paper is impregnated with propylene glycol.

Health effects

It is important not only to know what odorless cigarettes are called, but also what effect they have on the body. Light and flavored thin cigarettes have much less harmful effects on the body than regular ones. Herbal ones can provoke allergies, as they contain plant materials.

When smoking electronic devices, there is no toxic hot tobacco smoke. This is a very big plus for the health of the smoker. Gradually, taste and smell receptors begin to recover, so a person begins to smell and taste much more acutely.

After some time, smokers’ shortness of breath and cough disappear, so the effect of electronic cigarettes on the lungs is considered positive. This is due to the fact that the body begins to gradually cleanse itself of tars and carcinogens.

However, there is often much more nicotine in smoking mixtures than manufacturers indicate, and increasing its dosage can lead to increased addiction, having a devastating effect on the human body. In addition, the effect of electronic cigarettes on the nervous system can lead to paralysis and even death.

And finally, the lightest cigarettes

  • "Marlboro ultra light" - nicotine 0.4 mg, tar - 4 mg;
  • "Kent Silver Neo 4" - nicotine 0.3 mg, tar - 4 mg;
  • "Alliance Super Light" - nicotine 0.3 mg, tar - 4 mg;
  • “P 1” - nicotine 0.3 mg, tar - 3 mg;
  • "Marlboro filter plus" - nicotine 0.2 mg, tar - 3 mg;
  • "Kent white infina 1" - nicotine 0.1 mg, tar - 1 mg;
  • “Parliament One” - nicotine 0.1 mg, tar - 1 mg;
  • “Gitan light” - nicotine 0.1 mg, tar - 1 mg;
  • "Vogue Blanche" - nicotine 0.1 mg, tar - 1 mg.
  • “Winston Super Slim White” – nicotine 0.1 mg, tar – 1 mg.

Doctors' opinion

For a long time, tobacco companies have been trying to create the most harmless products that will be of high quality. Experts are confident that there are no completely safe cigarettes, since all of them, to some extent, contribute to the deterioration of well-being and the occurrence of diseases.

The best option is to completely quit smoking. At first, you can choose an alternative option for yourself, but you should not abuse it. It is better to gradually reduce the nicotine dosage.

If we rank the most harmless of the various species, then, according to doctors, it will be like this:

  • herbal;
  • products with the least amount of resins;
  • light and flavored products.

The list of the best and most harmless products does not include menthol cigarettes, since they are much more likely to lead to cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. In addition, doctors do not recommend using e-cigarettes, as pneumonia often develops due to the release of steam.

Which cigarettes have the least odor?

Tobacco companies analyze demand and regularly offer new products, but there are no completely odorless cigarettes. You can only switch to electronic devices or choose for yourself an option with additives that drown out the unpleasant taste.


It is impossible to name the only best cigarettes. It all depends on individual sensitivity and threshold of perception. Let's look at which cigarettes leave the least odor:

  1. IQOS. The sticks use high quality tobacco. The design of the device assumes that its taste will be felt only by the smoker himself. Those around you will only feel the sweetish aroma of steam. When purchasing sticks, they are guided by their own taste preferences. Menthol and citrus fruits are considered neutral and suitable for beginners.
  2. E-Sigs. For connoisseurs of fresh, unobtrusive aromas without sweetness, liquids from the brands Crunch Coil, Monster Trip, and Five Pawns are suitable. It is unlikely that you will be able to find a completely odorless vape refill, although you can experiment and try to prepare it yourself.
  3. Flavored cigarettes. Products with a capsule help muffle the smell of smoldering tobacco, but are not able to completely get rid of it.

Reviews from smokers

Parliament sticks and cigarettes without the smell of tobacco smoke have earned positive reviews from consumers. Many people are pleased with the reduction in odor. They note that you can enjoy a cigarette anywhere. When using electronic cigarettes, you no longer need a fan or exhaust hood.

However, there are also negative reviews. Some people are unhappy that the device takes quite a long time to charge. However, this problem can be solved by purchasing two devices at once.

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