Open or close? Which position to choose for the toilet lid

I’ll say right away: I personally am calm about an open toilet lid. Well, open and open... But my friend will simply terrorize her family if she sees this. She spends so much energy on this struggle for order in the toilet that I involuntarily began to think: maybe this is not really nagging?

I decided to find out how to deal with her correctly. And why the closed lid requirement is strictly observed in many homes.

DIY installation features

The procedure for installing the cover is quite simple, so you can easily do it yourself.
And without using any special and rare tool. First you need to remove the old cover. An appropriately sized wrench or pliers will help with this if it is attached to the toilet using plastic or brass bolts. The listed fasteners are not subject to corrosion, so they are easy to unscrew.

Removing the old cover can be the most difficult part of the job, but there are many simple ways to remove rusted bolts

Next, you need to clean the toilet shelf from traces of dirt. To install the purchased cover, you should use plastic or brass fittings. They do this because steel products quickly corrode in the humid environment of a bathroom.

Installing a new cover consists of attaching and tightening the connection, that is, this is a very simple operation that any owner of this thing can handle

The next step is to place the purchased lid on the toilet and attach the prepared screws. Next, the connection is simply tightened, after which the work is considered completed.

If a multifunctional device is purchased, then the owner will definitely have to use the services of professional installers.

The following article will introduce you to the selection rules and installation instructions for a bidet attachment for a toilet, which we recommend reading.

Why do you need a lid at all?

What did people use before toilets were invented? Some with bushes and burdocks, some with a hole over a hole, some with chamber pots. The pots had lids for obvious reasons: no one would want to spread toilet “fragrances” around the room.

A modern toilet lid is needed for two things:

  • to control odor;
  • to contain splashes when draining.

The smells in this case are no longer what they used to be. Thanks to the siphon design, all the “ballast” immediately falls into the water, which prevents it from spreading the stench. And then it’s completely washed away into the sewer. But when you decide to clean the toilet with something strong and smelling of bleach, the lid will come in very handy - it will save your apartment from the smell of a Soviet infectious diseases hospital.

Why do you need to close the toilet lid?

Why do you need a toilet lid? Obviously, not only to retain odors. But back in the 70s, scientists conducted an experiment, which revealed that after you flush the toilet, germs remain on the surfaces of the toilet and bathroom for a long time after flushing. If we are talking about an adjacent bathroom, then pathogenic organisms can remain and settle on towels, toothbrushes, tiles and other surfaces located in close proximity to the toilet.

According to research, when you flush the toilet, an aerosol column up to 2 meters high, consisting of water, air and other particles, including pathogenic bacteria, rises.

This is called a “toilet plume”, thanks to which bacteria can spread over distances of up to 2-3 meters

And this is especially important to consider if you use public toilets

So what to do? Close the toilet lid before pressing the button. If you're in a public toilet, at least step away from the door before flushing, otherwise you risk the billion bacteria that live in public toilets getting on your clothes, skin, hair and hands. Or run out of a public toilet when the water is flushed, this is also possible, why not?

If you have a shared bathroom at home, keep personal hygiene items away: toothbrushes, combs, towels, etc. They should not be adjacent to an open toilet. Disease-causing organisms can remain and settle on towels, toothbrushes, tiles and other surfaces in close proximity to the toilet.

What does Feng Shui say? According to Feng Shui philosophy, all energy associated with toilets is considered negative. The Chinese method generally insists that the toilet should not be installed in the bathroom, and if this is unavoidable, then at least visually delimit the zones using curtains or screens. There is negative energy associated with the toilet and everything that is flushed there that can deprive you of money, prosperity and all kinds of success. Also, in many teachings, water is associated with money. If you wash away the water, you will wash away wealth and money. So it is better to close not only the lid, but also the door to the toilet. It’s bad if the toilet is located next to the kitchen, but this is often found in apartment layouts, especially if your house was built 40 years ago. What remains? Close the lid!

What is the etiquette? Many people believe that by closing the lid, you are being polite to other residents of the apartment. In European countries, similar rules are taught from childhood, so if you invite a European to visit, do not be surprised that the toilet lid will always be closed.

Grandma told why the toilet lid ALWAYS NEEDS to be kept closed Bookmark 5

Have you noticed that many people always have the toilet lid closed in their home? Do you think they do this because of the bad smell? Not at all! My grandmother shared this secret with me, and I will tell it to you...

Many of my friends always ask me: “Lena, why do you always close the lid, even when you are at our house?” You know, I have already developed a thoroughly developed habit. From a very young age, my grandmother always taught me this. No, I didn’t do this because of some etiquette or unpleasant smell from the toilet, I did it so that there would be money in our family.

Believe it or not

At first I came across explanations that, to be honest, I was skeptical about. On the other hand, what if they work even for skeptics like me?

The fact is that according to the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui, the negative energy that accompanies a person is located in one place - in the toilet. More specifically, in the toilet and cistern. And the position of the toilet lid determines whether this negativity will remain here or spread throughout the apartment. And it will have an impact on all its inhabitants.

Consequences predicted by mystics

Of course, in this case, the eastern sages do not promise us anything good. Judge for yourself, this is what awaits you if you fail to comply with toilet rules:

  • Those living in this apartment cannot avoid quarrels, disagreements, and misunderstandings in their relationship with each other.
  • They also face financial problems. There will always be a shortage of money. And you won’t be able to save up, and it won’t be easy to pay off your debts.
  • And in general, there will be more and more grief, it will be difficult to organize your life conveniently and comfortably.

You can avoid all this, and without any difficulties. You just need to keep this negative energy in check. It's easy to do - just close the lid!

On the one hand, I can’t stop thinking that lids appeared much later than toilets. We lived then without them and dealt with this negative energy without them. Now why won't it work?

On the other hand, maybe we shouldn’t doubt the advice of Eastern sages? How about just closing the lid, just in case?

Moreover, this requirement has not only mystical reasons.

Signs and Feng Shui

Some signs and theories of Feng Shui work, regardless of whether a person believes in them or not. Of course, moving a bathroom to another room or demolishing walls is not always possible. However, all people can use the available laws of Feng Shui.

The Chinese methodology of this theory believes that there is positive and negative energy. According to Feng Shui, negative energy - Sha - accumulates in the cistern and sewer. According to ancient Chinese teaching, this energy has destructive power. It can cause various diseases in the inhabitants of the home, scandals, quarrels and other troubles.

In order not to release the destructive flow from the toilet, the toilet lid must be closed at all times. Moreover, it must be closed constantly, after each use. To create an additional barrier to the movement of negative energy, you should also keep the bathroom door closed.

Mystical theory is closely intertwined with Chinese teachings. It says that water represents money. Therefore, to attract financial flow, it is necessary to constantly close the toilet lid. Otherwise, the money is washed down the drain.

The toilet problem is a rather sensitive topic. Regardless of your belief in omens and mysticism, the toilet should always be kept clean. The closed lid meets all hygienic requirements and will help protect household members from many infectious diseases.

Toilet feng shui

Well, what about negative energy? In the minds of impressionable housewives, everything is confused: some talk about Feng Shui, others talk about folk signs of the post-Soviet space (if you leave the toilet open, there will be no money).

Well, in this case, superstitions do not contradict common sense. In the toilet room, first of all, you need to watch out for two things:

  • for cleanliness;
  • for hygiene.

If you believe that this will also lead you to harmony and wealth - why not? In any business, the main thing is a positive attitude. But when you fight with your household, convincing them to lower the toilet lid, it’s better to tell them about germs: as you know, not everyone is ready for Feng Shui.

Is it possible or not to open an umbrella indoors?

The question “is it possible to open an umbrella indoors” is not as simple as it seems. What prohibitions does it contain: you can’t open an umbrella or you can’t keep it open? And if the second is acceptable, then is it possible to bring home an open umbrella and leave it there in this condition?

What do signs and legends say about this?

You cannot open an umbrella under the roof! Such an action will bring upon the violator of the prohibition many different misfortunes and failures. This belief comes from ancient Rome. It is based on a legend according to which the vaults of one’s own house collapsed on the head of one of its residents after the latter accidentally opened an umbrella under her.

Keeping this accessory open in residential areas is also prohibited! It is believed that after this, the protector gods of both the home and outside world will turn away from you. This is due to the purpose of the umbrella to protect a person from inconvenience and the myth of the sun god Apollo, from whose rays the umbrella saved the ancient Romans. After all, its original task was to protect it from intense sunlight, heat and the troubles associated with them.

The umbrella opened indoors offended Apollo, because there is already little sun there, and they are also trying to hide from it. And the homely guardian spirits, believing that this item should protect people only from the outside, saw the opened accessory as a competitor and, angry at its presence, could do minor mischief to the owners of the house.

Why close the toilet lid?

When living together, you can often hear from the fairer sex to the stronger sex: “Close the toilet lid!” But sometimes even girls cannot explain why it is necessary and whether it is necessary to close the toilet lid, referring only to the arguments: “this is how it should be” and “according to Feng Shui, you cannot leave the toilet lid up so that all the happiness and wealth does not go into the hole in the toilet.” Some simply argue that with the lid closed the toilet looks more aesthetically pleasing or that it is necessary according to etiquette. And it’s clear why it’s difficult for men to instill this reflex, because the arguments are completely unconvincing.

So why lower the toilet lid or, on the contrary, need to raise it?

Let's get to the root! From a hygiene point of view, it is precisely necessary to close the toilet lid before pressing the flush button, precisely until this moment! When we flush water down the toilet, a huge army of various microbes (bacteria, viruses, etc.) and small parts of feces and urine scatter in all directions over a distance of 3 meters! If the drain is particularly strong, then the diameter of the scattering of not very pleasant particles even reaches 5 meters!

Agree, you don’t really want to carry all this joy on yourself, and if the toilet is combined with a bathroom, then the above-mentioned organisms and substances harmful to our health can get on soap, toothbrushes, towels, door handles, that is, on all objects located in close proximity to a white friend.

Of course, if you have time and material resources, that is, money, you can go crazy and wipe all surfaces in the bathroom and toilet with disinfectants every day, but won’t they turn out to be more harmful to us than bacteria and our own feces? Therefore, to maintain hygiene and cleanliness in the bathroom or toilet, lower the toilet lid before you begin to flush the water. In this simple way you will save your precious time and money on detergents.

Why can't you keep the toilet lid open?

Have you ever wondered what position your toilet lid is in when you flush the tank? And why, if for some people it is open, does it cause ardent disgust or indignation? After all, at first glance, there is nothing wrong with this, unless, of course, your pets start lapping up water directly from the toilet.


Why is it needed at all - this lid and is it really necessary to close it? Let's try to figure it out.

Why lower the toilet lid: all about the “toilet plume” and feng shui energy

People who live by the philosophy of Feng Shui lift the toilet lid with caution and only when they have to use it for its intended purpose. After all, the white sanitaryware bowl contains not only the terrible microbes from the Domestos advertisement, but also something worse - the negative energy of Sha, which can deprive you of peace, wealth and well-being. To ensure that this dirty trick remains there, closer to the sewer, enlightened Taoists advise closing the toilet lid as soon as possible.

For their part, microbiologists decided to investigate the toilet threat back in 1975. It is unlikely that they were talking about the same thing with feng shui adherents, but scientists from Texas described the phenomenon of a “toilet plume” that threatens the health of those who press the flush button without first lowering the toilet lid.

"Toilet plume" and microbiologists

When dentists urge us to disinfect and replace our toothbrushes regularly, they like to mention a shocking fact: if you examine an old brush under a microscope, you will find not only colonies of bacteria on it, but also fecal particles. Where are they from?

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The answer was given by the same American microbiologists. To find out how far the toilet microflora is ready to go, they organized an experiment: they poured phosphorescent liquid into the toilet and, without closing the lid, simply pressed the flush button. This was done in a dark bathroom - not for more drama, but in order to use an ultraviolet lamp to find traces of splashes on nearby surfaces.

The microbes did not disappoint - when flushed along with the smallest droplets of water, they spread from the toilet bowl within a couple of seconds over a radius of two meters. So they ended up on the toothbrush along with the “nanofeces” (here is the obvious disadvantage of a shared bathroom).

Texas scientists called this phenomenon a “toilet plume.” The experiment is good for its simplicity and clarity: hardly anyone will argue with the fact that it is still better to lower the toilet lid.

About signs and superstitions

Anyone familiar with the philosophy of Feng Shui knows that the toilet is not just a source of bacteria, but also the negative energy of Sha. If you don’t block it, it will prevent you from developing spiritually, blocking the cash flow, and bringing negativity into relationships between relatives. But all this can be easily avoided by simply training yourself to use the toilet correctly. If no one is using it, the toilet lid and the toilet itself should be closed.

Feng Shui experts warn that the latrine should remain so in any case, and there is no point in trying to fundamentally change it. Here people will still get rid of accumulated negativity, so the aura of this zone will remain unchanged. But an attempt to make such changes to the essence of things can be punishable.

Many teachings associate cash flow with water flow. These are related concepts, attracted to each other and capable of energy exchange. That is why not only the toilet lid must be closed, but also the door to the toilet. These are all physical barriers that prevent water from connecting in the cistern and the financial sphere. If you listen to this advice, you will be able to avoid such troubles in your life as unnecessary spending and material losses.

Each person decides for himself whether he believes signs or not. However, it is better to follow the rules of hygiene in any case, without being lazy and not forgetting to perform simple movements: when leaving the toilet, lower the toilet lid and close the door.

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Close the lid before you flush

Evidence that you are spreading germs by not closing the toilet lid when you flush. The video shows how bacteria spreads from the toilet when the water is flushed. Be sure to check it out, it's quite interesting.

It's amazing how often we find ourselves completely illiterate and ignorant in everyday matters. Let's fill this small gap in our knowledge. Considering that the majority of the population of our country lives in apartments and uses a flush toilet, everyone should know and apply this hygienic rule.

Before writing advice, I, as usual, decided to first delve into the Internet and see what others were writing about it. This is how the need to close the toilet lid is explained.

Oddly enough, there are few basic answers.

Many ladies close the toilet lid based on aesthetics. It’s more beautiful, more aesthetically pleasing, it shows politeness towards the people with whom we live, and so on.

The second answer is based on the philosophy of Feng Shui.

According to Feng Shui, the toilet lid must be closed, since the toilet is considered a hole of misfortune through which the energy of the house escapes.

The famous Feng Shui commandment says: “Close the toilet lid!” They say that when you flush water into the toilet with the lid open, happiness, money, and well-being go there along with all the contents of the toilet. Our citizens do not close the toilet lid. Maybe that's why money is flowing out of the country?

In addition, I found a bunch of funny answers to this question. For example, that you can sit on the lid and talk to someone who is washing in the bathroom, if the bathroom is shared.

Or here's a more complicated answer:

Once upon a time, the lid on the toilet was intended for men. They are lazy people and will never raise the toilet circle on their own initiative. As a result, the circle will be constantly wet. Which, you see, no woman will like. That's why the lid was invented - to make life more difficult for men.

All this may be interesting and worthy of attention, but it sounds somehow unconvincing. Yes, and if in many families disputes and scandals regularly flare up over the toilet lid, it means that such answers do not satisfy men at all.

Let's look at this issue from the other side - from the point of view of hygiene.

What happens when we flush the toilet? Millions of bacteria, microbes and small particles of feces scatter at a distance of 2-3 meters (according to some sources, 5 meters) from the toilet. All these living creatures safely settle on walls, door handles, towels, toothbrushes, curtains, etc.

In one of the programs, “myth busters” performed an experiment. His task was to determine whether particles from the contents of the toilet bowl settled on surrounding objects. The myth was confirmed and experience showed that indeed, a huge amount of small, invisible particles - human waste products - settle on brushes (they tested toothbrushes). Yeah, it's not very pleasant.

Manufacturers of various detergents recommend wiping all surfaces of the toilet room with disinfectant solutions daily to protect your health. But aren’t these products more dangerous for our body than the microbes themselves? Grandmother said this in two.

Therefore, to maintain hygiene in the toilet, lower the toilet lid before flushing.

This way, you will save money on disinfectants, and your apartment will be cleaner.

Perhaps each of us has a “thing” that disgusts us. Wearing shoes indoors, dirty dishes left in the sink overnight, even sitting on the bed in dirty clothes... But you know what makes you feel the worst disgust? Flushing a toilet with the lid open. Why? Let's try to explain.

Product classification

Regardless of whether your restroom has the latest model of plumbing fixture or you are content with a device made in the last century, you will need a toilet seat with a lid. The price of the simplest models of these accessories is low, and the resulting comfort is invaluable.

Many people completely in vain do not pay due attention to the choice of this element and purchase the first cover they come across, taking into account solely the appearance, as well as whether the dimensions of the toilet cover are suitable for the model of plumbing fixture they have installed. But after examining the issue more carefully, you will be able to see that choosing this accessory is not as simple as it seems at first glance

After all, you need to focus not on how much the cover costs, but on important technical characteristics, which will be discussed below

But after examining the issue more carefully, you will be able to see that choosing this accessory is not as simple as it seems at first glance. After all, you need to focus not on how much the cover costs, but on important technical characteristics, which will be discussed below.

According to the material of manufacture

First of all, when choosing, you need to pay attention to what the toilet lid is made of. The most common materials and their characteristics are shown in the table below

PlasticA very suitable material for making toilet lids. The popularity of polymer products is due to their excellent consumer characteristics and low price. The lids are easy to keep clean, and their service life, if handled correctly, is comparable to the service life of the toilet itself.
DuroplastProducts made from it occupy the second position in popularity. Externally they resemble ceramics, but their performance properties are superior to plastic. They are resistant to external influences, have antiseptic properties and an attractive appearance. The disadvantage is the high cost.
PlywoodNowadays, toilet lids made of plywood are practically not produced. These models are difficult to clean from dirt and quickly become unusable. Pros: fairly affordable price.
Solid woodIt is used extremely rarely for making lids. These are mainly designer or exclusive models. With high-quality processing, the consumer properties of a wooden lid are absolutely not inferior to their plastic counterparts.

By shape

Another important parameter is the shape of the lid and circle for the toilet. The most common are oval models that follow the contours of the device on which they are installed.

But there may be other options:

  • square;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • in the form of animals;
  • repeating the shape of musical instruments and so on.

Pay attention to the processing of the ends. They should be rounded so as not to damage the skin during use or tear clothing.

Rubber or silicone shock absorbers are usually built into the lower surface of the cover, softening the sound of impact when the accessory is sharply lowered. Check their availability and workmanship.

Other parameters

For particularly demanding customers, other lid models are also produced:

  • with armrests (usually used by people with limited mobility);
  • heated;
  • with bidet; (See also article.)
  • for children and so on.

To purchase a suitable lid and not be disappointed in your choice, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

  1. It is better to purchase the hardest possible lids
    . Although soft and make going to the toilet more comfortable, their service life is minimal. The cover on the toilet lid quickly becomes unusable, which is why you have to change the entire structure.

Before purchasing, inspect the external surface of the product. It must be perfectly smooth, free from cracks, chips, nicks and burrs that can cause injury to the skin. Give preference to models coated with special antiseptic compounds.

Install covers with microlift

In this case, a special mechanism will smoothly lower, eliminating the loud clapping sound that disturbs others. Pay attention to the fact that the appearance, color, shape, size and other parameters are organically combined with the toilet itself, as well as the overall design of the restroom. But usability shouldn't be sacrificed for design.

After purchase, check the contents

According to GOST, each toilet lid must be supplied with fittings, with the help of which it is secured to the plumbing fixture.

  1. A children's toilet lid must be sold with a document confirming its certification
    by the relevant government agencies that are responsible for protecting the health of the younger generation.

Is it necessary to close the toilet lid when flushing?

What happens when we flush the cistern? After pressing the button, a powerful stream under high pressure flushes the products of our vital activity into the sewer. But, as the study showed, not all the water ends up in the sewer pipe.

Tiny droplets scatter throughout the restroom, settling on various objects - water meters, cabinets, air freshener bottles, etc., as well as on the floor, walls and ceiling. The radius of action of such a “fountain” can reach 3-4 meters from the toilet. Flying droplets contain tiny particles of washable waste, dangerous bacteria and viruses.


On the other hand, an open toilet lid is a source of unpleasant odors. Therefore, for hygienic reasons, it should definitely be kept closed.


Sewer threat.

Everyone knows that there are a lot of rats living in the sewers. These rodents are not at all afraid of water and they are excellent swimmers and, if necessary, can crawl through the thinnest pipes without much difficulty. Keeping the lid open is like opening the door for rodents to enter your apartment.

Rats carry many diseases, some of them are very dangerous to humans and difficult to cure. In addition, pieces of excrement from sewer pipes remain on the rodents' fur. It's hard to imagine that anyone would want to allow such guests into their restroom. This is another undeniable argument in favor of a closed lid.

Mysticism and wisdom of the East.

Not all people pay due attention to the laws of Feng Shui and often ignore the teachings of eastern sages. Yes, an ordinary person probably won’t want to rearrange the layout of the apartment and rearrange the furniture in order to please the whims of mystical energy

But some of the little things in this teaching can be done by anyone.

The fact is that, according to the philosophy of Feng Shui, extremely negative energy - Sha - lives in the cistern. For a person, it brings a lot of troubles: decline in spiritual development, financial difficulties, quarrels and breakdowns in relationships with loved ones. It is impossible to change this, and any attempts can lead to negative consequences. But you can protect yourself by creating a physical obstacle, that is, closing the toilet lid.


According to other teachings, water is closely intertwined in an energetic connection with money. If the toilet lid and the door to the restroom are open, then the energy of your savings flows smoothly into the flush tank and further into the sewer. This means that you yourself “flush” your money down the toilet.

Why you shouldn't leave the toilet open

There are a number of reasons for this. Some of them are rational and allow you to understand why the toilet lid was invented in the first place. Others are associated with mystical and spiritual factors.

Rational reasons

Lowering the lid before flushing is necessary for hygienic reasons. Otherwise, the smallest particles of waste products, drops of water and microbes under pressure from the cistern will scatter throughout the restroom. They will be able to settle on objects standing even at a considerable distance from the toilet: up to 2–5 meters. The exact value depends on the pressure power.

In addition, a lid that is not lowered creates a source of unpleasant odors and allows rats access to the home. Pests are not afraid of sewers, swim well and can squeeze through the thinnest pipes. It costs them nothing to get through the toilet drain into an apartment located even on the 6th or 7th floor. Together with them they will bring not only pieces of excrement on the fur, but also various kinds of diseases. Some of the diseases carried by rodents are difficult to treat.

Superstitions and signs

People who live according to the philosophy of Feng Shui know that not only bacteria live under the toilet lid, but also negative Sha energy. It interferes with spiritual development and cash flow, and disrupts family ties. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to take care of the latrine and keep it closed when it is not being used for its intended purpose. At the same time, you should not try to radically change the essence of the latrine. Significant progress cannot be achieved, since the toilet and bath are rooms where people get rid of the negative energy accumulated in them. The aura of these zones is always approximately the same, but an attempt to change the essence of things may result in punishment.

Also, in many teachings, water is associated with money. They attract each other and exchange energy. That is why it is necessary to close not only the toilet, but also the restroom door. The more physical barriers there are between the contents of the cistern and the finances in your wallet, the fewer material losses and unnecessary expenses there will be in life.

Whether or not to trust signs is a personal matter for everyone, but concern for hygiene in the home should come before laziness or forgetfulness. That is why you should listen to housewives and lower the toilet lid after visiting the restroom.


Spider in the bathroom

A spider is a worker, a weaver and a hunter at the same time. It represents the hard work, courage, resourcefulness and luck of the inhabitants of the house. If a spider has taken up residence in the bathroom, this does not bode well. In all areas of life, the efforts of household members will be doomed to failure.

You need to try to catch the spider and move it to another place, for example, to a pantry, and hope that it will agree to such a move and stay in the new place. In this case, family affairs will gradually improve. Under no circumstances should you kill a spider, even if it does not want to move. In this case, wipe the walls with water and vinegar, and it will go away on its own.

It is also extremely important to always keep the bathroom clean and tidy, to prevent equipment breakdowns, cluttered cabinets, and clogged sewers. There should always be proper ventilation in the bathroom

Hang beautiful towels, decorate the bathroom with a composition of small stones in a beautiful vessel, install an air scenter, and, if possible, place some living plant there. Comfort, beauty and cleanliness in the bathroom are one of the keys to a favorable atmosphere in the house.

Believe it or not

At first I came across explanations that, to be honest, I was skeptical about. On the other hand, what if they work even for skeptics like me?

The fact is that according to the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui, the negative energy that accompanies a person is located in one place - in the toilet. More specifically, in the toilet and cistern. And the position of the toilet lid determines whether this negativity will remain here or spread throughout the apartment. And it will have an impact on all its inhabitants.

Consequences predicted by mystics

Of course, in this case, the eastern sages do not promise us anything good. Judge for yourself, this is what awaits you if you fail to comply with toilet rules:

  • Those living in this apartment cannot avoid quarrels, disagreements, and misunderstandings in their relationship with each other.
  • They also face financial problems. There will always be a shortage of money. And you won’t be able to save up, and it won’t be easy to pay off your debts.
  • And in general, there will be more and more grief, it will be difficult to organize your life conveniently and comfortably.

You can avoid all this, and without any difficulties. You just need to keep this negative energy in check. It's easy to do - just close the lid!

On the one hand, I can’t stop thinking that lids appeared much later than toilets. We lived then without them and dealt with this negative energy without them. Now why won't it work?

On the other hand, maybe we shouldn’t doubt the advice of Eastern sages? How about just closing the lid, just in case?

Moreover, this requirement has not only mystical reasons.

Think about symbols

When you walk through the front door, what is to the left of the room you are in?

According to old Tibetan teachings, this part of your home is very important for money. What's there? Are things neatly stacked or in complete chaos? If everything is messed up and disorganized, your finances may be in the same chaos.

Is there a fast-growing, fragrant houseplant in this area of ​​the house? Then expect your finances to prosper.

To save energy and money flow, place images of nature, trees, waterfalls, sailing boats, rivers on the walls. Each of these images symbolize freedom and invite positive energy into your home.

How improperly draining water can harm your health

It turns out that such a familiar bathroom item can receive the attention of employees of scientific institutes. The ubiquitous British scientists (yes, them again) conducted a whole study dedicated to this plumbing fixture.

In the course of laboratory studies, they found that under the toilet lid there are a large number of pathogens, including a particularly dangerous strain of bacteria - Clostridium difficile.

Normally, Clostridium difficile is present in the body of a healthy person in small quantities. But if you take certain types of medications, such as antibiotics, the strain of bacteria begins to grow. This leads to intestinal upset - diarrhea, and in rare cases can cause such a serious disease as intestinal phlegmon.

Diarrhea and cellulitis are very common in hospital settings. Thus, just one person who is a carrier of Clostridium difficile can infect more than ten patients in the clinic.

British scientists conducted an experiment:

  1. A mixture containing pathogenic bacteria was poured into the toilet.
  2. The institute's staff drained the water and measured the height to which the water droplets splashed.
  3. They took samples. Bacteria were found at a great distance from the toilet.
  4. After 90 minutes, samples were taken again - the concentration of pathogenic strains was still high.
  5. After that, the scientists again poured the mixture with bacteria and closed the toilet lid.
  6. The water was drained again and samples were taken. No microorganisms dangerous to the human body were found in the room.

Bacteria were found not only on the plumbing itself, but also on the walls of the bathroom, towels, on the floor and even on hygiene products such as a toothbrush and comb. When water is drained into the air, an aerosol plume rises, which can reach two meters in height. It consists not only of microscopic drops of water, but also of particles of feces and pathogenic microorganisms. After this, the particles spread throughout the entire area of ​​the room.

The need to close the lid when flushing water

From a practical point of view, it is necessary to close the toilet lid before each flush. This necessity is due to the fact that when draining, small drops of water scatter throughout the toilet room. They settle on walls, floors, and surrounding furniture. This can contribute to the spread of various infectious pathologies and inflammatory diseases.

Also, an unpleasant odor emanates from a constantly open toilet. To eliminate it, you must constantly use an air freshener or close the lid.

Bacteria from the toilet spread to surrounding objects

It is important not just to close the lid on the toilet, but to do this before flushing the water. It plays an important role in hygiene

During flushing, the water descends into the bowl, where upon contact with sewage, small particles are formed, including various microbes.

All these elements, under the pressure of water, spread far beyond the toilet itself, settling on other surfaces. In addition, after rinsing, a huge number of bacteria remain in the water that remains in the bowl until the detergent is used.

A particular health hazard is posed by sharing a bathroom and the habit of leaving the lid on. Small aerosol fecal particles can get not only on the walls and floor, but also on the sink, soap, toothbrushes, towels and other items located 2-3 meters from the toilet.

The accumulation of such bacteria can seriously harm your health.

To prevent this from happening, it is enough to lower the lid after each trip to the toilet before pressing the flush button, and as a precaution, store toothbrushes and personal hygiene products away from the toilet

Loophole for rats

A raised lid can become an open door for uninvited guests - rats. Rodents are excellent at swimming through sewer pipes.

They can hold their breath for three minutes and are able to swim through even the narrowest areas of communications.

Not only residents of the first floors can see a rat in their toilet. Rats are able to climb through the toilet drain even to the 7th floor; for rodents this will not be difficult.

Rats are carriers of a wide variety of diseases, and after being in sewer pipes, they will also bring small particles of sewage into the apartment on their fur. Human contact with such germs can lead to serious consequences.

Rational reasons

Such reasons include the following:

Preventing rats from entering the apartment from the basement. These animals swim well underwater and can enter the premises through sewer pipes. Rodents are carriers of many dangerous infections. Therefore, a closed toilet lid protects the apartment from uninvited guests. Improving the aesthetic perception of the restroom. Sometimes a disgusting rusty coating appears inside the toilet, which cannot be cleaned with various means. A closed lid in this case allows you to hide unaesthetic elements from prying eyes. Protection against small items accidentally falling into the toilet. Sometimes people go to the toilet with a phone in their hands, a book or other objects

If you move carelessly and the lid is open, these items may fall into the drain. This happens especially often in combined bathrooms.

Proponents of open toilet lids ridicule the above issues. They believe that it will not be difficult for rats to open the lid on their own. Also, such people argue that there is no need to use small objects and a cell phone in the toilet. And better visual perception is facilitated not by a closed lid, but by a cleanly washed toilet.

May cause an unpleasant odor in the toilet

When the toilet lid is open, an unpleasant smell from it can spread not only throughout the bathroom, but throughout the entire apartment.

Air fresheners do not always cope with this problem. Keeping the lid closed will help prevent the “fragrance” from spreading. But in order to completely get rid of such a nuisance, it is necessary to find out the cause of the foul odor.

Most often, a disgusting smell from the toilet comes from the following cases:

  • non-compliance with sanitary requirements (formation of limescale and urinary stones);
  • clogged toilet or improper installation;
  • violation of the tightness of the system, pipes and connections;
  • errors when installing pipes;
  • other problems.

Together with sewer gases, bacteria and substances hazardous to health penetrate into the surrounding space: hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and others.

Their entry into the human respiratory system can cause various health problems. Therefore, immediately after detecting an unpleasant odor from the toilet, which is not associated with untimely cleaning, it is necessary to immediately identify the cause and eliminate it.

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