What is sodium tetraborate and how to make slime based on it? Lots of great easy recipes

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One of the most popular and effective methods for creating slimes is preparation from such components as glue and tetraborate. The slimes created using these components always turn out to be as similar as possible to those that you saw in stores for 200-300 rubles, and sometimes even more. In my opinion, this is too expensive for an anti-stress toy, so we have collected a whole series of the best recipes for licks and slimes with glue and activator.

Slime with sodium tetraborate

Such slimes are considered the strongest and most durable, especially if only high-quality materials are used in their creation. The main ingredient in this method is sodium tetraborate, also known as borax solution, which is considered the most effective thickener for slime and is sold in pharmacies.

Recipe No. 1:

  • sodium tetraborate – 15 grams;
  • PVA glue – 200 grams;
  • dyes as desired;
  • gloves;
  • capacity.

Pour the glue into the container and, stirring it, gradually add the thickener until the required consistency is obtained. You can add bright dye to the resulting slime, mix it until a uniform color is obtained and rinse with water. On average, this recipe takes from 5 to 20 minutes, depending on how dense you want the finished toy to be.

Recipe No. 2:

  • cold water – 200 ml;
  • solution of borax on glycerin – 10 grams;
  • PVA glue – 200 ml;
  • dyes (optional, food grade or gouache);
  • gloves;
  • capacity;
  • stir stick.

Mix water and glue, color the mixture with dye. To thicken the mixture, gradually pour in the tetraborate, stirring the contents of the container with a wooden stick. If everything is done correctly, the mixture will begin to peel off the sides of the bowl and thicken. To even out the texture, you can add more thickener or glue.

It is better to store such toys in the refrigerator in vacuum packaging or in a container with a tight lid. If they start to harden, add a little water and they will become pliable again.

"Mountain Peaks"

A special type of slime is the alternation of two or more balls, creating the appearance of mountain peaks. The white top layer symbolizes the snow cover, and the bottom layer is transparent, creating a harmonious transition of the color palette. It is important that the shades are combined with each other, since during the game the wrong combination of colors will lead to a sloppy appearance of the slime.

Components for the transparent layer:

  • transparent glue (30 ml);
  • water (0.5 tsp);
  • sodium tetraborate (about 5 drops);
  • paints (2 shades).

How to make a transparent layer:

  1. Pour glue, water into the prepared deep bowl and mix.
  2. Add the thickener there and thoroughly beat the substance until it comes off the walls of the container.
  3. Continue kneading with your hands.
  4. Divide into 2 halves and paint one in the desired shade.

The transparent toy has a bubbly structure, which adds to its attractiveness.

Ingredients for the white layer:

  • PVA glue (4 tbsp.);
  • water (1 tsp);
  • white liquid soap (3 short sprays or 0.5 tsp);
  • hand or body care cream (quarter teaspoon);
  • thickener (a few drops).

How to make a white layer:

  1. Squeeze glue and soap into a container.
  2. Add cream and water.
  3. Bring until smooth with the addition of the activator.
  4. Stir until compacted.

Do not add dye, as this is the snow-white cover of mountain peaks.

How to connect the layers:

  1. Take a small jar with a lid.
  2. Place the transparent mass tightly on the bottom.
  3. Then the colored layer.
  4. Next, distribute the white ball evenly throughout the jar so that the colored layer does not peek out and compact it thoroughly.

Set the container aside for a day so that the layers are harmoniously connected to each other.

Safe slime without glue and sodium tetraborate

Options for such products, as a rule, consist of more expensive components, but they are safer from the point of view of an allergic reaction. This is also an option for those who want to make such a toy from scrap materials available in every home.

To do this you will need:

  • warm water - 150 ml;
  • inexpensive shampoo - 15 grams;
  • flour - 150 grams;
  • dye, glitter;
  • gloves, container, stirring stick.

First, make a solution of warm water and shampoo. It is desirable that a minimum amount of foam appears in the bowl. At this stage, you can add dye and decorations to the soap solution. Then carefully add the flour, avoiding the formation of lumps. Since the dry ingredient is poured into the bowl at the end, you can adjust the viscosity of the mixture yourself. The resulting slime must be refrigerated for half an hour and then rinsed with water.

This toy is absolutely safe for very young children, which is its main advantage. However, its service life is short: with active use it will only last for 1-2 days.


You can avoid mistakes when making slime if you follow all the instructions from the video. The main thing is to observe the ratio of ingredients and mix them in the specified order.

You can learn more about how to make slime by watching the video below:

Any slime requires proper handling . They should be stored in a special container. It is left in the refrigerator. Slime easily loses its elasticity when exposed to heat. If a toy becomes dirty, wash it with water. This will allow you to keep the gum for your hands for a longer time.

Fluffy slime from scrap materials

Fluffy slime is very popular among children due to its pleasant tactile sensation. The airy, soft, sea foam-like texture sets it apart from all the rest. The recipe for making such a toy is a little more complicated than other slimes, but the ingredients used here are already familiar.

You will need:

  • white PVA glue - 150 grams;
  • shaving foam - 250 grams;
  • soda - 15 grams;
  • sodium tetraborate - 15 grams;
  • dye (optional);
  • gloves, container.

Place 3-4 handfuls of foam mixture in a bowl (the more foam, the more slime), sprinkle it with coloring and mix well. Add PVA glue and bring the ingredients until smooth. Do the same with baking soda. Gradually add sodium tetraborate into the prepared mass, literally 3-4 drops at a time. Stir the resulting mixture.

What is this substance, why is it added to slime?

Sodium tetraborate is popularly called borax or borax . The substance has an antiseptic effect. Thanks to this property, it can be used as a preservative in the cosmetics industry and in the production of medicines. It is an important ingredient in the production of boric acid, which can also be used in making slime.

When producing slimes, tetraborate is used as a thickener. It is added at the final stage, when the mass is ready and painted in the desired color. A few drops of the substance help turn the mixture into a toy. With such a small amount of money, it will last a long time.

Slime on adhesive basis

The most popular slimes are created using glue. What glue is suitable for slime? At the moment, this toy can be made from the following types of adhesive compositions:

  • PVA glue. This is an aqueous emulsion of vinyl acetate polymer with special additives that improve its plasticity. For slimes, it is better to choose PVA glue with a recent production date - it contains a much higher concentration of important additives. The thickener for PVA glue is usually sodium tetraborate.
  • Titan glue is a construction polymer adhesive with a very elastic and moisture-resistant texture. Since the thickener for titanium is ordinary dishwashing detergent or shampoo, the final appearance of the slime when pulled strongly resembles a very dense soap bubble.
  • Silicate glue – also known as stationery glue or liquid glass. It has a transparent, slightly yellowish texture that can be thickened with alcohol or a few drops of perfume. The finished slime made from silicate glue has a pearlescent shimmer and a slightly glossy surface.

To make slime from Titan construction adhesive you need:

  • inexpensive shampoo - 150 grams;
  • Titan glue - 150 grams;
  • dye (optional);
  • gloves, stirring spatula, container.

In a container we combine shampoo, glue and dye. The final volume of the slime can be increased by increasing the amount of ingredients. The main thing is to stick to the 1:1 ratio. Afterwards, mix the mass thoroughly and you can freely experiment with a new toy! There is no need to rinse the resulting mixture before use.

To make slime from silicate glue, you will need:

  • silicate glue - 150 grams;
  • perfume or alcohol - 50-70 grams;
  • dye (optional);
  • gloves, stirring stick, container.

Pour glue into a deep plate and add decorative elements. Slowly pour in the thickener and stir the mixture. When the slime stops sticking to your hands, rinse it under a gentle stream of cool water.

Safety regulations

Tetraborate is used as a preservative in creams and as an antiseptic, which can be applied to mucous membranes. Therefore, slime made with its addition is suitable for play. After all, when used correctly, the product does not pose any danger. The exception is people with individual intolerance to a chemical solution.

Tetraborate may cause a chemical reaction. In this case, it is better not to use it.

When preparing slime with the addition of sodium tetraborate, you must adhere to the following safety rules:

  1. avoid contact with eyes;
  2. do not ingest;
  3. do not make edible slimes with this substance;
  4. Use only special containers when making slimes;
  5. After playing with slime, you need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

How to make slime from shaving foam?

The safest of all options is slime made from foam and starch. It does not have a very long service life, but it does not contain substances potentially harmful to the child.

For “foamy” slime you need:

  • warm water - 200 ml;
  • dry starch - 200 grams;
  • shaving foam tube;
  • dye;
  • gloves and containers.

First, dilute the starchy mixture. To do this, starch is combined with water: first in equal proportions, and then, if necessary, adding more starch. But don’t overdo it: the total amount of starch should not exceed 350 g per 200 ml of water. When the mixture reaches viscosity, gradually add shaving foam. You may need up to a whole bottle of foam, it all depends on the quality of the starch. You can add large glitter or powder dye to the finished product.

History of creation

Handgam was first introduced in America back in 1976. The company that created this toy invested a huge amount of money in promoting the product, but in those years such an invention did not gain popularity. But nowadays everyone knows about such a wonderful toy, more and more people are trying to make it themselves, because in the process of creation you can not only get a sea of ​​new impressions, positive emotions and emotions, but also new knowledge in the field of chemistry. And when using slime, you can gain knowledge in the field of physics and find out what feature is found in a non-Newtonian liquid.

Transparent slime

Transparent, or glass, slime looks very unusual among its colorful counterparts, so some children love to use it not only for entertainment, but also to decorate their crafts and drawings. Transparent slime can be made either with or without tetraborate. We will consider both options.

To make glass slime without a special thickener, you will need:

  • silicate glue - 150 grams;
  • liquid starch - 150 grams;
  • gloves and containers.

Preparation is very simple: mix liquid starch and silicate adhesive in a container and knead the mass for about 7 minutes until it becomes elastic. At the time of cooking, the surface will be covered with small bubbles - you won’t be able to remove them yourself, but if you leave the toy for 3-4 hours, they will disappear on their own.

Classic transparent slime is prepared using boric acid. You will need:

  • silicate glue - 150 grams;
  • hot water - 250 ml;
  • cool water - 40 ml;
  • boric acid - 15 grams;
  • glass containers;
  • gloves.

First you need to make a solution of boric acid. To do this, half a tablespoon of acid is mixed with a glass of hot water. At the same time, 40 ml of water at room temperature is added to the container with glue. The mixtures are brought to a uniform texture and mixed. Thanks to the thickener, the mass will acquire the desired viscosity. If you think the consistency is too liquid, add a few spoons of silicone glue.

You can add balls, glitter, and sequins to the finished slime.

Selecting components

Before making slime from glue and sodium tetraborate, you need to understand what types of glue can be used.

Types of glue

Not all types can be used to independently develop anti-stress toys. It is better to buy office glue - a type of PVA, however, even here you will need to take into account some details.

How high-quality the slime turns out depends on the composition - the glue can be thick or thinner. This affects the consistency of the toy. The list of components must include vinyl acetate emulsion.

The most common types of glue are PVA Stolyar Moment, Berling, Contact, Omega, Luch. You can use office glue options: Brauberg, Erich Krauser. It is important that they are marked PVA.

Thickening compositions

In addition to sodium tetraborate and glue, various components can be used in slime. This may be an analogue - borax, produced in powder form. You can replace a component:

  • salt solution;
  • liquid starch;
  • composition for storing lenses;
  • eye drops;
  • soda;
  • gelatin.

Expert opinion

Irina Nikolayevna

Specialist in licks and slimes.

You can add crystalline sugar, hairspray or air freshener to the list of toy components. The latter is especially dangerous, so it is better to spray while wearing a mask.

How to make butter slime?

Buttery or matte slime is dense and heavy, with a consistency similar to butter that you could spread on bread—hence its name.

You will need:

  • PVA glue - 240 ml;
  • a bottle of shaving foam;
  • baby powder - 200 g;
  • starch - 200 g;
  • cheap hand cream - 100 ml;
  • shampoo - 100 ml;
  • food coloring;
  • sodium tetraborate, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1;
  • light plasticine - 1 package;
  • gloves, spatula, container.

Mix PVA glue with shaving foam, add talc (baby powder) and starch - mix thoroughly again, add hand cream and shampoo - mix again. Add dye. Add a thickener (tetraborate) diluted with water a little at a time. The final touch is to combine the resulting mass with light plasticine and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous matte-oil consistency is obtained.

Toy storage features

Slime without packaging dries quickly, so you need to store it in an airtight container with a closed lid. This will protect the toy from weathering and ensure its long service life.

As for the storage location, you need to choose something dark, dry and cool. The refrigerator door is best for this. Storage in the freezer is unacceptable: after defrosting, the toy will lose its elasticity.

Slime storage

Slime also doesn’t like moisture, so it needs to be stored in a dry place. As for a store-bought toy, it must be stored in its original packaging.

Sodium tetraborate is not only a drug used in medical practice, but also the main ingredient for creating slimes. When working with borax, you must adhere to safety rules, as well as the recipe for creating slime. The product should also be stored correctly so that it can serve for a long time and delight children.

Slime from toothpaste

Thick gel pastes can be used to make excellent slime. And the recipe is very simple - just mix the contents of the tube with the dye and heat the mixture in a water bath. As the temperature rises, all moisture evaporates from the paste, which makes it more elastic, thick and dense. On average, it takes 15-20 minutes to make such a toy. Unfortunately, it will not last long, since it will gradually lose its properties as the temperature changes.

Therefore, let's consider another, more practical method. You will need:

  • toothpaste - 30 grams;
  • liquid soap - 30 grams;
  • flour - 120 grams;
  • water - 60 grams;
  • food coloring (optional);
  • gloves and containers.

Mix toothpaste and liquid soap until a homogeneous solution is obtained. Gradually stir in flour, bringing the mixture to a viscous state. At the end, add 2-3 tablespoons of water to make the slime more elastic and soft. It is worth noting that the dye in this recipe must be mixed with dry flour and only then combined with the solution.

Algorithm for creating slime

  1. Pour seven tablespoons of sour milk into a container.
  2. Add one spoon of acetic acid and mix everything until any lumps and clots that may appear during the mixing process are removed.
  3. After such a reaction, a precipitate forms; it is necessary to use a sieve and strain the mixture. The entire liquid part of the mixture must leave the reaction zone.
  4. To the resulting sediment you need to add a quarter spoon of soda. A reaction will begin with the release of carbon dioxide.

Now the slime is ready. When carrying out this reaction, you must be extremely careful, since the experiment uses acid and alkali. Safety precautions must be observed when conducting such experiments. Milk contains casein, which, when interacting with acid, creates this mass.

Good luck in making and storing slime! Have fun and have amazing emotions!

Crispy slime

The crunchy (or clicking) slime gets its name from the characteristic sound it makes when it comes into contact with your hands.

To make such a toy, you will need:

  • 300 ml PVA glue;
  • 300 ml shaving foam;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of boric acid;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of soda;
  • food colorings;
  • mixing container;
  • wooden stick;
  • gloves.

Mix PVA glue and shaving foam in a deep container. This will be the base of the slime. Then add food coloring to the mixture and mix everything thoroughly until the color is uniform. Now you can add boric acid. It is most convenient to work with a ready-made pharmaceutical bottle, from which the liquid flows 2-3 drops at a time. Gradually add boric acid and sprinkle the mixture with a few pinches of soda. After several such circles it will become viscous and thick.

In order for the finished toy to click in your hands, after preparing the slime you need to knead it in your hands for about 20 minutes.
This way the mass will become more airy and will be able to capture more air bubbles. Due to this, a pleasant sound similar to a crack appears. By putting these recipes into practice, you can easily make any slime at home. You may not succeed the first time due to incorrect proportions or the mass not being fully mixed, but this is not a big deal. After several successful attempts, you will be able to modernize the recipes yourself, adding new ingredients and, perhaps, will soon become the author of a new slime recipe on YouTube.

Sand handgam

A trip to the seaside with children is a reason for experimentation. Sand is an excellent material for a jelly-like product, and beautiful pebbles will add originality to the slime. You can play with it on vacation and bring home a toy that smells of sea air.

What you will need:

  • stationery glue (50 ml);
  • water (2 tbsp);
  • regular or kinetic sand (necessarily clean);
  • a few drops of sodium tetraborate.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Combine the glue with water, adding sand gradually 0.5 teaspoon at a time until the mass is sticky and soft.
  2. Add sodium tetraborate (3 drops), stirring with a stick, bring to the desired viscosity.
  3. Stretch with your hands.
  4. Decorate with beach decor.

A new slime will give you many pleasant moments of leisure, and working together as a family on a craft will charge you with team spirit and bring you together.

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