About dishwasher tablets: how to use and choose

Where do you put the tablet in the dishwasher? You bought a dishwasher, as well as special products for it. All that remains is to figure out where to put it all, after which you can start the equipment. Due to their versatility and abundance of components in the composition, the tablets are easy to use and are popular among users. Let's look at the features of their use.

Types of tablets. Features of application

Products compressed into cubes are made from powder with certain additives. In stores today there is a huge selection of washing cartridges:

  • three-component (3-in-1);
  • multi-component (5-in-1, 6-in-1, 8-in-1 and so on);
  • environmentally friendly (without chlorine and phosphates);
  • with water-soluble packaging.

Expert opinion

Vyacheslav Budaev

Dishwasher expert, repairman

Each tablet is enclosed in a separate package, so it is very convenient to use them. If the manufacturer indicated on the packaging that the bag dissolves in water, then you can not tear it off, but immediately put it in the car. These are Finish Quantum, Sodasan, Amway.

If not, then remove the packaging and put the product in the compartment. These are Somat, Frosch, Econta, Ecover.

What's in it. If this is not an environmentally friendly product, then the content is not much different from powders or gels:

  • chlorine;
  • phosphates;
  • surfactant;
  • enzymes;
  • bleach;
  • fragrances:
  • citrates;
  • salt;
  • silicates and so on.

How to insert and which side to put the pads on? Follow these simple operating rules:

  • Clean your plates thoroughly to remove any leftover food.
  • Place them in baskets.
  • You can insert the tablet into the compartment from any direction, the main thing is that it closes tightly. Also add salt and rinse aid.
  • Run a long wash cycle.

Expert opinion

Vyacheslav Budaev

Dishwasher expert, repairman

Important! Do not use cartridges for pre- or short program. They will not have time to dissolve, so the dishes will not be washed well, and a residue will remain at the bottom of the dishwasher.

For compact PMMs or “Half Load” cycles, half the product can be used. But this is not always convenient.

Should a tablet fall out, why does it fall out of the compartment?

The reasons lie in the principle of operation of the machine. When starting the main wash, the compartment ejects the pad. Under the influence of water it begins to dissolve little by little.

Expert opinion

Vyacheslav Budaev

Dishwasher expert, repairman

You cannot crush compressed cubes. Each layer is dissolved one by one. If you mix them, there will be no desired effect, since the rinse aid is used immediately.

First of all, the salt and detergent components dissolve, and finally the rinsing agents (red ball inside). It happens that the detergent does not fly out of the dispenser. The cause may be improperly positioned dishes that block the dispenser. It’s worth checking the lid itself, maybe it’s stuck.

What are their advantages?

Why the use of tablets for PMM is becoming popular:

  • They do not crumble or spill, like powders and gels loaded through a funnel.
  • They are created on an all-inclusive basis. Manufacturers offer capsules from “3 in 1” to “10 in 1” or “all in one”. The tablet contains all the components necessary for washing dishes and maintaining the dishwasher in good condition. Along with the detergent, the capsule contains rinse aid and salt.

Advantages of compressed products in individual packaging

  1. Convenient to use every day, no need to dose or get your hands dirty.
  2. They do not crumble, do not spill, and fit neatly into the compartment.
  3. Easy and long-term storage. Individual packaging allows you not to worry about moisture ingress.
  4. Efficiency, versatility.

Expert opinion

Vyacheslav Budaev

Dishwasher expert, repairman

Important! If the packaging is water-soluble, do not handle it with wet hands, otherwise the product will soften.

Now you know where to put the pills and what regimen to use. Follow the PMM instructions, then it will work without failures.

The dirtier the dishes, the more powerful the tablet

For lightly soiled dishes, it is enough to put a one-component or 3-in-1 tablet. But it will not cope with dried and burnt layers - for these purposes, use 7-in-1 products, etc.

What to look for when choosing?

This is one of the cases when expensive does not mean quality. Therefore, in addition to aroma, brand, color, packaging efficiency, it is necessary to study the composition, environmental impact and versatility.

Basic moments

Things to consider before choosing dishwasher safe tablets or capsules:

  1. make sure your dishwasher accepts tablets;
  2. a well-known brand is great, but often such manufacturers inflate the price, and the composition may be identical to lesser-known but effective products;
  3. pay attention to the number of components. You can often find tablets “3 in 1”, “All in One”, “8 in 1” and so on. There are usually 3 main components in a briquette, but manufacturers often resort to tricks by adding additional components (not always necessary), thereby increasing the final cost. Usually a basic set of active substances is sufficient for daily use. But if you are willing to pay extra for protection against scale and glass clouding, then why not consider these options.

Composition and safety

Many people ignore this criterion, but this means not only the safety of the environment, but also possible reactions when used by allergy sufferers or in families with small children.

We list the main active substances in compressed tablets and their effect on humans and the environment:

  • phosphates. The most common component in powdered detergents and very often in press briquettes. Phosphates actively break down dirt particles, counteract scale and reduce water hardness. However, they have long been recognized as non-ecological and are banned in a number of European countries;
  • phosphonates are the “brothers” of phosphates with a more environmentally friendly formula, but have identical properties and effectively fight dirt, carbon deposits and scale;
  • surfactants, or surfactants. They force water and fat molecules to interact, which makes effective cleansing possible even at low temperatures;
  • Chlorine is a long-known bleach that is also used in tablets for PMM. Its effectiveness is as high as its negative impact on the environment, human skin and mucous membranes;
  • oxygen bleaches also allow you to keep dishes snow-white, but the bleaching formula in this case is more gentle, due to the chemical reaction of peroxide and sodium carbonate.


The amount of active ingredients does not always affect the effectiveness of the product. Manufacturers often use marketing tricks, offering universal multi-component formulations, knowing that the choice is mainly made according to the “more is better” principle. But this doesn't always work.

As we already know, in addition to the three active ingredients necessary for high-quality dishwashing, other substances may also be found in the composition.

The need for their use depends on the personal needs of the consumer. Among them you can find:

  1. substances that prevent clouding of dishes;
  2. additional protection against scale;
  3. aromatic fragrances and essential oils;
  4. components that allow you to combat difficult and complex stains;
  5. means for adding shine to glossy and glassware;
  6. substances that prevent the formation of stains;
  7. odor neutralizers;
  8. polishes for steel and chrome-plated appliances;
  9. disinfectants.

Attention! The number of components does not always affect the quality of washing, but increases the cost of the washing cycle.

Value for money

The price tag for tablet dishwasher detergents varies greatly. A lot depends on the brand of the manufacturer and the volume of the package, but expensive tablets do not always live up to expectations.

Since the components in popular products are approximately the same or differ slightly, relying solely on the price tag when choosing is not entirely correct.

Advice! Compare the composition of briquettes on the manufacturer’s label and compare the cost of one washing cycle. Often lesser-known brands show pleasant results and produce economical packaging with a convenient number of capsules for different needs.

Source: https://chistsovet.ru/sredstva/tabletki-dlya-posudomojki/

How to store

The place where you store the package of tablets should be cool and not humid - just not under the sink, choose something drier. This factor is critical for cubes with a dissolving shell - it can absorb moisture and the tablets in the pack will stick together.

Expert opinion

Vyacheslav Budaev

Dishwasher expert, repairman

Some well-known brands make soft packaging with a special valve - it prevents moisture from getting inside.

Close the container tightly after each use!

Storage recommendations

Keep the box or container of tablets in a cool, dry place. In damp rooms, moisture penetrates inside and the briquettes stick together.

Take the tablets only with dry hands, place them in the compartment and close it. After each use, the container in which the product is stored is hermetically sealed.

The manufacturer must indicate the year of manufacture and shelf life of the product. The consumer must follow the dates on the packaging, as expired formulations cannot be used.

Do I need to open the package?

Each tablet of detergent is packaged in a film that protects it from moisture. The instructions for the product can answer the question of how to insert the capsule: whether it is packaged or not. If the wrapper is dissolving, then the briquette is placed in the tablet compartment in the dishwasher without removing the film. It's very convenient; you don't need to dry your hands first. Products such as Amway, Finish, Sodasan have dissolving packaging.

If the packaging is removed to prevent the tablet from softening, make sure your hands are dry.

If the tablet wrapper is not water soluble, be sure to remove it.

The soluble coating is a huge advantage. Such tablets are more expensive, but they are convenient to use and your hands will remain clean.

Hints about solubility and whether you need to remove the wrapper are indicated on the product pack.

Expert opinion

Vyacheslav Budaev

Dishwasher expert, repairman

Soluble film is very sensitive to water and humidity! That's why:

  • handle the shell only with dry hands;
  • Always seal the sealed container and store it in a cool place.

What are tablets: characteristics, composition

Various means are used for washing in PMM:

  • gels;
  • powders;
  • pills.

The latter are among the most effective and convenient in everyday life, since they contain the components necessary for cleaning and washing.

Tablets are miniature rectangular, oval, round or square briquettes in a package. Before use, the film is carefully removed, with the exception of a product produced in a soluble coating.

How do they work?

The principle of action of capsules depends on their composition. They have one function - to dissolve in water and wash dishes. What else is included:

  • anti-corrosion substances;
  • protection of silver from tarnishing;
  • antibacterial and disinfectant effect;
  • bleach;
  • defoamer;
  • flavoring and more.

The principle of action of the reagents in the pill

The composition of tablets from different manufacturers differs in the active substances included in the mixture and in the functions they perform. Pressed powders, in addition to their main cleaning purpose, can, in dissolved form, protect metal parts of a machine from rust, and silver dishes from tarnishing. Combined action tablets contain salt components, rinse aid, antibacterial agents, and flavoring agents. The sequence of operation of the tablet is as follows:

  1. PP falls out of the dispenser. Occurs when the washing program starts, contact with water begins.
  2. Dissolution of the first layer of briquette at the beginning of the cycle. The mixture contains cleaning agents and water softening salt. The reagents act on dirt particles and remove them.
  3. Decomposition of the remaining part of the tablet in the final washing phase. The final dose can be marked with a color: red, blue and a shape - a ball, a circle. The surface of the dishes is rinsed until shiny and scented.

It happens that the briquette falls out of the dispenser only at the end of the cycle. Then the washing turns out to be of poor quality. This is a consequence of improper installation of dishes in the washing chamber or a malfunction of the dispenser lid. It is not recommended to crush the tablet: the rinse aid will lose its properties in the first phase of the cycle. When using regular tablets, you need to ensure that salt is always present in the machine.

Main Ingredients

  1. Alkaline substance (surfactant or phosphates) - breaks down fats and dirt.
  2. Salt - softens water.
  3. Rinse aid - speeds up the drying of dishes and prevents streaks.
  4. In order to improve the quality of washing, manufacturers add:
  • stain brightener (e.g. active oxygen),
  • enzymes (enzymes),
  • anti-corrosion additives and against scale formation,
  • antibacterial substances,
  • products for extra shine, etc.

The nuances of using tablets

Before starting to use a dishwasher, many people are interested in questions: which product is better to purchase, what is better - gel or tablets, how much product is required when the machine is fully loaded, and so on. To find answers to these questions, you need to know some of the nuances of using tablets.

During operation, many housewives have found that to partially load the dishwasher, it is enough to place half a tablet in a container in the dishwasher. The same option is suitable for a compact dishwasher.

Expert opinion

Vyacheslav Budaev

Dishwasher expert, repairman

Another important point in using capsules is the choice of washing mode. For example, the instructions for some modern machine models indicate in what washing mode it is necessary to use a 3 in 1 tablet. As a rule, these are long-term washing functions of more than one hour.

If there are small children at home, storage rules must be followed. The bright packaging and appearance of the capsules attract their attention. The chemical composition of the tablet can greatly harm the baby’s health if he tries to eat it. If the tablets have soluble packaging, then if moisture gets on it they can stick together, so they should be stored in a dry place.

1 tablet = 1 load - is this true?

In 1 cube, ingredients are prepared in a certain concentration for a single load of a full-size dishwasher. This is enough for about 12 sets of dishes.

Expert opinion

Vyacheslav Budaev

Dishwasher expert, repairman

However, it is uneconomical to use a whole tablet if there are few dirty utensils or the machine is small. It is very convenient to divide the cube into 2 parts and put in only half.

Eco-friendly products and hard water require salt and rinse aid.

Phosphates soften water and break down lime. They are absent in bio-tablets, which is why the washed dishes do not shine or are covered with a slight coating. To prevent this, add dishwashing salt and rinse aid while setting the water hardness setting to minimum.

Expert opinion

Vyacheslav Budaev

Dishwasher expert, repairman

Not only eco-products, but also all other tablets can give poor-quality results - for example, due to increased water hardness (over 26°e (21°dH)). Therefore, if after washing the cleanliness and shine of the dishes is not ideal, experiment with adding salt and rinse aid, even if they are among the ingredients.

Customer Reviews

  1. Vika: I tried Finish Quantum. There are pros and cons. Advantages: Dissolvable coating is convenient. I put it in without getting my hands dirty, because there is no need to unpack it. It cleans well, except for tea stains. Disadvantages: although I use the long mode, some plates are difficult to wash.
  2. Natalya: I decided to use solid briquettes after the liquid tablets (capsules) melted in hot weather, turning into mush. I’m happy with my choice because the product washes off perfectly without leaving any streaks or odor. Moreover, I often use the "Half Load" mode. Then I divide the pad into two parts. And yet Clean & Fresh washes away dirt.
  3. Lera: I liked the inexpensive Filtero products based on reviews. Most of them were positive, saying that the price is low and they clean well. I don't agree with this. The product is very aggressive and contains phosphates. When I took out the dishes after washing, I was stunned: the glass plates were scratched, and a white coating remained on the plastic vessels. After the end of the cycle, a persistent chemical smell remained. Due to poor dissolution, powder particles remained on the objects. I do not recommend buying Filtero 7-in-1, despite the tempting price.
  4. Oksana: I ordered Biomio from the online store, I’m switching to environmentally friendly products. They consist of 80% recycled material, so they completely decompose in nature and do not harm humans. The packaging was sent in a paper bag. I was very pleased with this eco-friendly approach. Each pad is individually sealed and completely dissolves. Of the minuses: I couldn’t find the expiration date for a long time, I was afraid that they were expired. As a result, I found pale numbers. The rest is benefits. It fights dirt well, but I still add salt because the water is hard.
  5. Tatyana: I saw Somat at a discount in the supermarket, so I decided to buy it. After opening it, I saw that each item was packaged separately; the packaging needed to be opened, since it was not water-soluble. I always set the washing mode to a long time (more than 2 hours), so the result is excellent. The dishes are clean and odorless after the feast. Even crystal is washed without drips or streaks. I recommend buying it, especially if it's on sale.
  6. Maya: I was very pleased with the mini-capsules from Fairy. No need to unpack - put it in the compartment and go rest. Among the advantages: they clean appliances perfectly, even old grease on the lid of a Fairy frying pan was effectively removed. The main thing is to set the correct mode, with an emphasis on the degree of contamination. For greasy appliances, it is better to run a full cycle; for lightly dirty appliances, a short cycle, in which capsules are also used. The only thing that upsets me is the composition: 30% phosphates, 15% surfactants, phosphonates and bleaches. Not a biodegradable product at all.
  7. Daria: “Ushasty Nyan” attracted me with their brand, since I have been using their laundry detergent for a long time. The product is odorless, so there is no chemical smell in the chamber after washing. It washes off grease and tea stains well, but it doesn’t work well on pots after broth—it leaves a rim. Also, the egg does not wash well. In general, I am satisfied with this brand, but it is difficult to buy a detergent for a car; it is sold only in specific stores.
  8. Alina: Compared to Finish, Frau Schmidt is no worse. Works only in long modes. It does not cope with dried food residues, but it cleans off other stains normally. The aroma is not felt, and most importantly, the price is affordable, lower than many promoted brands.

Source: https://cosmo-frost.ru/posudomoechnye-mashiny/sredstva/obzor-tabletok-dlya-posudomoechnoj-mashiny-sostav-otzyvy/

If the tablet falls out

Some users wonder if it is normal for a tablet to fall out of the compartment, or maybe the tablet compartment in the dishwasher is broken. The principle of operation of the dishwasher is designed in such a way that after its activation, a capsule is ejected from the compartment and gradually dissolves in water.

Expert opinion

Vyacheslav Budaev

Dishwasher expert, repairman

In some cases, people crush the tablet into powder to speed up the dissolution process. For 3-in-1 detergents, this is a fundamentally wrong action: rinse aid should be used only at the final stage of washing; this will not happen in crushed form.

When the program starts, the briquette is ejected from the compartment, but this must happen at a certain moment. If this does not happen, the reason is as follows:

  • The dishes are not laid out correctly, something is preventing the compartment from opening;
  • The dispenser lid is stuck.

If the dishwasher tablet does not dissolve well

Sometimes housewives notice that for some reason the briquette remains intact or almost intact, but the washing process is completed. There may be several reasons for this:

  • the cycle must take place strictly according to the instructions;
  • The dispenser compartment may become blocked and cannot be opened. We arrange the dishes correctly;
  • impossibility of complete dissolution due to inconsistency between the washing regime and the temperature of the water;
  • incorrect placement of the tablet itself in the dispenser;
  • The briquette has expired or the capsules have become damp;
  • the packaging is insoluble, but they forgot to remove it;
  • clogged dispenser compartment or low water pressure.

There are many reasons, they should be eliminated sequentially.

How to place the tablet correctly?

Some users place the tablet in any place they think is most suitable, without reading the instructions. Others, on the contrary, are interested in where to put the tablet in the dishwasher so that the washing is effective.

The answer is simple - you can put it on either side in a special compartment, this will in no way affect the action of the product and the process of its dissolution.

However, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • leftover food should be removed from plates;
  • The lid of the container in which the product is loaded must be tightly closed.

Where to put the tablet in the dishwasher to ensure high-quality dishwashing? Cleanliness depends more on the washing mode than on the placement of the product. It is necessary to select a continuous mode at maximum load. Without having time to dissolve in a short wash, the product will settle at the bottom, and the dishes will not be washed well.

Alternatives to pills

Today you can find a large number of different dishwasher detergents in stores. Powders were the very first to appear on the shelves. They are used due to their low cost and high dissolution rate in water. However, the powder does not contain salt, which is found in tablets and gels.

You can use detergents that do not contain salt, but then this component will need to be purchased separately, which will lead to additional costs.

Expert opinion

Vyacheslav Budaev

Dishwasher expert, repairman

Gels and tablets are considered to be the most gentle and easy-to-use products. They do not cause allergic reactions in people, and also do not leave scratches or any other damage on the dishes.

The disadvantage of liquid gel is that it is difficult to dose and store. All because it can spill. Tablets don't have this problem. In addition, the tablets, in addition to performing their main function, also protect dishes from the formation of scale and plaque.

What product do you use?


An analogue to tablets is gel: where to pour it?

Where to put the tablet in the dishwasher. We figured it out. But what to do with the liquid product?

Expert opinion

Vyacheslav Budaev

Dishwasher expert, repairman

Many users prefer to use dishwashing gel instead of tablets. Its application directly depends on the selected program. For example, if the “Pre-rinse” mode is set, the product is poured into the rinse aid compartment. If the main washing mode is started, then the gel is poured into a container for powder or other detergents.

The algorithm of actions here is as follows:

  • dishes are loaded in accordance with the rules;
  • The gel is poured into the detergent container according to the instructions;
  • the machine starts.

Many users claim that the manufacturer indicates a dosage that is obviously more than necessary. If you reduce it by a quarter, you can achieve the same result, but save money. Even if the product contains emollient components, it is recommended to use salt in any case.

Principle of operation

Due to the fact that tablets from different manufacturers differ in their composition, they can have different effects on dishes. Despite this, all drugs have a number of common functions. If we talk about the composition, then the combined tablets contain not only detergent, but also salt and rinse aid.

In addition, the composition may include such components as:

  1. Substances for protecting metal parts of the dishwasher from rust;
  2. Substances for protecting silverware from tarnishing;
  3. Antibacterial components;
  4. Bleaching agents;
  5. Flavorings, etc.

After the washing program is started, a capsule will fall out of the compartment and begin to slowly disintegrate. First, the layer containing the detergent and salt dissolves. At the very end, another, final layer dissolves (in Finish brand capsules it is a red ball).

Tips for use

There are features in the use of any detergent that are learned during long-term use of the dishwasher. To achieve a clean surface on plates and cups, it is important to follow the recommendations of the manufacturers of equipment and cleaning briquettes. Do not neglect the advice of housewives:

  1. Dosage of tablets. One piece is enough to fully load the machine: 10–15 sets. The compact PMM holds half the amount of dishes - for washing it is enough to break the briquette in two. Thrifty housewives divide the tablet into 4 parts for washing cutlery in small quantities.
  2. Washing mode when using pressed powder. When soaking and rinsing dishes, do not use PP. The program should last at least an hour for the effect of the pill to be maximum. A short wash will lead to incomplete dissolution and the formation of sediment at the bottom of the working chamber.
  3. Placement of pressed powder into the dispenser. Be sure to make sure that the container lid is closed tightly and without distortion. Violation of this rule will affect the quality of the wash: the tablet will not dissolve completely.
  4. Storing tablet soap. The place for storing briquettes should be inaccessible to children and dry.

Problem solving

An immutable rule: choosing the appropriate washing mode when using tablets. It takes time for all the layers of the capsule to dissolve, so they put the machine on a standard or long cycle.

Common problems and solutions:

  • During normal operation of the unit, the embedded capsule falls out of the compartment and gradually, during the washing process, dissolves. If the tablet does not fall out, then the dispenser may be clogged or the dishes are not placed correctly (the tray lid cannot open). Another mistake: the presence of moisture in the compartment, which causes the briquette to stick to the walls.
  • The tablet did not dissolve. There are many reasons: the washing mode was chosen incorrectly, the capsules are past their expiration date, they are wet. Housewives often forget to remove the packaging from the briquette and use cool water.

Compliance with the instructions for tablet products, taking into account the peculiarities of washing regimes and water quality indicators allows you to avoid mistakes and achieve a good result.

What is the 3 in 1 function in a dishwasher?

What is the essence of this function?

The special 3 in 1 function allows the dishwasher to recognize tablets and capsules that contain detergent, rinse aid, and salt. The composition of these tablets is complex, so the dishwasher must run a special program that will dissolve the layers of the tablet gradually, at different stages of the washing program.

What does this give? This allows you to significantly improve the quality of washing due to the timely introduction of certain layers of the 3 in 1 tablet into the program execution process. According to some Western experts, the use of a 3 in 1 system can improve the quality of dishwashing by, in general, 8-12%. How does this feature work?

  1. Open the dishwasher door.
  2. We load the tablet into a special compartment for detergents.
  3. We launch any washing program.
  4. A special sensor will detect the presence of a 3 in 1 tablet and adjust the program.
  5. We wait for the washing to finish and take out clean dishes.

Expert opinion

Vyacheslav Budaev

Dishwasher expert, repairman

Although the 3 in 1 tablet contains salt, you should not leave the PMM salt reservoir empty. Refill it regularly.

If instead of a 3-in-1 dishwasher tablet you put powder and poured in rinse aid, the sensor would also recognize this. The program would be adjusted for powder.

What tablets can I use?

If you have purchased a dishwasher with a 3-in-1 function, you will very soon think about purchasing a suitable detergent. So which tablets can be called suitable, let's figure it out.

  1. 2 in 1 tablets. Today they are rarely found on the market. These tablets contain only compressed detergent and rinse aid.
  2. 3 in 1 tablets, 3 in 1 capsules. These products contain salt, rinse aid and detergent. In tablets these are dry compressed components, and in capsules they are in liquid form.
  3. Tablets 4 in 1. These are already tablets that consist of 4 components: salt, rinse aid, detergent and a special agent that protects glassware from damage.
  4. Tablet products 5 in 1. Multicomponent tablets that, in addition to salt, powder and rinse aid, contain solvents for difficult stains and protective chemicals.

Today, dishwasher owners actively use 7-in-1, 10-in-1 and even 12-in-1 tablet products. All of these products are perfectly recognized by dishwashers with 3-in-1 automatics, so no need to worry.

How to properly place tablets in the dishwasher

Before using the dishwasher for the first time, open the instruction manual and read it carefully. In most models, you need to put the detergent in the dispenser compartment, which is located on the door.

In the picture below you can see the dispenser. The second compartment (2) is the container for powder, tablets, and gel. Compartment number three (3) is designed for detergent (up to 5 g), which is used during pre-wash.

Section F is intended for rinse aid; it is additionally secured with a lid (C). The indicator (D) indicates the presence or absence of rinse aid.

Bosch dishwashers have a slightly different arrangement. The dispenser is also located on the inside of the door, but the compartments are in different parts:

There is a separate place for tablets (3), for powder and gel (1), for rinse aid (2).

Earlier models of dishwashers had the following basket:

Concentrated 3-in-1 and 7-in-1 products cannot be used. You can only load the simplest compressed cartridges.

In addition to detergent, you need to use:

  • Rinse aid . Gives dishes shine and shine, removes white deposits and stains. Promotes quick drying and has water-repellent properties.
  • Salt . Softens hard water, reducing the amount of harmful impurities. Prevents the appearance of limescale and scale.

Read how to run the dishwasher for the first time in a separate article.

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