Instructions for operating and setting up a Samsung refrigerator

How to adjust the temperature in the refrigerator? Samsung and other manufacturers make their models reliable. However, the incompetence of consumers in setting up causes equipment malfunctions.

The average user does not always bother with setting the correct temperature in the refrigerator, which can lead to operational problems. The presented material will tell you about the operating mode of the devices, which allows you to preserve food and the cooling device. We will describe the technical details and common breakdowns encountered during operation.

No Frost models from the global manufacturer Samsung come with instructions. The latter allows the user to independently determine the appropriate method of operation of the device. We advise you to follow the manufacturer's instructions to prevent incidents when using the refrigerator.

Operating rules

If you purchased a two-chamber Samsung No Frost refrigerator, then, according to the operating instructions, before turning it on for the first time, you must wipe it with a damp cloth inside and out, and then let it stand for at least an hour. Then you can connect the device to the network and after 2-3 hours place food in it.

Important! The refrigerator should be installed in such a way that it does not swing and stands firmly on the floor surface. In this case, a strict horizontal line, which is obtained using a level, is not required. Simply use the adjustment wheels at the bottom of the body to give the unit a stable position.

The method of connecting the refrigerator to the electrical network deserves attention. Despite the obviousness of the actions when plugging the plug into a socket, the manufacturer of the equipment warns in the warranty card that incorrect connection leads to loss of the right to warranty service. Such a warning, as a rule, forces you to find a point in the instructions that says:

  • the refrigerator must be connected to a separate outlet;
  • the socket must have a grounding circuit, if provided for by the design of this model;
  • the socket must be located near the unit and match the type of plug of the device;
  • It is unacceptable to use tees, extensions, adapters, etc. when connecting.

When using a Samsung refrigerator, you should keep in mind that:

  • You cannot turn on the device immediately after turning it off. This is due to a certain inertia of the system, which requires 10-15 minutes to prepare for a new start. Modern models of Samsung refrigerators are equipped with a protection function against restarting after a short-term voltage drop in the network;
  • In some models of these household appliances, the side walls may become heated during operation. This is due to the fact that a condenser is located in the side walls of such units, which heats up when receiving artificial cold. That is, heating of the walls in this case is not a sign of a malfunction.

When storing food in a Samsung refrigerator, you should know that:

  • Hot and warm foods cannot be placed in the refrigerator;
  • food should be stored in bags or food containers;
  • Do not pack food too tightly so as not to disturb air circulation;
  • Allow wet food to dry before storing it in the refrigerator.

Samsung refrigerator operating conditions

Proper installation of a new household refrigerator requires complete isolation from heaters and radiators. Install it in a cool and well-ventilated area. Also do not place near gas stoves or electric stoves. Experts also do not recommend placing them near southern windows, through which direct sunlight will penetrate the body every day. Oddly enough, the best place for installation is with a draft.

If the temperature of the kitchen space increases due to “warm” floors, choose a location in an inactive area. Or take into account in advance when installing such a floor that electrical appliances will be installed on it.

What are the dangers of constantly placing a refrigerator in warm areas? This will cause the compressor to run continuously due to the constant circulation of warm air around the housing. Uninterrupted operation of the motor will significantly reduce the service life of both it and the electrical appliance.

Before releasing the movers and installing the refrigerator, check the package contents, re-read the warranty card and check the functionality. Only after making sure that all components are available, that the warranty is filled out correctly and that the equipment is in good working order, let the store representatives go. If something goes wrong, make a claim on the spot and in fact, otherwise it will be difficult to prove something later.

Installation requirements:

  • The room humidity should be no higher than 80%. If you have nothing to measure humidity with, pay attention to the walls, floor and ceiling of the kitchen - if you notice condensation, the humidity is too high.
  • Provide adequate ventilation. If you find problems, contact the Housing Office to clean the ventilation ducts.
  • Choose the coolest place in the kitchen.

Pay attention to the climate class indicated on the information sticker.

Are you planning to install 2 refrigerators at once or place a freezer next to each other? Do not place them close to each other - ensure a distance of at least 2 cm.

Also follow the rules for connecting to the electrical network:

  1. Correlate the equipment parameters with the electrical network parameters. If it operates with a voltage of 220 V, connect to a two-phase power supply, 380 V to a three-phase power supply.
  2. Connect to a grounded outlet to ensure safe operation. It wouldn’t hurt to install a circuit breaker to protect equipment from power surges.
  3. Do not use extension cords, carriers or adapters - connection is only permissible into a fixed outlet in the wall.

Common problems and ways to solve them

Let's look at the most typical difficulties that arise during the operation of refrigeration units:

  • rising temperature in the compartments due to the constant opening of the front doors. Keep the device closed for 2-3 hours - the “climate” inside will normalize;
  • degrees also increase due to exposure to sunlight - the equipment works optimally in a shaded place or when covered with thermal screens;
  • indicator malfunction caused by reinstallation of door hinges and “crooked” wiring contact. Disconnect the plugs and correctly communicate the cables responsible for supplying signals to the digital display;
  • incorrectly set number of degrees - follow Samsung's advice;
  • Once you have set the temperature, do not place hot culinary products in the Samsung refrigerator, and also avoid opening the doors for a long time. The system reminds you of operational violations by flashing the control indicator. Disconnect the device from the network for 10 minutes - when you restart, the flickering of the display will disappear.

READ Refrigerator compressor is very hot and there is no cold

Features of the No Frost system

No Frost technology involves the use of fans that should blow through the walls of the refrigerator chambers and prevent frost from forming on them. The evaporator in No Frost refrigerators is placed outside the chamber, and the frost that forms on the fins of the cooler is melted by a periodically switched on heating element. The resulting liquid enters a pan installed behind the compressor. Due to this, maintenance of the refrigerator is greatly simplified, since there is no need to defrost it from time to time, unlike devices with a drip system, when cooling is accompanied by the formation of frost on the surface of the chamber walls.

There are different opinions among experts regarding the need for “manual” defrosting of such devices. Some still recommend defrosting and know-frost refrigerators at least once a year, in order, among other things, to wash it well. But if you strictly follow the instructions in the user manual, then this should not be done. The No Frost system works in such a way that, with proper automation, the processes of ice formation and defrosting should be repeated cyclically. No additional external intervention in work processes is required. You only need to monitor the serviceability and performance of all components.

The advantages of Samsung No Frost system refrigerators are considered to be:

  • uniform temperature distribution inside the unit;
  • quick restoration of the original temperature parameters when doors are frequently opened or there is a large amount of food inside the refrigerator;
  • high efficiency of a multi-flow cooling system, when cold air enters through openings near each shelf;
  • high-quality thermal insulation;
  • The presence of a display makes it convenient to set and regulate the temperature.

Vegetables and fruits in such a refrigerator remain fresh for a long time.

The disadvantages of a refrigerator with dry freezing (No Frost) include their higher cost and increased energy consumption.

A variety of household appliances to store your products

The functionality and design of Samsung models is varied. And any model requires a personal option. Models of the popular brand of home appliances for storing goods are divided into:

Two-chamber. The freezer compartment is located in the upper part, and the refrigerator compartment is located below. This type is produced longer than all other models.

Combined. Combi class models are equipped with 2 autonomous chambers with separate cooling, while the huge freezer compartment is located at the bottom, unlike the previous type.

Side-by-side. Separate chambers are equipped with their own doors. And the appearance of the household device resembles an impressive cabinet.

How to adjust the temperature

To ensure long-term storage of products without loss of quality and to prevent emergency operation of household appliances, it is important to correctly set the temperature in the Samsung refrigerator. For each model of household appliances, the manufacturer recommends its own temperature conditions, which can be found in the operating instructions, but usually the average temperature in the refrigerator compartment is +2 + 4 ° C, in the freezer - minus 18 degrees. If a so-called freshness zone is provided, the temperature in it, as a rule, should be +5+7°C.

Temperature control and adjustment is carried out using special sensors installed at different points in the refrigerator chambers. The sensor transmits a signal to the control circuit, where the operating mode of the compressor is determined.

Adjusting the temperature of the Samsung rt30mbss refrigerator is performed as follows:

  • The temperature switch must be set to the colder position if necessary: ​​fill the refrigerator or freezer with a large amount of food;
  • make ice;
  • achieve rapid freezing of food;
  • the position of the regulator normal (norm) – between cold and colder – should be set for the standard operating mode of the device;
  • The switch is set to cold if there are few products in the chambers.
  • Freezer settings

    The compartment options with reduced temperature are provided with functional capabilities, but in general, the adjustment is done in the same way as in the previous version.

    The freezer has more modes, for example, some models have an accelerated freezing function: the temperature drops for three days and then is restored.

    Drip system

    Equipment with a drip defrosting principle has different temperature options for the refrigerator compartment and freezer. A change in the temperature background in the freezer is automatically reflected in the state of the main compartment.

    To adjust the temperature in a Samsung refrigerator, you need to set the desired value using the rotary corrector or keys; the number is displayed on the screen (if there is a node). To check the operation of the unit and the correctness of the device’s readings, use a glass of water, which is located in the center of the refrigerating chamber. The water temperature should be 1-5°C (determined by a household temperature indicator placed in the container).


    Double chamber refrigerator

    Two-chamber models are distinguished by the use of separate regulators; on some modifications of refrigeration units, additional buttons are mounted for accelerated cooling of the upper chamber and rapid freezing of goods located in the freezer. If the equipment was transported in winter, then before the option the product warms up indoors for 10-12 hours.

    In order to adjust the temperature, it is recommended to set the low value for 1 hour. During this period of time, the cavity of the freezer is cooled, and the compressor begins to work with measured performance. Then the user sets the desired temperature value by turning the knob or pressing the buttons. On some models equipped with 2 compressors, separate settings for the freezer and refrigerator compartment.

    Samsung refrigerator operating temperature

    The temperature in the refrigerator should be from +2 to +5 degrees, but it all depends on the products. Norm for the freezer: -18-24 degrees.

    The optimal temperature in the refrigerator for storing different types of food:

    • Meat is perfectly stored at temperatures from +1 to +3 degrees. This way it doesn't freeze and doesn't spoil so quickly. If you make the temperature higher, it will disappear faster, and if it is lower, it will freeze and become less juicy after defrosting.
    • Sausage and sausage products prefer a temperature range from +2 to +5 degrees.
    • It is best to store ready-made culinary dishes at a temperature of +2 to +4 degrees. Soups or other dishes on water should be stored at +4 - +5 degrees. At lower temperatures they may freeze.
    • Vegetables prefer higher temperatures, from +4 to +6 degrees. It is better to store boiled vegetables at a temperature of +3 – +5 so that they do not lose their nutritional value.
    • In order to preserve dairy products such as kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, milk and butter, you should set the temperature in the refrigerator from +1 to +5 degrees.
    • Eggs are also stored in the same temperature range, with the exception of quail eggs - from 0 to +3 degrees.
    • Seafood and fish. Fresh fish likes temperatures from 0 to +2 degrees, cooked to +4. Fresh seafood – from +4 to +6, cooked – up to +6.
    • Fruits. Exotic fruits should not be kept in the refrigerator because they love warmth. The rest of the fruits are stored in temperature conditions from +4 to +8 degrees.
    • Ideal conditions for storing cheeses are from +3 to +5 degrees, depending on the type, fat content and hardness.
    • Bread and confectionery products. It is better to keep them in the refrigerator at a temperature of +3 to +5 degrees. When the frame is lowered, the bread will become stale; when raised, it will become moldy. Products with condensed milk, creams, cream or cottage cheese can be stored for a long time from -1 to +3 degrees.
    • Mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard can be stored from 0 to +6 degrees in a closed package, and after opening - from +1 to +4 degrees.

    What temperature should the fresh zone be in a Samsung refrigerator?

    This compartment cannot be found in every refrigerator, but nevertheless, manufacturers are placing it in their models more and more often. The peculiarity of this department is that the temperature here ranges from 0 to 1 degree. This allows you to stop the proliferation of microorganisms, while the products do not freeze and retain their beneficial properties, taste, smell and color. This chamber is great for storing products such as:

    • fresh meat
    • fish (red and black caviar are an exception)
    • sausages
    • semi-finished meat products
    • milk products
    • cheeses
    • vegetables
    • greenery
    • fruits

    All products must be in sealed packaging.

    On the next shelf from the zero zone, the temperature ranges from +2 to +4 degrees Celsius. Semi-finished products, meat, sausages, fish, milk, confectionery, and eggs are stored here for a long time. On the refrigerator door opposite this shelf there are compartments for eggs.

    In the middle of the refrigerator compartment the temperature is maintained from +3 to +6 degrees Celsius. These are optimal conditions for storing soups, vegetables, sauces, bread and other products.

    At the bottom of the refrigerator there are drawers or shelves for vegetables and fruits, root vegetables. The temperature here should be around 8 degrees Celsius. This is the maximum temperature setting for the refrigerator compartment.

    What temperature should the middle shelves be in a Samsung refrigerator?

    What are the indicators at this level? Maximum: +6 degrees, minimum: +3. You can supply ready-made dishes: borscht, porridge, sauces.

    What temperature should the vegetable and fruit containers be in a Samsung refrigerator?

    They are at the very bottom, so the readings there are +8 degrees.

    What temperature should the shelves on the door of a Samsung refrigerator be?

    This place is the warmest: +5-10°C. When the door is opened, a constant transition from a cold to a warm environment is created. Therefore, it is not recommended to place eggs and dairy products on the door. It is better to put sauces, oils, seasonings.

    Cold distribution in a two-chamber Samsung refrigerator

    It must be remembered that the temperature in different places of the refrigerator may differ.

    With the overall temperature set to +4 degrees, it will look like this:

    • As a rule, the coldest place is near the wall at the top of the chamber (if you have a freezer on top). There will be from +2 to +3. Meat, fish and semi-finished products from them, as well as other perishable products should be stored here;
    • on the middle shelves it will be in the region from +3 to +5 degrees. It is recommended to store “milk”, cold cuts, sausages, cheeses, some fruits, bread, etc. here;
    • at the same time, the warmest place in the refrigerator is the shelves on the door. Depending on the frequency of opening the refrigerator, the temperature in this place can fluctuate from +5 to +10 degrees. It is best to store ketchup, mustard, sauces, and drinks in the door.
    • in the “freshness zone” the temperature averages from +5 to +8 degrees and has, one might say, its own microclimate. This creates better conditions for storing herbs, fruits and vegetables.

    If the refrigerator compartment has not been opened for a long time, the temperature inside it is equalized as much as possible.

    What temperature should be in the freezer of a Samsung refrigerator?

    As for the freezer, here you need to proceed from how intensively (densely) it is packed.

    If your freezer usually doesn’t have a lot of food and you don’t use it too often, then you shouldn’t set the temperature above -14 degrees.

    In the case when the freezer is used frequently, more than half is loaded, and the majority of the products are meat, then it would not be a bad idea to reduce the temperature to -20 -24 degrees.

    The optimal temperature that should be in the freezer is -18 degrees.

    The “Quick Freeze” or “Super Freeze” option is used to quickly freeze fresh food. As a rule, this occurs at -24 -30 degrees for several hours.

    It is believed that this process makes it possible to better preserve the taste of vegetables, berries, and herbs.

    Temperature functions in Samsung refrigerator

    Fierce competition is forcing manufacturers of household appliances to come up with more and more new ways to attract buyer attention.

    They are no longer limited to marketing moves, but are introducing interesting technological innovations into the operation of refrigeration and freezer compartments. As a result, consumers get interesting opportunities.

    The “Super Cooling” option allows you to lower the temperature in all zones of the refrigerator compartment to a minimum of 1 ºС…2 ºС for a short period of time. You can quickly cool food from several bags at once.

    The “Super Freeze” mode is relevant for the freezer compartment. Temperatures drop to -24°C. You can freeze a chamber overflowing with food in a few tens of minutes.

    Be sure to set your equipment to normal operation to avoid wasting energy and keep supplies at the optimal temperature.

    How to properly configure the control panel?

    The user manual included with each model must be read before changing the settings of the household appliance. Error information can be monitored on the control panel display. If the refrigerator and freezer compartments are combined, adjustment must be made as follows:

    A glass of water is placed in the central part. This way we will measure the exact cooling temperature.

    If the final temperature is +4, then everything is fine.

    In case of increased temperature by 1-2 degrees, it is necessary to adjust the Cooling Power button, Fridge or thermostat knob.

    If the button is missing, then the thermostat knob with seven divisions will help. Turn it to the required temperature.

    There is no point in setting the minimum temperature, as this will entail high energy costs and constant overload of the compressor.

    Typical faults

    Among the most typical malfunctions of these refrigerators is the failure of one of the temperature sensors. Samsung refrigerators most often use universal temperature controllers 502AT. Failure of at least one of them inevitably leads to interruptions in the operation of the entire device. It is not recommended to repair the sensors yourself; it is better to call a specialist for this.

    If the temperature is not set on the refrigerator display, the reason may be broken contacts of the electronic panel, which happens most often when the door is reinstalled. Many Samsung refrigerator models provide the ability to move the doors to the other side. This may be required, for example, when rearranging furniture and household appliances in the kitchen. If the door is equipped with a display, you will need to remove the top panel on the door and move the wires to the other side, making sure that the plug connection is not broken when installing the door.

    Important! If the display is flashing, this may mean that the refrigerator door has been open for a long time and the temperature inside the device has risen 3°C above the set norm. In addition, the display may be blinking because the temperature setting is not set or the tray is not installed correctly.

    The most common malfunctions, as a rule, are listed in the operating instructions for any Samsung No Frost two-chamber refrigerator. Without the skills to repair complex components of the unit, it is better to entrust the diagnosis and troubleshooting to specialists. At the same time, you can independently adjust the temperature, hang the door and perform other simple procedures for the care and maintenance of household appliances of this type.

    The Samsung No Frost two-chamber refrigerator is one of the most popular types of household appliances on the Russian market. The device will last for many years if the owner follows the rules of its operation and does not allow emergency operation.

    What types of sensors are there?

    In order to maintain the optimal temperature in each of the refrigerator compartments, manufacturers installed a control panel in each instance. The information that the sensor sends to the control panel will affect the temperature of each of the chambers. Sensors can analyze:

    Operation of the entire refrigerator;

    Condition of the freezer compartment;

    The common sensor for the entire refrigerator is located in the center of the refrigerator compartment. Its indicators characterize the average temperature regime. Most modern models are based on the 502AT model. The failure of this element can lead to breakdown of all the mechanisms of the refrigerator, and then a complete stop of the operation of the equipment. Therefore, it is necessary to replace it immediately. It is not recommended to change sensors yourself, since replacement requires certain skills and knowledge. We advise you to contact a service center, where professionals will do everything reliably and efficiently.

    Samsung refrigerator service life

    On average, the service life of a refrigerator ranges from 7 to 15 years. These are the numbers that can be found in the instructions and descriptions for the units. At the same time, manufacturers of some well-known brands, such as Atlant, Biryusa, Ariston, Beko, Stenol, Bosch, indicate periods of 7-10 years in the operating manuals for refrigerators. By doing this, they try to protect themselves from possible claims from buyers. It is not necessary that the device must fail at the end of this period. But still, moral and physical wear and tear, improper operation and maintenance can damage the equipment during this period. The Liebherr company sets the service life of refrigerators within 15 years.

    At the same time, according to GOST, a warranty period of 3 years is established for large household appliances. This means that during this period of time you can contact the place of sale of the refrigerator with a request for repairs if various operational problems occur.

    In order for the refrigerator to last as long as possible, it is necessary to pay attention to its components and technological design. What can affect the service life of a refrigerator:

    • Number of built-in compressors. Since the compressor works without turning off for half an hour in order to reach the required temperature. Therefore, the service life of a product with two compressors will be longer than with one.
    • Availability of inverter motor. It gradually reduces the speed and reduces the speed of the refrigerant. Accordingly, it maintains the required temperature level.
    • Refrigerator volume. The operating life will be longer if the unit is small.
    • Built-in functions: super-freezing, super-cooling, self-defrosting, etc. The more of them, the shorter the refrigerator will last.
    • The thickness of the tubes and what material they are made of. They should not be made of plastic, but of hard metals: copper, aluminum, steel. Their length should be 1.5 - 2 meters, and their diameter 8 - 12 mm.
    • Internal lining. The plastic lining inside should be non-fragile. Otherwise, the refrigerator will quickly finish its work. Since low temperature and high humidity destroy the internal housing.
    • Technological capabilities of the product and design features.
    • Compliance with the rules established by the manufacturer.
    • Timely service. It can be done either independently or with the help of specialists. For example, it is necessary to promptly remove ice from the refrigerator and freezer.

    If you take into account all the above points when purchasing a unit, its shelf life can extend by 15 years or more. Otherwise, the service life may be reduced by 3-4 years.

    A refrigerator is not a cheap household appliance. Therefore, every person is interested in having this unit work as long as possible. You can extend its service life up to 15 years, the main thing is to follow simple tips:

    • Cleaning the condenser from dust. It performs heat exchange functions and prevents the compressor from overheating.
    • Refrigerator load. It is necessary to distribute the contents evenly and not overload it.
    • Correct location. It is not recommended to install the unit near heating devices.
    • Keeping the refrigerator seal clean. If you clean the seal in a timely manner, the cold will remain inside. It is cleaned with soap and water.
    • Compliance with the temperature regime of products. It is strictly forbidden to place warm or hot food in the refrigerator.

    By observing these points, you can protect your refrigerator from unwanted breakdowns and extend its service life.

    Extending the operating life through expensive repairs is unprofitable, since the price of a compressor is, as a rule, 50% of the price of a new refrigerator.

    As it turns out, failure of refrigeration equipment can occur not only through the fault of the manufacturer, but also due to improper care and operation. Negligence during transportation and improper installation of the product leads not only to unwanted breakdowns, but also to a reduction in shelf life. It is also necessary to follow the rules of care. This will extend the life of the refrigerator for a long period.

    How long does it take for the refrigerator to come into operation?

    After connecting the refrigerator to the network, it is not allowed to immediately place food inside, as the device will become cold. To reach the desired temperature, it will take from 5 hours to a day, depending on the settings made by the user, as well as many other factors.

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    How long can a Samsung refrigerator last without operation?

    Refrigerators often do not immediately reach the consumer and after switching on they work and are considered new.

    So, if the refrigerator worked for some time, and then a person needs to leave for a long time, then the right thing to do is to remove everything from it, turn it off, defrost, dry it, wipe it, that is, leave it in a new form and leave with peace of mind.

    During this time, the refrigerator will calmly wait for you, just as it was waiting for you in the store before.

    The occurrence of problems after a long break in operation is a rare and individual phenomenon.

    Watch this video on YouTube

    Which refrigerator should you choose? NO FROST or drip system?

    Watch this video on YouTube

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    Some features of different models

    All modern models have thermostats. True, they look different, and this sometimes confuses new owners.

    Regulators can be:

    Important! In models such as Biryusa or Atlant, you can find both one type of regulator and another. “Stinol” most often has two regulators, or even three (a separate one for the supercooling mode). Both adjustment methods have their pros and cons, but mechanically controlled models usually cost less.

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