Instructions for Indesit washing machines

Washing machine Indesit 421XW description

The machine has a beautiful classic design and looks great in the interior. Dimensions make it possible to install it even in small rooms. The machine is easy to use and has simple and intuitive controls. There are many programs and functions; it washes any clothes well. High-quality rinsing and spinning. This washing machine is quite high quality and reliable.

Manual. How to download the manual?

The Indesit 421 XW manual is easy to download; at the beginning of the page you will see a table:

Right-click on the PDF image, then look for “Save As” in the list, then save the Indesit 421XW washing machine instructions for use on your PC, read (in a new tab) or save (optional) in Russian, for example:

And the last step, select the folder in which you want to save the instruction manual, Indesit 421XW washing machine instructions download for free, for example on your desktop:

We hope you were able to find the Indesit washing machine instruction manual, download and use it successfully. We wish you pleasant use of your Indesit washing machine.


Operation of the Indesit washing machine

How to connect an Indesit washing machine. User manual

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that if you incorrectly connect your washing machine to the same water supply or sewerage system, then the washing machine may well work with glitches. When you bought the SMA and brought it home, there should be a manual in the box; it’s not just a piece of paper or a beautiful magazine, the correct operation of the washing machine depends on this thing. For your information, when using this technique, there are many nuances that simply cannot be ignored. People often come to my workshop who haven’t even bothered to open and even read the contents of this book, but are already running to repair their newly purchased equipment. The main mistake is the incorrect connection of the drain hose, I’ll get into this a little later and in more detail, but now I’ll tell you one incident that happened just the other day. We will talk about connecting the washing machine to electricity. In general, they brought an Indesit washing machine to my workshop, I don’t remember what model, in principle it doesn’t matter, what’s important is that I have it, it worked like a clock, but as soon as the client took it home, it stopped working. At my request, the owner of the machine measured the voltage, it turned out to be 230 volts and everything seemed to be fine, but the machine did not work. In view of the scandalous situation, I went to the place myself, the first thing I saw was that the SM was connected through a carrier, when I began to explain to the clients that this could not be done, they began to look at me, their eyes bulging. Here I would like to clarify that the heating element on a washing machine consumes about 2 kW, plus the machine itself another 0.5 kW, and the carrier is designed for 1 kW. In general, I turned on the car, waited for the heating element to start working and picked up the carrying wire, it turned out to be so hot that it was very difficult to hold it in my hands, the owners were shocked by this trick, but the tricks didn’t end there. In addition, I took a multimeter and measured the voltage while the washing machine was running and the heating element was heating the water, that is, at maximum load. There was 170 volts in the carrier. The end of the story was this: they called an electrician, he laid a direct wire to the place where the SMA is located, and also had to unseal the meter, since before it the electricity flowed normally, but after it there was a huge loss. The whole problem arose due to the fact that the wires entering the meter were aluminum and it simply oxidized. The moral of the story is this: before you run to the workshop, you need to thoroughly check the electrical network in your home.

How to connect an Indesit washing machine to the sewer

It doesn’t matter what kind of load you have on your SMA, whether it’s vertical or horizontal, it connects the same way. Another important thing here is that the Indesit washing machine has one feature that the average user doesn’t even know about, but the craftsmen know and are silent. We are talking about the troubleshooting mode, it consists in the fact that before starting the wash, the SM checks the main components, that is, turns on the valve for a few seconds, then turns on the pump for the same period of time and only after turning off the pump, after about 7 seconds. 10 begins to fill in water, starting the wash cycle. Now let's see what happens when you press the start button, that is, launch the program. The water fill valve turns on for a few seconds, that is, the washing machine is filled with approximately 3-4 liters, it depends on the pressure. After the water has been poured into the tank, the pump turns on, it does not work for long, about 4-5 seconds, but during this period of time it begins to throw water into the sewer and this is where miracles begin, or rather a siphon appears, thanks to which, after When the drain pump is turned off, water continues to flow into the sewer pipe. Then the brains give a signal to start washing, that is, the valve opens and water begins to pour in, and this happens despite the fact that the water that remained after the diagnosis has not yet been drained from the tank. The result is self-draining. Each instruction manual states that the water drain hose must be raised by 70-80 cm. On my own behalf, I can add that I usually adhere to something else; when I install a washing machine for someone, I do this. I measure 5 cm down from the top cover of the washing machine and hang the drain hose to that height, I clearly indicated this in the photo

Watch the video. Why does the Indesit washing machine constantly drain water?

How to level a washing machine

Everything is simple here, any modern SMA has adjustable legs. It is better to level the machine with a slight tilt back, this is necessary so that water does not flow from under the powder container, in addition, it seems to me that the washing machine is much more stable in this position. I would also like to comment on one question that I am often asked on my YouTube channel and in the workshop

We bought an Indesit washing machine and were happy with it until the first spin. The fact is that when the washing machine started spinning, at first it shook a little, after which the vibration began to intensify, as a result it began to jump all over the bathroom, we urgently had to turn it off. When we called the service center, they simply sent us and told us to read the instruction manual, which basically says nothing

Now let's see where the washing machine is, as I understand it, we are talking about the bathroom and there are probably tiles in it, this is the reason that the washing machine started jumping. First of all, in this case, you need to go to the store and buy a rubber mat, and don’t tell me here that washing machines have legs made of rubber, no matter what they are made of, but by placing a rubber mat, you will not only get rid of the fact that SM walks where she wants, and also from excessive vibration. Believe me, this helps in the vast majority of cases.

Which washing mode to choose on the Indesit washing machine

On the powder container, all washing modes are indicated, usually the temperature that is recommended for a particular wash is also written there. Here we must take into account that in Indesit, in some modes, there is such a function as stopping with water. Now I will dwell on this miracle in more detail. In general, the following happens: you select the cycle you need, set the temperature you want, the machine washes everything as it should, but when it gets to the spin cycle, it doesn’t spin it, and what’s more, a lot of water remains in the tank. Here, people panic and start running to the workshop, and when you ask them in what position they washed, the answer is the same. After a short explanation, the man begins to ask why the hell she needs him. The answer to this question can only be given by the manufacturer, and I can only suggest which modes our housewives do the most laundry.

  • Main wash - Synthetics at 40-60 degrees, cycle lasts from 1:10 to 1:40, depending on the selected temperature. In principle, any laundry can be washed
  • Everyday - As in the previous paragraph, you can wash any laundry. It lasts about an hour
  • Wool - By its name it is already clear that you need to wash here, washing is designed for 50-60 minutes
  • Cotton - The longest cycle, involves washing at 90 degrees, which I do not recommend doing, I will explain why below. The process takes from 2 to 3 hours, depending on the selected temperature
  • Rinse - usually goes through two rinse cycles, lasts about 15-20 minutes

I have listed the main washes that our housewives use; there are, of course, additional functions, but as practice shows, very rarely anyone uses them, with the possible exception of the “Reduce time” button. Since the article is already very long, I cannot talk in detail about each additional function and each washing cycle, below you will see links where you can download instructions for almost every model of the Indesit washing machine, and now let’s talk about how to use your washing machine correctly

Correct operation of the Indesit washing machine

In this paragraph I want to list what should not be done and what should be done during operation of this equipment. Many argue with me about the temperature regime, and questions also arise about the spin cycle. I’ll try to explain something, and I’ll give some recommendations that can extend the life of your SMA

  • Wash as little as possible and at temperatures above 70 degrees. The higher the temperature, the more scale there is on the heating element and in the washing machine tank. There is a relay on the control module that controls the process of turning the heating element on and off; it is the relay that often fails, since a large current constantly passes through it, by the way, the heating element itself is not happy with the constant operation. At the moment, Indesit tanks are made of carbolite, which do not withstand high temperatures very well. In addition, when washing at high temperatures, there is a serious load on the electrical network in your apartment or house
  • After finishing washing, leave the hatch door ajar, also open the powder container a little
  • The spin speed should not exceed 800 rpm, this will extend the life of the oil seal and bearings; if it is possible to spin at lower speeds, then do not hesitate to do so. It is important to understand here that the difference between 600 and 800 will not be very visible, but you will save a good resource for the machine
  • Do not use cheap powders, they contain some alkalis that corrode the silumin crosses on the drum
  • Be sure to put a rubber mat under the washing machine, this will reduce vibration and your washing machine will not wander where it wants. Of course, this should be done only when the SM has the habit of coming to say hello to you from the bathroom to the kitchen
  • Provide a separate powerful outlet for the washing machine; I already wrote above that the washing machine consumes about 2.5 kW
  • Raise the drain hose almost to the level of the top cover of the washing machine, this will help avoid self-draining

Download the operating instructions for the Indesit washing machine

Below you can download about 100 operating instructions for Indesit washing machines. I draw your attention to the fact that the entire manual is uploaded to Yandex disk. If you live in Ukraine, then I advise you to install a Yandex browser or an Opera browser with VPN support on your computer, there are a lot of instructions and transferring them from one file hosting service to another is very difficult, everything is checked by an antivirus. The entire manual is freely available, that is, you don’t have to pay for it or send any random sms. I won’t explain how to download a disk from Yandex, I think you are adults and know how this is done, there is nothing complicated here.

  1. Download instructions for washing machine Indesit_PWSE_6108

Indesit 421xw - instructions for operating the washing machine in Russian: download

Are you looking for instructions for the Indesit 421xw washing machine?

We have saved all Russian instructions in the language you need and you can read them directly on this page or download and print the required page.

In the comments, you can ask your question to the master, or share the solution to your problem with other readers of our portal!

Detailed instructions for an Indesit brand washing machine will help you resolve issues with the technical characteristics and control unit of this machine, find out how much laundry can be loaded into this washing machine, how much and where to pour washing powder, as well as installation and connections, as well as how to use the control module washing machine.

Indesit 421xw - instructions and specifications for the washing machine

Are you looking for instructions for the Indesit 421xw washing machine?
We have saved all Russian instructions in the language you need and you can read them directly on this page or download and print the required page.

In the comments, you can ask your question to the master, or share the solution to your problem with other readers of our portal!

Detailed instructions for an Indesit brand washing machine will help you resolve issues with the technical characteristics and control unit of this machine, find out how much laundry can be loaded into this washing machine, how much and where to pour washing powder, as well as installation and connections, as well as how to use the control module washing machine.

Instructions in Russian for using the Indesit 421xw washing machine

Download (PDF, 260KB)

We have also made a link for you where you can download these instructions for your front-end washing machine to your computer for free.

If you follow the recommendations from this article on using a washing machine, you will certainly increase its service life, and also enjoy washing and using this home assistant!

Video review of the Indesit 421xw washing machine

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Washing programs by time and temperature

The modes of the Indesit automatic washing machine (WMA) are divided into basic and additional . The decoding of the programs is indicated in the instructions for the unit and on the panel of the powder container.


The list of mandatory modes includes washing programs for cotton, synthetics, wool and delicate fabrics.


For washing cotton items, the manufacturer has provided 4 modes:

  1. With soaking . Designed for heavily soiled laundry that needs to be bleached or treated with a stain remover. The cycle duration is 150 minutes and the water temperature is 90°.

  2. Intensive. The mode is suitable for light-colored home textiles and clothes with stubborn stains.

As in the previous case, washing occurs in very hot water (90º). The duration of the program is 180 minutes.

  • Standard. In this mode you can wash white clothes, cotton underwear and bed linen, tablecloths, etc. The washing water heats up to 60º, so the program is not suitable for all colored items. Duration – 150 minutes.
  • Careful. The program is suitable for colored and lightly soiled cotton laundry. Washing lasts about 150 minutes at 40°.
  • In the “Cotton” mode, the machine drum must be loaded to the maximum value allowed by the manufacturer.


    Synthetic items are washed in one of two modes:

  • “Intensive” – 60º, 85 minutes;
  • “Gentle” – 40º, 70 minutes.

It is recommended to load SMA to no more than half the volume of the drum.


The mode is designed for gentle cleaning of wool and cashmere products. The cycle duration is 55 minutes, the water temperature is 40º.

The program is suitable for all types of delicate fabrics, thin linen, clothes with membranes and down (if there is no corresponding mode). Washing lasts 55 minutes at 30º.

The program does not include rinsing and spinning, so after finishing washing you need to carefully pat clean laundry with a dry towel. The weight of items made of wool or delicate fabrics should not exceed 1.5 kg.


The mode is similar to the previous program. Heating to 30° ensures gentle cleaning of fabric , but by increasing the cycle duration to 80 minutes, items are washed more thoroughly.

As a rule, the main modes are located in the first positions, but for SMAs with an electronic display (for example, Indezit BWSA, NWSK) they can be placed after the special ones.

The list of standard programs includes:

  • “White cotton with pre-soaking” (duration – 200 minutes, water heating temperature – 90°);
  • “Cotton 60º” (190 min.);
  • “Cotton 40º” (175 min.);
  • “Synthetics” – only for permanently dyed fabrics (110 min., 60°);
  • “Colored fabrics” (125 min., 30°).

For everyday cleaning of things made from natural fabrics and synthetics, the “Push&Wash” function is suitable, which is activated by a separate button. The washing cycle lasts 50 minutes, the maximum load is 3 kg, and the water heating temperature is 30°.

In some models (for example, WISL 105), the list of basic ones includes washing modes for cotton, synthetics, wool and silk. In total, this SMA has 7 standard programs. Only special modes for quick cleaning, washing sports shoes and clothes are special for it.

The Indesit WIUN 105 washing machine has programs divided into 3 categories: for cotton, synthetics and delicate fabrics. The first category includes 5 modes:

  1. “Pre-wash” – at 90°.
  2. “Intensive” – at 90° (for heavily soiled light-colored items).
  3. “Normal wash” – at 60°.
  4. “Delicate cleaning” – at 40°.
  5. “Washing colored items” – at 30°.

Modes 6-9 are intended for synthetic fabrics. Intensive wash (6) is carried out at a temperature of 60°, standard (7) – 500, delicate (8) – 40°, and everyday wash (9) – 30°. There are only two programs for delicate fabrics: “Wool” – 10 (at 40°) and “Silk” – 11 (at 30°).


The set of special modes depends on the model of the washing machine.


Denim fades and stretches easily when washed frequently on the Cotton cycle. Reducing the temperature to 40º and reducing the spin speed prevents discoloration and wear of items. Cycle duration is 70 minutes.

Dark fabrics

The gentle temperature regime (30º) preserves the color of black and other dark items. The cleaning cycle lasts 80 minutes.

Odor removal

This function of the Indesit washing machine allows you to refresh clothes without heavy contamination.
The washing temperature and duration depend on the type of fabric:

  • for cotton – 125 minutes at a temperature of 60º;
  • for synthetics – 110 minutes at a temperature of 40º.

Express 15 (Refreshing wash)

The Express and Refresh modes are suitable for removing musty odors and minor stains from clean laundry. The first program lasts 15 minutes at 30º, and the second – 20 minutes. at 20º.

Sports (Sportswear)

The fabrics from which sportswear is made have special properties and therefore require more careful cleaning than conventional synthetics. When you turn on the “Sport” and “Sport Intensive” programs, the water heats up to 30º . The cycle duration is 70-80 minutes.

Sport shoes

The mode is suitable for cleaning sneakers made of fabric and suede. It is advisable to load no more than 2 pairs of shoes in one cycle. The washing duration is 60 minutes and the temperature is 30º.


The mode is intended for washing:

  • down jackets,
  • pillows,
  • winter overalls, etc.

The washing cycle lasts 110 minutes, the water heats up to 30º. To prevent the filler from matting, you must use special plastic balls.

After the listed modes there may be icons for rinsing, spinning, draining water, etc. They allow you to adjust the existing program or switch the machine manually if it freezes.

Other features

For additional mode settings, the following buttons may be present on the control panel:

  1. “Half load”, “Reduced load”.
  2. “Cold wash”, “60º mode” (program without heating or with limited water temperature).
  3. “Extra wash” (especially thorough washing for stubborn stains).
  4. “Eco time” (mode of economical consumption of electricity and water with a small drum load).
  5. "Reduced spin speed."
  6. "Extra Rinse"
  7. “Spin off.”
  8. "Easy ironing"
  9. "Draining water from the drum."
  10. “Delay start” (“Timer”).

Indesit will tell you about the washing modes of the machine in a video:

Indesit 421 w washing machine instructions

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What to do if a failure occurs?

If the program goes wrong, you need to:

  1. Move the programmer to the neutral position.

  2. Press the power button for a few seconds and wait until all indicators blink.
  3. After turning off, unplug the unit from the socket and wait 15-20 minutes.
  4. Connect the machine to the network, launch the selected program.
  5. If failures recur, press the “Drain” or “Drain without spin” button, and after draining the water, remove the laundry. When this function is disabled, water can be removed through the drain filter.

If the SMA often freezes between operations or resets the program, you need to run the test (service) mode.

Instructions for Indesit WN 421 WU in Russian, 0.24 MB

Home > SMA > Washing machine Indesit WN 421 WU

Indesit WN 421 WU: user manual and description

Indesit WN 421 WUPDF0.24 MBRussian

Description Indesit WN421WU

The machine is simple and very easy to use. A large number of functions allow you to wash different types of fabrics. The design of the machine is simple, it looks beautiful in the interior. Small in size, it will fit well even in a small bathroom. Quite roomy, large hatch for loading. It washes well, spins and rinses until semi-dry. Multifunctional, reliable, and has simple controls. This machine is perfect for a small family.

How to download the user manual?

The instructions for the Indesit WN421WU washing machine are easy to download; at the beginning of the page you will see a table:

Right-click on the PDF image, then look for “Save As” in the list, then save the Indesit WN 421 WU washing machine instructions in Russian on your PC, for example:

And the last step, select the folder in which you want to save the downloaded user manual in Russian, for example on your desktop:

We hope you were able to find the instructions for the Indesit washing machine, download and use it successfully. We wish you pleasant use of your washing machine from Indesit.

Test mode: what is it and how to enable it?

The test, or diagnostic, mode is designed to identify faulty systems and error codes. To run the scan you need:

  • turn off the SMA, move the shift knob to number “1”
  • press the machine power button, select washing program “2”, turn off the unit again;
  • return the programmer to the first position, turn on the SMA again;
  • select mode “3”, press the machine shutdown button;
  • return the selector to the first position, turn on the unit again;
  • start the draining procedure and click on the “Service test” button.

The button to start diagnostics is located on the control panel of the washing machine. It can be located on the left or above the selector knobs.

After starting the service mode, the operation of all ACS systems is sequentially checked:

  • fill valve,
  • pressure switch,
  • heating element,
  • engine, etc.

If errors are detected in their operation or problems with the sensors, the corresponding error code appears on the display. For example, code F04 indicates a breakdown of the water level sensor.

If there is no electronic display, the error code is determined by the flashing indicators above the buttons . Signs of a particular malfunction vary depending on the SMA model.

Detailed operating instructions for Indesit washing machines are presented in this section.

Washing machine Indesit 421W instructions, specifications.

Home > SMA > Washing machine Indesit 421W

Indesit 421W instructions, reviews, specifications

Washing machine Indesit 421W instructions (the most suitable manual has been selected)PDF0.22 MBRussian


This manual applies to the following models:

  • WN 421 WS
  • WN 421 XWS
  • WN 461 WO
  • WN 463 WT
  • WN 663 WO
  • WN 665 SS
  • WN 668 XWO

Washing machine Indesit 421W description

The Indesit 421 W washing machine perfectly washes any clothes, rinses and spins well. The machine is very convenient to use, has simple controls and many necessary functions. The drum of the machine is large and roomy, with a convenient hatch for front loading. Large powder tray. The machine looks good in any interior, as it has a simple and quite beautiful design.

Indesit 421W instructions. How to download the user manual?

The Indesit 421W manual is easy to download; at the beginning of the page you will see a table:

Right-click on the PDF image, then look for “Save As” in the list, then save the Indesit 421W washing machine instructions in Russian on your PC, for example:

And the last step, select the folder in which you want to save the operating instructions Indesit washing machine 421W instructions, for example on your desktop:

We hope you were able to find the Indesit machine instructions, download and use it successfully. We wish you pleasant use of your Indesit washing machine.

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