Cleaning a coffee machine: how to properly care for coffee equipment and which product to choose

When using a coffee machine or coffee maker, be sure to clean it periodically.
Sooner or later after you start using this device, you need to carry out maintenance. To prevent your coffee machine from malfunctioning, you need to know how to clean it yourself. A coffee maker and a coffee machine are slightly different from each other in a certain set of functions, design and operating principle, but the principles of cleaning them are the same.

After reading this article, you will learn how to clean a coffee machine at home.

What is descaling machine

In the process of preparing coffee, ordinary drinking water is used, which contains calcium salts. There are slightly fewer of them in soft water. However, it is not possible to completely get rid of their presence during the filtration process. Calcium can be deposited on the walls of equipment, elements that are in direct contact with water - in the future, a layer of plaque may form in such areas.

Such deposits interfere with the efficient functioning of the coffee machine - it can work much worse, and the finished drink will acquire additional taste. To prevent this from happening, experts recommend periodically cleaning the coffee machine from the calcium layer. This process is called decalcification.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that water hardness directly affects the amount of plaque formed on the coffee machine. Experts recommend using this process monthly. To avoid the appearance of large amounts of sediment, it is recommended to use bottled water, which will also give a soft and pleasant taste to the drink.

What if you turn to specialists?

If the coffee machine has a self-cleaning program, the equipment will remind you of the need to carry out the procedure. However, you shouldn’t rely too much on technology: glitches in programs are common. If such a function is missing, then you have to independently determine when it is necessary to clean the coffee machine from coffee oils. In this case, experts recommend carrying out the procedure after an average of 400-500 prepared servings of coffee.

Or you can entrust the care of your coffee machine to a specialist who can remove coffee oils much faster, and the cleaning agent is selected according to the type of equipment you have. Such a service at the Taber service center costs only 1,250 rubles. It should also be taken into account that some machine elements require not only cleaning, but also lubrication, but in order to gain access to the parts, partial dismantling is required, which a non-professional without skills cannot cope with.

By contacting us, you don’t have to take your coffee machine to the workshop; our specialist will come to your home, office, business - wherever your coffee machine is located. Removal of coffee oils, decalcification, cleaning and lubrication of all components—what your coffee machine needs, our technician will do quickly and efficiently. Regular and timely maintenance can significantly increase the service life of your equipment.

Scale formation process

If you use filters of varying power before making coffee, some of the sediment will still remain in the water. When the cooking process occurs, the water gradually begins to heat up, and the salts themselves turn into a solid sediment that settles on the bottom and walls. However, particles on the coffee maker are formed not only by the influence of water, but also by the oil that is released from the coffee beans themselves during the brewing process. At Bravos coffee shops, we use medium roast coffee, which allows the machine to clog much more slowly due to its lower oil content.

This product also begins to thicken and settles on the sides of the coffee maker over time. The scale that forms from these elements can significantly impair the operation of the coffee machine and also adversely affects the taste of the finished drink. Cleaning your coffee machine with water is not the best way to get rid of this kind of residue. To destroy these substances from the walls of the unit, it is necessary to use specialized means. Our online store has a large selection of cleaning products; to find out more, fill out the form below and we will send you a wholesale price list.

Why is scale dangerous for a coffee machine?

Regular tap water contains a number of chloride and potassium compounds, which at high temperatures create limescale.

It not only coats the internal elements of the equipment, but also gets into your cup of drink, spoiling its taste.

Scale seriously reduces the service life of the coffee machine, and even damages its components.

Its next harm is in the porous surface. This is a fairly convenient environment for the birth and activity of various harmful microorganisms.

How does scale affect the operation of a coffee machine?

The deposits that form on the walls of the device over time get into the machine components - thus, the cooking mode is disrupted. The coffee brewing temperature drops rapidly. When the coffee machine is turned on, you may notice an excessively loud noise, as well as interruptions in operation. The yield of the drink at the end of cooking also decreases. The most unpleasant thing is the deterioration of the taste of the finished coffee.

Cleaning the coffee machine should be carried out comprehensively:

  • Remaining oil from coffee beans is removed;
  • Scale is removed;
  • The cooking temperature is restored;
  • Coffee prepared using such a machine is of much better quality.

After comprehensive cleaning of the coffee machine, excess noise from the product disappears, and the service life of the equipment is restored.

When is cleaning required?

The first signs of a dirty coffee machine include:

  • bitter taste and specific smell of coffee;
  • mineral sediment at the bottom of the mug;
  • crackling of the device during operation, presence of extraneous sounds and noises;
  • slow preparation of drinks;
  • weakening of the jet when supplying coffee, emulsified milk, boiling water, steam.

An increase in noise, sudden shutdown and heating of the case also indicate contamination of the device.

What specialized products are recommended to use to combat scale?

Most branded companies offer their own products for cleaning equipment from scale and oils. Among the strongest are Philips, Dolce Gusto, Delonghi and Saeko. The composition of these products is relatively the same, so the tablets and products are suitable for cleaning almost any model of coffee machine.

It is not necessary to purchase expensive cleaning products to cope with this problem - you can purchase cheaper analogues that are made by less well-known brands. Such substances can be produced in various forms: they can be liquids for washing coffee machines, tablets or powders. In some cases, you can also find folk remedies to combat scale - some users prefer to wash the car with citric acid.

Coffee oil removers for coffee machines

It is necessary to distinguish the removal of coffee oils from decalcification - descaling; These are different manipulations and different means are used for each procedure. Coffee oils in a coffee machine are removed using special products available in the form of tablets or liquid. All of them are designated as “Clean”, “Cleaning”, etc. Each contains phosphates, persalt, and acids intended for the breakdown of fats. The form of the product is not of fundamental importance; the composition of liquids does not differ from the tablet form. But the liquid dissolves instantly in water, and the tablets are more convenient to store, so it’s up to you to decide which is preferable.

You can purchase funds in stores that sell coffee machines or household appliances, as well as in service centers for the repair and maintenance of coffee equipment. Cleaning products from well-known manufacturers Bosch, Melitta, Jura are considered the best, although, as practice shows, the cheaper ones Topper, Cafiza, etc. are no worse. Today there are products on sale for simultaneously removing both coffee oils and scale, but such combinations are worse than separate preparations .

One tablet or portion of liquid is designed for one procedure; there is no need to divide it to save money, or use two for greater effect. If more intensive cleansing is required, two cleanses should be performed.

How often is it recommended to clean your car?

A lot depends on the quality of the water used to prepare the drink. If hard water is used as a base, then it is necessary to clean the device every 1.5 months. If the water is soft enough, then a period of about 6 months is sufficient. In order not to miss cleaning time, it is recommended to pay attention to the condition of the machine itself, as well as its functioning. If performance indicators begin to change for the worse, then it is necessary to clean its device from scale and oil.

Decalcification is not the only process that needs to be carried out periodically in the machine. You also need to regularly clean the cappuccino maker, if you have one (this is an element that allows you to efficiently froth milk). In order to ensure good care for it, it is enough to periodically rinse the cappuccino maker with water (it is best to use bottled water).

It is recommended to do this cleaning after each use of the device. The fact is that leftover milk is an excellent environment for the spread of bacteria and microorganisms. Also, scale may also accumulate on the cappuccino maker, causing the element to stop working. Then you will have to use special cleaning products.

How to use

Before carrying out the procedure, read the Topperr instructions for descaling coffee machines.

The concentrated liquid preparation from this company is used as follows:

  1. Add 100 ml of the drug to 2 liters of warm water.
  2. Stir and pour the liquid into a water container.
  3. Start the decalcification process (the method depends on the coffee machine and is indicated in the operating instructions for the specific model).
  4. After cleaning, remove the removable parts, rinse with running water without detergents and dry before installation.

Decalcification tablets are used differently:

  1. Remove the protective film from the tablet.
  2. Place the tablet in a water container and fill it to the brim with boiling water.
  3. Wait for the product to dissolve.
  4. Run the coffee maker 1 full cleaning cycle.
  5. Then run the full cycle 3 more times with clean water to rinse the internal parts.

In coffee makers with a built-in cleaning function, essential oil tablets should be used as indicated in the instructions for the specific model. If there is no such parameter, perform the procedure as follows:

  1. Pour water into the container provided for this purpose in the coffee maker.
  2. Place the tablet in the coffee compartment.
  3. Place the mug under the dispenser, turn on the drink preparation mode and fill it halfway.
  4. Turn off the coffee machine and leave for 15-20 minutes. The remedy should work.
  5. Drain the brewed “drink”, turn on the unit and let it complete the interrupted cycle.
  6. Disconnect the brew unit, rinse it under water and put it back.
  7. Run the full coffee brewing cycle 2 more times, but do not add ground beans.

The drip tray into which drips drain also needs regular cleaning. Place a Topperr descaling tablet in it and pour boiling water to 2/3 of the volume. After half an hour, rinse the container under the tap.

How to Know When to Clean

Before you start using a specific cleaning product, you need to determine exactly whether the device currently needs to be cleaned. On more expensive models, you can find an indication system that allows you to determine how dirty the machine is at the moment - it gives certain signals that indicate that the coffee machine needs to be cleaned. However, the sensors cannot determine the quality and type of water, nor the amount of accumulated sediment. The operating principle of such indicator systems is quite simple.

The system already knows in advance how many cups of coffee the coffee machine is designed for before cleaning (on average, this figure varies around 230 cups). Once the cooking limit is reached, the equipment begins to signal that it needs to be cleaned - although in fact this may not be necessary. The machine is more suitable for preventative cleaning.

Some coffee makers allow the owner to independently enter data on water hardness. To help the user navigate this indicator, the manufacturer also includes a water hardness test. A system of indicators built on such an algorithm is distinguished by more accurate indicators.

If the model does not have any indicators, then the owner has to rely on the eye. To do this, you need to know the signs by which you can determine that the machine needs cleaning:

  • During operation, uncharacteristic sounds appear, as well as too much noise;
  • A thin stream of coffee;
  • Coffee becomes less strong;
  • The drink has an unusual taste;
  • The amount of finished coffee becomes much smaller;
  • Sediment appears at the bottom of the drink.

If the owner of the device notices these signs when the equipment is operating, this directly indicates the need to clean the machine. Otherwise, the device may break down completely.

However, before you begin the procedure itself, you must carefully read the instructions from the unit. Usually the manufacturer gives recommendations for decalcification of a specific model - all the nuances that you need to know about will be spelled out here.

Cleaning time

Models created for cafes need to be cleaned every day, home coffee machines - once a week.

The water filter must be changed every two months, the water tank must be rinsed and filled with fresh water daily. The tray must be washed when it gets dirty. It is better to clean the waste cake container every day, otherwise it will ruin the aroma of the coffee.

The milk hose needs to be changed every three months. If you constantly use milk, it is better to clean it daily.

It is not recommended to wait longer than this period, as there is a risk of damage to individual elements of the coffee machine.

What you need to prepare to clean the coffee machine

Before you start cleaning the coffee machine, you also need to decide on the method and select the appropriate product that will help deal with scale and remove complex deposits. Here you can choose several solutions at once:

  • Buy an expensive branded product;
  • Buy its cheaper analogue;
  • Use traditional methods (this is the riskiest option).

When choosing, you need to take into account that branded products usually cost much more than regular ones. Most often, manufacturers recommend using them for a specific brand of device - the manufacturer speaks of the high efficiency of such equipment. In this case, the form of release can be completely different: liquid substances. Powders and tablets. They must be used according to the accompanying instructions.

Device self-cleaning function

Coffee machines from NIVONA are equipped with a button for self-cleaning of the system. When you press the button, the machine alternately starts the descaling, oil removal and rinsing modes.

To monitor the status of the coffee machine in real time, its owner can download a special NIVONA application for a smartphone. With its help, the user will receive notifications about contamination and cleaning of the device, as well as technical reports.

You can learn more about the self-cleaning function from our company manager. To do this, fill out the feedback form or call us at the number provided.

Instructions for descaling your coffee machine

Despite the fact that each cleaning product comes with specific instructions, there is a certain procedure that will be universal in any situation:

  1. All components of the device are preliminarily cleaned of any remaining coffee beans, and excess waste is also removed. It is necessary to pour out the remaining water.
  2. The product is dissolved in water according to the instructions in a specific proportion;
  3. The substance must be poured into a compartment with water;
  4. Then the coffee machine starts working - after 5 minutes it is necessary to completely drain the liquid from the compartment;
  5. The reservoir must be rinsed under running water and filled with clean liquid;
  6. You need to start the coffee machine again;
  7. After this, it is necessary to carry out another complete water change - after which the coffee machine can be considered completely cleaned.

Expensive models that have a sprayer or horn in their design can be cleaned without adding coffee to the tank. There are even options that provide automatic tank cleaning. Here then it is enough just to follow the instructions from the manufacturer.

Procedure for cleaning the milk system:

  1. find the “Cappuccino cleaning” tab in the service menu - the coffee machine will ask for a milk system cleaner;
  2. Dissolve 15 ml of the product in 1 liter of warm water;
  3. lower the milk tube into the solution;
  4. press the “confirm rinsing” button (right under the screen);
  5. the milk system will begin to flush;
  6. Fill a container with clean warm water and lower the milk tube into it;
  7. Press the “confirm rinsing” button again - the machine will be rinsed with clean water.

Using folk remedies for cleansing

If you don’t want to spend money on expensive products to clean your coffee machine, you can resort to traditional methods of getting rid of scale and sediment. Owners of coffee makers are recommended to use solutions of vinegar or citric acid. Specialists who repair such units insist that for cleaning it is still better to use professional products that will certainly not cause harm to the device.

Vinegar and citric acid are very caustic substances that can damage the surface of the coffee machine, causing it to work much slower or simply break completely. However, if you do everything correctly, this risk will be minimized. Each method is discussed in more detail below.

Vinegar Cleaning Method

The first step is to prepare a vinegar-based cleaner. To do this, take a 9% solution of table vinegar and water in a ratio of 1 to 2. Next, you must follow the same procedure as when using a branded cleaning product. The entire algorithm of actions was described in detail in the previous paragraphs. If we turn to the opinion of experts, most of them insist that the vinegar solution can damage the internal components of the device. Therefore, it is recommended to use it only in the most extreme situations.



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Cleaning technology using citric acid

Most equipment repair specialists find this method more acceptable and safer. To make a cleaning product, you need to dilute 30 g of acid per 1 liter of water. After this, it is recommended to use the same algorithm of actions as described above - the principle of operation is the same as that of specialized cleaning products. Experts in this field say that citric acid will indeed effectively remove accumulated scale, but if you overdo it, the solution can negatively affect the operation of the parts of the entire coffee machine. It is better to use such a product rarely, so as not to damage the device ahead of time.

How to clean a device with an auto-cleaning option?

If your machine is not equipped with a display, but has an automatic cleaning function, then a flashing indicator or a corresponding illuminated icon will indicate the need for decalcification.

Here you need to do this:

  • Turn on the device, wait until it warms up and flushes the system.
  • Click on Descale or Cale - hold the key for about 5 seconds.
  • The machine independently cleans the beverage dispenser, after which it “asks” to add an anti-lime preparation.
  • You can descale your coffee machine using either special gel or tablets for coffee machines.
  • If you have a liquid cleaner, pour 150-500 ml of the product (based on the dosage in the instructions). If necessary, increase the volume to 0.5 l - this is the mark on the Cale tank.
  • To clean a coffee machine at home using tablets, you will need 2-3 pieces - they are placed in the water tank of the machine, filled with 0.5 liters of water, and wait until completely dissolved.
  • Place a basin or bowl under the coffee machine tap that can hold 0.5 liters of water.
  • Cleaning the coffee machine with a tablet is very simple. Depending on the model, click on “Start”, “OK”, “Steam”.
  • The machine will run 100-150 ml of water at a time, taking breaks of 5-10 minutes, until the entire supply of cleaning product in the tank is exhausted. In this case, the pump may operate unusually loudly, even crackling.
  • When cleaning is complete, the “Add water” or “Empty tray” indicator will appear. Rinse the water tank of the machine thoroughly and add water to the maximum level.
  • Run one or more water tanks.
  • Once the cleaning is complete, the machine will alert you that the cleaning cycle is complete.

If you have a modern model with both the auto-wash option and a display, then the process is much simpler:

  1. To clean the same Bosch coffee machine, turn on the machine, wait until it warms up and rinses itself from the inside.
  2. From the menu, select Maintenance, Care or Cleaning. Next, stop at Descale, Cale or “Descaling”.
  3. The machine will do 1-2 cleaning cycles through the feed dispenser, after which it will ask you to add a cleaning product.
  4. Dosage - as in the previous guide: 150-500 ml of liquid product or 2-3 cleaning tablets for coffee machines. In any case, add water to the 0.5 liter mark on the tank and wait until the product is completely dissolved in the water.
  5. Place a large container under the faucet of the device, open the steam tap or click on “Start”, “Ok”.
  6. The equipment will begin to circulate 100-200 ml of cleaning solution through itself, taking breaks of 5-10 minutes - until it is all gone.
  7. When the machine asks you to add water or empty the tray, remove the water tank, rinse it thoroughly, then fill it with clean water to the maximum value and return it back.
  8. For complete cleaning, it is necessary to add from one to several tanks of water in this way.
  9. As soon as the washing is completely completed, the machine will inform you about this with a message on the screen.
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