How and from what to make poison for mice at home: recipes for baits with fillers to eliminate rodents

What could be worse than having rats in your home? And not only because of the disgust and disgust that these animals cause in most people.

Rats are a real natural disaster. Not only are they carriers of many dangerous diseases and carry ticks and fleas, but the animals gnaw everything in the house that catches their eye - from food to soap, candles and even electrical wiring. By damaging the insulation of electrical appliances, rodents often cause short circuits and sometimes fires.

Considering the fertility of the animals, which reproduce 5-10 times a year, under no circumstances should we delay their destruction . Otherwise, you will soon have to fight an entire army of rats.

From time immemorial, people have used poison as the most optimal method in the fight against rodents. Today, manufacturers offer a wide variety of different toxic substances to solve this problem.

Reasons for appearance

Rodents choose a home where it is warm and easy to get to food. If these conditions are met, gray animals try to get into a house or apartment. Owners of private houses often suffer from rodent infestations, but mice also appear in high-rise buildings, especially with the onset of cold weather.

Mice come into your home in the following cases:

  • the house is unsanitary;
  • the cold outside forces rodents to look for a habitat with more favorable conditions than a damp basement or frozen yard;
  • free access to cereals, flour, cookies, grains;
  • holes in the floor and baseboards, cracks in doors, cracked wooden parts that are easy for rodents to climb through.

Terms of use

You need to know not only how to poison mice, but also how to do it correctly. Only in this case will it be possible to kill all the rodents in the house.

Here are some simple rules for using chemicals:

  1. In enclosed spaces, poisons that mummify the animal should be used.
  2. All mouse passages and cracks in the walls, floor, and ceiling are carefully sealed.
  3. If the anti-rodent drug fails to poison the rodents, then they try another drug.
  4. Before using poison, you should consult an exterminator.
  5. The location of poisonous baits is constantly changing.
  6. If rodents do not touch the chemical, it is mixed with sugar or crushed grain.

Gloves and a hat should be worn when working with rodenticides. The poisonous medicine is placed out of the reach of children and animals. The room is checked for the presence of corpses. Dead animals are buried in a vacant lot or burned.

To avoid having to use toxic substances, prevention should be carried out. You need to do the cleaning, seal the cracks, not allow rodents access to water, and set up mousetraps.

How to recognize the presence of rodents

Gray animals leave traces of their vital activity in visible areas and in secluded corners. The sooner owners notice mouse droppings or gnawed wires, the easier it will be to fight pests. You can’t hesitate: overgrown rodents are a real disaster for a private home or city apartment. In a year, one mouse can bear up to fifty offspring.

Find out how to get rid of bedbugs in a sofa using traditional methods and chemicals.

Read the instructions for using the drug Karbofos against bedbugs and other insects in the apartment on this page.

The main signs of habitation of “uninvited guests”:

  • specific mouse droppings (small “grains” of dark gray, almost black color);
  • rustling at night behind the stove, in the pantry, in kitchen cabinets;
  • unpleasant odor from under the floor, baseboards, in areas where excrement accumulates;
  • gnawed bags of cereals, flour, damaged packages of cookies, boxes of food concentrates;
  • marks of teeth on the wires (if damaged wiring is not detected in a timely manner, a short circuit may occur).

Rat Death #1 and #2

These two drugs are similar in their effectiveness and rules of use. The active ingredient of Rat Death No. 1 is brodifacoum, and that of Rat Death No. 2 is bromadiolone. Both of these substances belong to the second generation blood anticoagulants, both are approximately the same in toxicity for rats, but brodifacoum is more dangerous for the environment (this is partly due to the appearance of Rat Death No. 2 - in order to comply with environmental standards, the manufacturer needed to switch to a more environmentally friendly active ingredient, preserving product effectiveness).

The drugs are sold at the same price: approximately 70 rubles per 100 gram package (8 briquettes), or 120 rubles per 200 gram package (16 briquettes).

Perhaps the main disadvantage of the product compared to Storm is that it is produced in the form of soft test briquettes. Such briquettes dry out relatively quickly in residential areas and sometimes become moldy. Therefore, it is better to poison rodents with Rat Death in small apartments and private houses, where there are few pests, and they will relatively quickly find and eat the poison.


“We also use rat death 1. Rats usually die within a week. And everything would be fine, but only after this a terrible stench always appears in our apartment. As I understand it, it’s the dead animals that are starting to decompose... With us, they always die in hard-to-reach places, and always in different ones. And it’s unclear where, either behind the wall, or somewhere under the floor. Either in the bathroom or in the hallway we smell this stench. And fleas appear and flies fly to the smell. But we are forced to endure, since neither cats nor mousetraps help, only poison ... "

Oksana, Moscow


Nimble mice rustling quietly at night in the cellar, under the bathtub or stove, small gray individuals suddenly running out from behind the closet are unpleasant “neighbors.” Decorative rodents are pleasing to the eye and provide adults and children with many pleasant moments when interacting with their pets.

Wild mice and rats living in basements, attics, and between floors cause considerable damage. Gray rodents are harmful to the economy and health.

Five reasons to actively fight mice:

  • spread dangerous diseases;
  • destroy and spoil food, vegetables, grain, winter supplies;
  • scare people by sudden appearance;
  • violate the integrity of the wires;
  • leave traces of vital activity on the floor, causing an unpleasant odor in residential and utility rooms.

Poison for mice: which one is more effective?

Some owners prefer ready-made preparations for killing rodents, others make bait based on various components, more often, products and poisons. Some baits do not contain toxic ingredients: the mixtures have a mechanical effect on the gastrointestinal tract of the mouse, which causes the death of the gray pest.

You can choose the most effective remedy only by experience or by relying on the advice of friends or relatives who have destroyed mice in their home. When identifying rodents in an apartment or private property, it is important to know what the range of baits and compositions for rodent control is.

Ready-made products

Effective drugs:

  • Tsunami (pink tablets based on bromadialone).
  • Rat death (dense mass for making baits).
  • Nutcracker (ready-made poison in the form of a green mass of thick consistency).
  • Viola (grain mixture containing pesticides, wax and cheese-flour briquettes).
  • Storm (ready-made briquettes with flocumafen).
  • Ratindane (toxic powder added to the prepared bait). When using a poisonous rodent control agent, residents must temporarily leave the apartment.
  • Hunter Anti-Rodent (ready-made briquettes for mice and rats based on cheese mass and flour).

Home poison

Many owners successfully use traditional methods of rodent control. To prepare poisoned bait you will need food, construction mixtures, lime, and cork powder. Inexpensive components are sold in supermarkets, specialized stores for gardeners and at the market.

Proven recipes:

  • bait number 1. You will need 100 g of sugar, 150 g of soda and wheat flour. Mix the ingredients, fill several bowls with the mixture, and place the “treats” in places where rodents most often visit. After consuming the composition, soda penetrates the stomach, a certain reaction occurs, excess gas inside the digestive tract kills the rodent;
  • bait No. 2. Combine an equal amount of alabaster (gypsum, cement) and wheat flour. Pour the mixture onto a thick film or place it in small bowls and place the bait on mouse paths. There must be water next to the container so that the gray animal drinks down the mixture. When combined with liquid, the mass becomes cemented and the pest dies. You cannot use the method if there is a cat, dog or other living creature at home;
  • bait No. 3. You will need cork powder and cereal (flour). Take the same amount of components. The bait should also be placed in areas where mice pass. The pests eat the food, the plug in the stomach swells, and after a while the animal dies;
  • bait No. 4. Buy sugar and ordinary lime, mix the components in equal proportions. Place the bait closer to the hole or along the route of the rodents. Having tasted the “treat”, the gray animals will not live long. The mixture of lime and sugar actively heats up in the gastrointestinal tract, causing the death of the gray pest.

Perhaps these methods of control may seem inhumane to some, but owners with a weakened nervous system, who have forgotten about restful sleep, are ready to use any method just to get rid of mice. Opponents of poisoned baits can recommend a more humane method of removing rodents - mouse traps made from scrap materials. Most devices allow you to leave the animal alive and take it outside. We can only hope that the rodent will not get into the house again, and even the kindest people will not have thoughts about “Rat Death” or a treat made from plaster and flour.

Important! Owners must not only use ready-made or homemade traps and bait, but also remove dead individuals in a timely manner to avoid decomposition of the carcasses. For this reason, you should not repair holes in baseboards until the mouse has died after consuming toxic substances. Only timely cleaning of the carcass will prevent the unpleasant smell of the decomposing body. The best option is to use toxic compounds that mummify the animal, for example, Storm briquettes (price - up to 60 rubles).

How to use

Basic Rules:

  • use gloves and a medical mask when preparing the poisoned mixture;
  • If there are children and pets at home, place the poison in hard-to-reach areas. Pest control experts recommend choosing a different method of rodent control to avoid an accident due to ingestion of poisoned bait;
  • Place lumps of a mixture of poison and food on the floor covered with film or on lids so that the poison does not spread throughout the apartment;
  • the pieces of the poisonous “treat” should be small so that the rodent can easily take one portion, eat it or take it to the nest;
  • the optimal place to place bait is mouse paths where gray pests have been spotted, corners or an area near a hole from which a rodent gets out;
  • observing the proportions during the preparation of the poisoned mixture will ensure the desired effect;
  • There should be no medicines or products near the baits, otherwise the mice will accidentally bring in particles of the poisoned mass and cause negative consequences for human health;
  • if rodents react poorly to one type of bait, you will have to try another mixture, fortunately there are enough recipes for poison for mice;
  • Sometimes the poisonous mass lies for a long time and dries out. In this case, you will have to replace the product with a new one so that the rodent can smell the flour or cookies. A good option is lard, sausage, cheese, makha, sunflower seeds.

How to get rid of rats in a private home and prevent the reappearance of rodents? We have the answer!

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Follow the link and learn about how to deal with moles in the garden.

Release form

The most popular pestilence for mice is that it has an attractive smell. A person does not have to look for ways to prepare bait. The drug can be used immediately.

Manufacturers produce:

  1. Tablets against mice Storm, Tsunami.
  2. Grain Ratside, Viola, Bactorodencid.
  3. Poison in bags, with which you do not need to interact additionally, Rat Death, Nutcracker.

Poison is also available in the form of powders, gels and liquid solutions. Usually sold in bags. There are also aerosols. The active substance gets onto the mouse skin. The animal eats the poison while washing.

Pest prevention

Rodents can only be removed with an integrated approach. Poisoned baits plus preventive measures will reduce the risk of rodents appearing in your home.

How to proceed:

  • keep order in the kitchen, prevent unsanitary conditions in the home;
  • wipe the crumbs off the table in a timely manner, sweep the floor well;
  • for storing bulk products, buy glass containers with lids;
  • Do not store flour or cereals in bags for future use: the food spoils and food moths and bugs infest them. Large containers in the hallway or pantry are an excellent “bait” for gray rodents;
  • do not leave food in open containers in the kitchen overnight;
  • do not accumulate garbage in the bucket, tightly close the waste collection container with a lid;
  • monitor the condition of skirting boards, doors, floors, repair elements in a timely manner or replace them with new ones;
  • carefully seal the holes in the cellar walls with a mixture of cement and crushed glass;
  • Install magnetic resonance or ultrasonic repellers in the cellar, utility rooms, and pens with livestock. Devices interfere with the free life of mice and rats.

Controlling rodents in your home is not always effective when using only humane methods. Owners often have to use poison for mice. Ready-made preparations and formulations prepared at home cause the death of dangerous animals and prevent gray pests from causing damage to their owners, household utensils and products.

More interesting methods of fighting mice and rodents in the following video:

Precautionary measures

Mice will never choose your home if you take preventive measures. These tips will help greatly reduce the chances of a mouse infestation in your home:

  • Seal all cracks and holes in the floor, walls and ceiling. Install metal grilles on the ventilation holes. Remember - a mouse can fit through even a very small gap.
  • Install screens on windows that are constantly open. Although mice are capable of gnawing a hole in the mesh, they will still be somewhat puzzled by such an obstacle.
  • Store all foods and grains in airtight containers made of glass, thick plastic or metal. Avoid using cardboard boxes for these purposes.
  • Wet-clean the floor regularly, because even a few forgotten crumbs are a strong magnet for mice. When wet cleaning, it is advisable to pour a little white into the water.


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