15 ways to remove wool from a carpet: quickly and efficiently

Pet owners are faced with the fact that animal fur remains on upholstered furniture, on the floor, clothes and various objects. A large amount of wool accumulates on soft surfaces, including carpets. Hair gets caught in the pile and becomes tangled, making cleaning difficult. To prevent carpeting from turning into dirty gray felt, it is important to clean the product regularly.

In addition, collected fur can cause allergies and respiratory diseases. Wool attracts and accumulates dust, which also negatively affects human health, the cleanliness and aesthetics of living quarters. Let's find out how to clean wool from a carpet.

Vacuum cleaner and special attachments

A special turbo brush for a vacuum cleaner effectively cleans the carpet of cat hair and other furry pets. The nozzle is a rotating brush that catches and twirls hairs. Some vacuum cleaner models have special attachments for cleaning animal hair. But do not overuse such cleaning, as the turbo brush accelerates the wear of the carpet pile.

To enhance the effectiveness of the vacuum cleaner, first spray a special product over the carpet. Mix fabric softener or hair conditioner with water and pour into a spray bottle. This solution will soften the lint, making the hair easier to remove. When the composition dries slightly, vacuum the coating.

A vacuum cleaner is a suitable solution for cleaning carpets. The device can effectively not only clean the fur of a cat or dog, but also clean the coating from dirt and stains, remove lint and threads, and collect dust. A washing vacuum cleaner is used for dry and wet cleaning. In addition, it is suitable for any type of flooring, including parquet and laminate, carpets, tiles, linoleum and so on. How to choose a good washing vacuum cleaner, see here.

How to reduce the need for cleaning animal hair from your carpet

Less hair collects on carpeting if:

  1. The product is subject to regular cleaning.
  2. Buy your cat or dog its own sleeping mat or basket.
  3. An integrated approach to cleaning is used.
  4. Carpets are cleaned every other day during pet shedding periods to prevent hair from penetrating deep into the pile.
  5. Your dog or cat goes through regular bathing and grooming routines.

All of the above methods for getting rid of wool on carpets work. But none of them guarantees a 100% result. Some amount of fur from your favorite animal will still remain in the pile after cleaning.

To achieve perfect carpet cleanliness, you should contact a dry cleaner.

Household wool cleaners

1. Use a damp cloth to wipe the carpet in the direction of the pile. Roll the wool from one edge of the carpet to the other, moving only in one direction! Don't rub the cloth back and forth. This will only ruin the carpet, but the hairs will still remain. Periodically rinse the cloth in clean water. Instead of a rag, you can use a hard sponge. This method is suitable for thick, short-pile carpets;

2. Soak a broom in water and sweep the carpet. Periodically remove any stuck-on hair from the rods. This is a quick and easy method that is suitable for cleaning soft and fluffy wool from the carpet. It is typical for long-haired breeds of pets. But keep in mind that a broom will not be able to reliably remove short and small coarse hairs. To get an effective result, first sweep the carpet and then vacuum thoroughly with a high-power vacuum cleaner;

3. Instead of a broom, you can use a damp brush for manual cleaning. Choose products with medium-hard bristles. Dip the brush in water, shake it off and remove the fur from the carpet. Periodically rinse the hairs and moisten the bristles. This is a time-consuming and labor-intensive method, but it effectively removes short and medium-length hairs;

4. Gloves for combing animals are good at combing hair. We put on gloves and clean the canvas with our hands. Once the fur has formed balls, it is easy to remove. To speed up the process, wet the mittens in water in advance and rinse the items periodically when cleaning. Latex medical gloves are also suitable;

5. Rubber rolls up wool well, so rubber gloves are also great for cleaning carpet. Using the same principle, use a rubber brush, which you use to clean the coating with short, sweeping movements. Remove the rolled wool with your hands.

Scotch tape or masking tape

Sticky roller brushes are used to clean clothes. This means that they can also cope with removing wool from the carpet . A small rug can be treated with sticky strips by hand. The disadvantage of this method is that it is labor intensive and requires constant replacement of the tapes as they become dirty.

To make cleanup easier, you can attach double-sided tape to the paint roller. This will allow you to cover more space, and things will go much faster.

Special brushes and rollers

Sticky clothes cleaning rollers can also be used to clean carpets. Roll the roller over the carpet surface in different directions. This device will quickly remove hair and fluff, even very short and stuck hairs. The tape practically pulls the hairs out of the pile. By the way, this roller is also suitable for cleaning wool from clothes. This is especially true when a cat is shedding in the house.

The described method is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process, since the roller is quite small and the canvas is large. In addition, the tape becomes clogged in a short time, and the products have to be replaced. Some people use stationery tape instead of a roller using the same principle. This is acceptable, but the tape must be of high quality and strong so as not to damage the carpet.

Alternatively, you can use a metal brush to brush long-haired dogs. Walk over the carpet, and the brush will pull out long hairs from the pile, even if they are buried deep inside the product. But this method is not suitable for cleaning short hair.

If you don't have a suitable brush, use medium to coarse sandpaper. Sandpaper removes long and soft hairs. Such products and metal brushes cannot be used for woven, looped and long-pile carpets!

For expensive and delicate carpets, choose velor brushes, which are used to clean a wool coat or suit. Brush the carpet in only one direction along the pile. Remove clumps of rolled wool with your hands. This method allows you to carefully and delicately collect fluff, threads and wool from the surface of the carpet.

Features and difficulties of cleaning carpet from cat and dog hair

The main problem with cleaning a carpet surface when there are pets is that the hairs get stuck deep into the pile. It takes a lot of effort to clean them. In this regard, it is recommended to carry out the procedure regularly. If you vacuum every other day, you can have time to collect animal hair from the surface, avoiding its penetration into the base.

There are many ways to get rid of hair stuck to carpets. But any of them should be preceded by vacuuming. By removing wool hairs and dust from surfaces in advance using the usual nozzle of the device, you can greatly facilitate the process of deep cleaning.

Great difficulties with cleaning arise when the pet has chosen the carpet as a place to sleep. The constant accumulation of dog or cat hair in one of the corners of the cover makes it impossible to keep it clean. Therefore, it is necessary to teach the animal to sleep in a special basket or on a bedding from the moment it appears in the house.

One of the effective ways to clean lint is wet cleaning. But you shouldn’t abuse it - many carpet products do not tolerate excessive moisture. The optimal frequency of such cleaning is once a week or a week and a half.

Important: if after cleaning the carpet pile remains too wet, it must be thoroughly dried to avoid mold.

Sponge mop

A mop with a special sponge attachment is just as effective, but more affordable, than a vacuum cleaner. This is a practical, lightweight product that quickly and reliably collects cat and dog hair, dirt and dust. The rubber sponge nozzle absorbs water quickly and well. In addition, the sponge is easy to wring out and replace as needed. By the way, this needs to be done, otherwise it will leave streaks.

This sponge quickly and easily rolls wool off the carpet. To clean, secure the attachment tightly to the mop and soak the sponge in warm water for about ten minutes. Then move the product in one direction and collect the pellets. Periodically rinse the sponge in water. Do not press too hard on the nozzle. This product does not moisten the pile much, so the carpet will not get wet, will dry quickly and maintain a presentable appearance.

A sponge mop is also suitable for cleaning tile and linoleum surfaces. But it is better not to use the product for parquet and laminate. In this case, it is recommended to choose a microfiber mop or a flat mop called a flounder. For more information on which mop to choose for washing floors, see the link.

What can't you clean?

The most demanding items to clean are handmade items, as well as carpets made from:

  • wool;
  • fur;
  • silks.

Note! It is prohibited to remove hair from them with hard brushes, especially with metal bristles. The more aggressive the collection method, the greater the likelihood of damaging the delicate material.

Carpets made from natural fabrics do not tolerate wet cleaning well - it is not recommended to wash them, treat them with steam or use household chemicals. Synthetic and semi-synthetic carpets are less demanding in this regard. You can use a whole arsenal of methods and cleaning products to get rid of cat or dog hair.

In homes where there are pets, it is better to lay carpets from:

  • polyamide;
  • polyester;
  • acrylic;
  • polypropylene.

How to reduce cleaning time

To clean your apartment faster, you should care for and educate your pet:

  • Wash your pet regularly and comb its fur with a special comb. This is best done on a bare floor or outside.
  • Train your pet to sleep in its own place so that it does not huddle on a soft carpet. To do this, you should purchase a special rug, pillow or basket.
  • Feed your pet rationally. If you eat improperly, wool hairs are shed more often.

You won't have to clean it often if your pet's color matches the color of the product. Thus, the fur from a Russian Blue cat remains invisible against the background of a blue carpet. Matching colors will not make your finish cleaner. But you don’t have to blush in front of unexpectedly arriving guests if you haven’t had time to clean up yet.

Window scrapers

They are made of dense rubber, which has the unique ability to attract numerous villi or hairs. Therefore, when using such scrapers, wool rolls on any surface.

People who love pets often use scrapers that have a rubber base. They can be walked on the surface of the carpet, but you need to make quick and short movements. Periodically used tools are cleaned of adhering hair.

General recommendations

To prevent general cleaning from becoming a problem, carry out maintenance cleaning of carpets. Remove pet hair regularly, avoiding large accumulations of hair.

Important! The less often you clean, the thicker the wool layer will become and the more difficult it will be to tidy up the carpet.

Please also consider the following points:

When starting cleaning, follow this algorithm:


Cleaning carpets is considered not a very pleasant process, so it is because of this that many people simply refuse to have animals in their homes so that they do not have to spend a lot of time and effort on cleaning. But if you take some preventative measures, you won’t even need to get rid of the wool, since it will simply be absent from the surface of the carpet. In this case, carpet cleaning will be simple and quick.

The most effective preventive measures include:

  • combing the cat with special brushes, and to perform the procedure you need to choose a place in the apartment that will then be very easy to clean, but this method will not save during seasonal molting;
  • It is advisable to stroke the cat with a damp hand, which will allow you to collect a lot of fur;
  • It is recommended to bathe your pet as often as possible;
  • cats often choose the same place to sleep, so you can put a special bedding there;
  • feeding the animal must be balanced and correct, since shedding is often caused by poor nutrition and lack of vitamins;
  • It is advisable to vacuum carpets in the apartment at least once every three days.

The litter on which the cat sleeps should be cleaned of hairs as often as possible, since a large amount of hair accumulates on it.


This method will help get rid of hair stuck deep in the carpet. It is necessary to wrap paper around any hard object, for example, a rolling pin or a wooden block.

Use the resulting device to wipe the entire surface of the carpet, paying special attention to the areas of greatest accumulation of hair (where the animal sleeps, eats, plays).

An ordinary rubber glove has the same functions. You need to put it on your hand, moisten it with water and run it over the carpet. Wool and hair will stick to the wet rubber.

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Latex gloves

They have the unique property of attracting hairs. Therefore, you can simply buy ordinary and inexpensive medical gloves, which are then soaked in water. After this, they need to be passed over the surface of the carpet.

Additionally, you can purchase special mittens sold in pet stores. They are equipped with special small spikes, thanks to which you can pull out all the hairs from the carpet structure. This option is suitable for coatings with high pile and a specific structure.

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