Which toothpaste to choose for comprehensive dental care

  • Types of toothpastes
  • Properties of toothpastes
  • Composition of toothpastes
  • Choosing toothpaste according to problem

How many of us buy toothpaste? They make a shopping list and go to the hypermarket. If this sounds like you, then most likely you underestimate the role of toothpaste in your health. A good toothpaste protects against caries, ensures that teeth do not lose minerals, and most importantly, does not harm the enamel. In this article, we will analyze in detail the compositions of modern pastes and tell you how to choose the one that really suits you.

The history of the first toothpaste

Brush and paste are the basis of oral hygiene. Now everyone has such a set, but there were times when such devices were considered a real luxury. In Ancient Egypt, sand, ash, ground stones and animal horns were used to clean teeth. Instead of a brush, use your own finger. In the 4th century BC. Hippocrates advised for this purpose to use more gentle mixtures of pumice and wine vinegar. Until the 18th century, the British brushed their teeth with a powder made from crushed bricks, coal chips and crushed bark.

The Americans were the first to improve cleaning powder in the 19th century. It was a mixture prepared on the basis of chalk powder and neutral soap with the addition of fragrances. In 1873, Colgate released the first toothpaste in glass jars, and only 20 years later it began to be sold in convenient tubes. But Soviet people brushed their teeth with chalk-based powder until the 50s of the last century - at that time the first tubes were just beginning to appear on store shelves.

The photo shows the first paste in a glass jar from Colgate

INNOVA Intensive restoration and brightening of enamel

This toothpaste is suitable for those with sensitive teeth. “INNOVA Intensive restoration and lightening of enamel” contains nanohydroxyapatite, calcis component, fluoride, and grape seed extract, which most effectively protect against caries. And the plant-derived component Tannase gently whitens teeth by dissolving pigmented plaque on the enamel. INNOVA toothpaste perfectly relieves tooth sensitivity, seals dentinal tubules, saturates the enamel with minerals, strontium salts effectively solve the problem of sensitivity, penetrating deep inside the tooth. INNOVA, in addition to remineralizing teeth, prevents bleeding gums. This toothpaste contains no SLS, chlorhexidine peroxide, or aggressive abrasives. Among the disadvantages are the high cost and not a pronounced mint taste.

INNOVA Intensive restoration and brightening of enamel

Which product to choose - the best manufacturers

According to dentists, the best toothpaste is the one that fully meets the needs of a particular person. Modern manufacturers have significantly expanded the “functionality” of their products, and now it is not just a means for cleansing plaque, but also an indispensable assistant in the fight against inflammatory processes, hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity of enamel), initial carious processes and many other problems. This is unconditional progress, but along with it another problem has appeared: an incorrectly selected product may not only not bring the desired result, but also cause harm.

What types of toothpastes there are and for what purposes they are intended will be discussed in the next section. But first, it’s worth identifying the primary guideline when choosing a good product – the manufacturer and its reputation. Experts recommend giving preference to brands that have been on the market for a long time and during this time have managed to prove their effectiveness and safety.

In fact, there are quite a few good companies, but Colgate, Blend-a-Med, and Aquafresh are considered priorities. These are brands under which a wide range of different oral care products are produced. Numerous clinical studies have repeatedly proven the high quality and effectiveness of their products. The production process in such corporations is strictly controlled, involves the use of the latest technologies and developments, and the use of high-quality and safe raw materials. These manufacturers have been trusted by both professional dentists and ordinary users for many years.

The best pasta is the one that fully meets the needs of a particular person.

Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair

This is a low-abrasive toothpaste made in Italy, which contains zinc-substituted hydroxyapatite, an analogue of a substance found in bones and teeth. If you regularly brush your teeth with Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair paste, you can quickly restore tooth enamel and make it more resistant to various damages. Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair eliminates increased sensitivity of teeth. And although this paste is low abrasive, it perfectly removes plaque. Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair saturates the enamel with minerals and is free of parabens and SLS. Among the disadvantages are the cost and the lack of fluoride in the composition.

Biorepair Fast Sensitive Repair
Biorepair, Italy

Protects against the development of caries, mechanical damage, as well as the appearance of erosion on the enamel.
Creates a protective barrier that prevents the formation of plaque and tartar. Ideal for those with sensitive teeth. Helps in maintaining natural whiteness. They become strong, sensitivity decreases, and a healthy shine appears. from 570

5.0 2 reviews


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Types of toothpastes and their purposes

The range includes products for the prevention of caries, against bleeding gums, for whitening enamel and restoring the pH balance of the oral cavity - this is just a part of the possible uses. The main types are discussed below, based on their “functionality”.

Hygienic for prevention

The main purpose is to keep teeth and oral mucosa clean. They remove plaque well and freshen breath. This also includes children's ones, which act gently and usually have a pleasant taste. This is the best option for daily use if there are no obvious problems with teeth and gums.

Bleaching agents with abrasive particles

The action of whitening pastes is aimed at lightening the enamel using chemical reagents or large abrasive particles. In the first case, bleaching is the result of a chemical reaction of special enzymes, for example, pyrophosphates - they literally destroy bacterial plaque and remove pigmented spots. Abrasive particles make it possible to achieve lightening of the enamel through mechanical action. Here the RDA indicator usually exceeds 80, so they can only be used in courses, not on an ongoing basis. Otherwise, your teeth may become too sensitive.

There is a large selection of abrasive toothpastes

Gum for gentle care

They are characterized by a low content of abrasive particles - no more than 60. Suitable for people with sensitive teeth and damaged enamel. This usually includes mineral components that accumulate in the enamel and contribute to its restoration. An excellent option for cases of hyperesthesia, but only until the condition normalizes. Then you can move on to preventive measures - on the recommendation of the dentist. The fact is that dentures do not do a very good job of cleaning plaque and softening hardening deposits.

“Oh, for me, going to the dentist is almost tantamount to psychological hard labor! The result is half your mouth covered in fillings and increased sensitivity. At the last medical examination, the dentist recommended changing the toothpaste. He says it's too hard for my teeth and gums. I switched to another, gentle one. Within a couple of months, sensitivity was restored and the gums stopped bleeding. It often happens that we ourselves only make things worse, so consultation with a doctor will never be superfluous.”

Rita1985, from correspondence on the forum www.32top.ru

With anti-caries effect

When fluoride and/or calcium are added to the composition, it acquires an anti-caries effect. These components help strengthen dental tissues and prevent caries. Periodic use of such products ensures surface remineralization and increases the resistance of the enamel to the negative effects of external factors. But you shouldn’t use them on an ongoing basis - it may have the opposite effect. If the content of these substances is high, you should first consult a dentist.

Strengthening pastes may contain calcium

Anti-inflammatory action

To restore and strengthen gums, herbal ingredients are usually added. The composition also contains active substances with an antibacterial effect: the antibiotic triclosan, the antiseptic chlorhexidine and others.

The main goal is the destruction of pathogenic microflora, the removal of inflammatory processes and the restoration of soft tissues. Such pastes are usually prescribed as part of maintenance therapy in the treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis. They help in the fight against bleeding and swelling. If potent components are present in high concentrations, use can only be started after the doctor’s approval, and the course itself should last no more than three weeks in a row.

Saline against sore gums

The active components have a positive effect on the condition of the mucous membrane. Salts in high concentrations effectively reduce inflammation by ensuring the outflow of excess fluid from soft tissues, and soothe acute symptoms: pain, swelling, bleeding. Recommended for gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease. Active components improve blood flow and stimulate metabolic processes. The only downside is that it has a specific taste.

Organic with natural ingredients

Products based on plant components do not contain harsh chemicals and provide gentle cleansing. Essential oils and extracts of medicinal plants must be supplemented with surfactants (surfactants) - without them, high-quality cleansing is impossible. It’s another matter if the surfactants themselves are of a plant nature, and then we can confidently call the product completely natural. This is a good choice for children, as well as adults with healthy teeth and gums. However, according to some reviews, the effectiveness of organic products is far from desired. They are not cheap and often cost a lot.

These plant-based products do not contain chemicals.

Tip #5: shop at the pharmacy

No one is safe from buying a fake, but the risk of getting a low-quality product increases significantly if you do it in markets or in underground passages, or purchase goods from distributors.

It is better to buy toothpaste at a pharmacy

It is better to contact pharmacy chains, because they employ pharmacists and pharmacists who are directly responsible for the quality of the received product, its certification, expiration dates and storage conditions.

In relation to this point, it would be fair to mention which toothpaste is the best. This is the one that has the original composition declared by the real manufacturer, and complies with GOSTs and general technical conditions: 7983-99 and 29188.0. For example, like some of the drugs presented in the table below1.

IndexQuality rating "excellent"Quality rating "good"Quality rating "satisfactory"
Color, aroma, consistencySensodyne, Splat, Lacalut sensitive for sensitive teeth and gums.All pastes are Lacalut, Durodont 5, Dent & Healsh, Biocon.Products from the brands “Forest Balsam”, “New Pearl”, “Ftorodent”.
Acidity of the composition and its effect on teethSensodyne, Splat, Biotene, Durodont 5, Dent & Health, Biocon.Lacalut, Forest Balsam, Pearl, New Pearl."Lesnaya", "Ftorodent".

Moreover, price is not at all an indicator of quality; a product may turn out to be good and at the same time cost mere trifles, or it may be expensive and not at all correspond to the declared characteristics.

Selection criteria - what to look for

To choose the ideal product for yourself, it is important to take into account many factors at once: the condition of the enamel, the presence of carious processes and tartar, the condition of the gums, age and much more. When you have a clear idea of ​​the current state of the oral cavity, you can move on to specific selection criteria.

Type of pasta

As mentioned above, you need to choose a product based on individual needs and indications. If there are no problems with your teeth and gums, a prophylactic paste would be the best option. If there are problems with the enamel or the condition of the mucous membrane, it is worth considering treatment and preventive options. But in this case, you must first consult a dentist.

You need to choose a product based on individual needs and indications.


Be sure to read the ingredients carefully before purchasing. If there are allergy sufferers in the family, it is important to make sure that there are no components that can provoke allergic reactions. It is advisable to choose products with a minimum concentration of preservatives and foaming agents. Fluoride is often added for an anti-caries effect, but this same component can have the opposite effect if teeth are in contact with it for a long time. It is recommended to use according to indications.

On a note! On the question of how to choose a product based on the stripes on the tube: forget that these designations have anything to do with the composition. In fact, these are just marks for packaging machines that are needed only at the production stage. The color is related to the characteristics of the equipment used and does not indicate anything about the safety of the product.

Baking soda removes plaque well and helps soften hardened deposits. But due to its high degree of abrasiveness, it can easily damage the enamel and lead to its thinning. Therefore, it is advisable to use such products in courses and according to indications. Some compositions are as close as possible to natural ones, but these usually cope worse with their main task, do not foam well and are more expensive. Keep in mind that the concentration of parabens (preservatives) should not exceed 2%, and the surfactant content should be within 1-3%.

Degree of abrasiveness

The presence of abrasive particles ensures high-quality mechanical cleaning of plaque and allows you to return your teeth to their natural whiteness. On the other hand, too long exposure of this kind leads to injury to the enamel, its thinning and hyperesthesia. The abrasiveness indicator is indicated by the RDA marking. If it is a whitening paste, then this indicator can reach 100 units. Conventional preventive – up to 80 maximum, gentle (dental) – no more than 601.

Taste and smell

As for taste and smell, these criteria are left to the discretion of the user. Sometimes a too strong taste can cause unpleasant sensations or even gag reflexes - this also needs to be taken into account.

Taste and color are also criteria for choosing a product

With or without fluoride

The label “fluoride-free” in large letters on the packaging is presented as an undeniable advantage. The consumer is intimidated by the high risk of fluorosis and almost toxic properties. Yes, an excess of this substance in the body is really dangerous, but its concentration in toothpaste is so low that it does not pose a danger.

However, fluoride is the most effective means for preventing caries, because it strengthens the enamel and inhibits the growth and reproduction of plaque-forming bacteria. Its optimal content is from 1350 to 1500 parts per million or ppm.

The only “but” is that if the water in your region contains a large number of fluorides - more than 0.7 mg per liter, their additional source, of course, is not needed.

Review of the best products from top manufacturers

Before choosing and buying a product, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the top popular manufacturers in the selected segment. Above we have already mentioned such well-known companies as Colgate, Blend-a-Med, and Aquafresh - these are reliable manufacturers that you can trust. Now let’s look at a small rating of other brands with the best reputation and proven effectiveness of their products.

Line "Lakalut"

One of the most popular brands in Russia and in the world. The German brand has proven itself well as a manufacturer of high-quality and safe oral care products. The line includes a standard antibacterial paste that is suitable for daily use. There are lactic acid salts here, which provide a pronounced anti-caries effect and help cope with inflammation.

Price: from 180 to 300 rubles for whitening

Splat Lavendercept

Another popular, but this time a Russian brand, offering a wide range of products for various purposes. Lavandasept especially stands out among other Splat products - experts recommend it for sensitive teeth and gums. It copes well with pathogenic microflora, provides antiseptic treatment of tissues, and prevents the spread of inflammatory processes. There is also a small content of whitening components, but they have the most gentle effect and do not pose a threat to the health and integrity of the enamel.

Price: 130 rubles

Hygienic ROCS

A well-known Swiss brand that produces high-quality products with the most natural composition. It was the safety of the active components that helped this brand become so popular and in demand. By the way, the manufacturer’s assortment includes a separate line called “Antitabak”. The main component here is a special enzyme that helps loosen and dissolve tobacco and coffee deposits. Vitamin E provides additional strengthening of dental tissues and prevents their destruction, while baobab extract normalizes the acid-base balance in the oral cavity.

Price: from 260 rubles

PresiDENT "Antibacterial"

A safe composition, as close to natural as possible, is one of the features that distinguishes the products of this brand from similar products on the market. Provides gentle cleansing of plaque, prevents the growth of pathogenic microflora and the development of carious processes. Fluorine is present, but its concentration is minimal. It should also be noted that PresiDENT “Antibacterial” contains a fairly powerful antiseptic chlorhexidine, so experts recommend using it in courses of 2 weeks.

Price: 300 rubles

CREST paste

One of the best representatives of its segment, which is confirmed by numerous enthusiastic reviews from users on the network. The product is not cheap, but effective. Its regular use helps solve a whole range of problems: remove plaque and pigmented spots, whiten enamel (1-2 tones), prevent the development of caries, provide high-quality antiseptic treatment of tissues and freshen breath.

Price: from 650 rubles


Another brand with an impeccable reputation and numerous confirmations of the high quality, safety and effectiveness of its products. The products contain natural ingredients, so most of them are suitable for everyday use. They provide complete prevention of caries and inflammatory effects, promote the formation of a protective shell on the teeth and mucous membranes, which prevents the rapid growth of pathogenic microflora.

Price: from 160 rubles


The products of this German production are presented in a wide range. The variety of the line makes it possible to choose the option that best suits your specific needs. There are products here with a pronounced anti-caries effect, whitening agents, helping to strengthen the gums and get rid of bleeding. The range also includes preventative formulations suitable for daily use.

Price: from 70 rubles

Dentavit "Sensitive"

This product is suitable for brushing teeth with increased sensitivity - hyperesthesia. Active components help reduce swelling and pain, help restore the condition of not only the enamel, but also the gums. There are no aggressive chemicals that could pose a threat to the health of the oral cavity and the body as a whole. Dentavit “Sensitive” is the optimal choice in terms of price and quality.

Price: 130 rubles

Kobayashi with charcoal and mint herbs

Japanese paste is included in the rating of the best, and also has a powerful whitening effect. Its use allows you to achieve a pronounced and at the same time lasting result with minimal risk of damage to the enamel. The contents of the tube have an unusual black color because it is based on charcoal. It is a natural abrasive with a pronounced absorbent effect. Kobayashi is not suitable for daily use, but it always helps in cases where you need to significantly brighten your smile.

Price: from 450 rubles

"Apadent" with a filling effect

An excellent medicinal paste with nano-hydroxyapatite in its composition helps strengthen enamel and prevents the destruction of dental tissues due to carious processes. The manufacturer claims the filling effect of its product. The product saturates hard tissues with useful minerals and trace elements, provides surface mineralization, effectively relieves acute inflammation, and also prevents the development of caries and gum disease. Suitable also for dentures and sensitive teeth.

Price: from 1200 rubles

Medicinal Mexidol

The Mexidol product is devoid of fluoride and aggressive antimicrobial components. The basis is an active substance of the same name - it effectively eliminates acute signs of the inflammatory process, helps soften hardened dental plaque, and copes well with plaque and age spots from coffee and nicotine. Reduces swelling of soft tissues and normalizes blood circulation in the mucosa. Be sure to consult your dentist before purchasing.

Price: from 160 rubles

Russian brand "Forest Balsam"

Another Russian brand whose products are of high quality and affordable price. The natural formula ensures gentle cleansing of plaque and gentle saturation of dental tissues with beneficial microelements. Plant extracts help reduce swelling during gum inflammation and eliminate bleeding. The product perfectly freshens breath and protects teeth from pathological processes.

Price: from 80 rubles

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

The best way to brush your teeth

Hello, I would like to know what is better tooth powder or toothpaste?

There is no universal product that could suit everyone. Compared to toothpaste, powder can be chosen based on the following points:

  1. It is more effective to remove tartar, plaque and other contaminants with a dry hygiene product. Even if the bristles of the brush are soft, the product will still cope with its task.
  2. Tooth powder not only whitens teeth, but also polishes them. After a few cleanings, you can notice the first result; you won’t be able to achieve this effect with paste.
  3. The powder strengthens tooth enamel and improves the condition of gums.
  4. Using the powder, you can normalize the acid-base balance in the oral cavity.

Thus, we can conclude that in many respects tooth powder is superior to toothpaste.

What helps with tartar?

Is it possible to find out which remedy is best for tartar?

The best remedy, according to many dentists, with which you can soften the stone is Belagel-R. It is used for preventive purposes, just apply the product to your teeth for a few minutes, then rinse your mouth and clean.

Which pasta is better?

Tell me, what is the best Russian toothpaste or is it better to give preference to foreign ones?

The best toothpaste made in our country is New Pearl Fluoride. It has a good whitening effect, refreshes the oral cavity, and contains a lot of calcium. The product cost is low. The only drawback that can be highlighted is that some people experience an allergic reaction after use.

What components should not be there - recommendations for selection

A good oral care product should not only be effective, but also safe. Some manufacturers saturate their products with components, a high concentration of which can cause serious harm to human health in general. When choosing, pay attention to the composition - it is advisable that it does not contain the following components:

  • propylene glycol - used as a solvent, including in the production of antifreeze and brake fluid. It has the properties of accumulating in the liver and kidneys, and also contributes to the gradual destruction of cellular proteins,
  • Triclosan is a fairly powerful antibiotic that effectively fights pathogenic microflora, but can negatively affect the condition of the kidneys, lungs and digestive organs. The presence of this component requires prior consultation with a specialist,
  • parabens are preservatives that can significantly extend the shelf life of the product. However, these substances accumulate in the endocrine glands and can provoke the development of malignant neoplasms. Allowed only in minimal concentrations,
  • polyphosphates - used to soften water and stabilize reactions, therefore they are often present in washing powders. When they freely penetrate the body, they increase cholesterol levels and contribute to the development of inflammatory processes.

And these are not all dangerous substances, but they are the ones most often added to increase efficiency and improve cleaning properties. If you have some problems with your teeth or gums, it is best to consult your dentist first. Only a specialist can correctly assess the condition of the enamel and mucous membranes, and then offer the best option for your specific case.

Watch the video “How to choose a toothpaste”

  1. Kuryakina N.V., Savelyeva N.A. Preventive dentistry, 2003.

Prevention of caries

Caries is the most common disease in the world. This is a pathological process of destruction of hard tooth tissues. It begins with a white spot and ends with pulpitis and various septic processes with inevitable tooth loss.

The main cause of caries is bacteria that produce acids. They wash fluoride and calcium out of the tooth tissue and weaken it. Frequent consumption of sweets accelerates the development of carious bacteria: carbohydrates are a favorite environment for their reproduction. Teeth with thinned enamel are also at risk: through microcracks, bacteria penetrate into the dentinal tubules and begin to destroy the tooth from the inside.

The most important stage in effectively combating caries is early diagnosis of the problem and, of course, prevention. Remove plaque at least once every 12 hours, and visit the dentist every 6 months!

In addition to caries, the TOP 5 most common dental problems are:

  1. Raid.
  2. Unpleasant smell.
  3. Sensitive enamel.
  4. Bleeding gums.
  5. Color change.
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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