An arrow on the sleeve of a man's shirt: a merit or failure of the hostess?

A friend is proud of the sharp arrows that she smooths out on the sleeves of men’s shirts. I can completely do without them. It is no coincidence that there are special ironing boards for sleeves. And modern steamers when processing fabric do not leave a sharp mark on it.

So from time to time, she and I argue about which of us is doing the right thing. But we have not yet come to a common opinion.

A shirt is an important wardrobe attribute

Any business person must adhere to the dress code accepted at his place of work. And since the latter most often involves wearing a suit, the shirt also occupies an important place in it. Modern fashion does not deny the possibility of combining a T-shirt and jacket, but such an image has nothing to do with business style. But if it is impossible to appear in the office in a T-shirt, the shirt, thanks to the variety of its types, will look organically either paired with a suit at an official reception, or without a jacket, just with trousers, even if it is white and of a classic style.

But even in cases where a person does not work in an office, having at least a few shirts is necessary, because in life there are always occasions when this element of the wardrobe will definitely be needed - a wedding, anniversary, banquet, etc.

The shirt suits everyone, provided that the size, color and style are chosen correctly. It is a must-have item in the wardrobe of not only men, but also women. Color, cut, sleeve length, the presence or absence of a pattern and additional details in the form of pockets, trims, trim, decorative buttons - all this will allow the owner of such a wardrobe element to look equally good both at a meeting in the office and outside the work environment.

Fashion designers also create many products of different styles for men, thanks to which the latter today also have a good choice for creating their own style.

But there is one paradox: for some reason, with “Hawaiian” or sports models, for example, everything is more or less clear, while “classics” often raise questions. And the main one concerns the arrows on the sleeve.

Should there be arrows on a shirt according to etiquette?

There are no clear regulations on this matter. There is only one unshakable rule: there should be no arrows on the cuffs.

In addition, one nuance must be taken into account: a shirt and a shirt are not the same thing. The difference is that the cuffs of the second have a loop and a button. The first sleeves are secured at the bottom with cufflinks, i.e. they have only 2 loops. This is a clothing option with a classic cut and style, without any additional details. Wearing it without a jacket or at least a pullover or vest, according to etiquette, is considered bad manners. And even more so roll up her sleeves.

And since the shirt is an official element of the wardrobe, it is recommended to leave arrows on its sleeves. The same applies to classic-style shirts, which are worn with a suit and a tie. There is an unspoken rule: the presence of an ironed fold indicates the freshness of this wardrobe item.

According to etiquette, arrows cannot be ironed on sleeves:

  • women's shirts;
  • fitted and sporty models;
  • summer sewing products.

Everyday clothes - plain, printed, striped, etc. - should also be worn without arrows.

Arrows on a shirt

Everyone has a different attitude towards a smoothed fold on the sleeve. Moreover, condemnation or its presence is more often explained by ignorance of etiquette.

In Russia

Most Russian wives consider sleeves with arrows a sign of bad taste, which also indicates laziness and untidiness of the hostess, since it is much easier to iron a sleeve with an arrow than without it. At the same time, they are mistaken twice. Firstly, making an even fold is not so easy. Secondly, in Russia, at the level of ministries and large companies, it is believed that the arrow is necessary. Therefore, a shirt ironed in this way rather indicates that its owner belongs to the upper class than is bad manners.

In Europe and the USA

Abroad, they rarely ask such a question. The fact is that it is customary there to use the services of laundries and dry cleaners, where shirts are also rented. In such places, things are ironed using a press rather than an iron, which is why creases on the sleeves cannot be avoided. For this reason, everyone has long been accustomed to them and does not pay attention to them.

Next is the side with buttons

Before you begin ironing, remember that the shirt must be washed before the procedure. Otherwise, stains and dirt under the influence of high temperature will be even more absorbed into the fibers of the fabric. In some cases, it will be impossible to tidy up the material and remove stubborn stains.

Place the shirt right side out and begin to carefully work the surface, paying special attention to the collar area, as this is where you can see because of the tie.

If you decide not to turn your shirt inside out, follow the rule that you should iron the areas around the buttons, not the buttons themselves. Otherwise, they may melt or lose their original shape. In addition, wrinkles form between the buttons, which need to be ironed out with the corner of the iron.

How to iron shirt sleeves without arrows

The most convenient way to do this is on an ironing board with an iron with a steamer. If the latter is not available, then you need to use a spray bottle with water. As an option, do not overdry the product, but start ironing it when it is still slightly damp.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Unfasten the buttons on the cuff and iron it first from the inside, then from the front side. You need to move from the edge to the center.
  2. Turn the sleeve inside out, fold it along the seam and place it on the board so that the middle hangs slightly over the edge.
  3. Check that there are no wrinkles on the bottom.
  4. Start ironing from the seam, trying not to touch the area near the cuff and near the shoulder.
  5. Turn over to the other side and do the same steps.
  6. Fold the sleeve so that the seam is in the middle.
  7. Place the sleeve again so that one edge (left/right) hangs slightly.
  8. Iron the fabric down to the seam.
  9. Turn over and do the same procedure on the other side.
  10. Pull the shoulder part over the corner of the board and use the tip of the iron to work the unironed areas.
  11. Do the same with the area near the cuff.

The second sleeve is ironed in the same way. During the procedure, you need to follow one important rule: move the iron only along the sleeve, and not across it. Summer shirts are ironed in the same way.

With arm sleeve

This device will make the task easier. You should also start the procedure with the cuffs, and after they are ironed, pull the sleeve over the sleeve and iron back and forth, turning the sleeve as necessary.

To treat the area near the shoulder, you need to pull it over the smaller, rounded part of the auxiliary piece.

If there are no additional devices

It’s not always possible to have not only an armband, but also an ironing board at hand. The latter can be replaced with a table, using its corners to process folds near the cuff and iron the shoulder part. The table must first be covered with fabric, and it is better to fold it in several layers so that it does not slip on the surface. In this case, you need to pay attention to the absence of seams on it. Otherwise, they may print on the shirt. The armband can be replaced with a roller made from a bath towel.

When you don’t even have an iron at hand, you can use the following alternative methods:

  1. When washing in a washing machine, turn off the “Spin” function. Hang the washed shirt on hangers over the bathtub and let the water drain. Sometimes you can go up and stretch the fabric with your hands so that the product has as few wrinkles as possible.
  2. Wet a dry shirt or spray it with water from a spray bottle and put the wet one on yourself. If there are a lot of folds, you can add 2 tbsp to 1 liter of water. l. vinegar and 1 tsp. any rinse aid.
  3. Fill a bath full of hot water and hang your shirt over it. The rising steam will straighten out creases in the fabric.

Features of ironing different types of fabric

Different types of material require different modes and temperatures when ironing. If the care label on a product has been removed or the information on it has been erased, refer to the table that shows the ironing parameters for the main types of fabric.

MaterialProcessing temperature °CSteaming
Nylon100without steaming
Polyester110without steaming
Cotton with added PE130low level
Cotton150average level
Denim, denim180high level

Ways to hide arrows on a shirt

To make them less conspicuous, you can do this:

  1. Roll up your shirt sleeves to your elbows. Then they will not be as tight as with the cuffs buttoned, and the arrows will be less noticeable due to the volume that appears.
  2. If the shirt was worn under a jumper, then in addition to the rolled up sleeves, you can throw it over your shoulders. You will get a stylish and fashionable look.
  3. Stay in your jacket, but take off your tie and unbutton 2-3 buttons of your shirt (the main thing is that the hair on your chest is not visible). Such actions will give the image a less formal look, making it possible to organically fit into a non-business atmosphere.

Additional nuances

When assessing the fit of a shirt, you should also pay attention to the width of the cuffs. Moderately narrow cuffs that do not tighten the wrists, but also do not sit too loosely on them, are optimal. If you are wearing a watch, the cuffs should be wide enough to fit completely in place. If the cuffs are too wide, you can visually narrow them a little by rearranging the button yourself or by contacting a tailor, where they usually charge a symbolic amount for such a service.

In addition, the width of the sleeve matters. A sleeve that is too wide looks unsightly, as does a sleeve that is too narrow, tight on the arm and causing discomfort. Avoid shirts whose sleeves actually pull on your muscles. The ideal sleeve width varies depending on the shape and structure of the arms; In addition, to some extent it depends on personal preferences.

Optimal shirt sleeve width

If necessary, the sleeves can be narrowed in the studio, but, of course, they cannot be made wider.

Step-by-step instructions on how to iron a shirt with arrows

To make the process go faster, garments should be dried on hangers. At the same time, it is better not to overdry them. When this happens, before the ironing procedure you need to spray the shirt with water from a spray bottle.

After that, follow this algorithm:

  1. Select the temperature setting on the iron (information can be found on the label).
  2. Iron the cuff first from the inside, then from the outside.
  3. Fold the sleeve along the seam, without turning it inside out, place it on the ironing board, smooth it with your hands so that there are no creases on the side adjacent to the board.
  4. Iron the fold from the shoulder seam to the cuff, moving the iron along the sleeve. This will be the arrow. To keep it even, it is better to use an iron with a steamer. When it is not there, you need to take a piece of gauze, wet it, squeeze it out and iron it through it.
  5. Iron the entire sleeve from shoulder to cuff.
  6. Turn over to the other side and iron it too.
  7. Process the second sleeve in the same way.

The main thing is to make sure that the arrow is clear and does not fork. If this happens, iron the area again using wet gauze. There should be no arrows on the cuffs.

General recommendations

There is a standard ironing rule - start with small parts and finish with large ones.

If you apply this to a shirt, it is correct to start ironing from the collar, pockets and frills if the blouse is a woman's. Next, move on to the arms, front shelves, and finally to the back. As we promised, we will tell you how to iron shirt sleeves, including cuffs, correctly and without arrows. Let's look at the process in detail.

By the way, it is recommended to iron the product slightly damp, so the fibers of the fabric will lie as evenly as possible.

Be sure to take into account the characteristics of the material and follow the washing and ironing recommendations indicated on the product label. They will help you choose the optimal temperature setting for the iron, as well as drying, washing and storage methods.

The opinion of modern fashion designers about arrows on a shirt

There are no clearly established trends in fashion. What is at its peak today may become a sign of bad taste tomorrow. The couturiers are also not unanimous in their opinions about shirts with arrows.

Some models are produced with an immediately ironed crease, which is then difficult to get rid of. Even after washing and steaming, it cannot be removed.

The explanation for its presence is simple: shirts with arrows on the sleeves remain fresh longer, and the sleeve wrinkles less under the jacket. Thanks to this, you can safely take it off and stay in one vest, without losing its shine. Such models are especially suitable for men who must strictly follow the dress code.

There are other opinions. Thus, the famous shirt designer Pierre Duboin, who was a cutter for the Lanvin fashion house for a long time, explains the presence of arrows on the sleeves of his products by the fact that it is easier to iron them. And the famous participant in many “style” forums and author of the book on men’s clothing The Suit, Michael Anton, is sure that arrows should only be on “official” shirts. He himself wears his everyday ones without folds, explaining this not so much by the requirements of etiquette, but by personal preferences.

Opinions of women and men

Women, especially in the post-Soviet space, are against the arrows on men's shirts. From generation to generation in many families, a strict instruction is passed from mothers to daughters that their presence is a sign of a bad housewife. Therefore, women, in order not to look like slobs, carefully iron the sleeves of their spouses’ shirts, trying not to leave a single wrinkle.

Husbands, in turn, wear what their wives offer them, without particularly thinking about the rules of etiquette and completely trusting the mistress of the house. Many people can even wear shirts with or without arrows for more than one year without even noticing this fact and not attaching importance to their appearance.

Those who have to go to the office every morning simply follow the dress code there. But average enterprises rarely go so far as to comply with such subtleties as the presence of arrows on a men's shirt. Following etiquette is required by large business companies and official institutions - ministries, etc.

Why “can’t be seen under the jacket” doesn’t work

Many men follow the rule “you can't see under a jacket” without thinking about how wrong their statement is. A poorly ironed shirt is visible from under the lapels of the jacket, especially in the collar area. Lack of neatness casts doubt on your candidacy if you are joining a serious company or are about to conclude a lucrative deal.

In fact, if you follow basic rules, ironing a shirt will not be a difficult task for you and will take less than 10 minutes.

Statistical data

According to statistics, 50% of people believe that an arrow on a shirt is a sign of bad taste. The second 50% are sure that its presence on the sleeves is mandatory. Of the total number of unmarried men surveyed who take care of their wardrobe themselves, 90% answered that there should be an arrow. And only 10% prefer to wear shirts without it.

But sociologists believe that such responses from male representatives are explained not by knowledge of the nuances of etiquette, but by the desire to quickly iron this garment. What is easier to do with a fold, especially when a person is not puzzled by the quality of the resulting arrow on the sleeve.

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