Using an enamel pan for cooking in the oven

Enameled cookware is widely used in our kitchens. This material is durable, reliable, and functional. In terms of safety, it is second only to glassware. In such saucepans you can cook even dishes for the smallest family members. Neat dishes look stylish in any interior. But at the same time, this coating is quite capricious; for example, it cannot be rubbed with a metal sponge. From the article you will find out whether an enamel pan can be placed in the oven and how to care for it.

Is it possible to bake a cake in a glass container?

Sold everywhere and perfectly suitable for oven and microwave. I bake+bake everything in glass containers

, casseroles, pies with filling) - it washes better, nothing is poured onto a baking sheet or into the oven, and it bakes, bakes, fryes faster and faster, even the *frying pan* tastes crispy!))))

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Health hazard due to cracks and chipped coatings on enamel cookware

For cooking on the stove, it is better to use dishes without any chips, scratches, or damage. The same rules apply to the oven. If the coating is damaged, the enamel releases heavy metal compounds into the environment, and, accordingly, into the dish: zinc, lead, nickel, cobalt, boron, copper. This leads to poisoning, which is especially difficult for children. Weakness, headache, and decreased immunity occur.

There is also a danger from further destruction of the enamel - small pieces can enter the body and injure the esophagus and stomach. On the surface where there is no enamel, rust quickly forms, which leads to spoilage of cooked food.

When dishes are baked in the oven in such a damaged pan, then under the influence of high temperature all processes become more intense, and there will be more harm to human health.

The amount of harmful compounds directly depends on the color of the enamel. White, beige, grey, blue and black enamel are less harmful. Brown, red and yellow are much more harmful, even if they are not damaged. Therefore, it is better not to buy such dishes, or at least make sure that this coating is only on top.

Needless to say, the dishes must be of high quality. If it is cheap and of poor quality, and the coating is fragile and thin, it is better not to buy such products.

If the manufacturer specifically indicates that it cannot be put in the oven, then it is better not to risk it. Be sure to adhere to the maximum temperature limits indicated on the cookware. If there is not a word on the package about whether it is possible to bake food in an enamel dish in the oven, then it is better to think about an alternative option - to cook this dish in another container or frying pan.

Dimensions of frying pans

The size of the frying pan is selected in accordance with the dimensions of the oven. The bottom of the container should not occupy the entire space of the grill, allowing free circulation of hot air for uniform heating of food.

The basic criterion when choosing a form is the dish being prepared.

The determining factor when cooking meat and poultry is the size of the piece. Housewives do not advise leaving free space inside the container, because... in this case, the likelihood of fat burning increases. It is recommended to fill the empty space with a side dish, such as apples or potatoes.

An important criterion for baking dough products is the height of the pan. Low sides are suitable for pizza. High-sided pans are used for baked goods that rise during cooking.


Another favorite in our kitchens. Ceramic cookware is ideal for simmering and slow-simmering dishes. Its walls heat up evenly, they allow air to pass through, which slowly circulates throughout the oven and inside the cookware itself, ensuring ideal heating and gentle cooking. The slow cooking method preserves quite a lot of useful substances in the products; vitamins are not destroyed. Another plus: the dishes look very nice, and they can be served on the table, even to guests. And for some dishes - for example, roast in pots, this method is preferable.

Brazing Solder

Repairing pans using a bolt is the simplest method, but it is not suitable for every case. For example, it is unlikely that it will be possible to repair a curved surface this way. In this case, you will have to solder, and you need to use hard solder - that is, do the same as tinkers used to repair metal utensils on the streets and markets.

You need:

  • tin plate;
  • tin solder;
  • flux;
  • sandpaper;
  • file;
  • high power soldering iron.

Tinned sheet metal is used to make AA battery cases - from there you can take it and use it in this way:

  1. Sand the area around the hole until the enamel is completely removed and only bare metal is left.
  2. Apply flux.
  3. Tin the damaged area with a soldering iron using hard solder.
  4. Cut out a patch from tin.
  5. Tin it in the same way.
  6. Apply a patch to the hole.
  7. Warm it up with a soldering iron.
  8. Wait for the solder to melt.
  9. Press the patch onto the outside of the pan.
  10. Remove excess solder - this is done with a file.

Solder must be applied in a thick layer - no less than 5 mm. With such a repair, the patch will not fall off for quite a long time. You can cook in a saucepan, but not too often.

Important! Lead is toxic, so if you plan to cook in a pan in the future, use pure tin as solder

Popular brands

It is believed that the highest quality enamel cookware comes from Japan. However, this is a misconception - as in the case of Russian manufacturers, Japanese products can also be of low quality, so you should pay attention first of all not to the country of manufacture, but to the brand. Among the well-proven industries, the following can be distinguished.


One of the largest Japanese companies producing enamel-coated cookware. Externally, it is clearly recognizable by the abundance of patterns and floral ornaments on a light background. Such dishes are of high quality, which is due to the use of glass enamels with the addition of powdered sugar.


This series of dishes is designed in the Provence style, therefore it is distinguished by the use of delicate colors and an abundance of romantic floral designs. The enamel for making such pans is made from the highest quality and natural materials.


Finnish-made cookware is in great demand, especially the Termosol brand, which is one of the world leaders in the market for the production of kitchen utensils. The basis for the manufacture of enameled cookware is carbon steel, and it is covered with a dense layer of enamel , which can withstand fairly high temperatures without any deformation or damage to the integrity of the coating.


In Europe, tableware from Metrot (Serbia) has long been in consistently high demand, the main advantages of which include exceptional quality, environmental safety, and stylish colorful design. The enamel coating is made of natural materials, applied in an even layer, and does not require special care. This brand produces not only saucepans, but also teapots, Turks and the most common ladles and scoops.

Products from Germany have earned the best user reviews

By the way, domestic manufacturers also make dishes that are practically not inferior in quality to their imported counterparts. Among the most popular are “Novomoskovskaya dishes” and “Lysvensky enamels”. A distinctive feature of the products is their high quality, which has been maintained for almost a hundred years.

Among other domestic enterprises, the following two can be noted.

  • “Emal” is a company from Magnitogorsk that specializes in the production of high-quality and very interesting, from a decorative point of view, tableware. Thanks to the use of high-tech equipment, the manufacturer is able to maintain the cost of tableware at an affordable level.
  • Steelemal is a subsidiary of the large metallurgical magnate Severstal. The dishes of this brand are presented in the widest range and are of truly European quality.

Dimensions of frying pans

The size of the frying pan is selected in accordance with the dimensions of the oven. The bottom of the container should not occupy the entire space of the grill, allowing free circulation of hot air for uniform heating of food.

The basic criterion when choosing a form is the dish being prepared.

The determining factor when cooking meat and poultry is the size of the piece. Housewives do not advise leaving free space inside the container, because... in this case, the likelihood of fat burning increases. It is recommended to fill the empty space with a side dish, such as apples or potatoes.

An important criterion for baking dough products is the height of the pan. Low sides are suitable for pizza. High-sided pans are used for baked goods that rise during cooking.

How to care for an enamel pan

What is allowed to be done with enamel cookware:

  1. Wash with “Extra” ground table salt – this is a fine abrasive. A larger one will scratch the surface.
  2. Use soda ash (washing soda) for washing: dissolve 25 g of the product in 1 liter of water, wash the dishes in this solution, rinse thoroughly and wipe dry.
  3. Whiten enamel with regular bleach. To do this, place it in a large saucepan and boil it in a bleach solution for at least an hour. Before cooking, rinse the pan under running water, otherwise there is a risk of chlorine poisoning.
  4. Lighten dishes using a decoction of apple peelings. Sour varieties are best suited for this. Cucumber pickle is also used. This is done if the inside of the pan is stained with red wine, beets or onion skins.
  5. Wash the pan with 9% table vinegar diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. A strong solution, undiluted vinegar or vinegar essence cannot be used.
  6. Constantly but gently stir the prepared dish.
  7. Use salt or regular baking soda to remove burnt-on food residue. The food is transferred to another container. The pan is cooled naturally. Then warm water is poured into it, salt or soda is added. You can leave the dishes in this form for several hours, or best of all, overnight. In the morning, place the container with the solution on low heat for 5-10 minutes. Burnt food remains can be easily washed off with water. Scale is removed in the same way.

A new enamel pan will last longer if it is thoroughly heated before first use. To do this, boil water with a solution of table salt - 2 tbsp. l. for 1 l. It is not necessary to add salt - just boil an almost full pan of water and cool.

It is forbidden:

  • use rough metal brushes or pipe cleaners - the enamel is damaged, microscopic cracks form, which in the near future will lead to its thinning;
  • wash dishes with powders containing large abrasive particles;
  • drop to the floor and subject to other mechanical damage;
  • tap the edge of the pan with a spoon;
  • use steel or iron utensils for mixing food;
  • clean burnt areas with knives;
  • pour cold water into a hot pan and vice versa;
  • place dishes from the refrigerator directly on the stove or in the oven (they should stand for a while at room temperature) and vice versa.

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What is it made from?

Enameled cookware is made of metal and coated with enamel. The metal used for its manufacture is often cast iron or steel, and glass ceramics is used as a coating.

How the production process works:

  1. The blank is stamped.
  2. The surface goes through a degreasing process.
  3. The product is dipped into enamel.
  4. Then the future dishes are sent to the oven for firing.
  5. The pattern is applied.
  6. Fittings are being installed.

However, some manufacturers, instead of dipping the product into enamel, simply spray it onto the workpiece. This reduces the cost of the production process and, therefore, the cost of such utensils is lower. But you should understand that its service life is much shorter.

Today you can find enameled dishes of different shapes (with straight walls or rounded), with different fittings (metal handles, plastic or even wooden) and different designs (from classic floral patterns to the most original).

Perhaps, enamel pans are the best option for preparing first courses and compotes.

Restoring enamel

The easiest way to make minor repairs to a damaged surface is to use enamel paint, which is available in spray cans:

  • "Nitroenamel";
  • “White enamel”;
  • "Bath enamel".

Before restoring the enamel on the pan, it is necessary to clean the damaged area, degrease it and dry it. After this, you can spray paint onto the chip, following the instructions on the label. Enamel can only be applied to areas that do not come into contact with food.

You can repair the pan using a soldering iron. To do this you will need an electric soldering iron, solder and soldering acid. To perform this procedure, you will need pure tin, which melts at a temperature of 232°C.

When working with a soldering iron for the first time, you need to remove the insulation from it. To do this, you need to clean the end with sanding paper, heat the device and rub it on rosin. To seal the pan, you should go over the necessary areas of the surface with sandpaper and clean it from grease and rust.

The damaged area must be heated and lubricated with flux using a wooden stick. Next, you need to apply a drop of tin to the chip and distribute it evenly over the surface, making movements back and forth. When the solder is smoothed out, you should take a small amount of tin and repeat the procedure until it fills all the microcracks and displaces the flux.

How to repair an enamel pan if there is no hole, but the enamel has chipped? We need to restore the enamel. To do this you will need putty, which you can make yourself. You need:

  • kaolin – 225 g;
  • trephine – 60 g;
  • calcined borax – 40 g;
  • sodium silicate – 30 g;
  • powder glass – 20 g;
  • slaked lime – 20 g;
  • water – 10 ml;
  • capacity;
  • mortar and pestle:
  • pharmacy scales.

All ingredients can be purchased at chemical stores, but it is easier to do this through an online store. Grind the ingredients thoroughly and mix. Then follow this procedure:

  1. Clean the surface and dry it.
  2. Degrease the area where you will apply the putty.
  3. Apply putty.
  4. Let it dry for two days.

There is another type of homemade enamel. For it you will need:

  • casein;
  • sodium liquid glass;
  • borax;
  • quartz flour;
  • crushed glass.

Here's what needs to be done with all this so that the repair of an enamel pan gives the expected result:

  1. Combine 12 parts casein, 6 parts liquid glass, 10 parts borax, 14 parts quartz flour and 5 grated glass.
  2. Mix everything well, add a little water to make a homogeneous dough.
  3. Prepare the enameled surface in the same way as in the previous case, that is, strip it down to the metal and wipe it with acetone or gasoline, and then dry it.
  4. Apply the composition you prepared, rub and let dry.
  5. Then sand it smooth and nice, and you can use it.

Top brands

Among premium products, the first places in the review belong to the tableware “monsters” - companies Staub, Le Creuset, Lodge, Revol.

Staub cast iron pans are cast in individual sand molds, sanded, jet etched, and enameled. They can withstand temperatures up to +250 ºC and are suitable for table setting.

Spicy casserole

Potato casserole can become a real culinary masterpiece if you add a couple of secret ingredients to it. Interested? Then let's cook!


  • potatoes – 0.6 kg;
  • sweet potatoes – 0.6 kg;
  • soft butter - two tablespoons. spoons;
  • garlic cloves – two pieces;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • cream – 100 ml;
  • cheese – 150 g;
  • thyme - two tables. spoons;
  • salt;
  • black pepper.


  1. Peel the potatoes and wash them.
  2. Cut the tubers into slices eight millimeters thick.
  3. Peel and chop the garlic cloves.
  4. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  5. Preheat the oven to two hundred degrees.
  6. In a saucepan, combine the cream with milk, add soft butter, as well as garlic mass.
  7. Bring the ingredients, stirring, on a low burner to a boil.
  8. The sauce for the casserole is ready.
  9. We will “treat” the glass refractory mold with oil.
  10. Spread half of the potato wedges in an even layer.
  11. Sprinkle the potatoes with thyme, salt, and pepper.
  12. Spread half of the cheese shavings on top.
  13. Next, lay out the remaining potatoes, sprinkle them with spices, salt and cover them with cheese shavings.
  14. Add the sauce. It should completely cover the workpiece.
  15. Cover the mold with a bag and place it in the refrigerator for five to six hours.
  16. Then remove the bag and cover the workpiece with a sheet of foil.
  17. Bake the dish for thirty minutes.
  18. Then remove the foil and continue cooking the casserole until it turns golden and the sauce is almost all absorbed.
  19. Before serving, steep the casserole for ten to fifteen minutes. Ready!

Cast iron

Cast iron cookware will last for many, many years and does not require special care. You can wash it with any means, including abrasive ones (it is not afraid of powder or soda, and even metal scrapers). You can store cast iron pans one inside the other - they will not be scratched. Cast iron heats up quickly, but cools slowly and releases heat gradually, so the dish is heated evenly and will retain its temperature longer after turning off the oven. Food cooks faster in cast iron, retains all its taste properties and does not burn; moreover, cast iron becomes saturated with oil over time and improves its non-stick properties.

The only negative is that these dishes are very heavy.

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