How to clean the vaporizer of an electronic cigarette correctly, instructions

The world's first electronic cigarette was created about 13 years ago by a Chinese inventor. This product was a plastic dummy of an ordinary cigarette . Its main difference was that the “electronic” device did not produce tobacco smoke, but relatively harmless steam. Every user of this device should know how to properly clean an electronic cigarette.

What and how to clean

Caring for an electronic cigarette involves periodically cleaning the following parts of the device:

  1. Cartridge.
  2. Power supply.
  3. Atomizer.

The last element is otherwise referred to as an evaporator; it, together with power, determines the generation of vapor, but how to clean the evaporator of an electronic cigarette?

In this case, three care options are used:

  1. Flushing.
  2. Burn.
  3. Cleaning by rinsing with an ultrasonic bath.

But how to clean the evaporator correctly? Before washing the part, it is necessary to blow it out. This should be done so that the liquid does not remain

In this case, it is important to wait for the atomizer to cool down, since it is absolutely impossible to clean a hot one.

If the evaporator is too dirty, you can’t just wash it with water; you’ll need diluted alcohol. Here you should leave the part in alcohol for several hours, and it can easily be replaced with Coca-Cola. After this time, you can wash the evaporator with water, but only then blow it out.

The most modern treatment is an ultrasonic bath, which is used to clean jewelry. It is a very inexpensive device that is easy to buy. It is simply necessary to wash your electronic cigarette periodically, as this will keep the device in working condition for a long time.

It is dangerous to use the burning method, since it is used only if it is not possible to wash the spiral in any other way.

This often cannot be done, as this leads to the device being damaged.

The procedure for carrying out this procedure is as follows:

  1. The evaporator must first be disconnected from the battery.
  2. Blow out the atomizer.
  3. Wash with a stream of water.
  4. They're blowing again.
  5. Remove the cartridge.
  6. Connect the evaporator to the battery.
  7. Click on activation and leave it for literally five seconds.
  8. The appliance is cooling down.
  9. Press power again and repeat this procedure about fifteen times.

It is important that the button is not pressed for longer than five seconds. After burning is completed, the cooled evaporator should be connected to the empty cartridge.

After this, you should slowly inhale several times, but do not inhale the steam, but release it immediately through your mouth. Only after this can you fill the cartridge and smoke the electronic cigarette normally.

When it comes to batteries, in order for them to work properly, you need to follow some simple rules:

  1. The first charge lasts twelve hours.
  2. The battery must be fully charged.
  3. Do not allow the battery to be filled with liquid.
  4. Under no circumstances should the battery be allowed to remain discharged for a long time.

All maintenance involves wiping the battery with a dry cloth.

Now it is clear how to wash the evaporator of an electronic cigarette and how to care for the other parts of this device so that it functions for a long time without interruption.

The cartridge also does not require any special care, but in order to change the liquid, wash and dry the part

It is especially important that it does not come into contact with the atomizer coil.

Types of electronic vaporizers

The most important element that is part of an electronic cigarette is the electronic evaporator.

It is very important to choose this element correctly so that the entire mechanism works efficiently and evaporation is more noticeable. Currently, the following types of evaporators can be distinguished:


Due to the fact that such evaporators have practically no advantages that could distinguish them from other types, their use is a thing of the past.


There is no doubt that such a steam generator is much better than its non-replaceable predecessors. Replacement evaporators for electronic cigarettes are the most convenient during their operation.


At this point in time, this is the most modern type of vaporizer for electronic cigarettes. Its peculiarity is the presence of a wick, the material for which is oxidized steel. The liquid is supplied to the heating element using a metal mesh.

Currently, most smokers choose Genesis. This is explained by a number of advantages that atomizers of electronic cigarettes of this type have:

  • has a long service life;
  • is easy to use;
  • caring for it does not cause much trouble.

But still, the most important advantage of “genesis” is clean and pleasant-tasting steam.

A reasonable question may arise: what is an atomizer? This is the same as a vaporizer.

If you do not know which vaporizer to use, then use the recommendations of experienced smokers. Any viper will advise choosing either a “genesis” or a replacement model.

Depending on the need for maintenance, atomizers are distinguished between serviceable and maintenance-free.

  • Maintenance-free evaporators involve the use of replaceable disposable evaporators, which are a consumable item and do not require coil winding and wick installation.
  • Serviced atomizers require the participation of a viper in rewinding the heating coil and changing the wick.

Methods for cleaning the atomizer of an electronic device

There are several options for processing an e-cigarette. Some allow you to eliminate minor problems at an early stage of their development, others are more effective and help restore a practically non-working instrument:

Blowing with flushing. We disconnect the steam generator from the battery and thoroughly blow it through the mouthpiece. All excess liquid needs to be glassed off. We also work on the mouthpiece itself, after which we wash the parts under running water, blow again and dry. Only after all signs of moisture have been eliminated can you assemble the electronic cigarette and use it further.

  • Bath. An effective and affordable method, but it takes a lot of time. To clean a cigarette, you need to disassemble it into its components. Then we immerse the atomizer in hot water for one hour, after which we blow it out, removing excess liquid. We lower the element into the water for another couple of hours and blow out the sprayer again. Place the cleaned product in a vertical position and dry it for at least 24 hours.
  • Chemical treatment. If the problem is the accumulation of combustion products on the surface of the heating element, then cleaning it with water is useless. The best option would be to treat the parts with an alcohol solution. Let's disassemble the tool into its components. We clean the steam generator and rinse it in a weak alcohol solution for 10 minutes, if necessary, increase the concentration of the active component. It is also possible to use a vinegar solution (a tablespoon of 9% vinegar per glass of water). In this case, the plaque is removed with a soft cloth or cotton swab. Then the elements are washed as usual, blown dry and assembled into a solid product.

If the problem does not lead to a breakdown of the device, then the listed methods will allow you to restore its functionality, returning the steam to its usual taste and volume. In some cases, you have to replace individual components of the cigarette (this point is best discussed with a specialist) or purchase a new device. The new device must be handled with care, then it will last for many years without creating difficulties.

Electronic cigarettes require careful maintenance. Therefore, all real vapers, and especially beginners in this matter, need to know information about how to clean the device. The principles of vape maintenance are the same for all models. Cleaning skills will come with time, but the rules of use, as well as information on how to care for a cigarette, are important from the first day of use. The care list should include not only cleaning methods, but also recommendations for storing the vape.

Methods for cleaning the evaporator

The easiest way to clean out excess oil is to remove the contents of the cartridge and try to steam it with an empty cartridge. Excess liquid will evaporate quickly enough.

Washing and purging

The steam evaporator is disconnected from the power source and blown through the mouthpiece to remove any remaining liquid. We carry out the same action on

with the mouthpiece itself, and then rinse everything with water under pressure. Repeat the procedure one more time and dry. Only after eliminating all moisture can the device be assembled for further use. If flushing does not help, contact an expert.


A simple and very effective method that takes minimal time. It is necessary to disassemble the entire device into its components. After which, the atomizer is immersed in hot water for one hour, then it is purged and all liquid is removed. We carry out the procedure one more time. The element is re-immersed in water for a couple of hours, and then purged. The atomizer is dried in a vertical position for 24 hours.

Treatment with chemicals

If the problem is the accumulation of carbon deposits on the coil, then washing with water will not help. Here, treating parts with alcohol will be effective. The product is disassembled into its components. Now we rinse and clean the steam generator for 10 minutes in a weak alcohol solution, if necessary, making the concentration of the solution stronger. You can also use a vinegar solution (a glass of water + 1 tablespoon of vinegar 9%). We remove plaque with a cotton swab or cloth. After this, the components are washed in water, blown, dried, and then collected.

What will you need?

Almost all replacement evaporators have the same design, so the tips below are universal. First of all, you need to know what resistance was on the old evaporator, and you will have to start from it. In order to wind the evaporator, you will need nichrome or Kanthal wire of the same diameter as the original one. Vaporizers for older e-cigarettes like EVOD or EGO-T usually use 0.2mm nichrome, but kanthal will also work.

The material for the wick can also be different. For example, the above devices use 2mm diameter silica. When rewinding it is not necessary to use it; you can use cotton wool. Cotton wool has a number of advantages over silica: it conveys taste much better and greatly benefits in the amount of steam. This, however, does not apply to simple pharmaceutical cotton wool. For this task, you can use hygienic cotton pads, or better yet, Japanese cotton wool, which can be found in electronic cigarette stores or ordered online. You will also need a toothpick or drill to wind a new spiral onto it.

How often should you clean your electronic cigarette?

Some argue that cleaning an electronic cigarette is recommended every 2-5 thousand puffs. However, it is impossible not only to calculate this amount, but also to be precise in the calculations - some cigarettes will become clogged after 5 thousand puffs, and another - after 2 thousand. You can focus on the “symptoms” - the cigarette begins to drag poorly, a burning taste appears.

You can just rely on common sense. If you look, for example, at a new or just cleaned electric kettle. How long does it take for a visible layer of scale to form on it if used daily? Perhaps in 3-5 weeks. It's about the same with an electronic cigarette. A month of daily use, taking into account changing tastes, will likely require preventive cleaning of the atomizer, tank and mouthpiece.

How to put cotton wool in an atomizer

Laying wool is one of the most critical processes after installing the spiral. The main thing is to observe the basic principle of sufficiency, which comes only with experience. There should be no more or less cotton wool in the spiral. Just right. This is precisely the most difficult task.

A small amount of cotton wool will cause it to dry out in the area of ​​the spiral. This can lead to boiling of the liquid on the coil, lumbago, rapid burnout of this area, and the appearance of a bitter taste in the steam.

Excess cotton wool also does not lead to a good result: conductivity decreases, winding resistance may increase, and evaporation worsens.

It is better to lay the cotton wool with dry and clean hands. Before installation, they should be washed with soap or wiped with alcohol, and then dried. Otherwise, the fat that gets from their surface will give the evaporated liquid a piquant taste of a wet footcloth.

Why and when is cleaning necessary?

Electronic cigarettes, unlike pipes and hookahs, have a more harmless and even somewhat environmentally friendly appearance. The vapor generated through this gadget does not have an unpleasant odor, as is the case with traditional tobacco cigarettes. It does not settle on the surfaces surrounding the steamer with a nasty yellowish coating.

Moreover, in some cases, e-mails help get rid of nicotine addiction, which is very encouraging. Even ash and coals do not remain during electronic vaping. Then the question involuntarily arises, what should such a device be cleaned of?

Inside the vape there is a heating coil, which, in contact with the vaping mixture, gradually becomes covered with soot.

And this, in turn, causes some not entirely positive changes in the vaping process:

  • changes in the taste and smell of the generated steam;
  • difficulty in steam generation;
  • leakage of refilling liquid, contact with the battery and, as a result, breakdown of the power source;
  • reduction in the service life of the atomizer and the electronics itself.

Knowing how to rinse out old liquid from an electronic cigarette is also worthwhile for those who like to experiment with liquids for refilling a vape.

If changing the steam liquid was not accompanied by washing the cartridge, then this is fraught with a change in the taste of the newly filled refill, or rather, their mixing with the previously used liquid. Hence the incomprehensible and unpleasant taste and aroma of the released steam.

If you don’t count the number of puffs you take (in principle, few vapers do this), then you need to focus on the following signs:

  • general difficulty in the vaping process;
  • a sharp and noticeable reduction in the volume of generated steam;
  • the appearance of a burning taste and other foreign aromas and tastes;
  • atomizer leakage (as one of the reasons).

As soon as these signs are detected, the evaporator should be immediately cleaned of any carbon deposits that have formed. If we are talking about flushing the steam generator from the old liquid, then everything is clear - we steamed the refill, wanted to change the taste, we flush the atomizer.

Important! If you do not organize timely cleaning of the evaporator, both from carbon deposits that have formed and after old refilling, this will not only negatively affect the quality of vaping, but can also cause breakdown of the steam generator and the electronic cigarette itself.

Ideally, it is better to entrust a grandiose “bathing” when the vape steam generator is very dirty to professionals, which will avoid problems in the event of an incorrect procedure for cleaning the gadget. But with the right approach, you can cope with such a task on your own.

Consequences of improper care

Are electronic cigarettes just a fad or the way of smoking of the future? Be that as it may, today many smokers are switching to electronic devices. Pleasant draft, aromatic vapor that does not make those around you wince, no need to shake off the ashes - these and other advantages make them a profitable alternative to regular tobacco.

E-cigarettes are refillable devices, and there are both pros and cons to that. Among the disadvantages is the fact that the device requires careful handling, as well as timely cleaning. But why and what do you need to clean a seemingly simple device? Let's briefly consider the principle of operation of e-cigarettes.

  • reduction in the volume of steam or its complete cessation;
  • difficulty traction;
  • the appearance of foreign tastes or a burnt taste.

If you have at least one of the listed problems, you definitely need to clean the device. Many people wonder how to maintain an electronic cigarette, whether it can be washed in water - we will examine all these nuances in detail below.

Step-by-step instruction

After the device has completely cooled down, it is necessary to disassemble the electronic cigarette into its component parts. First of all, the atomizer is disconnected to eliminate any remaining liquid in it. The evaporator should then be rinsed in warm water for 20 minutes. After these simple steps, the device is blown out and left to dry for two hours.

If the device is very dirty, it is better to first soak it in cleaning liquid. The following products are suitable as a special liquid: vodka, Coca-Cola, vinegar or citric acid.

Plaque can be removed effectively if you soak the e-cigar first. After this procedure, the soot can be removed with a regular cotton swab. It is recommended to rinse the electronic cigarette under running water immediately after soaking.

Experts do not recommend cleaning e-cigarettes using “Fairy” type detergents. The substances used in Fairy eventually settle on the internal parts of the device. There will be an unpleasant aftertaste when vaping. In addition, the electronic device will quickly deteriorate.

How to properly care for your clearomizer? Typically, e-cigs with a clearomizer look very modern, since the evaporator is combined with a cartridge and placed in a case made of transparent material. Also, e-cigarettes are divided into prefabricated and solid. If we talk about solid models, they cannot be washed or repaired. Therefore, maintenance of the clearomizer is impossible. As for prefabricated devices, it is much easier with them, since in the event of a breakdown, any part can be replaced. It is also possible to wash all parts and get rid of carbon deposits. The only disadvantage of such devices is persistent aromas that cannot be cleaned. The plastic of the case absorbs strong odors.

First you need to let the vape cool, and then completely disassemble it. Each part must be rinsed in warm water for at least 10 minutes. And only after this the disassembled device must be soaked in alcohol for two hours. Next, you need to rinse all the parts and dry them with a hairdryer. Only after drying can you assemble the electronic cigarette and enjoy the pleasant aroma.

Vapers should not forget that the innovative device must be serviced regularly. Washing, disassembling and drying parts should not be scary, as there is nothing complicated about it. If you follow the instructions, the e-cigarette will last for many years, which will please its owner!

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Prevention of contamination and damage

Care and regular cleaning of your e-cigarette can extend its lifespan. In order for the device to delight you with aromatic smoke for a long time and with high quality, follow a few simple rules:

  • Read the instructions before changing parts of the device.
  • Purchase refill fluids, as well as other components, only from trusted places. The seller must have the appropriate license for the product.
  • Clean your cigarette regularly—every two to three months. It is also recommended to clean the cartridge every time before changing the flavor of the liquid so that different flavors do not mix.
  • Do not add too much liquid for refilling.
  • While smoking, do not take too deep breaths to prevent the device from overheating, otherwise the vaporizer in the e-cigarette may need to be replaced.
  • Do not use your e-cigarette in cold weather.
  • Keep the device charged as much as possible.

As you can see, caring for an electronic cigarette is not that difficult. It is enough to use a few simple tips, and a regularly serviced electronic gadget will not create problems.

We hope that our article helped you get answers to many questions - how to clean the vaporizer, how to handle different types of e-cigarettes, how to care for your device.

There are a variety of methods for cleaning an atomizer. This should be done regularly and even new ones should be cleaned - this way they will last longer. But in any case, it is better to keep several spare ones on hand in case you do not have time to rinse properly or one of them fails.

Many vapers are not interested in the question of how to clean the vaporizer of an electronic cigarette. But in vain! If you do not provide this element with proper care, it can have an extremely negative impact on the vaping process as a whole.

An evaporator (atomizer, vaporizer, steam generator, smoke pro) is one of the main parts in an electronic cigarette, through which the vapor mixture is converted into vapor.

And, as you understand, its timely maintenance guarantees high-quality vaping. In this publication we will try to figure out how to clean the vaporizer of an electronic cigarette in order to provide it with quality care.

Features of vape care

As mentioned above, in order for your vape to live happily ever after, you will have to look after it like a child. You need to provide high-quality and periodic maintenance to your mod.

To maintain your “pet” in frequency, you need to follow several rules:

  1. Take a close look at the liquid. You should not buy liquids in some basement, somewhere on the edge of the city. Not only is there nothing good waiting for you there, but even the liquids are already expired for a year. This can affect not only the sense of taste, but also have a significant impact on health. Buy liquids in special vape shops that have all the licenses and rights to do so.
  2. Learn to clean your vape not only in critical situations, but periodically, that is, for example, once every 2 weeks. The best defense is an attack, as they say. You shouldn’t let your device fail until additional problems arise.
  3. Don't overdo the filling. There are people who like to vape deliciously and in bulk, pouring the entire bottle into the atomizer. Rest assured, you will get nothing but leaks from your mod and spitting hot liquid. It is recommended to fill the tank with 3/4 of the total volume of the atom. But it’s best to drip the drip until the liquid stops being absorbed by the cotton wool, usually 8-12 drops.
  4. In maintenance-free tanks, rinse and clean it before adding a different liquid from the previous one. Otherwise, the flavors will mix and you will end up with some strange muddiness, sometimes downright disgusting. Don't forget this.
  5. If you just quit smoking and switched to the vaping subculture, then you should not take deep and long puffs. Believe me, this won’t make you more steamy, this only happens with cigarettes. Here the amount of steam depends on completely different parameters. For example: resistance of the coils, battery power, its charge and several more, which you can all read about in previous articles.
  6. Avoid charging batteries until they have been recharged. This, of course, only applies to cheap chargers, since good ones always have overcharge protection. But what will concern all novice vapers is a low battery. There is no need to squeeze out the last drops from it, this may have a bad effect on their resource.
  7. Maintenance-free vaporizers should be replaced every 2-3 weeks, after which a lot of off-flavors will appear, which can affect your overall enjoyment of vaping.

Cleaning procedure

Firstly, the atomizer must cool down after use. Place it in a glass of very hot water and soak there for 15 minutes. We blow out excess water through the end that connects to the battery, and repeat the procedure one more time, after changing and heating the water. The main thing is that after rinsing there is as little water left as possible, so you can shake the atomizer properly.

Next, let it dry overnight or speed up the process with a hairdryer. After drying, connect it to the battery without inserting the cartridge or adding liquid.

Hold the button on the battery for 4 seconds. The spiral should begin to glow from the inside, and a hissing sound should be heard - this is the melting and evaporation of various deposits on it. Disconnect the battery and cool it. We repeat this procedure until the coil is clean (it starts to heat up very quickly).

Let the atomizer cool down. Then we drop four drops of e-liquid directly onto the bridge - slowly. Each drop should be well absorbed and only after that we drop the next one.

Attach the refilled cartridge and carefully pull it out. As soon as there is good steam, disconnect the cartridge. The atomizer is very dry after cleaning and will absorb liquid very quickly at first. If a burnt taste appears very quickly, you need to add a couple of drops of cigarette liquid directly to the bridge.

Instructions for unscrewing the tank

If the tank does not unscrew, then the problem is solved by performing the following manipulations:

  1. Stop the base without applying any force, as the glass may crack and will not be suitable for further use. Make this with some thin object that will fit into the air vent. This way you will fix the body;
  2. Using rubber gloves or a thin rubber mat, unscrew the evaporator, glass or drip tip so that your fingers do not roll over the body of the device;
  3. Wrap the glass in a couple of layers with electrical tape or adhesive tape so that the glass is not deformed with pliers if you are unable to remove the clearomizer by hand;
  4. Use a wet cloth/thin stream from the tap to rinse the joints and clean the threads. If there are no liquid residues on the fasteners, then everything was done correctly. It is better not to refuel the e-cigar while unwinding the tank;
  5. Unscrew the remaining parts and wash them thoroughly;
  6. Install the glass several times, clean parts will not leak.

Other options for unscrewing the tank

Thanks to special substances, it is possible to disconnect the atomizer from the base or the tank from the evaporator. In the process of active vaping, so-called gars are formed inside. Because of them, the components of the liquid boil, which settle tightly on the thread and do not solidify.

WD-40 is a substance that is sold at hardware stores. This composition must be dripped onto the thread through the air duct or hole for vaping the puff. Then you need to wait 5-10 minutes for the plaque to dissolve. Then rinse the vape to remove any remaining WD-40. The mobility of parts is guaranteed to increase.

It is impossible to repair cracked glass. In addition, with constant unscrewing/twisting, the crack only increases in volume. To avoid the cost of purchasing a new electronic device, it is more rational to clean your device after every 2-3 refills.

What should you avoid?

  1. when you fill the cartridge with liquid, you must ensure that it does not get on the connecting part;
  2. exclude empty inclusions without puffs, so that there is no release of moisture flowing from the evaporator;
  3. charging is carried out with a special charger and in a fire-resistant case, preferably under supervision;
  4. use power supplies correctly so that they do not fail and an explosion does not occur. If the battery is of poor quality or damaged, the insulating wall breaks under pressure, the resulting gases escape and ignite.

When is it time to change?

Beginner vapers often ask the question: when is it time to change evaporators or coils? In fact, it all depends on several factors. This may be affected by the liquid you vape. Some flavors are very carbonated, and some do virtually nothing to the cotton at all. Another factor is the frequency of vaping. If you never take your favorite device out of your hands, you will have to change them much more often. This can also be affected by the human factor. The point is that you can accidentally burn the cotton wool. This most often happens when your device is picked up by a person who is very far from vaping. He can sit down to vape and, without suspecting anything, give you the vape in 10 minutes, and the cotton wool will be completely burnt.

You can find out when it’s time to change the evaporator or coils by taste. If the amount of steam has decreased significantly, and the taste has become less, and generally with off-flavors, then the time has come to change.

You can also try to focus on the service life of each element. It is believed that cotton wool needs to be changed once every 3-7 days, coils once every 3 weeks, and a maintenance-free evaporator once every 2-3 weeks, respectively. This is not an accurate way to determine when to change these elements, but it may work.

Removing carbon deposits

To get rid of carbon deposits, you need to clean the incandescent coil. When removing soot yourself, proceed as follows:

  • cool the vape;
  • disassemble the atomizer;
  • take out the spiral;
  • place it in an alcohol solution that will dissolve carbon deposits;
  • clean the ventilation ducts and other contaminated parts;
  • put the device back together.

If the electronic cigarette still tastes bitter, then the steam generator should be rinsed with running water from the tap for 30 seconds. Then it must be dried and connected to the battery (not only the atom, but the entire device must be switched). Next, blow through the evaporator 6 times while pressing the button. After that, the wick is inserted, the cigarette is assembled, and the liquid is poured in.

How to extend service life?

To increase the service life of your electronic cigarette and consumables, you should follow some recommendations.

  • Do not drop the device or expose it to mechanical damage.
  • Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, as well as storage near sources of high temperature, is contraindicated.
  • Handle the battery very carefully. Please read the instructions carefully before charging the battery. Do not store the battery with metal objects; they may accidentally short-circuit the battery contacts, thereby damaging it.
  • If you are not going to use the vaporizer for a long time, remove the battery from the cigarette.
  • The most important thing is that you should never attempt to repair it yourself, with your own hands!


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