How to flush the diesel engine power system: methods and means for flushing

Despite some existing disadvantages, the diesel engine has an extensive list of advantages. This allows it to be a buyer's first choice when purchasing a new or used car.

Do-it-yourself injector washing

Diesels are valued for their reliability, durability and high level of practicality during operation. If you follow the rules of care and engage in preventive maintenance, the service life of a diesel engine can significantly exceed that of a gasoline engine.

One of the weak points of diesel is its increased demands on the quality of diesel fuel. This problem could have been easily avoided if motorists had used high-quality fuel. But this is more of a question for the manufacturers. Filling with low-quality fuel reduces the efficiency and performance of the injectors. This negatively affects the condition of the entire fuel system.

To ensure that these components, which are essential for atomizing fuel in a diesel engine, operate properly, they must be checked periodically and cleaned as necessary.

Causes of pollution

Before you clean your sprayers, you need to understand why contamination occurs. Thus, attentive car owners will be able to eliminate a number of provoking factors, or at least minimize their impact on diesel injectors.

When actively using a diesel engine, the driver has to frequently visit gas stations. But the quality of our diesel fuel is far from ideal. Some people initially offer low-grade fuel, others dilute it, use different additives and other methods to reduce the cost.

The injectors are already under constant load due to temperature and high pressure. Add to this the effects of low-quality diesel fuel, and you get a destructive mixture even for the most expensive sprayers.

When diesel fuel burns, it leads to the gradual formation of soot. It is this that settles on the surface of the nozzle, preventing its normal operation. At the same time, the fuel supply is disrupted.

There is a category of motorists who completely ignore recommendations for periodic washing, even in the simplest ways. If you adhere to this position in relation to your diesel engine, there is a high probability of deformation of some injector components. As a result, fuel will be supplied worse and not in full, engine efficiency will decrease and consumption will increase.

Poor fuel quality is considered the main reason for the gradual contamination of diesel fuel nozzles. The worse the composition, the faster the injectors will become unusable.

Comparison of clean and dirty injectors

Yes, current injector designs, which have become electromagnetic, have improved characteristics and have increased resistance to soot. But they cannot resist provoking factors.

A combination of negative influences, such as temperature, pressure and low quality fuel, gradually results in the appearance of a mechanical product and a layer of deposits in the form of soot. When a hot engine turns off, all systems stop working. But the remains of diesel fuel still continue to settle or stick to the working components of the sprayer. Gradually this leads to the appearance of a fairly thick layer that looks like a varnish coating.

Such deposits negatively affect the channels through which fuel passes. If a layer 5 microns thick adheres to the nozzle, the throughput will drop by approximately 25%. And the more the layer forms, the worse the diesel engine will start to work.

All this directly indicates that the injectors need to be cleaned periodically. Even with the help of specialists, for whose services you need to pay money. It will still be cheaper than engine repairs caused by severe clogging and wear of the fuel nozzles.

The more often the machine is used and the lower quality fuel is used, the more regularly it is recommended to clean it. An additional measure to protect against pollution is the installation of filter elements. They are placed directly in the fuel line of a diesel engine, or in the injector.

Do-it-yourself injector cleaning using the example of VAZ 2114 and VAZ 2110

Having prepared everything you need, you should begin the process of washing the injectors. The whole process can be divided into two stages: removing the injectors and, in fact, washing.

Removing injectors

The photo shows the process of washing the injectors; it is conventionally divided into two stages - removal and washing

First you need to remove the terminal from the battery. The fuel pump will turn off and the fuel pressure in the system will drop. Then you need to carefully disconnect the fuel line from the injector rail; residual fuel may leak out. Then apply the cleaner to the injector seats to prevent dirt from getting into the fuel system. Afterwards you can remove the ramp and pull the injectors out of it.

You may need a set of spare rubber seals. Some products can corrode them. It is better not to place injectors removed from a diesel engine on dirty surfaces.

Cleaning the injectors

It is better to cover a ramp without nozzles from possible contamination. It is better to do the same with open fuel pipe channels.

To flush the injectors you will need to do the following:

  1. Insert the cleaning agent cap extension into the nozzle hole;
  2. Connect the power source to the injector contacts;
  3. Simultaneously pressing the cap of the canister with the cleaning agent and the switch button, flush the nozzle;
  4. Repeat until the stream from the nozzle becomes uniform and powerful enough.

Signs of contamination

It is not necessary to contact service centers to diagnose diesel types of injectors, paying additionally for the services of specialists. There are several characteristic signs that indicate that the sprayers are already dirty and they need to be cleaned as soon as possible.

If you know about these signs, you will be able to notice the problem in a timely manner, thereby minimizing possible negative consequences. When checking your diesel injectors, pay attention to the following characteristic features:

  • the engine begins to behave unstably at idle;
  • starting a diesel engine noticeably worsens in any weather;
  • diesel reacts worse to pressing the gas pedal;
  • the dynamics of the car are noticeably reduced;
  • sharply pressing the gas pedal, dips are observed;
  • in parallel with the decrease in efficiency, diesel fuel consumption increases;
  • Shots and pops are heard from the exhaust system;
  • the exhaust produced is characterized by increased toxicity;
  • characteristic signs of tripling are noted;
  • Thick black smoke comes out of the exhaust pipe.

Moreover, during the warm period, all these symptoms do not appear as expressively and actively as during the first frost. This is due to the fact that in winter the volatility of diesel fuel decreases.

Diagnostics of diesel engine injectors

If you notice one or more of the presented signs of clogged injectors, you should definitely check them. And if necessary, cleaning is carried out using any method convenient for you.

If you ignore the symptoms of contamination of diesel fuel nozzles in a diesel engine, coking of the injectors and internal valves will occur, and the shut-off needle will wear out. At the same time, exposure to high temperatures poses a risk of deformation of the sprayer. In such a situation, simple washing will no longer give the desired effect. You will have to completely replace worn out injectors.

Flushing or cleaning is relevant in situations where the level of deposits on the injectors is still relatively low. This will remove the accumulated deposits and extend the service life of the installed sprayers. Since parts cost a lot of money, the best way to save money is timely diagnostics and preventative cleaning.

What are diesel injectors?

You cannot clean injectors without knowing the structure and operating principle. The main task is to dose fuel into the combustion chamber of the engine.

The injection quality of an injector affects the following parameters:

  • motor noise;
  • the amount of harmful substances in exhaust gases;
  • presence or absence of vibration;
  • car acceleration dynamics;
  • fuel consumption.

It is important to maintain the performance of the injectors, otherwise the car will resemble a slow, smoking and rattling “iron”. Modern cars use pump injectors.

The control unit coordinates their actions and regulates the fuel supply. Fuel consumption depends on speed and driving style.

Cleaning methods

There are many ways to clean fuel nozzles used on diesel engines. Some can be done independently, others require the intervention of specialists in the relevant field.

All methods can be divided into 4 categories:

  • manual method;
  • ultrasonic;
  • use of the stand;
  • use of additives.

It is necessary to separately consider the features of the use of each of the presented methods.

How to extend the life of fuel supply devices

The fuel equipment of diesel engines, except for the most ancient ones, is designed for high-quality fuel.

  1. You should only refuel with the best diesel fuel, specially designed for modern power systems of passenger cars.
  2. The ingress of water is strictly unacceptable, as it will cause immediate corrosion of parts and require expensive repairs.
  3. It is necessary to monitor the condition of filters and sedimentation tanks, change them on time and maintain them according to the instructions, and ideally, it is necessary to regularly carry out monitoring and preventive washing with removal in a specialized diesel service.

In addition, this will also allow you to avoid problems with removing and installing stuck connections, which can result in significant costs.

Nuances of self-washing

Motorists themselves note that in terms of efficiency, self-cleaning is inferior to professional methods involving the use of stands or ultrasonic units.

But this does not stop car enthusiasts who prefer to take everything into their own hands. There is basically one reason for this decision. This is the absence of the need to spend quite a lot of money on car service services. Plus, there is a category of car owners who are simply interested in trying something new and gaining additional experience.

To clean diesel fuel sprayers yourself you need:

  • prepare materials and tools;
  • remove the injectors;
  • wash the elements;
  • install back.

There is nothing complicated in terms of installation. Proceed in the reverse order of dismantling. When returning the sprayer, do not forget to lubricate it with a small amount of fuel or oil. This will prevent the possible occurrence of corrosion spots.

Now we will separately consider the remaining points of self-cleaning of a diesel fuel injector.

Tools and materials

When planning to clean diesel injectors yourself, take care in advance to prepare everything you need to carry out such a procedure.

The standard set looks like this:

  • any high-quality washing liquid;
  • 2 pieces of wires with the same cross-section;
  • silicone tube with an internal diameter of up to 5 mm;
  • accumulator battery;
  • button;
  • insulating tape;
  • a set of common tools.

As for tools, it is important to take into account the design features of your engine. Namely, how dismantling is performed in your particular case. You will probably need a screwdriver with a Phillips and a flat blade, pliers and a set of wrenches or sockets. Prepare the tools at your own discretion. Some may additionally need a hammer, while others will even use a chisel.


Patriots will not ignore the additive VMPAUTO AC.060112, used to improve the individual qualities of diesel fuel. Just 150 ml of this product is suitable for 60-80 liters of fuel mixture. The main advantages of this cleaner include its low cost and reduction in pump wear by 20%. But there is also a drawback: it does not clean the injection system and catalyst, which does not make it less desirable on the Russian market.

Now you know which injector cleaners are best to use. Have you tried additives?

Pollution prevention

No one deliberately wants to regularly take their car to a car service center for bench or ultrasonic cleaning of diesel fuel nozzles. Also, no one will have the desire to constantly clean themselves.

To minimize the number of such procedures, it is important to follow a few simple but effective recommendations.

  1. Fuel used. Some people think that diesel fuel is the same everywhere, and they don’t want to overpay for a brand or big name at a gas station. In practice, diesel fuel can vary significantly in terms of quality. To save money, many people simply buy diesel at cheap gas stations. But such savings are very imaginary and conditional, since the service life of not only the injectors, but also the entire engine is reduced. This results in high costs for repairs and restoration of the engine in the future. Cheap diesel is often diluted not just with additives, but sometimes even with plain water. Switch to good quality fuel and you will instantly feel the difference.
  2. Cleaning additives. In case of severe contamination, do not expect that one bottle of additive will miraculously remove all carbon deposits. This is only promised by deceitful manufacturers who are interested in instant profit. More responsible manufacturers claim that their additives are designed to prevent contamination and deposits on injectors. And they tell the truth. You should not abuse the regular use of additives. But after cleaning, you can pour them into the tank once a year.
  3. Vehicle operation. Start by taking good care of your car. Do not subject the engine to excessive loads, give it a rest, and do not forget to change consumables on time. These are elementary truisms that for some reason many people forget about.
  4. Preventive measures. Never expect the injector to become clogged and begin to show corresponding signs of malfunction. It is much better to prevent such problems in advance. Cleaning is carried out not only when there is already a thick layer of carbon deposits. It would be right if you train yourself to carry out preventive cleaning at least once every 1-2 years. Decide for yourself which method.

Injectors are an important and integral element of any diesel engine. The performance and efficiency of your engine largely depends on the condition of the nozzles.

In this case, it is the car owner who bears full responsibility for the proper operation of the injectors. It has the power to prevent the dangerous consequences of pollution, avoid the formation of a thick layer of deposits, and also maximize the service life of the entire engine running on diesel fuel.

Hi-Gear Jet Cleaner Emission Improver

Hi-Gear Jet Cleaner Emission Improver is one of the best products for cleaning diesel injectors. In addition to its main function, it works as a neutralizer and prevents contamination of the entire engine system. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to fill the product at the rate of 950 ml per 90 liters of fuel tank. If it is necessary to actually clean the injectors, the dosage is increased three times: 300-400 ml of mixture per 45 liter tank.

The indicated dosage is recommended by the manufacturer, and therefore you should not exceed the specified amount of product in the fuel tank and do not do this more often than written.

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