Do you know how to open wine without a corkscrew, without breaking the bottle and spilling nectar?

Well, what friendly gatherings are complete without a bottle or two of wine. Now imagine that there is no corkscrew in the house. And if men carry with them a folding knife with this device on it, then such a device is a rarity in a lady’s handbag. So that a meeting with girlfriends or friends is not overshadowed, we will tell you all the ways to open wine without a corkscrew using a variety of available means.

All the ways to open wine without a corkscrew:

  • Heat the bottle in boiling water
  • Heat the bottle with a lighter
  • Knock out the cork
  • Open a bottle of wine with a screw
  • Open a bottle of wine with a knife
  • Push the plug with your finger
  • Push out the plug with a syringe filled with water.
  • Seal the cork with two paper clips
  • Blow out with a bicycle pump
  • Use water hammer force
  • Remove the cork with nails and a hammer
  • Pull the plug with a string
  • Open a bottle with a drill
  • Knock out the cork with a plastic bottle
  • Cut off the neck with a sharp object
  • How to open wine in a clay bottle

Other popular methods

To get wine for yourself and your guests without a corkscrew, you can simply push the cork inside the bottle.
This can be done using a stiletto heel, a stick, a pencil or your own finger. Advice! The pushing process will be greatly simplified if you first make a hole in the cork, which will reduce the pressure in the bottle.

The cork can be pushed inside the bottle using tap water. Place the neck with the stopper under the stream - the water will gradually push the stopper inside the bottle. The main thing is not to miss the moment when you need to turn off the tap, otherwise you will have to drink wine diluted with water.

Another option is to pick out and grind the plug. As a result, the bottle will be uncorked, but crumbs will remain floating in the wine. To get rid of them, put a bandage or gauze on the neck. This method is suitable even for a fragile girl. Often, this method serves as a step of despair, when other effective methods have not brought the desired result, and the cork is already disfigured and perforated in places.

Sometimes an empty medical syringe is used to open wine: pierce the plug with a needle and pump air into the bottle, thereby creating pressure. The cork will gradually come out. A bicycle pump is suitable for the same purposes.

Important! Do not over-pump the air pump, otherwise the bottle may crack. . You can simply take a hammer or ax and knock off the neck along with the cork

There will most likely be glass fragments floating in the wine, so you will have to pour it into glasses through gauze or a piece of bandage. This method is also not safe, since the risk of injury from fragments is very high. Even straining in some cases cannot protect against cuts in the mouth from very small glass fragments.

You can simply take a hammer or ax and knock off the neck along with the cork. There will most likely be glass fragments floating in the wine, so you will have to pour it into glasses through gauze or a piece of bandage. This method is also not safe, since the risk of injury from fragments is very high. Even straining in some cases cannot protect against cuts in the mouth from very small glass fragments.


Below are tips to help you solve unusual wine opening problems.

Is it worth breaking off the neck of a bottle?

The neck can be cut off only in rare cases when there is no more humane method. Inexperienced people can break the bottle into pieces or knock off the neck so that small fragments fall into the alcohol. When using a saber, you need to be confident not only in its sharpness, but also in the correct application of technology.

How to open a bottle of wine if the cork is stuck

Everything will depend on the position of the plug:

  1. The plug is pressed in. If the cork is pressed inside the bottle, but is still holding tightly, use a self-tapping screw and pliers, unless, of course, you don’t have a corkscrew. You don't need to use much force to screw in the screw.
  2. The plug is stuck tightly. Sometimes a wine may be sold with a minor design defect, such as a bottle of non-standard sizes. Do not screw in thick objects under any circumstances, as the neck may fail and crack. The best item would be a small knife. Drive it all the way into the cork to release excess pressure in the bottle. Using the same object, try to turn the plug and try to pull it out. If the knife doesn't help, then try pressing the cork into the bottle.
  3. The cork broke. There are times when part of the cork comes off, and some part of it remains in the neck. In this situation, we use steel wire or paper clips. We create a hook, drive it between the glass and the cork, turn it to the middle and push it out.

If none of the methods help, then take radical measures - cut off the neck, using all possible safety precautions.

How to open a bottle of wine if the corkscrew is stuck in the cork

When the corkscrew is in the cork, it means there is already a lot of pressure in the neck. First, let out the air using a thin knife. Then we try to unclog the blockage and pull it out. If that doesn't work, then use paper clips as a hook. Push them into the side of the cork and try to pull it out. When screwing in a second corkscrew or an object of the same size, it is likely that the neck will not withstand the pressure and will crack.

All methods using thin and sharp objects are suitable for the solution, but if none of them turned out to be effective, then try inserting another corkscrew or self-tapping screw. To do this, it is recommended to place the bottle close to a horizontal position so that large fragments do not fall into the wine.

How to close an open bottle of wine

A bottle of wine does not always spill to the bottom, so let’s look at the most popular ways to close wine:

  1. Own traffic jam. The standard cork is 6 mm larger than the neck, so bottles are sealed at factories with special mechanisms. However, it is possible to close the bottle yourself with your own cork. If you have enough strength, then turn it over and try to insert it into the neck. You can also reduce the bark plug using a knife. Cut the material little by little and evenly, as the diamond shape will lead to gaps and the wine will interact with oxygen, thereby oxidizing.
  2. Special plugs. There are a large number of bottle caps sold in stores. They have different mechanisms, so their prices vary.
  3. Decanter. Any container with a stopper will do. In everyday life, glass or clay decanters with the same lids are more often used, but use them on the condition that the wine will not be stored in them for a long time.
  4. Gag. For long-term storage of wine, use a gag. It is made from polyethylene, paper or fabric. The last option is the most suitable, since it tightly holds alcohol and vapors. Cellophane can change the smell in the bottle, and the paper will simply dry out.

Store wine in a cool place, away from direct sunlight.

Knock out the cork

You can remove the plug by knocking it out in several ways:

  1. Hold the bottle between your knees, neck down, and hit the bottom with a plastic bottle filled with water. Watch the cork: as soon as it comes halfway out of the neck, pull it out. In some cases, 2-3 strokes will be enough.
  2. Hit the bottom against the wall until the plug comes halfway out of the neck. Then pull it out with your hands. The surface of the wall should be covered with a thick layer of newspapers or a towel folded in several layers. Otherwise, the container may break.
  3. Insert the bottle into the shoe (in the heel area), the bottom should be located exactly above the heel - this will soften the blow and the bottle will not break. Hit the wall with your sole, the force should be on the bottom. When the plug comes out, grab it with your fingers and pull it out.
  4. Place the bottle in a pan of hot water or under hot running water. Gradually, the contents of the bottle will expand and push the cork out. This method is perfect for those who are trying to open a bottle in nature, but forgot the corkscrew at home. Just put the bottle into a pot of hot water, when the plug comes out of the neck halfway, remove the bottle from the water. The method is suitable for mulled wine lovers, since after all the manipulations the wine will be hot.

Advice! If you don’t have a kettle, pan or hot water tap, you can use a regular lighter or matches. Heat the neck until the cork comes out halfway, then remove it with your hands.

Heat the bottle with a lighter

For smokers, there is an easy way to uncork wine in a couple of minutes - heat the neck with a lighter. Bring the fire around the glass in a circle, constantly turning the bottle until the cork begins to gradually pull out. Watch the moment when it comes out almost completely and remove it manually. Before heating, remove the film with markings from the neck.


A safe and fairly fast way. The fire of a lighter will not crack the glass, the main thing is to heat the junction of the neck and the bottle.


During the process, the glass becomes very hot; hold the bottle through a towel.


To open wine faster, turn the lighter on full power.

Hit the bottom

You can impress your guests by dashingly knocking out the cork with one blow of your palm, but not everyone has such skill:

  1. Hold the bottle horizontally with one hand and tap the bottom of the bottle with the palm of your free hand. Obeying the laws of physics, the cork slowly begins to crawl out of the neck.
  2. Wrap the bottom of the bottle with a towel, jacket, hat and quietly, controlling the force of the blows, tap on the wall. If you are concerned about the integrity of the bottle, then place a book against the wall or hit a tree with the bottle.
  3. Insert the bottle into the shoe or shoe and tap the heel on the wall to knock out the cork.
  4. The cork can be knocked out by hitting the bottom with a plastic bottle filled with water. As well as the heel of a boot or sneaker removed from the foot.

Don't wait until the plug comes out completely. This way the wine can spill. It is enough to knock out the cork by a third, and then pull it out with your fingers or teeth.

“Life is too short to drink bad wines.” Goethe

Magic lace

For this method you will need a shoelace, or any string. You will also need a sharp object, a knitting needle, an awl or a flat-head screwdriver. A large knot is made on the lace, and with the help of a sharp object it is pushed through the cork. When the knot is under the cork, you need to pull the rope and the cork will pop out of the bottle.

If the knot pops back out of the hole in the cork, you should tie a larger knot.

Another option is to take a leather lace or from a sneaker, bend it in half, and push it with a sharp object between the cork and the glass neck. You need to insert it so that the rope is in the center of the cork, and both ends are in your hands. Now, having wound the tails from the cord around your finger, feel free to pull them out.

This method of opening a bottle is perfect for those who are going fishing or relaxing in nature. Such a small thing as a lace can always be found in any company.

Rules for using a corkscrew

According to etiquette, you should open wine with a classic corkscrew according to the following algorithm:

  1. Remove protective foil.
  2. Hold the handle of the tool in your fist, passing the metal rod between your middle and ring fingers.
  3. Press the tip of the device into the central part of the plug and screw it in almost all the way.
  4. Take the container by the neck and press it to your body.
  5. Carefully, holding the corkscrew parallel to the bottle, pull the cork out of it.

When the plug is too tight, it will be easier to remove it if you hold the neck area under hot water for half a minute.

The actions will be different if a modern version of the corkscrew, the so-called “butterfly”, is used. Despite its bulky appearance, it is as easy as possible to use. How to open wine with a butterfly corkscrew step by step:

  • position the screw strictly in the center of the plug, move the wings to the lower position;
  • without allowing the device to move, begin to screw in the central handle;
  • after the wings are completely moved to the upper position, grasp them with your hands and, pressing, lower them, thereby removing the plug.

If the cork is deeply seated, the butterfly corkscrew may not be able to handle it. In this case, it is better to give preference to the classic version of the device.

Types of corkscrews

Methods for girls

Ladies' methods of opening wine do not require special strength or skills in using household or improvised tools; even the smallest and most fragile girl can handle them:

  1. Push the plug using “feminine things” - eyebrow plucking tweezers, lipstick or mascara, eyeliner brush.
  2. Hook it up with hairpins or bobby pins.
  3. Turn on the water in the sink, place the bottle's neck under a strong pressure of hot water, wait until the stopper goes in deeper, close the tap, push the stopper in with your finger or a pen - it will go in easily.
  4. For lovers of fiction - lean the first volume of "War and Peace" against the wall over its entire area, creating a layer between the wall and the bottom of the wine bottle, tap the bottle on the book - the cork will slowly move and crawl out. This method is best suited for containers with a concave bottom.

Opening wine in unusual ways - video

There are many ways to open a bottle of a precious drink without a corkscrew, and everyone will find the most convenient and comfortable for themselves. Nobody canceled creativity and the desire to experiment. Go ahead, you will succeed!

Effective ways to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew

Method number 1. Push the plug in with your finger.

This method is more suitable for those who are strong in spirit and finger, because you need to have remarkable strength. It also depends on the wine manufacturer and the materials used to make the cork. You can simply push the cork with your bare finger or place a small coin on it, thereby increasing the area of ​​pressure. You can also first pierce the cork with a sharp object, a knife, for example, which will weaken it.

Method number 2. Push the wine cork using available objects.

The principle is the same as in the previous method, only instead of a finger, which is quite reasonable, you should use more durable cylindrical objects: a marker, lipstick, a knife sharpener (there are round ones) or a women's stiletto heel.

You can use a marker to open wine without a corkscrew.

Method number 3. Knock out the plug.

Using this method you need to be extremely careful, because often everything ends in a broken bottle, blood and scars for life. The easiest way is to simply take the bottle vertically and gradually tap it on the bottom with your palm - according to the laws of physics, the cork should fly out without any problems. If this does not happen, wrap the bottom of the bottle in a towel and knock it against the wall (control the force of the impact). You can also attach a towel or book folded several times to the wall (preferably a copy that does not have great cultural value).

I saw how the cork was knocked out with a plastic bottle of water. Just fill it and hit the bottom with the middle part. Sometimes a couple of blows are enough, but be sure to make sure that the cork does not fly out completely - the wine will spill. To enhance the effect, you can use your shoe: place the bottom of the bottle in your shoe and hit it against the wall (a video is attached at the end of the article).


Peculiarities. If you don’t have a corkscrew, you can open the wine using an “injection.” You will need a syringe with a thick and long needle. An undeniable advantage is that the cork does not crumble.


  1. Carefully insert the needle into the plug.
  2. Pump air into the container. When the pressure in it rises, the plug will fly out.
  3. Don't overdo it, as the bottle may burst.

If you have a pump, then that will come in handy. Same operating principle. Only instead of a syringe we put an inflation device on the needle. A plug that fits very tightly will not come out this way.

Open with a knife

This is a dangerous method of opening, real men can use it. Women should not resort to this option. You need to take a knife with a thin blade, stick it into the cork at an angle of 45 degrees and start turning the knife. After the blade enters deeply into the cork, you should sharply pull it out along with the knife.

Before you handle the knife, you should protect the hand holding the bottle. It needs to be rewound with a kitchen towel or handkerchief. This is done so as not to injure your hand. After this method, pieces of the broken cork may remain in the bottle, but when pouring into glasses they can be easily removed from there.

This method is perfect for nature if you went on a picnic and forgot the corkscrew at home. This method is also used at home, when during a feast it turns out that there is no corkscrew, and expensive wine requires tasting.

What to do with a clay bottle

Mostly the sunny drink is sold in glass containers, so few people know how best to open a clay bottle of wine. The main difficulty is that the vessel itself is quite fragile, so not every method can be applied. In particular, you should immediately discard all methods involving blows and tapping, since the clay will not withstand them. You can only use those options in which only the cork is exposed. It is also necessary to take into account that the top of the neck of the bottle is filled with sealing wax - before opening such a stopper, you will need to carefully clean it off with a knife.

In modern realities, it is not necessary to have a special device with you to uncork a wine bottle. Almost always and everywhere there is a suitable object that can be used to remove a cork from a container without resorting to a corkscrew. However, you should not abuse sophisticated and overly complex methods, which may also turn out to be unsafe. It is better to choose a simple and reliable option, in which you do not have to risk either wine or health.

Clay bottles are quite fragile, so not all methods are suitable for opening them.

Methods for opening champagne

While some people may not be able to cope with a wine cork, others may find it difficult to uncork a bottle of champagne. It would seem that this is not a big deal, but it is still worth learning the basics of proper opening, so that the treasured milliliters of sparkling wine do not fly out along with the clogging product.

The basic rules are as follows:

  • The bottle of champagne must be placed in the refrigerator and cooled. This reduces the pressure and the amount of carbon dioxide in it. The standard pressure in a bottle of champagne is 6 atm, after cooling it decreases slightly.
  • A container with sparkling wine should not be shaken or turned over, so as not to lose the valuable drink when opening, and also to avoid the cork “shooting”. It should be wrapped in a rag to prevent it from slipping out of your hands when uncorking. How to open a bottle of champagne This can happen due to the difference in temperature between the champagne and the room inside, causing drops of condensation to appear on it.
  • The bottom of the bottle must be rested against a hard surface at an angle of 45⁰, having first freed the neck from the foil and wire clamp. Holding the cap firmly and adjusting its release, rotate the bottle with the other hand until it “pops.” A quiet opening with a “smoke” following indicates the correct process of uncorking a container of champagne.

It should be borne in mind that in the process of opening champagne, the speed of the cork “departure” can reach 40-50 km/h, and the pressure in the bottle is equal to the air pressure in a passenger car tire. For the safety of others, you should not overheat the container with sparkling wine, and during the joyful moment of uncorking, do not point the neck of the bottle you are opening at glass objects, mirrors, chandeliers, other people or valuable objects.

Bottle in a pot

If you went out into nature according to all the rules: with a tent, a tripod and a pot, you can use this very pot to solve the vital problem that interests us. To do this, you need to fill the mentioned container with water, immerse the bottle in it so that the neck looks out a little and hang it all over the fire

When the water in the pot boils, we begin to carefully monitor the neck. As soon as the cork crawls out halfway as a result of heating the bottle, immediately remove the pot from the heat, carefully, so as not to get burned, remove the bottle, and when it cools down a little, pull out the entire cork. Although, if you are not a fan of heated wine, this method, alas, is not for you.

Method 10. Hussar style, or simply beat off the neck of the bottle

If you have a very vague idea of ​​how to do this correctly so as not to break the bottle, get hurt, or leave half the glass inside, then you need to completely forget about this method. It’s better to look for a corkscrew or use one of the options suggested above.

In addition to these methods of opening a bottle in cases where there is no corkscrew at hand, there are others. For example, some people manage to open a bottle using toothpaste, a blowtorch, or pump air into the bottle using a ball pump or syringe.

This process requires special care, because if you put too much pressure on the bottle, it can simply burst and injure others. Therefore, it is better to spend money once and buy a corkscrew, and for lovers of outdoor recreation, purchasing a Swiss knife would be an excellent option. .

Cut off the neck with a sharp object

The “Hussar” method of opening a bottle of wine without a corkscrew looks impressive in the movies; in real life, it can be repeated only if you know how to strike quickly and accurately.

Determine the weak point on the bottle: where the side seam on the glass connects to the neck. With one hand, hold the wine firmly at an angle so that the wine does not spill out during the blow, then use the blunt side of the knife blade to knock off the neck with a sharp movement.


Effective - such a video will definitely appeal to friends and subscribers on social networks.


A very dangerous method; if you hit it carelessly, you can break the bottle and cut yourself with fragments.


If the glass crumbles and gets inside, drinking wine is strictly prohibited!

Pull it out with a string

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Using a thin screwdriver, nail or scissors, poke a hole in the cork. A little crumb will end up in the wine, but it can then be easily caught or strained.
  2. Take the lace tighter. Leather, nylon or even shoelace will do.
  3. Tie a knot at one end of the string and use a nail, thin screwdriver or the tine of a fork to push it through the hole in the cork and into the bottle.
  4. Wrap the free end of the lace around your hand or around a pencil and pull out the cork.

If the hole is too large and the knot fits through and does not pull the plug out, tie a small stick or nail to the lace. Push it into the hole in the plug again and pull.

We take out the wine cap with improvised objects

Plenty of handy tools can help you remove a wine cork safely. For example, Louboutins will help a girl open wine. Place the heel on the plug and press down.

Open with paper clips

At home, it is convenient to open “aristocratic drinks” with large paper clips:

  1. Align the paper clips to create 2 hooks.
  2. Insert them into the container parallel to each other.
  3. Turn the hooks inward and hook the plug.
  4. Twist the wires sticking out together to form a handle.
  5. Insert a fork into it.
  6. Pull up and remove the plug.

The method is effective, but labor-intensive. The downside is the risk of injury. Scratches on the hands appear when the hooks are pushed into the container.

With a lace

In an emergency, a leather cord with a knot tied at the edge and a sharp object, such as an awl or screwdriver, will help you get the cork out of the bottle in an emergency. Make a hole in the center of the plug with an awl, insert a knot, and pull it out along with the plug. The disadvantage of this method is the appearance of dust that gets into the champagne or wine.

With a knife or apartment keys

Opening wine with a small knife is not difficult, because the procedure damages the integrity of the cork.

Use something with a thin but strong blade

Insert it approximately to the middle of the plug, twist it 7 times. The method will make the evening flawless, because it is absolutely safe and does not provoke the appearance of tripe in the wine.

The same algorithm can be used when uncorking a drink with apartment keys (provided that they are pointed at the end). Scroll the object and slowly pull it up.

Material on topic! How to open a threaded jar lid with a knife


You can open a bottle of wine with a drill, armed with a tool, a screw, or pliers:

  1. Screw a long screw into a wooden or rubber plug using a drill at low speed, but not all the way.
  2. Grab the stuck screw from the side with pliers and pull up.

Note! Only a man can uncork a drink this way. Girls, don't even try to use it yourself!

If you don’t want to disturb your neighbors with noise, use a screwdriver instead of a drill.

Impact with increased pressure

Removing the plug by impact is the easiest and safest way, since there is no risk of injury.

To avoid breaking the bottle, tap it through your shoe.

Turn the container upside down and gently tap it with your hand (on top). Under the pressure generated inside it, the plug will come out of the neck, after which you can grab it and pull it out, turning it clockwise.

If the cork is tight and cannot be pulled out, wrap the bottle in a towel and gently tap it on the wall. Use the technique near the sink, as weak plugs may pop out completely after 1 hit.

If you do end up with a wine spill, learn how to remove wine stains.

Syringe and water

A two-cc syringe with water will help you uncork a loose wine cap without a bottle opener. Puncture the plug and release the liquid inside. If the lid gives way, repeat the procedure and then unscrew the lid. If there are no changes after the first procedure, try another method.


Opening a bottle of champagne or wine with a book increases internal pressure. The method is recommended to be carried out in the bathroom, because the algorithm requires the use of a blow.

Take the bottle by the neck, turn it upside down, and tap it with a thick book.


Heating the neck will cause the bottle to uncork. Aim the fire of 2 lighters at the neck and hold. When half of the plug comes out, unscrew it using a rotating motion.

This is interesting!


If you have a bicycle pump handy, use a dropper needle to inject air into the bottle by piercing the bottle.

Be careful! The method is suitable for people who have a sense of proportion. A well-sealed bottle can crack due to too much pressure in it.

Reviews from those who used the methods


It's easy to squeeze with your thumb, using just your thumb for support, unless it's hiking conditions and less than +5 where the arms are curled. Then branches and pencils come to the rescue. The most important thing is to use them. Another problem with squeezing is that when you tilt the bottle, the cork clogs the neck.


Ask a Question

One day, my friend and I, walking down the street, opened wine by pressing the cork with the heel of a woman’s shoe, and the force was exerted directly by the woman’s foot. This is suitable for the tightest traffic jams.


Yesterday I tried to open a bottle of wine. It turned out that the cork was not made of ordinary cork material. At first I tried to push the plug inside, but it wouldn't budge. We took a screwdriver, it easily stuck into the cork, as if it were smooth and without threads, it did not catch on the cork and did not allow us to pull it out. We decided to try again to push the cap inside the bottle, and, lo and behold, it went in easily. But a problem arose that when the bottle was tilted, the cork periodically made it difficult to pour the drink into glasses.

Pull the cork out of the bottle

There are many known ways to remove a cork from a bottle without using a corkscrew, here are some of the most popular and effective:

  • Hammer 5 long thin nails into the cork (this must be done carefully!). The caps should rise a few mm above the surface of the plug, and the studs themselves should be located in one line. Using a fork or nail puller, pull out the cork along with the nails, picking them up by the heads.

  • At home, this method will help: screw a self-tapping screw into the plug (it must be longer than the plug, otherwise it will crumble), then pull it out together with the plug with pliers.

  • Bend the paper clip so that it forms a kind of hook at the end. Insert the resulting device between the neck of the bottle and the cork inside. Twist the paperclip slightly to hook the hook onto the part of the cork inside the bottle. Pull the tip of the paperclip and try to pull out the plug; if this fails, insert the same device from the opposite side. Connect the two ends of paper clips to make a loop, insert a pencil into it and pull - the plug will pop out.

  • A string or rope will help you get wine out of a bottle: tie a knot at the end and use an awl to push it inside the container through the cork. Pull out the awl, pull the end of the rope that remains outside - the plug will come out of the neck.

  • Insert the sharp tip of the knife into the cork shallowly and begin to swing it from side to side to loosen the cork. Then try to unscrew it with a knife (you need to push it deeper). At a picnic, you can replace the knife with a skewer.

  • Drill a deep hole in the plug with a drill (about half the length) and try to pull it out like a corkscrew. You need to act in this way with extreme caution, since a glass bottle is a rather fragile thing.

The magazine "Womenburg" advises: a hook that picks up a cork can be made not only from paper clips; hairpins and bobby pins can also be used for this purpose. A pencil can be replaced by a fork, spoon, knife, or a long thick nail.

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Opening wine at home

Everything ingenious is simple

When banging a bottle against the wall, the main thing is not to overdo it

We'll just need a towel and a wall, maybe even just our hands. You just need to hold the bottle of wine horizontally with your left hand and at this moment knock on its bottom with your right hand (if we want to change hands, this is not critical)

Or, with a bottle of wine wrapped in a towel, we knock on the wall carefully and gently, trying not to break it. This is a quick way to help, but sometimes even it may not work

We don’t knock with hard or sharp objects—we don’t want a broken bottle with spilled contents, dirty walls, floors, or clothes. If the cork is in no hurry to fly out and leave the bottle, giving us access to the wine, it’s time to try other methods.

Lighter than light

You can push the cork into the bottle with the back of a fork, knife, peeler, or spoon. In special cases, even a felt-tip pen, pen or door key will be useful for this. There are exceptions: if the neck of the bottle becomes narrower and narrower, it is better not to use this method. But if you notice this too late, and the plug has already gotten stuck, then you can still save it, you just need to pick it out with a sharp object - a nail file, a stationery knife, nail scissors, a knitting needle. This has its downsides - tiny pieces of cork will get into the wine, and you will have to either pour the drink through a tea strainer or catch the crumbs out of the glass.

Opening a bottle with a pen or penknife - video

Method for household

Screws, screwdrivers, pliers or nails and a hammer - everything will go to work. We do not tighten the screw completely (we leave its “cap” and one centimeter of the rod), using pliers we pull out the screw along with the plug. If we use nails and a hammer, then we hammer several nails in a row and pull them out (the whole row at once) with a suitable nail puller; the cork should also come out with them, the main thing is not to make sudden movements.

Be careful when driving nails into cork

Lace and awl

You can open wine without special tools if you have an awl (screwdriver) and a shoe lace (or thin rope) on hand. We tie a tight knot close to the end of the lace, push it so that the knot comes out from the end of the cork inside, take out the awl and pull out the rope, followed by the cork.

How to uncork wine without special equipment

You may not need a corkscrew to enjoy wine.

The first rule is to not panic. Every bottle with a cork can be opened without a corkscrew and anywhere - outdoors, in the workshop, in the garage, on the street and even in the bathroom (if you store your cosmetics bag there), at a party, on the train. If your bottle has a concave bottom, it will open easier and faster than others.

Some bottles will make your life easier. In order to open them, you don’t need a corkscrew or any improvised means. These are bottles with a screw cap.

There are effective methods and there are those that work, but achieve their goals slowly, but they still work - they will be discussed today. But you should not resort to such a radical method as simply breaking off the neck of a bottle - this is fraught with pieces of glass in the wine or cuts on your hands.

Method 9. Open the bottle with hot water

Place a pan of water on the stove and place a bottle of wine in it. As the air in the bottle heats up, it will gradually push the cork out. This method is best used in winter, as the wine turns out hot, almost like mulled wine. Therefore, if you want to drink cold wine, it is better to choose some other way to open the bottle. In addition, if the bottle overheats there is a risk that it will burst.

Alternatively, you can not heat the entire bottle, but only the neck. To do this, just use a lighter. When heated, the plug pops out on its own. But, in this case, there is also a risk that the glass may burst.

Push out the plug with a syringe filled with water.

Labor-intensive method. Fill a clean syringe with water and start pricking the plug with liquid in several places. As soon as all the voids inside are filled, the bottle will open under water pressure.


Safe - no need to knock, heat or perform other actions that could break the wine bottle.


You must have a new syringe and water with you; no one carries such things with them on purpose.


Insert the needle as deeply as possible so that the liquid under pressure pushes the plug up faster.

Push out the plug with a syringe filled with water.

Paper clip and wire

You can get to the drink using paper clips or wire. For example, we take a piece of wire, make a hook at the end, and then push it between the cork and the glass neck. As soon as the wire has passed, we hook the plug and pull it to the exit.

The second way is to pull it out with two paper clips. If paper clips are found, they need to be unbent and pushed into the bottle on both sides of the cork at an angle of 90 degrees until the hooks are under the cork. Connect the upper ends of the paper clip together, insert a fork or ballpoint pen through them and pull up. If you don’t have an object at hand that needs to be pulled through the connected paper clips, then you should stick your finger through. This is an absolutely safe way.

This opening option is suitable for those who are late at work on holidays. In any office there is always a paperclip or wire that will come in handy at such a moment.

Seal the cork with two paper clips

If you are going to celebrate at the office, there is an easy way to uncork a bottle of wine in a few minutes. Take two metal paper clips and bend them to create wires with one curved edge. Carefully push each one down between the side of the neck and the stopper, then turn it around so that the folded edges rest against the bottom.

Leave about 2 cm at the top and twist it into something like a bridge. Hold the bottle with one hand, insert a spoon under the metal cord with the other and sharply pull out the cap.


The method is convenient for those who want to drink wine at work, where they always have a couple of paper clips at hand.


You need to make an effort, since pulling the metal handle with a spoon is inconvenient.


Choose large paper clips so that when unbent their length is at least 7-8 centimeters.

Seal the cork with two paper clips

Interesting ways to open a bottle

Humanity has come up with a lot of ways to uncork a cork using improvised means. Some proposals are so comical that it is difficult to believe in their effectiveness. But, nevertheless, they cope with a bang. So, a selection of the most interesting and proven methods of how to open wine without a corkscrew.

Squeeze out the cork with your finger or other means

The method is very effective. Only in the first case you need to have incredible strength. In the second, you can use everything that is at hand. Women can even use heels from their favorite shoes (preferably not from a courier). Some people advise using a knife instead of a corkscrew. The disadvantage of this method is that it is impossible to close the bottle if the wine is not drunk.

Using the boot

Still wondering how to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew?
All you need is a man's shoe with a bottle in the heel. Now, approaching the wall, they knock on it with a shoe and a bottle. After a few blows, the cork comes out enough that you can pull it out with your fingers. In the same way, you can open the cork by simply wrapping the bottom of the bottle with a towel folded in several layers. The secret is in the so-called water hammer: during knocking, the wine rushes towards the cork with the force applied by you, encounters the cork and begins to push it out. When using this method, it is important not to overdo it and not break the bottle itself. True... experiment with inexpensive wine

Screw to the rescue

The method is similar to opening wine with a corkscrew. Using a screwdriver, screw a medium-sized screw into the cork, but so that the head sticks out about 0.5-0.7 cm. Next, use pliers to grasp the screw head and, applying force, pull out the cork. But there is one thing: the cork may crumble, and you will be left with nothing.

Kitchen knife

Here's another way to open wine without a corkscrew at home. It turns out that a knife can not only cut food, but also open bottles. First, turn the bottle upside down so that the cork is moistened with wine. Now they take a knife with a rather narrow blade and plunge it into the cork as deeply as possible. Holding the knife at a slight angle, make circular movements and at the same time gently pull it upward. A little patience and the plug is pulled out.

Use this method with great care - there is a high chance of cutting yourself.

Heating method

There are two options here.

The first is to heat only the neck over the flame of a candle, lighter, burner, or just over the burner. The air in the neck will heat up and expand, thereby pushing the plug out.

In the second option, you can put the bottle in a pan of hot water or fire (for example, in a fire if you are outdoors). As in the first case, the contents, heating up, will squeeze out the cork. By the way, in this way you will kill two, no, even three birds with one stone: have fun, uncork a bottle and prepare a drink that is very beneficial for the body - grog (just don’t forget to stock up on spices).

"Fishing" with cord

All you need is a fairly strong and long cord. A knot is tied at one end. Now, using a thin awl, make a hole in the cork and push the cord inside the bottle so that the knot is secured inside

All that remains is to carefully pull the cord and that’s it, you can drink wine.

Now you know how to open wine without a corkscrew and you can easily do it using only knowledge, skill and available tools.

How to open corks depending on the material

There are more than five types of corks used to seal wine. They all differ in tightness and durability. Let's look at several of the most common types of corks and how to remove them from a bottle.

Wooden plugs

The classic version of wine stoppers is made from oak bark. The advantages include the absence of chemical elements in the composition and aesthetic appearance. However, there are also disadvantages. The wooden cork dries out in a vertical position and oxygen begins to leak into the bottle. There is also a substance in oak bark that can give a musty smell. Corks made from pure tree bark are often not intended for long-term storage, so they can rarely be found in stores.

Plastic stoppers

They are more often used in cheap products that do not stand out for good aging and natural fermentation. There aren't as many of them now as there used to be, but they're hard to get out of the bottle. The plastic stopper tightly closes the neck from oxygen, but this is not always good, since good wine must be enriched with air in small doses.

How to open wine in a clay bottle

Wine in a clay bottle is often sealed with a bark stopper. The bottle itself is not very strong, so when using a classic corkscrew, the neck may break off. In this case, the best option would be to use a gypsy corkscrew, as it will not create much pressure between the neck and the cork. The sommelier's knife will be the most irrelevant, since when opening it will rely on the bottle itself.

Push the cork into the bottle with your finger

This method is suitable for those who do not have a manicure but have great physical strength, since it will require a lot of effort. You can simply press the cork with your thumb, or, to increase the area of ​​pressure, place a coin under your finger. You need to take a coin with a diameter slightly smaller than the diameter of the plug.

Another option for this method would be to use improvised means. This could be a lipstick, marker, spoon, fork, or any other durable cylindrical object. To make the cork pass through more easily, you can first pierce it with a knife.

Much depends on the material from which the cork is made and the manufacturer. Some bottles have a narrow neck, so the cork may simply get stuck and you will have to open the bottle some other way.

What we strongly advise against doing

A glass bottle of wine in your hand is a fragile thing.

Any carelessness can ruin the holiday. The main rule is not to put in too much effort, but to calculate it correctly

To open a bottle, it is not the strength of your hands that is more important, but the knowledge and observance of the laws of physics. Therefore, even girls can cope with the task.

It is not recommended to use the risky method that is shown in the movies. This is cutting off the neck of a bottle with a saber, ax or knife. In this case, you will either stand out beautifully on the street, or doom the celebration to failure.

Despite the fact that there are so many effective methods for opening a bottle, many people prefer to simply pick the cap. Crumbs will affect the taste of the wine, if not completely ruin it.

What is 100% effective is not drinking at all or always carrying a corkscrew with you.

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