Proper table setting according to etiquette for a birthday, holiday - how to decorate and set the table

A properly set table is a sign of the attentive attitude of the hostess to her guests. You need to try not only to surprise everyone with your culinary skills, but also to make the most pleasant impression possible. The correct arrangement of dishes and cutlery creates a welcoming, friendly atmosphere, has a positive effect on mood and improves appetite.

How to set a festive table? It's not difficult at all, you just need to know a few secrets! We will try to teach you the basic rules, and the photos presented in this article will tell you how to decorate a beautiful table for guests at home.

Placement of tablecloth and runner

Stores offer a wide selection of textiles for interior decoration. Regardless of whether you are a follower of the classic style or a lover of experimentation, you are sure to find something for yourself.

Traditionally, it is customary to choose a white satin tablecloth. Remember: there are no strict restrictions, it all depends on your idea, the interior of the room, etc. However, a properly set table requires the use of light colors: beige, champagne, etc.

The tablecloth should be starched and well ironed. If it is made of thin material, then it is best to place a thick piece of fabric under it. This way it will stop sliding, and the sound of instruments will be less audible. Paper tablecloths and plastic-based tablecloths are not suitable for special occasions; they are best left for outdoor trips.

Interesting : a modern way to decorate a holiday table is to use special runners and plates.

Wedding table setting

A big celebration, such as a wedding, on the contrary, needs an exquisite center of tastes and creativity. Stylization comes first here. The conceptual solutions for the modern interpretation of serving sweet dishes are fascinating, so if you decide to nominate yourself without previous experience, be careful - this process is worth maximum effort, namely:

  1. Thematic decoration to suit the style of the overall atmosphere, even the style of the bride and groom;
  2. The tablecloth and drapery should be natural and match the color scheme with the main thematic objects;
  3. It is fashionable today on the wedding dessert table to have small inscriptions and figurines dedicated to the solemn event of marriage. The bride and groom play the leading role;
  4. Use miniature but expensive dishes. You can’t eat too many sweet treats;
  5. If you intend to make a truly excellent and status celebration, order a chocolate fountain and a machine for making delicious ice cream. The effect is guaranteed.

Otherwise, the serving of dishes and table setting does not differ from usual.

Holiday etiquette is like a business card that the owner presents to his guest. What the table looks like is the guest’s initial opinion.

Emphasize the arrangement of objects according to the rules and then dissonance in opinions will not occur. Use the stylization of other countries, you will only benefit from this, since everyone will want to try something new for themselves, it will definitely remain in their memory.

Article on the topic:

Etiquette for children at the table

Table etiquette rules - eating

Plates placement

Table setting begins with arranging the plates:

  • Use one type of place settings to stick to a specific style. Place the largest bottom plate in the center of each seating to serve as a base for main courses and appetizers.
  • To the left of the snack plate, diagonally, a special pie plate is usually placed, on which butter and pieces of bread are placed.
  • It is necessary to periodically remove the dishes and replace them with clean ones. This is done at least once in one evening, and sometimes more.

The history of the emergence of the tradition of setting the table

Table setting was mentioned in the records of the early Middle Ages. However, in those days, people did not care about the beauty of decorations for meals; dishes and cutlery were needed only as functional, not decorative elements. For example, in the 8th century, people used candles only to illuminate the room during dinner, but today they are a necessary item when decorating a feast.

Back in the Middle Ages, people did not use plates when eating. Their role was played by recesses in the tabletop. The rich people decorated them with carved ornaments, thereby denoting their high position in society. Of course, this method of eating was very impractical, since the wood quickly developed an unpleasant odor due to rotting food remains, so this tradition did not last long.

The first table knives also appeared in the Middle Ages. They were intended only to be used during meals. Before their appearance, the role of knives was played by sharp daggers, which were used to cut pieces of food and put them in the mouth. But feasts were often accompanied by quarrels, and in order to reduce bloodshed during the festivities, knives with a round end were invented.

In the 10th century, large slices of bread began to play the role of plates. Meat and fatty dishes were laid out on them, and during the entire evening feast the bread was soaked in the remains of food. Then, at the end of the festivities, this bread was distributed to the poor. Dishes for guests were served on the tables in dishes designed for 2-3 people.

In the XI-XII centuries. The first tablecloths began to be used to cover tables. They were made of thick fleecy fabric with embroidery. During the same period, the first forks with five prongs appeared. Such cutlery was very expensive, so only rich noble people could afford them. At the same time, the tradition of going to celebrations with your own personal fork arose. This item became an indicator of high status, so it got to the point that guests at the feast remained hungry at feasts, since their forks were so huge that they did not fit in their mouths. Soon a new cutlery appeared - a two-pronged fork for eating meat and poultry.

Plates began to be made a little later. One of the English knights ordered small dishes from a foundry worker for organizing a feast. It is not known whether he wanted to save money on dishes, or whether he needed to accommodate too many people at the table, but the idea turned out to be successful, and plates appeared in European homes.

Since the 18th century A culture of table setting began to develop. Craftsmen from Saxony then learned how to make porcelain plates and decorate them with painting. At the same time, the production of cutlery began to develop. Each of the masters began to make dishes in their own way, trying to surpass other craftsmen. Europe was experiencing a crockery boom.

Setting the table and beautifully serving dishes has almost become a form of art. Dining tables were decorated with candles, figurines, beautiful cutlery and dishes. Napkins were skillfully laid out for each guest.

In the twentieth century, fast food cafes and fast foods appeared. There, traditional dishes were replaced with disposable paper and plastic plates and cutlery. However, restaurants still maintain the tradition of using beautiful and elegant objects in table decor.

Placement of cutlery

Learn a few simple rules that will definitely help you set the table correctly:

  1. Knives are usually placed on the right side with the blade facing the plate, forks - on the opposite side with the pointed part up.
  2. There are several types of appliances: snack bars, for desserts (cakes, pastries, etc.), for meat/fish dishes. The first group is located at the edges of the plate, since it is customary to start any meal with appetizers. Thus, those devices that guests will use first are placed further from the plate.
  3. The dessert set is placed immediately behind the plate parallel to the edge of the table.
  4. If your home menu includes a first course, then place the spoon near the knife with the rounded part up.
  5. Be sure to place a butter knife on top of the pie plate.


A beautifully set table can turn breakfast into a small celebration.

Appliances are added and removed depending on the dishes prepared

They start with the tablecloth. It should be clean, ironed and suitable in style to the interior. For breakfast, bright and muted colors are acceptable.

Then the plates are placed. Place a serving plate at a distance of 2.5 cm from the edge of the table, a main plate on it, and then a deep bowl for porridge or cereal. On the left, diagonally, a dessert plate with a butter knife is placed, and egg cups on small saucers are placed on it.

The next step is instruments. To the left of the main plate, place a fork with the teeth up, to the right - a knife (with the tip inward), a tablespoon, and then a teaspoon. Dessert cutlery is placed above the plate, parallel to the edge of the table.

Table setting at home. Simple breakfast

Next are cups and glasses. A cup for a hot drink is placed on a saucer and placed to the right diagonally from the main plate. The glasses are placed a little further. Their number is determined as needed. Correct order: glass for water, juice, then milk.

In the center of the table there is a coffee pot, a milk jug, rosettes with jam and saucers with slices of fruit. Granulated sugar is served in a sugar bowl with a special spoon, and tongs are used for refined sugar. Oil dishes, poachers and snacks are also placed here.

Cheese and bacon served on a cutting board or plate along with cutlery

Complete the serving with napkins and decorations. Cloth napkins are placed on or next to the snack plate; paper napkins are placed only in napkin holders. Small vases with flowers are placed in the center of the table - they create a special mood.

An unusually set table will be a pleasant surprise for your household and will certainly not allow them to miss breakfast

Tablecloths and napkins are an optional item for a homemade breakfast.

Serving glasses, glasses, wine glasses

Each type of drink has its own type of glass. Their place is to the right of the plates, and they must be placed strictly in a single line at an angle of 45 degrees. When placing, follow the sequence in which you will offer alcohol.

Different types of drinks are usually served at specific times, so glasses are put away along with other cutlery. Only a special device intended for water remains on the table all the time.

Tip : Make sure the glasses match the types of drinks you have. After all, their taste and smell will be correct only if you did it correctly!

Napkins as a decorative element

Paper products are used to blot lips or wipe hands, textile products are used to protect clothes from stains. You can also decorate the table with napkins. Paper elements are beautifully arranged in glasses or coasters. Textiles are placed on the table or threaded into rings for decoration. They are folded into the most intricate shapes.

Paper napkins placed in special stands can also decorate a festive table. There are many simple ways to style them beautifully:

  • fan, double fan (napkins are folded at an angle and placed like a fan);
  • a bird (the role of the tail is played by beautifully laid out napkins);
  • crown (napkins folded into a triangle are placed in the shape of a crown).

There are many ways to beautifully decorate a table using napkins; it can be called a separate form of art.


Napkins are as important a detail as the tablecloth. When choosing, we recommend giving preference to a natural-based material that will definitely not cause redness and irritation to the delicate skin of the face. This element is usually placed on the left or on top of the snack plate.

Pay special attention to folding it correctly, try to do it very carefully. Having difficulties? Make it easier on yourself by using napkin rings. They will add zest and unique charm to your table setting.

How to lay a tablecloth

Textiles on the table set the tone for the entire setting. A tablecloth as a background can emphasize the solemnity of the moment, or, conversely, ruin the mood. Therefore, it must be spotlessly clean, intact and without scuffs. It is checked in advance, washed and ironed.

According to the general rules of table setting, the tablecloth is chosen in accordance with the occasion of the celebration:

  1. A formal reception calls for white damask fabric. This is the name given to a linen or cotton tablecloth woven with shiny convex patterns. You can replace it with smooth linen or linen, but damask looks more solemn. A soft lining is spread under the main tablecloth so that cutlery and plates do not knock when serving and during the meal. For this purpose, use felt or felt, cut to the size of the tabletop. To set the table at home, you can use a sheet folded several times.
  2. A gala dinner in an old mansion or a room designed in the style of a “noble nest” can be decorated with a lace or embroidered tablecloth. However, you should not choose bright and lush patterns.
  3. Light, elegant and sometimes bright embroideries are more suitable for calm family celebrations and setting a festive table at home. In this case, you need to make sure that the pattern is positioned strictly symmetrically relative to the contours of the table.
  4. Modern etiquette allows the use of colored tablecloths matched to the porcelain and napkins. However, it is not advisable to get too carried away with bright colors. Soft pastel shades chosen taking into account the style of the room, decor and occasion of the celebration will look good. For example, bluish and greenish tones will add coolness to a sunny dining room, and shades of yellow will warm you up in the winter cold.
  5. Colorful, brightly colored tablecloths will be more than appropriate at a children's party or themed party. Setting the table with rich tones is acceptable for breakfast or tea.

Formal reception

Gala dinner For family celebrations For children's parties

The tablecloth should be ironed before use, even if it has been stored very carefully. Traditionally, vertical and horizontal folds running strictly in the center are smoothed out. When placed on a table, they should divide the tabletop into four equal parts, aligning the center of the furniture with the center of the canvas.

How to properly set a table with a tablecloth:

  • shake it over a piece of furniture to create an air gap;
  • align the centers of the table and tablecloth;
  • place it so that the corners of the canvas cover the legs, and the edge goes down 30-50 cm (less is not aesthetically pleasing, more is inconvenient).

At the end ends of the dining table, the tablecloth can hang a little lower unless there are guests sitting there. For a buffet table, a fairly long tablecloth is usually used, since there are no seats at the table. However, under no circumstances should it touch the floor.

Table decor

Regardless of whether it’s an anniversary, New Year, or a table setting for a birthday, the decor has never been canceled! Properly selected jewelry is already 50% of your success.

If you are planning a large-scale event, you can rent or buy special chair covers, buffet skirts and table tops. This pleasure is not cheap, but you will definitely surprise your guests!

Fresh flowers look very impressive. True, there is one unpleasant drawback - their petals may fall off or quickly wither. Then all your efforts will be in vain, and your time on decorating the table will be wasted. A few life hacks that will make this process easier and more enjoyable:

  • Make sure in advance that no one on your guest list is allergic to the smell of the flowers you want to use as a decorative element.
  • Avoid using plants with a strong odor, as it can overwhelm the taste of your dishes.

Important : for the feast, choose small, low vases that will not interfere with the communication of guests. Place them so that the petals do not fall into the food plates.

Table decoration

For a modest home celebration, decorating a festive table with flower arrangements is suitable. This is one of the most win-win ways to create a festive atmosphere. A bouquet in the center or medium-sized compositions arranged symmetrically on the surface are appropriate.

If you choose this method of decorating a table at home, you need to consider the following features:

  • check that none of the guests at the celebration have allergic reactions to the selected plants;
  • Do not give preference to flowers with a suffocating odor;
  • When we decorate the table with plant compositions, we must remember that the container with flowers should be removed from the plates and treats.

On the autumn holiday, it is appropriate to use yellow leaves, rowan bouquets and other beautiful natural gifts as decoration. In spring - branches of flowering trees, pussy willow, artificial butterflies. Winter time can be accompanied by the addition of decor in the form of cones, as well as white, blue and dark blue shades. In summer it can be fruit bouquets and compositions.

Tips for placing DIY table decor include:

  • the selected items must be in harmony with each other;
  • You should not place excessively high decorations on the table, they will interfere with guests’ communication;
  • It is not recommended to use too many decorative details; it is important to observe the measure.

We must not forget about table decorations in the form of helium balloons. There is perhaps no more festive accessory. Balls can be selected in the colors of the setting.

When preparing a festive event, it is important not only to think through the menu, but also to take into account the need for beautiful, ceremonial serving. A prudent housewife must take into account all the nuances. The original design makes no less impression than the delicious treats.

The selected items should be in harmony with each other

Do not place tall decorations on the table

Do not use a large number of decorative details

Features of serving by type

The type of table setting also differs in the time of meeting guests. Find out how to properly set the holiday table for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

For breakfast

Housewives usually begin setting the morning table by arranging plates, glass glasses for juice and cups for hot drinks (tea or coffee). For the morning meal, the bread is placed in advance on a plate with a napkin or in a basket. A piece of butter is placed in a butter dish, and the cheese and sausage are cut into slices. For jam, honey or jam, in most cases glass or plastic sockets are used.

For lunch

Use different types of plates. A knife is placed to the right of them, a dinner fork is placed to the left. Wine glasses and glasses are placed on top. Don't forget about the spice rack and napkin holder. During meals, it is allowed to use oilcloth on the dining table instead of a tablecloth; you can also cover it with transparent film.

For dinner

Table setting for dinner is similar to lunch. You can complement it with vases with fresh flowers, various figurines or an ashtray, which is placed on the corner facing the aisle.


Preparing the premises for events is always a responsible task. It is important to take care in advance to ensure that your guests are satisfied. We offer several tips to help you organize your holiday:

  • To organize a banquet, special buffet tables of different shapes are used, from which you can later create a single table. It is also planned to install special utility tables near the walls for spare cutlery.
  • The decor can be complemented with candlesticks, floating candles in vases, ikebana plants, etc.
  • An important element of serving is the printed menu in the cover.

Tip : before serving, carefully inspect the dishes that will be offered to guests. There should be no cracks, dirt or chips on it. Poor quality cookware must be replaced immediately.


A buffet is a dynamic and modern way of organizing feasts. The main feature is the unusual form of the event: guests do not sit on chairs, but come up to eat the dishes that interest them. This is especially convenient at children's parties. There are certain rules that organizers need to remember:

  • For the convenience of guests, tables should be located at a sufficient distance from each other. Special round stands for cigarettes, ashtrays and paper napkins are also installed in the corners of the banquet hall.
  • The menu includes a wide selection of food. It is usually presented in large quantities, but is served in portions 30 minutes before guests arrive.
  • There are also several secrets in the arrangement: canapés are placed in the first line, followed by various salads, and only then meat dishes. Desserts serve as the centerpiece of the table.

Coffee serving

In many countries, business negotiations are accompanied by drinking tea or coffee. This fact is not only a sign of friendliness and culture, but also has a positive effect on the company's image. So, how to set the coffee table correctly:

  1. Quality products are always the basis. Choose natural brewed coffee, avoid instant mixtures.
  2. It is necessary to first pour the drinks in a separate room where the negotiation participants are not present.
  3. It is necessary to preheat the coffee utensils to +40 degrees.
  4. Guests should be served from the left side so as not to distract them.
  5. Glasses need to be filled 2/3 full, not to the very top of the rim. Water (with or without sparkling water) and 2-3 types of juice should also be on the table.

Tea service

Setting a round table is especially relevant, because who among us doesn’t like to drink a cup of hot tea with our nearest and dearest? To begin, choose a bright tablecloth and a matching set. Arrange the plates, and next to them on the right, place a cup and saucer diagonally and place cutlery.

Tip : Various pastries, cakes and other sweets perfectly complement tea drinking.

What you should pay attention to?

At the initial stage, it is worth knowing exactly how many people will come to you, since you need to calculate exactly how much cutlery you will need to use. Each person who comes should be given a separate seat, otherwise awkward situations will arise. It is important to immediately reserve a place for the birthday person. It should be perfectly visible, despite the vase of flowers placed near this place.

Name cards will help guests find their seat

As for fruit baskets, it is advisable to place them on different sides, since each guest should have free access to them. Next, you need to place a couple of stands with bread and sandwiches on the table, but they should be at the same distance from each other. It is customary to place drinks between them.

The distance between the plates should be at least 50 cm.

The only thing you need to know about the placement of plates is that they should be placed strictly half a meter apart from each other, but only a centimeter of free space should remain from the edge. It is not recommended to place multi-colored plates and coffee cups. It is advisable to use one or more identical services. The advantage of this solution is that all products will not only be bright and attractive, but also identical.

For harmonious serving, use plates from the same set

The first step is to place shallow plates on which the second dish will then be placed. It is customary to place deep plates on them for serving first courses. On top of them should be placed the smallest ones, which are intended exclusively for snacks prepared in advance. As for cutlery, there are special subtleties in their placement. The existing paper napkins should be placed next on the left side of the plate. Glasses and glasses should be arranged in descending order, but the largest vessel should be first.

Proper serving of plates for the holiday table

The celebration most often begins with the serving of cold dishes, that is, salads, various appetizers and other similar foods, and only then hot delicacies and dessert are brought. As for the hot, it should always consist of the first and second. At the stage of setting the festive table, you need to make sure that each salad bowl has a spoon, since otherwise it will be inconvenient for those who come to your holiday to put them on.

Cold appetizers are served first on the table.

If we talk about serving tol for children and adults, there are practically no differences. Most often, plastic disposable tableware is placed on the table for children to prevent the possibility of injury. Safety should also be given considerable attention, since children tend to spend their time actively and most likely they will fool around. It can be decorated in different ways, so that the style can fully fit into the interior of the table.

Table setting for a children's birthday

We all know that most children have a weakness for sweets and we need to take this fact into account. It makes sense to focus on cookies, candies and ice cream. All this should be in beautiful dishes within reach of every child. As for fruits, you shouldn’t forget about them. Cut them beautifully and place them on display. Drinks should also be taken care of. Most often, it is customary to delight children with juices, fruit drinks or coffee. The main decoration of such a table will be the cake, which must be ordered in advance.

Decorating a sweet table for a children's birthday

Rules for arranging dishes

The festive table setting also includes details of the placement of the main dishes:

  • It is better to place salt and pepper in the center of the table at a distance from each other. If desired, you can put mustard or any other sauces nearby.
  • Pieces of bread are stolen onto plates and placed at different ends of the table for the convenience of guests.
  • Serving dishes requires the presence of a spoon near each of them. This will make it much easier for those present to put the dish they like on their plate.
  • Pay special attention to cold appetizers. They should include different types of products (meat, fish, vegetables, etc.).
  • As for serving drinks, this also has its own rules and subtleties. Juices and fruit drinks are usually poured into jugs; there are glass decanters for vodka and liqueurs, and wine and whiskey are best served in bottles.
  • If a large number of people are invited to the event, then follow a certain order of serving dishes. First, guests are offered cold appetizers, then hot ones. Dessert should be served at the end of the holiday.

Advice : many housewives have encountered a problem when there is a catastrophic lack of free space on the table for prepared dishes. Therefore, we recommend that you make a complete list of them in advance to avoid such a situation.

Now you know everything about how to set the table. The knowledge gained will help you make a positive impression on your guests, and the memories of the evening will last for many years. Remember: in order to decorate a set table according to etiquette, you do not need special skills and knowledge. Use our simple tips in everyday life and make your loved ones happy more often.

Basic Rules

Auxiliary devices must be present on the table, because they serve directly, so that you can comfortably take food. Individual tools are the familiar forks and spoons, as well as small tongs and many other common tools. It is important to remember that the spoon is invariably placed in the right hand, but the fork is in the other. Sauces should be applied with ladles, but this should be done as carefully as possible, since one awkward movement and the tablecloth can be ruined. Of course, these cutlery should also be present on the table.

The order in which the cutlery is laid out on the table

It wouldn’t hurt to place a set of napkins near each guest, as they can quickly remove dirt from the tablecloth without drawing special attention to your person. If we are talking about the traditional design of a table, then it will imply performing work in a certain order.

Example of festive table setting

A little about preparation and organizational issues

  • Having set the date and time of the holiday, having decided on the list of guests, menu and budget, you should begin to audit the service and your existing decor. Make sure that dishes, utensils, treats and napkins are of the required quality and quantity.
  • Pay special attention to the presence of dishes for desserts: stands for cakes, shelves and dishes for fruits and sweets, dessert plates and spoons, as well as candles and straws for drinks.
  • If you are not familiar with the rules of serving, it doesn’t matter, modern table decoration at home does not require strict adherence to the rules, but still some principles are worth learning. An approximate arrangement of cutlery and utensils can be seen in the following diagram.
  • It’s also worth thinking through the table design down to the smallest detail in advance. And our selection of photos and tips will help you with this.

Serving procedure at home

When serving, it is recommended to take into account many features. First of all, the order in which the elements are placed on the table is of particular importance.


The serving process begins with choosing a tablecloth. If you are planning a special event, you should give preference to shiny materials. Rough linen is good for a laconic table.

The material must be clean and ironed. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to cover it with oilcloth. The canvas should be placed so that it drops at least 25 centimeters. The material should not hang below the seat. A tablecloth that is too long will cause discomfort.


A decorative plate is placed in the center. It is necessary to maintain a distance of at least 2 centimeters from the edge. Place dishes for soups or snacks on top. For pureed soup, a soup bowl works well. If you plan to serve clear broth, use a cup.


The cutlery is placed along the edges of the plate. They are also placed on top. It is recommended to place forks on the left. They are directed with their horns upward. Knives are placed on the right, pointing the blade towards the plate.

The device that will have to be used first is placed on the edge. That’s why snack items are placed furthest away.

If there is no dessert, a tablespoon should be placed on top of the plate. If a sweet dish is provided, the device is placed to the right of the knives. Dessert items are placed above the plate.

Glasses, wine glasses, glasses

It is recommended to provide separate containers for drinks. Cognac or red wine is poured into large glasses. Small glasses are suitable for white wine. Champagne is drunk from tall and narrow glasses. At the same time, cocktail glasses are often used for juice. They often also contain water.

It is recommended to place a glass of water 50 centimeters from the end of the knife. Then a wine glass is placed at an angle of 45 degrees from the edge of the table. A vodka glass can be placed in the same place.


Guests are provided with individual napkins. It is recommended to fold them beautifully at the end of serving and place them on a plate for appetizers. There are many methods for folding this element.

Decor and design

To provide guests with a good mood and put them in a festive mood, it is worth using stylish decorative elements

It is important to maintain a sense of proportion. Such additions should not interfere with the arrangement of dishes

A figurine can be a stylish addition to the table. Candlesticks will look very attractive. They should be combined with sophisticated dishes and glasses.

Flowers are considered a good addition to the holiday table.

At the same time, it is important that they look harmonious and do not create inconvenience. Therefore, the bouquet should not be larger than the tallest glass

If you are planning a themed celebration, it is recommended to choose appropriate accessories. For the New Year's table, decor in the form of fir branches, balls, and tinsel is suitable.

How to decorate a birthday table with flowers

As for the presence of flowers on the table, of course, this will decorate and emphasize the festive atmosphere. Just note that you need to avoid flowers with a strong aroma. Their smell should not distract from the culinary delights and should not cause any disturbance to guests. A small number of flower petals can be unobtrusively scattered on the table between dishes.

Flower vases should be low, almost flat, and flower stems should be fairly short. Flower arrangements should not block the view of guests; they serve only as an addition to the table decoration. You can use a multi-component flower arrangement - place a large bouquet in a flat vase in the center of the table, and miniature flower arrangements in the same style near each device.

So how can you decorate a table for a birthday?

The starting point should be the choice of tablecloth; it will be the basis of our “tasty picture”. Tablecloths in warm, rich, rich colors will help us create a festive atmosphere - these are golden, terracotta, orange and reddish tones. A rich blue, bright red or dark green tablecloth will also look very elegant. The main thing is to correctly arrange the entire color scheme of the festive table composition when using saturated shades. You can put covers on the chairs by tying them with ribbon.

Preliminary preparation

Preparing the table for customer service begins with arranging the chairs. Here it is worth adhering to the previously mentioned rule, according to which the distance between seats should be at least 50 cm. If a romantic dinner for two is planned, then a small table is selected and the chairs are placed opposite each other.

At the next stage, the tabletop is covered with a tablecloth. This is what is considered the first stage of table setting. The classic version is a snow-white canvas made of dense high-quality fabric. Satin is often used to make tablecloths. You can also use canvases of other shades, the main thing is that they match the decoration of the room.

When choosing a tablecloth, experts recommend focusing on light colors, such as cream or soft blue.

The tablecloth should be clean and well ironed. It is the general background for serving. If the fabric is thin and slippery, then you need to place flannel fabric under it. This will save the situation. This material also muffles the sound of glasses and cutlery hitting furniture.

Important! Plastic and oilcloth tablecloths should not be used in a presentable restaurant. This is especially true for organizing holiday banquets.

At the preliminary preparation stage, special attention should be paid to the length of the tablecloth - it should not hang more than 30 cm from the level of the tabletop. The corners of the canvas should cover the legs. When the tablecloth is laid, they begin to display cutlery and wine glasses in accordance with the menu.

How can you decorate a table for a child's birthday?

First of all, you need to think over the holiday decoration style, and based on this, choose a color scheme for dishes, tablecloths, and decorative items.

Above the table you need to hang ceiling decorations in the form of balls, garlands, and paper decorations.

You can easily make a tablecloth with your own hands from taffeta, organza, mesh or packaging film. In order to fix the drapery, you can use tape or, for example, a stapler.

Dishes at a children's party should be healthy and light. Design them in the form of children’s favorite characters, dolls, cars. Create a whole fairy tale from your dishes!

Be guided by your preferences and good mood when decorating the festive table and your guests will appreciate your efforts!

A birthday is not only a pleasant holiday, but also a responsible one. The task of the organizer, be it an invited specialist or a person close to the birthday person, is to create an atmosphere of fun and lightness, and table setting plays one of the most important roles in creating this atmosphere. A beautifully, harmoniously and stylishly decorated festive table is another brick in the foundation of not only a great holiday and good mood of the guests, but also the pleasure of the hero of the occasion. Bland napkins and familiar plates will not surprise anyone, but original decor and bright accessories will help raise the level of fun at the party.

Table space

And if you have decided on this, then there is another important issue that needs to be resolved - a place for the table. And here it would be a wrong decision to install it in the living room or small room. In the first case, this can cause the guests to feel cold, and in the second, it can be stuffy. Therefore, it is most appropriate to install a table in a large room.

If it’s warm outside, and the holiday is being organized in a private house, then you can set and serve the table outside. Then guests will be able to breathe in fresh air and take photos in nature.

Features of table setting for the New Year

It is customary to celebrate the New Year with a richly laid table. The abundance of treats will be emphasized by a solemnly decorated table. Choose a tablecloth in a neutral shade, emphasizing the significance of the holiday with bright details (napkins, small gifts for guests).

You can use spruce branches or small wreaths as decoration. It is customary to place tall candles on the table that match the color of the napkins or decorative elements. The dishes should also have a presentable appearance. Plates with golden or silver monograms, wine glasses with mother-of-pearl edging.

Don't forget about decorating the room. A Christmas tree and other elements of New Year's decor, along with a ceremoniously set table, will create a fabulous mood.

Table setting styles

LoftStyle involves combining modern devices with elements in an unpresentable form. The table is most often not covered with a tablecloth or other textiles. Iron or wrought iron utensils are installed on the countertop, along with polished cutlery, polished plates and glass glasses.
CountryA distinctive feature is bouquets of wild flowers and textiles made of natural fabrics with small patterns. Dishes are used in grey, brown or beige shades in a retro style. Some elements can be decorated with twine or thick threads.
RusticLooks like country music. The style is complemented by wooden furniture, decorative elements in the form of cones and twigs.
Scandinavian (minimalism)A distinctive feature is the minimum amount of dishes and decor. There are no lush floral arrangements or bright colors here. The table is decorated in a single color and is complemented by only one bright element or monochrome. Plates and cutlery are selected in the same style without unnecessary applications. Particular attention should be paid to lighting, which should be as close to natural as possible. In the evening, you can add candles to the decor.
Art DecoInvolves the use of dark colors when setting the table. In this case, both textiles and dishes should be dark in color and decorated with gold or silver embossing, monograms or patterns.
ProvenceThere are no restrictions on the number of table decorations and dishes. Mandatory elements are textiles in light colors with openwork embroidery, miniature bouquets and candles. The tablecloth may have a bright stripe located in the center of the table. At the same time, the dishes should be simple and discreet.
Shabby chicThe emphasis is on antique decorative items and furniture in warm pastel colors. Table decoration can be candelabra with candles and delicate flower arrangements. The tablecloth is chosen to look antique in one tone or with a small pattern.

Decorate a birthday table in an unusual way

Don't be afraid to use some unusual design items and add your own unexpected details. It can be anything. For example, decorative vases, unusually shaped hodgepodges made of glass. They can be placed at each device or along the edges of the table.

And don’t forget about candles, they will decorate any holiday table. Candles can play the role of a central element within a flower arrangement or be an independent element on the table. In the second case, you can focus on a beautiful candlestick. The candlestick can be tall and elegant and the candles in it are thin and generally rise above the table. And perhaps you will like the option with a flat bowl, where small colored candles and flower petals will float.

You can celebrate your birthday in the form of a costume themed party. But even without using costumes, you can create some special holiday style. For example, let this evening be held in Japanese style. Red, black and white colors in serving will help you with this. Dishes with a black edging and a red flower will emphasize the Japanese flavor, the tablecloth may be a soft pink shade - all this will create the sophistication and mystery of the East.

If the table is already stylishly decorated with a tablecloth and dishes, there are flowers or candles on it, you should move on to the dishes. If you just put a dish on a plate, the design will not look original. Try to decorate them exquisitely with imagination. When planning the menu, keep in mind that guests will be of different age groups and with their own tastes. Let there be few dishes on the table, but they will all be decorated with soul and taste.

The arrangement of dishes deserves special attention. Place colorful canapés on skewers, slices and tartlets. Decorate drink bottles with ribbons, paper and flowers. Everything should be in tone with the main serving.

Types of serving utensils

With proper table setting, there are several plates, glasses and cutlery for one person, which are selected depending on the nature and time of the meal.

Types of plates

There are about 35 species. Among them, the most commonly used plates are:

  • dining rooms intended for serving second courses (shallow), as well as pasta or pasta (deep);
  • soups, in which first courses are served (exceptions are broths), muesli with milk, and sometimes porridge;
  • bowls for broths and liquid porridges;
  • dessert, intended for cakes and pastries (small), as well as for desserts with sauces (deep);
  • pirozhki, which are used for serving bread or croutons (there should be a butter knife on the plate);
  • chill mold for salad appetizers and oysters;
  • fish, having an elongated shape for more convenient handling of the fish dish;
  • snack bars serving cold appetizers and salads.

In addition to personal ones, there are also common plates and dishes in which basic treats, cakes and pastries are served.

Types of wine glasses and glasses

To serve alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, appropriate utensils must be on the table. There are more than 60 types of glasses and wine glasses. All of them have a unique shape and correspond to the drink served.

Glass categories:

  • for wine;
  • for champagne;

  • for cocktails;
  • glasses for strong alcohol and cocktail shots;
  • stacks;
  • beer glasses and mugs;
  • for hot cocktails and drinks.

All categories of barware, in turn, are divided into separate types. For example, wine glasses can be narrow, oblong (for sparkling wines) or wider and more open stemware (for red wines).

Please note that some types of glasses require pre-chilling before serving.

Types of cutlery

In everyday life, we are accustomed to using only a few basic types of cutlery, not suspecting that each type of treat has its own set of devices.

Main types of devices.

CategoryWhat is included
Canteens intended for first and second main courses.Spoon and fork from 15 to 18 cm and knife from 20 to 24 cm long.
Snack bars that are used for salads and cold appetizers.Knife and fork.
Fish, served with fish dishes.A modified knife in the form of a spatula and a fork with shortened teeth.
Desserts intended for cakes, pastries and pies. Can also be used for berry mousses and fried eggs. A knife with a narrow blade, a small spoon and a fork with three teeth.
Fruit, which are used for fruit salads, melons or watermelons.A knife with a narrow blade and a fork with two prongs.

Please note that the table must have both a personal set of cutlery and additional devices for main common dishes.

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